///////////////////////////////////////////////////نوشتن فایل public static int SaveCash_order(List <doroos> CASH) { string Jsondars = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(CASH); cash savedars = new cash("Data.List_droos", "The_List_droos"); int res = 0; try { res = savedars.Write_ToFile(Jsondars, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return(res); }
public static int Save_danshjo(List <danshjo> TOCASH) { string Jsondanshjo = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TOCASH); cash save_danshjo = new cash("Data.List_danshjo", "The_List_danshjo"); int res = 0; try { res = save_danshjo.Write_ToFile(Jsondanshjo, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return(res); }
public static int Save_order(List <Ostad> TOCASH) { string Jsonostad = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(TOCASH); cash save_ostad = new cash("Data.List_ostad", "The_List_ostad"); int res = 0; try { res = save_ostad.Write_ToFile(Jsonostad, true); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return(res); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Clear(); mohasbe dars = new mohasbe(); int j = 1, num = 1; int adddars; string addname2 = null; List <Ostad> Masters; List <doroos> Listofdoroos; List <doroos> List_doroos = new List <doroos>(); List <danshjo> L1; // List<doroos> _Doroose_eraeeShode; /////////////////////////////////چک کردن پوشه وفایل cash save_dars = new cash("Data.List_droos", "The_List_droos"); string JsonFromCash = save_dars.TextFromFile(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonFromCash)) { Listofdoroos = new List <doroos>(); } else { Listofdoroos = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <doroos> >(JsonFromCash); } ////////------------------------------------------------------------------- cash save_ostad = new cash("Data.List_ostad", "The_List_ostad"); string JsonCash_ostad = save_ostad.TextFromFile(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonCash_ostad)) { Masters = new List <Ostad>(); } else { Masters = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Ostad> >(JsonCash_ostad); } ////////------------------------------------------------------------------- cash save__danshjo = new cash("Data.List_danshjo", "The_List_danshjo"); string JsonCash_danshjo = save__danshjo.TextFromFile(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(JsonCash_danshjo)) { L1 = new List <danshjo>(); } else { L1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <danshjo> >(JsonCash_danshjo); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////درس Console.Write("----------------------dars--------------------\n"); Console.Write($"Tedad dars mojood {Listofdoroos.Count} Mibashad EzafeKardane dars jadid \"y\""); string flag = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (flag == "y") { Console.Write("chand ta dars?"); adddars = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); while (j <= adddars) { doroos cash_dars = new doroos(); j++; Console.Write("\nid dars " + "enter:"); // addnum1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); cash_dars.darsID = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());; Console.Write("name dars " + "enter:"); // addname1 = Console.ReadLine(); cash_dars.Name = Console.ReadLine();; Listofdoroos.Add(cash_dars); } } Console.WriteLine("\ndarsa ====>\n"); for (int i = 0; i < Listofdoroos.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine($" Name : {Listofdoroos[i].Name}-----id : {Listofdoroos[i].darsID}"); dars.getdoroos(Listofdoroos[i].darsID, Listofdoroos[i].Name); } int i1 = SaveCash_order(Listofdoroos); switch (i1) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Cash Saved Done!"); break; case -1: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; case -2: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Nothing!"); break; } Console.ReadLine(); //////////////////////////////////////////استاد Console.Write("----------------------ostad--------------------\n"); Console.Write($"Tedad ostad mojood {Masters.Count} Mibashad EzafeKardane Ostad jadid \"y\""); string f1 = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (f1 == "y") { Console.Write("\nchand ta ostad?"); int counts = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int ii = 0; ii < counts; ii++) { Ostad objOstad = new Ostad(); Console.Write("\nEnter ostad Name : "); string name_osta = Console.ReadLine(); objOstad._NameOfMaster = name_osta; Masters.Add(objOstad); } } Console.WriteLine("\nostad ====> \n"); for (int i = 0; i < Masters.