/// <summary>
        /// Inserts code for bubbling yield assignments
        /// at the given position, returns position after inserted operations
        /// </summary>
        private SearchProgramOperation insertYieldAssignments(
            SearchProgramOperation insertionPoint,
            PatternGraph patternGraph,
            String nestedMatchObjectName,
            PatternGraph nestedPatternGraph)
            foreach(PatternNode node in patternGraph.nodesPlusInlined)

                foreach(PatternNode nestedNode in nestedPatternGraph.nodesPlusInlined)
                    if(nestedNode == node)
                        BubbleUpYieldAssignment bubble = new BubbleUpYieldAssignment(
                            nestedNode.originalNode!=null && patternGraph.WasInlinedHere(nestedNode.originalSubpatternEmbedding) ? nestedNode.originalNode.UnprefixedName : nestedNode.UnprefixedName
                        insertionPoint = insertionPoint.Append(bubble);

            foreach(PatternEdge edge in patternGraph.edgesPlusInlined)

                foreach(PatternEdge nestedEdge in nestedPatternGraph.edgesPlusInlined)
                    if(nestedEdge == edge)
                        BubbleUpYieldAssignment bubble = new BubbleUpYieldAssignment(
                            nestedEdge.originalElement!=null ? nestedEdge.originalEdge.UnprefixedName : nestedEdge.UnprefixedName
                        insertionPoint = insertionPoint.Append(bubble);
            foreach(PatternVariable var in patternGraph.variablesPlusInlined)

                foreach(PatternVariable nestedVar in nestedPatternGraph.variablesPlusInlined)
                    if(nestedVar == var)
                        BubbleUpYieldAssignment bubble = new BubbleUpYieldAssignment(
                            nestedVar.originalVariable!=null ? nestedVar.originalVariable.UnprefixedName : nestedVar.UnprefixedName
                        insertionPoint = insertionPoint.Append(bubble);

            return insertionPoint;
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts code to yield, bubbling effects of nested yields upwards and computing local yields 
        /// at the given position, returns position after inserted operations
        /// </summary>
        private SearchProgramOperation insertYields(
            SearchProgramOperation insertionPoint,
            PatternGraph patternGraph,
            String matchObjectName,
            bool inlined)
            // the match object is built now with our local elements
            // and the match objects of our children
            // now 1. copy all def entities we share with children to our local variables

            foreach(PatternGraphEmbedding patternEmbedding in patternGraph.embeddedGraphsPlusInlined)
                // in the inlined pass only the elements which were inlined into this pattern, in the non-inlined pass the original elements
                bool wasInlined = patternEmbedding.originalEmbedding != null;
                if(inlined == wasInlined)
                    // if the pattern embedding does not contain a def entity it can't yield to us
                    // skip inlined embeddings (will be handled in 3.)

                    // in inlined pass bubble up from the components of the inlined patterns to the elements resulting from of the inlined pattern 
                    // (read from submatches to local variables, compute in local variables, writing will happen later from local variables to matches)
                    string inlinedMatchObjectName = null;
                    string patternEmbeddingName = patternEmbedding.Name;
                    if(patternEmbedding.originalEmbedding != null)
                            inlinedMatchObjectName = "match_" + patternEmbedding.originalSubpatternEmbedding.Name;
                        patternEmbeddingName = patternEmbedding.originalEmbedding.name;

                    LGSPMatchingPattern matchingPattern = patternEmbedding.matchingPatternOfEmbeddedGraph;
                    String nestedMatchObjectName = (inlinedMatchObjectName ?? matchObjectName) + "._" + patternEmbeddingName;
                    Debug.Assert(matchingPattern.defNames.Length == patternEmbedding.yields.Length);
                    for(int i = 0; i < patternEmbedding.yields.Length; ++i)
                        BubbleUpYieldAssignment bubble = new BubbleUpYieldAssignment(
                        insertionPoint = insertionPoint.Append(bubble);

            foreach(Iterated iterated in patternGraph.iteratedsPlusInlined)
                // in the inlined pass only the elements which were inlined into this pattern, in the non-inlined pass the original elements
                bool wasInlined = iterated.originalIterated != null;
                if(inlined == wasInlined)
                    // if the iterated does not contain a non local def entity it can't yield to us

                    // in inlined pass bubble up from the components of the inlined patterns to the elements resulting from of the inlined pattern 
                    // (read from submatches to local variables, compute in local variables, writing will happen later from local variables to matches)
                    string inlinedMatchObjectName = null;
                    string iteratedName = iterated.iteratedPattern.Name;
                    if(iterated.originalIterated != null)
                            inlinedMatchObjectName = "match_" + iterated.originalSubpatternEmbedding.Name;
                        iteratedName = iterated.originalIterated.iteratedPattern.name;

