Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a notification of e-mail information change -- SNAC(18,07)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object containing SNAC(18,07)</param>
        public static void ProcessEmailInformation(DataPacket dp)
            // There are 24 bytes of cookies prior to the TLV list, an 8-byte cookie
            // and a 16-byte cookie. The 16 byte cookie is identifying information
            // that may be useful
            byte[] cookie   = dp.Data.ReadByteArray(8);
            byte[] idcookie = dp.Data.ReadByteArray(16);

            TlvBlock tlvs        = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd());
            string   alertTitle  = tlvs.ReadString(0x0005, Encoding.ASCII);
            string   url         = tlvs.ReadString(0x0007, Encoding.ASCII);
            string   alertUrl    = tlvs.ReadString(0x000D, Encoding.ASCII);
            ushort   numMessages = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0080);
            byte     unread      = tlvs.ReadByte(0x0081);

            if (unread == 0)
                numMessages = 0;
            string domain = tlvs.ReadString(0x0082, Encoding.ASCII);
            ushort flags  = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0084);

            if (numMessages == 0xFFFF)
                // If this message was received, at least one email message is available
                // even if TLV 0x0080 wasn't in the message
                numMessages = 1;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the user's directory information -- SNAC(02,09)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="Session"/> object</param>
        /// <param name="allow"><c>true</c> if other users may search this information, <c>false</c> if not</param>
        /// <param name="firstname">A first name</param>
        /// <param name="middlename">A middle name</param>
        /// <param name="lastname">A last name</param>
        /// <param name="maidenname">A maiden name</param>
        /// <param name="nickname">A nickname</param>
        /// <param name="city">A city</param>
        /// <param name="state">A state</param>
        /// <param name="country">A country (two-letter code)</param>
        /// <param name="zip">A ZIP code</param>
        /// <param name="address">An address</param>
        public static void SetDirectoryInformation(
            Session sess, bool allow,
            string firstname, string middlename, string lastname, string maidenname, string nickname,
            string city, string state, string country, string zip, string address)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();

            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort)SNACFamily.LocationService;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort)LocationServices.UpdateDirectoryInfoRequest;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x001A, (ushort)((allow) ? 0x0001 : 0x0000));
                tlvs.WriteString(DIRECTORY_FIRSTNAME, firstname, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(DIRECTORY_MIDDLENAME, middlename, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(DIRECTORY_LASTNAME, lastname, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(DIRECTORY_MAIDENNAME, maidenname, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(DIRECTORY_COUNTRY, country, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(DIRECTORY_STATE, state, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(DIRECTORY_CITY, city, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(DIRECTORY_NICKNAME, nickname, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(DIRECTORY_ZIPCODE, zip, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(DIRECTORY_ADDRESS, address, Encoding.ASCII);

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, stream));
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a <see cref="TlvBlock"/> into the stream
 /// </summary>
 public void WriteTlvBlock(TlvBlock value)
     lock (this)
         dataSegments.Add(new TlvBlockSegment(value));
         byteCount += value.GetByteCount();
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a popup message sent by the server -- SNAC(08,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object with a buffer containing SNAC(08,02)</param>
        public static void ProcessPopupMessage(DataPacket dp)
            TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd());
            string message = tlvs.ReadString(0x0001, Encoding.ASCII);
            string url = tlvs.ReadString(0x0002, Encoding.ASCII);
            ushort width = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0003);
            ushort height = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0004);
            ushort delay = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0005);

            dp.ParentSession.OnPopupMessage(width, height, delay, url, message);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a popup message sent by the server -- SNAC(08,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object with a buffer containing SNAC(08,02)</param>
        public static void ProcessPopupMessage(DataPacket dp)
            TlvBlock tlvs    = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd());
            string   message = tlvs.ReadString(0x0001, Encoding.ASCII);
            string   url     = tlvs.ReadString(0x0002, Encoding.ASCII);
            ushort   width   = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0003);
            ushort   height  = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0004);
            ushort   delay   = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0005);

            dp.ParentSession.OnPopupMessage(width, height, delay, url, message);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a tlv block
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tlvBlockLength">the total byte length of the block</param>
        /// <returns>the tlv block</returns>
        public TlvBlock ReadTlvBlockByLength(int tlvBlockLength)
            if (dataIndex + tlvBlockLength > dataBuffer.Length)
                throw new ByteStreamReadException(dataBuffer.Length, dataIndex, tlvBlockLength);