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine($" Name : {Masters[i]._NameOfMaster}-----Token : {Masters[i]._MasterToken}"); } int ii1 = Save_order(Masters); switch (ii1) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Cash Saved Done!"); break; case -1: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; case -2: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Nothing!"); break; } Console.ReadLine(); ////////////////////////////////////////////انتخاب درس استاد Ostad obj_Ostad = new Ostad(); Console.WriteLine("-----------------antkham dars ostad--------------------\n"); Console.Write($"Tedad ostad mojood {Masters.Count} Mibashad EzafeKardane dars Ostad jadid \"y\""); string f2 = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (f2 == "y") { for (int q = 0; q < Masters.Count; q++) { Console.WriteLine("\nlotfan az doroos e zir yeki ya chand dars ra be ostad motasel namaeyd !\nNahve ye etesale doroos be soorate \"IDdars1,IDdars2,IDdars3,...\" Mibashad !\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Name e ostad : {Masters[q]._NameOfMaster}"); for (int jj = 0; jj < dars.Listofdoroos.Count; jj++) { Console.WriteLine($"{jj + 1}.Name : {dars.Listofdoroos[jj].Name} -- ID : {dars.Listofdoroos[jj].darsID}"); } Console.WriteLine("\n=============== Id Doroos Ra Vared Namaeyd "); string Doroos = Console.ReadLine(); if (Doroos.Contains(',')) { string[] DoroosArry = Doroos.Split(','); for (int k = 0; k < DoroosArry.Length; k++) { doroos objDoroos = new doroos(); objDoroos = dars.Listofdoroos.Find(x => x.darsID == Convert.ToInt32(DoroosArry[k])); Masters[q]._Doroose_ostad.Add(objDoroos); // obj_Ostad.getostad(objDoroos.darsID, objDoroos.Name, Masters[q]._NameOfMaster, num); Console.WriteLine($"Baraye ostad {Masters[q]._NameOfMaster}----Darse {objDoroos.Name} ba ID : {objDoroos.darsID} Add Shod !\n========================================="); } } else { doroos objDoroos = new doroos(); objDoroos = dars.Listofdoroos.Find(x => x.darsID == Convert.ToInt32(Doroos)); Masters[q]._Doroose_ostad.Add(objDoroos); // obj_Ostad.getostad(objDoroos.darsID, objDoroos.Name, Masters[q]._NameOfMaster, num); Console.WriteLine($"Baraye ostad {Masters[q]._NameOfMaster}---- Darse { objDoroos.Name} ba ID : {objDoroos.darsID} Add Shod !\n========================================="); } } } Console.WriteLine("\nDoroose eraeeShode====>\n "); for (int i = 0; i < Masters.Count; i++) { for (int ia = 0; ia < Masters[i]._Doroose_ostad.Count; ia++) { Console.WriteLine($"Name Ostad: {Masters[i]._NameOfMaster} -- Name Dars : {Masters[i]._Doroose_ostad[ia].Name} -- ID : {Masters[i]._Doroose_ostad[ia].darsID}"); obj_Ostad.getostad(Masters[i]._Doroose_ostad[ia].darsID, Masters[i]._Doroose_ostad[ia].Name, Masters[i]._NameOfMaster, num); num++; } } Console.ReadLine(); int ii3 = Save_order(Masters); switch (ii3) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Cash Saved Done!"); break; case -1: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; case -2: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Nothing!"); break; } Console.ReadLine(); ////////////////////////////////////////دانشجو Console.WriteLine("\n-----------------danshjo--------------------"); Console.Write($"Tedad danshjo mojood {L1.Count} Mibashad EzafeKardane danshjo jadid \"y\""); int addnfar; string f3 = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (f3 == "y") { Console.Write("\nchand ta danshamoz?"); addnfar = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int ii = 0; ii < addnfar; ii++) { Console.Write("name daneshamooz?"); addname2 = Console.ReadLine(); danshjo obj_daneshju = new danshjo(); obj_daneshju.DaneshAmoozName = addname2; L1.Add(obj_daneshju); } } Console.WriteLine("\ndanshjo ====> \n"); for (int i = 0; i < L1.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine($" Name : {L1[i].DaneshAmoozName}"); } int ii2 = Save_danshjo(L1); switch (ii2) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Cash Saved Done!"); break; case -1: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; case -2: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Nothing!"); break; } Console.ReadLine(); //////////////////////////////////////////انتخاب درس واستادی برای دانشجیان Console.WriteLine("-----------------antkham dars va ostad bray Danshjo--------------------\n"); Console.Write($"Tedad danshjo mojood {L1.Count} Mibashad EzafeKardane dars danshjo jadid \"y\""); string f4 = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (f4 == "y") { for (int q = 0; q < L1.Count; q++) { Console.WriteLine("\nlotfan az doroos va ostad e zir yeki ya chand dars ra be danshjo motasel namaeyd !