                    String nestedMatchObjectName = (inlinedMatchObjectName ?? matchObjectName) + "._" + iteratedName;
                    BubbleUpYieldIterated bubbleUpIterated = new BubbleUpYieldIterated(nestedMatchObjectName);
                    bubbleUpIterated.NestedOperationsList = new SearchProgramList(bubbleUpIterated);
                    SearchProgramOperation continuationPoint = insertionPoint.Append(bubbleUpIterated);
                    insertionPoint = bubbleUpIterated.NestedOperationsList;

                        patternGraph, nestedMatchObjectName + ".Root", iterated.iteratedPattern);

                    insertionPoint = continuationPoint;
            foreach(Alternative alternative in patternGraph.alternativesPlusInlined)
                // in the inlined pass only the elements which were inlined into this pattern, in the non-inlined pass the original elements
                bool wasInlined = alternative.originalAlternative != null;
                if(inlined == wasInlined)
                    bool first = true;
                    foreach(PatternGraph alternativeCase in alternative.alternativeCases)
                        // if the alternative case does not contain a non local def entity it can't yield to us

                        // in inlined pass bubble up from the components of the inlined patterns to the elements resulting from of the inlined pattern 
                        // (read from submatches to local variables, compute in local variables, writing will happen later from local variables to matches)
                        string inlinedMatchObjectName = matchObjectName;
                        string inlinedNestedMatchObjectName = "_" + alternative.name;
                        string inlinedPatternClassName = rulePatternClassName;
                        string patternElementType = patternGraph.pathPrefix + patternGraph.name + "_" + alternative.name + "_" + alternativeCase.name;
                        if(alternative.originalAlternative != null)
                                inlinedMatchObjectName = "match_" + alternative.originalSubpatternEmbedding.name;
                            inlinedNestedMatchObjectName = "_" + alternative.originalAlternative.name;
                            inlinedPatternClassName = alternative.originalSubpatternEmbedding.matchingPatternOfEmbeddedGraph.GetType().Name;
                            patternElementType = alternative.originalAlternative.pathPrefix + alternative.originalAlternative.name + "_" + alternativeCase.originalPatternGraph.name;
                        BubbleUpYieldAlternativeCase bubbleUpAlternativeCase =
                            new BubbleUpYieldAlternativeCase(
                                inlinedPatternClassName + ".Match_" + patternElementType,
                        bubbleUpAlternativeCase.NestedOperationsList = new SearchProgramList(bubbleUpAlternativeCase);
                        SearchProgramOperation continuationPoint = insertionPoint.Append(bubbleUpAlternativeCase);
                        insertionPoint = bubbleUpAlternativeCase.NestedOperationsList;
                        first = false;

                            patternGraph, "altCaseMatch", alternativeCase);

                        insertionPoint = continuationPoint;

            foreach(PatternGraph independent in patternGraph.independentPatternGraphsPlusInlined)
                // in the inlined pass only the elements which were inlined into this pattern, in the non-inlined pass the original elements
                bool wasInlined = independent.originalPatternGraph != null;
                if(inlined == wasInlined)
                    // if the independent does not contain a non local def entity it can't yield to us

                    // in inlined pass bubble up from the components of the inlined patterns to the elements resulting from of the inlined pattern 
                    // (read from submatches to local variables, compute in local variables, writing will happen later from local variables to matches)
                    string inlinedMatchObjectName = null;
                    if(independent.originalPatternGraph != null && patternGraph.WasInlinedHere(independent.originalSubpatternEmbedding))
                        inlinedMatchObjectName = "match_" + independent.originalSubpatternEmbedding.Name;

                    String nestedMatchObjectName = NamesOfEntities.MatchedIndependentVariable(independent.pathPrefix + independent.name); ;

                    insertionPoint = insertYieldAssignments(insertionPoint,
                        patternGraph, inlinedMatchObjectName ?? nestedMatchObjectName, independent);