            TlvBlock retval = new TlvBlock(dataBuffer, dataIndex, tlvBlockLength);

            dataIndex += tlvBlockLength;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the Message Of The Day -- SNAC(01,13)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object with a buffer containing SNAC(01,13)</param>
        public static void ProcessMOTD(DataPacket dp)
            ushort motdtype = dp.Data.ReadUshort();

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                string messagestring = tlvs.ReadString(MOTD_MESSAGE, Encoding.ASCII);

                // Signal the client that the MOTD has come through
                dp.ParentSession.OnMessageOfTheDayReceived(motdtype, messagestring);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the server response to a new family request -- SNAC(01,05)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object containing SNAC(01,05)</param>
        public static void ProcessNewServiceResponse(DataPacket dp)
            int startIndex = 0;

            byte[] SNACData = dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd();
            if (SNACData[0] == 0x00 && SNACData[1] == 0x06)
                startIndex += 2; // What the heck is this...0x0006, some families, some of the time?

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(SNACData, startIndex))
                ushort family     = tlvs.ReadUshort(SERVICE_RESPONSE_FAMILY);
                string BOSaddress = tlvs.ReadString(SERVICE_RESPONSE_ADDRESS, Encoding.ASCII);
                byte[] cookie     = tlvs.ReadByteArray(SERVICE_RESPONSE_COOKIE);

                Connection newconn = null;
                object     store   = dp.ParentSession.RetrieveRequestID(dp.SNAC.RequestID);

                if (family != 0x000E)
                    newconn = dp.ParentSession.Connections.CreateNewConnection(family);
                    ChatRoom roominfo = (ChatRoom)store;
                    newconn = roominfo.Connection;

                string[] bosinfo = BOSaddress.Split(':');
                int      port    = 0;
                if (bosinfo.Length == 2)
                    port = Int32.Parse(bosinfo[1]);
                    port = dp.ParentSession.LoginPort;

                newconn.ServerConnectionCompleted +=
                    new ServerConnectionCompletedHandler(newconn_ServerConnnectionCompleted);
                newconn.Server = bosinfo[0];
                newconn.Port   = port;
                newconn.Cookie = new Cookie(cookie);

            // The connection process continues when the server sends SNAC(01,03)
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Reads the error code and subcode from a SNAC(XX,01) packet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object containing SNAC(XX,01)</param>
 /// <param name="errorCode">The main error code contained in the SNAC</param>
 /// <param name="subCode">The subcode contained in the SNAC, or 0 if there is no subcode present</param>
 public static void GetSNACErrorCodes(DataPacket dp, out ushort errorCode, out ushort subCode)
     errorCode = dp.Data.ReadUshort();
     subCode   = 0;
     if (dp.Data.HasMoreData)
         using (TlvBlock tlvs = dp.Data.ReadTlvBlockByLength(dp.Data.GetRemainingByteCount()))
             if (tlvs.HasTlv(0x0008))
                 subCode = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0008);
Example #10
        public void TestChatRoomCreation()
            ByteStream dataStream = new ByteStream(Data.SNAC_0D_09);
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dataStream.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                Assert.IsTrue(tlvs.HasTlv(0x0004), "TLV 0x0004 missing from data stream");
                ChatRoom chatRoom = new ChatRoom(new ByteStream(tlvs.ReadByteArray(0x0004)));

                Assert.AreEqual(0x0004, chatRoom.Exchange);
                Assert.AreEqual("!aol://2719:10-4-chat9614646934270543373", chatRoom.FullName);
                Assert.AreEqual(0x0000, chatRoom.Instance);
                Assert.AreEqual("Chat 9614646934270543373", chatRoom.DisplayName);
                Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2007, 8, 5, 20, 9, 21, DateTimeKind.Utc), chatRoom.CreationTime);
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an AIM invitation to a receipient -- SNAC(06,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="ISession"/> object</param>
        /// <param name="email">The email address of the person to invite</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text of the invitation</param>
        public static void SendInvitiationRequest(ISession sess, string email, string text)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();
            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort) SNACFamily.PrivacyManagementService;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort) PrivacyManagementService.ServiceParametersRequest;
            sh.Flags = 0x0000;
            sh.RequestID = Session.GetNextRequestID();