\nNahve ye etesale doroos be soorate \"shomar dars1,shomar dars2,shomar dars3,...\" Mibashad !\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Name e danshjo : {L1[q].DaneshAmoozName}\n"); for (int jj = 0; jj < obj_Ostad._Doroose_eraeeShode.Count; jj++) { Console.WriteLine($"{obj_Ostad._Doroose_eraeeShode[jj].number}.Name Ostad: {obj_Ostad._Doroose_eraeeShode[jj].ostadName} -- Name Dars : {obj_Ostad._Doroose_eraeeShode[jj].Name} -- ID : {obj_Ostad._Doroose_eraeeShode[jj].darsID}"); } Console.WriteLine("\n=============== Id Doroos Ra Vared Namaeyd "); string Doroos = Console.ReadLine(); if (Doroos.Contains(',')) { string[] DoroosArry = Doroos.Split(','); for (int k = 0; k < DoroosArry.Length; k++) { doroos objDoroos = new doroos(); objDoroos = obj_Ostad._Doroose_eraeeShode.Find(x => x.number == Convert.ToInt32(DoroosArry[k])); L1[q]._Doroose_danshjo.Add(objDoroos); Console.WriteLine($"Baraye danshjo {L1[q].DaneshAmoozName} ostad {objDoroos.ostadName} Darse {objDoroos.Name} ba ID : {objDoroos.darsID} Add Shod !\n========================================="); } } else { doroos objDoroos = new doroos(); objDoroos = obj_Ostad._Doroose_eraeeShode.Find(x => x.number == Convert.ToInt32(Doroos)); L1[q]._Doroose_danshjo.Add(objDoroos); Console.WriteLine($"Baraye danshjo {L1[q].DaneshAmoozName} ostad {objDoroos.ostadName} Darse {objDoroos.Name} ba ID : {objDoroos.darsID} Add Shod !\n========================================="); } } } Console.WriteLine("\nDars danshjo ====> \n"); for (int i = 0; i < L1.Count; i++) { for (int ia = 0; ia < L1[i]._Doroose_danshjo.Count; ia++) { Console.WriteLine($"Baraye danshjo: {L1[i].DaneshAmoozName} ----- ostad {L1[i]._Doroose_danshjo[ia].ostadName} ----Darse {L1[i]._Doroose_danshjo[ia].Name} -----ba ID : {L1[i]._Doroose_danshjo[ia].darsID}"); } } int ii4 = Save_danshjo(L1); switch (ii4) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Cash Saved Done!"); break; case -1: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; case -2: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Nothing!"); break; } Console.ReadLine(); /////////////////////////////////////////////امتحان Console.WriteLine("\n-----------------amthanat--------------------"); Console.Write($"Tedad danshjo mojood {L1.Count} Mibashad EzafeKardane amthanat danshjo jadid \"y\""); string f5 = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (f5 == "y") { Console.Write("\nhar dars chan amthan?"); int chandamthan = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < L1.Count; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < dars.Listofdoroos.Count; k++) { for (int jj = 0; jj < chandamthan; jj++) { doroos objd = new doroos(); objd.darsID = dars.Listofdoroos[k].darsID; objd.Name = dars.Listofdoroos[k].Name; Console.Write("\nnomre dars " + dars.Listofdoroos[k].Name + " " + L1[i].DaneshAmoozName + " : "); objd.Point = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine()); List_doroos.Add(objd); L1[i].doroosPoint.Add(objd); } } dars.getDaneshamoozLessons(List_doroos, L1[i].DaneshAmoozName); } Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine(dars.GetListResult(L1.Count)); Console.WriteLine(dars.bm()); for (int h = 0; h < dars.L1.Count; h++) { L1[h].Moadel_koll = dars.L1[h].Moadel_koll; } } Console.WriteLine("\nDars danshjo ====> \n"); for (int i = 0; i < L1.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"\nname daneshAmooz: { L1[i].DaneshAmoozName} \n Moadel_koll: {L1[i].Moadel_koll} "); for (int ia = 0; ia < L1[i].doroosPoint.Count; ia++) { Console.WriteLine($"Darse {L1[i].doroosPoint[ia].Name} -----doroos Point : {L1[i].doroosPoint[ia].Point}"); } for (int ia = 0; ia < L1[i].Moadel.Count; ia++) { Console.WriteLine($"Darse {L1[i].Moadel[ia].Name} -----doroos Point : {L1[i].Moadel[ia].Point}"); } } int ii5 = Save_danshjo(L1); switch (ii5) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("Cash Saved Done!"); break; case -1: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; case -2: Console.WriteLine("Failed !"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Nothing!"); break; } Console.ReadLine(); }