            // then 2. compute all local yields
            PatternYielding[] patternYieldings;
            if(patternGraph.parallelizedSchedule != null) // in case of parallelization we've to use the parallelized yieldings
                patternYieldings = patternGraph.parallelizedYieldings;
                patternYieldings = patternGraph.YieldingsPlusInlined;
            foreach(PatternYielding patternYielding in patternYieldings)
                // in the inlined pass only the elements which were inlined into this pattern, in the non-inlined pass the original elements
                bool wasInlined = patternYielding.originalYielding != null;
                if(inlined == wasInlined)
                    YieldingBlock yieldingBlock = new YieldingBlock(patternYielding.Name);
                    yieldingBlock.NestedOperationsList = new SearchProgramList(yieldingBlock);
                    SearchProgramOperation continuationPointOuter = insertionPoint.Append(yieldingBlock);
                    insertionPoint = yieldingBlock.NestedOperationsList;
                    foreach(Yielding yielding in patternYielding.ElementaryYieldings)
                        // iterated potentially matching more than once can't be bubbled up normally,
                        // they need accumulation with a for loop into a variable of the nesting pattern, 
                        // that's done in/with the yield statements of the parent
                        if(yielding is IteratedAccumulationYield)
                            IteratedAccumulationYield accumulationYield = (IteratedAccumulationYield)yielding;
                            foreach(Iterated iterated in patternGraph.iteratedsPlusInlined)
                                // skip the iterateds we're not interested in
                                if(accumulationYield.Iterated != iterated.iteratedPattern.Name)

                                // in inlined pass bubble up from the components of the inlined patterns to the elements resulting from of the inlined pattern 
                                // (read from submatches to local variables, compute in local variables, writing will happen later from local variables to matches)
                                string inlinedMatchObjectName = null;
                                if(iterated.originalIterated != null)
                                    inlinedMatchObjectName = "match_" + iterated.originalSubpatternEmbedding.Name;

                                String nestedMatchObjectName = (inlinedMatchObjectName ?? matchObjectName) + "._" + iterated.iteratedPattern.Name;
                                AccumulateUpYieldIterated accumulateUpIterated =
                                    new AccumulateUpYieldIterated(
                                        rulePatternClassName + ".Match_" + patternGraph.pathPrefix + patternGraph.name + "_" + iterated.iteratedPattern.name,
                                accumulateUpIterated.NestedOperationsList = new SearchProgramList(accumulateUpIterated);
                                SearchProgramOperation continuationPoint = insertionPoint.Append(accumulateUpIterated);
                                insertionPoint = accumulateUpIterated.NestedOperationsList;

                                accumulationYield.IteratedMatchVariable = "iteratedMatch._" + NamesOfEntities.Variable(accumulationYield.UnprefixedVariable);

                                SourceBuilder yieldAssignmentSource = new SourceBuilder();
                                LocalYielding yieldAssignment =
                                    new LocalYielding(yieldAssignmentSource.ToString());
                                insertionPoint = insertionPoint.Append(yieldAssignment);

                                insertionPoint = continuationPoint;
                            SourceBuilder yieldAssignmentSource = new SourceBuilder();
                            LocalYielding yieldAssignment =
                                new LocalYielding(yieldAssignmentSource.ToString());
                            insertionPoint = insertionPoint.Append(yieldAssignment);

                    insertionPoint = continuationPointOuter;

            // 3. at the end of the inlined pass:
            // assign the def parameters from a subpattern which was inlined to the arguments yielded to
            // we can't read from the match objects of the inlined subpatterns cause they are not written yet, but from the corresponding local variables
                foreach(PatternGraphEmbedding patternEmbedding in patternGraph.embeddedGraphsPlusInlined)
                    // only inlined embeddings

                    for(int i = 0; i < patternEmbedding.yields.Length; ++i)
                        String targetName = patternEmbedding.yields[i];
                        String sourceName = patternEmbedding.matchingPatternOfEmbeddedGraph.defNames[i];
                        IPatternElement elem = getInlinedElementByOriginalUnprefixedName(patternGraph, patternEmbedding, sourceName);
                        // find the one which was originating from inlining patternEmbedding, because of same originator
                        bool isVariable = patternEmbedding.matchingPatternOfEmbeddedGraph.defs[i] is VarType;
                        YieldAssignment assignment = new YieldAssignment(
                            patternEmbedding.matchingPatternOfEmbeddedGraph.defs[i] is VarType ? TypesHelper.TypeName(patternEmbedding.matchingPatternOfEmbeddedGraph.defs[i]) : patternEmbedding.matchingPatternOfEmbeddedGraph.defs[i].IsNodeType ? "GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPNode" : "GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPEdge",
                            isVariable ? (Expression)new VariableExpression(elem.Name) : (Expression)new GraphEntityExpression(elem.Name)

                        SourceBuilder yieldAssignmentSource = new SourceBuilder();
                        LocalYielding yieldAssignment =
                            new LocalYielding(yieldAssignmentSource.ToString());
                        insertionPoint = insertionPoint.Append(yieldAssignment);

            return insertionPoint;