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0011, email, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0015, text, Encoding.ASCII);

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, stream));
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a directory search by interest -- SNAC(0F,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="Session"/> object</param>
        /// <param name="interest">The interest to search for</param>
        public static void SearchByInterest(Session sess, string interest)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();

            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort)SNACFamily.DirectoryUserSearch;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort)DirectorySearch.SearchUserRequest;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x001C, "us-ascii", Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x000A, 0x0001);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0001, interest, Encoding.ASCII);
            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, stream));
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an AIM invitation to a receipient -- SNAC(06,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="ISession"/> object</param>
        /// <param name="email">The email address of the person to invite</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text of the invitation</param>
        public static void SendInvitiationRequest(ISession sess, string email, string text)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();

            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort)SNACFamily.PrivacyManagementService;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort)PrivacyManagementService.ServiceParametersRequest;
            sh.Flags           = 0x0000;
            sh.RequestID       = Session.GetNextRequestID();

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0011, email, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0015, text, Encoding.ASCII);

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, stream));
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends authorization request -- SNAC(17,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object containing SNAC(17,07)</param>
        public static void SendAuthorizationRequest(DataPacket dp)
            // Pull apart SNAC(17,07)
            byte[] key = dp.Data.ReadByteArray(dp.Data.ReadUshort());

            // Construct SNAC(17,02)
            SNACHeader header = new SNACHeader();

            header.FamilyServiceID = (ushort)SNACFamily.AuthorizationRegistrationService;
            header.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort)AuthorizationRegistrationService.LoginRequest;
            header.Flags           = 0;
            header.RequestID       = Session.GetNextRequestID();

            OSCARIdentification id = dp.ParentSession.ClientIdentification;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0001, dp.ParentSession.ScreenName, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0003, id.ClientName, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x000F, "en", Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x000E, "us", Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteUint(0x0014, id.ClientDistribution);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0016, id.ClientId);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0017, id.ClientMajor);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0018, id.ClientMinor);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0019, id.ClientLesser);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x001A, id.ClientBuild);
                tlvs.WriteByteArray(0x0025, dp.ParentSession.HashPassword(key));
                tlvs.WriteByte(0x004A, 0x01);

            DataPacket newPacket = Marshal.BuildDataPacket(dp.ParentSession, header, stream);

            newPacket.ParentConnection = dp.ParentConnection;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Send MD5 key request -- SNAC(17,06)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="ISession"/> object</param>
        public static void SendMD5Request(ISession sess)
            /*** Send SNAC(17,06) to get the auth key ***/
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();

            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort)SNACFamily.AuthorizationRegistrationService;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort)AuthorizationRegistrationService.MD5AuthkeyRequest;
            sh.Flags           = 0x0000;
            sh.RequestID       = Session.GetNextRequestID();

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0001, sess.ScreenName, Encoding.ASCII);

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, stream));
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a login response -- SNAC(17,03)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object containing SNAC(17,03)</param>
        public static void ProcessLoginResponse(DataPacket dp)
            // Pull apart SNAC(17,03)
            Cookie cookie;
            string BOSaddress;

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                if (tlvs.HasTlv(0x0008))
                    ushort errorcode = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0008);

                BOSaddress = tlvs.ReadString(0x0005, Encoding.ASCII);
                cookie     = Cookie.GetReceivedCookie(tlvs.ReadByteArray(0x0006));

            // Shut down the authorization connection
            // Socket shutdown is initiated by the server
            dp.ParentSession.OnLoginStatusUpdate("Authorized", 0.33);

            // Create a new connection to the BOS server
            Connection newconn = dp.ParentSession.Connections.CreateNewConnection(0x0001);

            string[] bosinfo = BOSaddress.Split(':');

            newconn.ServerConnectionCompleted +=
                new ServerConnectionCompletedHandler(newconn_ServerConnnectionCompleted);
            newconn.Server = bosinfo[0];
            newconn.Port   = Int32.Parse(bosinfo[1]);
            newconn.Cookie = cookie;

            // The connection process continues when the server sends SNAC(01,03)
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a login response -- SNAC(17,03)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object containing SNAC(17,03)</param>
        public static void ProcessLoginResponse(DataPacket dp)
            // Pull apart SNAC(17,03)
            Cookie cookie;
            string BOSaddress;

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                if (tlvs.HasTlv(0x0008))
                    ushort errorcode = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0008);

                BOSaddress = tlvs.ReadString(0x0005, Encoding.ASCII);
                cookie = Cookie.GetReceivedCookie(tlvs.ReadByteArray(0x0006));

            // Shut down the authorization connection
            // Socket shutdown is initiated by the server
            dp.ParentSession.OnLoginStatusUpdate("Authorized", 0.33);

            // Create a new connection to the BOS server
            Connection newconn = dp.ParentSession.Connections.CreateNewConnection(0x0001);

            string[] bosinfo = BOSaddress.Split(':');

            newconn.ServerConnectionCompleted +=
                new ServerConnectionCompletedHandler(newconn_ServerConnnectionCompleted);
            newconn.Server = bosinfo[0];
            newconn.Port = Int32.Parse(bosinfo[1]);
            newconn.Cookie = cookie;

            // The connection process continues when the server sends SNAC(01,03)
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a specified number of TLVs from the stream into a <see cref="TlvBlock"/>
        /// </summary>
        public TlvBlock ReadTlvBlock(int numberOfTlvs)
            int tlvBlockLength = 0;
            int currentIndex   = dataIndex;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTlvs; i++)
                // Skip the Type
                tlvBlockLength += 2;
                currentIndex   += 2;
                // Calculate the size of the Value
                ushort currentTlvLength = (ushort)((dataBuffer[currentIndex] << 8) |
                                                   (dataBuffer[currentIndex + 1]));
                // Skip the Length and the size of the Value
                currentIndex   += currentTlvLength + 2;
                tlvBlockLength += currentTlvLength + 2;

            TlvBlock retval = new TlvBlock(dataBuffer, dataIndex, tlvBlockLength);

            dataIndex += tlvBlockLength;
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the user's interests list -- SNAC(02,0F)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="Session"/> object</param>
        /// <param name="allow"><c>true</c> if other users may search this information, <c>false</c> if not</param>
        /// <param name="interests">An array of interest names</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// OSCAR allows a user to set up to five interests. If <paramref name="interests"/> contains
        /// more than five items, only the first five are used.
        /// </remarks>
        public static void SetInterestsInformation(Session sess, bool allow, string[] interests)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();

            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort)SNACFamily.LocationService;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort)LocationServices.UpdateInterestsRequest;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteUshort(INTERESTS_ALLOWSEARCH, (ushort)((allow) ? 0x0001 : 0x0000));
                for (int i = 0; i < interests.Length && i < 5; i++)
                    tlvs.WriteString(INTERESTS_INTEREST, interests[i], Encoding.ASCII);

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, stream));
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the parameter information sent by the server -- SNAC(13,03)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object with a buffer containing SNAC(13,03)</param>
        public static void ProcessParametersList(DataPacket dp)
            List <ushort> maximums = new List <ushort>();

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                using (ByteStream stream = new ByteStream(tlvs.ReadByteArray(0x0004)))
                    while (stream.HasMoreData)

            // Do something with these capabilities
            dp.ParentSession.Limits.MaxBuddies = maximums[0];
            dp.ParentSession.Limits.MaxGroups  = maximums[1];
            dp.ParentSession.Limits.MaxPermits = maximums[2];
            dp.ParentSession.Limits.MaxDenys   = maximums[3];

Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends authorization request -- SNAC(17,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object containing SNAC(17,07)</param>
        public static void SendAuthorizationRequest(DataPacket dp)
            // Pull apart SNAC(17,07)
            byte[] key = dp.Data.ReadByteArray(dp.Data.ReadUshort());

            // Construct SNAC(17,02)
            SNACHeader header = new SNACHeader();
            header.FamilyServiceID = (ushort) SNACFamily.AuthorizationRegistrationService;
            header.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort) AuthorizationRegistrationService.LoginRequest;
            header.Flags = 0;
            header.RequestID = Session.GetNextRequestID();

            OSCARIdentification id = dp.ParentSession.ClientIdentification;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0001, dp.ParentSession.ScreenName, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0003, id.ClientName, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x000F, "en", Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x000E, "us", Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteUint(0x0014, id.ClientDistribution);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0016, id.ClientId);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0017, id.ClientMajor);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0018, id.ClientMinor);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0019, id.ClientLesser);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x001A, id.ClientBuild);
                tlvs.WriteByteArray(0x0025, dp.ParentSession.HashPassword(key));
                tlvs.WriteByte(0x004A, 0x01);

            DataPacket newPacket = Marshal.BuildDataPacket(dp.ParentSession, header, stream);
            newPacket.ParentConnection = dp.ParentConnection;
Example #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a <see cref="UserInfo"/> from the stream
        /// </summary>
        public UserInfo ReadUserInfo()
            UserInfo retval = new UserInfo();

            byte screenNameLength = ReadByte();

            if (screenNameLength == 0)
            retval.ScreenName   = ReadString(screenNameLength, Encoding.ASCII);
            retval.WarningLevel = ReadUshort();
            using (TlvBlock tlvBlock = ReadTlvBlock(ReadUshort()))
                retval.Class      = (UserClass)tlvBlock.ReadUshort(0x0001);
                retval.CreateTime = tlvBlock.ReadDateTime(0x0002);
                retval.SignonTime = tlvBlock.ReadDateTime(0x0003);
                retval.IdleTime   = tlvBlock.ReadUshort(0x0004);
                if (retval.IdleTime == 0xFFFF)
                    retval.IdleTime = 0;
                retval.RegisterTime      = tlvBlock.ReadDateTime(0x0005);
                retval.ICQUserStatus     = tlvBlock.ReadUint(0x0006);
                retval.ExternalIPAddress = tlvBlock.ReadUint(0x000A);
                // Read the DC info from 0x000C
                retval.ClientCapabilities = CapabilityProcessor.ProcessCLSIDList(tlvBlock.ReadByteArray(0x000D));
                retval.OnlineTime         = tlvBlock.ReadUint(0x000F);
                if (tlvBlock.HasTlv(0x001D))
                    ReadIconInfo(tlvBlock.ReadByteArray(0x001D), retval);

Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a direct connection request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conn">A <see cref="DirectConnection"/> object that will handle the request</param>
        public void RequestDirectConnectionInvite(DirectConnection conn)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();
            sh.FamilyServiceID = SNAC_ICBM_FAMILY;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = ICBM_OUTGOING_MESSAGE;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            InsertIcbmHeader(stream, conn.Cookie, 0x0002, conn.Other.ScreenName);
            using (ByteStream tlv05 = new ByteStream())

                using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                    tlvs.WriteUshort(DC_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, RendezvousData.UshortFromSequence(conn.Sequence));
                    if (conn.Sequence == RendezvousSequence.DirectOrStage1)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conn.Message))
                        tlvs.WriteString(DC_MESSAGE, conn.Message, Encoding.ASCII);

                    uint ipaddress = 0;
                    if (conn.Method == DirectConnectionMethod.Proxied)
                        ipaddress = ConvertIPAddress(conn.AOLProxyIP);
                        ipaddress = ConvertIPAddress(conn.ClientIP);

                    tlvs.WriteUint(DC_PROXY_IP_ADDRESS, ipaddress);
                    tlvs.WriteUint(DC_PROXY_IP_ADDRESS_COMPLIMENT, ~ipaddress);

                    if (conn.Sequence == RendezvousSequence.DirectOrStage1)
                        tlvs.WriteUint(DC_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS, ConvertIPAddress(conn.ClientIP));

                    if (conn.Sequence != RendezvousSequence.Stage3)
                        tlvs.WriteUshort(DC_PORT, (ushort)conn.Port);
                        tlvs.WriteUshort(DC_PORT_COMPLIMENT, (ushort)(~conn.Port));

                    if (conn.Method == DirectConnectionMethod.Proxied)

                    if (conn is FileTransferConnection && conn.Sequence == RendezvousSequence.DirectOrStage1)
                        FileTransferConnection ftc = conn as FileTransferConnection;
                        using (ByteStream tlv2711 = new ByteStream())
                            tlv2711.WriteUshort((ushort)((ftc.TotalFiles > 1) ? 0x0002 : 0x0001));
                            tlv2711.WriteString(ftc.FileHeader.Name, Encoding.ASCII);
                            tlvs.WriteByteArray(0x2711, tlv2711.GetBytes());
                        tlvs.WriteString(0x2712, ftc.LocalFileNameEncoding.WebName, Encoding.ASCII);



            // Acknowledgement request

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(parent, sh, stream));
Example #24
 public TlvBlockSegment(TlvBlock value)
     this.value = value;
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Invites an AIM user to an AOL chatroom
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chatroom">The <see cref="ChatRoom"/> describing the chatroom</param>
        /// <param name="screenName">The screenname of the user to invite</param>
        /// <param name="message">A message to send along with the invitation</param>
        public Cookie InviteToChatRoom(ChatRoom chatroom, string screenName, string message)
            if (!parent.LoggedIn)
                throw new NotLoggedInException();

            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();
            sh.FamilyServiceID = SNAC_ICBM_FAMILY;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = ICBM_OUTGOING_MESSAGE;

            Cookie cookie = Cookie.CreateCookieForSending();

            Encoding enc = Encoding.ASCII;
            byte destlength = (byte) enc.GetByteCount(screenName);
            ushort messagelength = (ushort) enc.GetByteCount(message);
            byte roomnamelength = (byte) enc.GetByteCount(chatroom.FullName);

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            InsertIcbmHeader(stream, cookie, 0x0002, screenName);

            ByteStream header = new ByteStream();

            using (TlvBlock tlv05 = new TlvBlock())
                tlv05.WriteUshort(0x000A, 0x0001);
                tlv05.WriteString(0x000C, message, enc);

                ByteStream tlv2711 = new ByteStream();
                tlv2711.WriteString(chatroom.FullName, enc);

                tlv05.WriteByteArray(0x2711, tlv2711.GetBytes());


            stream.WriteUshort((ushort) header.GetByteCount());

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(parent, sh, stream));

            return cookie;
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the away message and/or profile of the client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="awayMessage">The away message to set</param>
        /// <param name="profile">The profile to set</param>
        private void SetAwayMessageProfileInternal(string awayMessage, string profile)
            // Build the SNAC header
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();
            sh.FamilyServiceID = SNAC_LOCATION_FAMILY;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = LOCATION_PARAMETER_USERINFO;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                if (profile != null)
                    Encoding profileEncoding = UtilityMethods.FindBestOscarEncoding(profile);
                    tlvs.WriteString(LOCATION_PROFILE_ENCODING, Marshal.EncodingToAolMime(profileEncoding), Encoding.ASCII);
                    tlvs.WriteString(LOCATION_PROFILE, profile, profileEncoding);
                if (awayMessage != null)
                    Encoding awayMessageEncoding = UtilityMethods.FindBestOscarEncoding(awayMessage);
                    tlvs.WriteString(LOCATION_AWAYMESSAGE_ENCODING, Marshal.EncodingToAolMime(awayMessageEncoding),
                    tlvs.WriteString(LOCATION_AWAYMESSAGE, awayMessage, awayMessageEncoding);

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(parent, sh, stream));
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the server response to a new family request -- SNAC(01,05)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object containing SNAC(01,05)</param>
        private void ProcessNewServiceResponse(DataPacket dp)
            int startIndex = 0;
            byte[] SNACData = dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd();
            if (SNACData[0] == 0x00 && SNACData[1] == 0x06)
                startIndex += 2; // What the heck is this...0x0006, some families, some of the time?

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(SNACData, startIndex))
                ushort family = tlvs.ReadUshort(NEW_SERVICE_FAMILY);
                string BOSaddress = tlvs.ReadString(NEW_SERVICE_ADDRESS, Encoding.ASCII);
                byte[] cookie = tlvs.ReadByteArray(NEW_SERVICE_COOKIE);

                Connection newconn = null;
                object store = dp.ParentSession.RetrieveRequestID(dp.SNAC.RequestID);

                if (family != 0x000E)
                    newconn = dp.ParentSession.Connections.CreateNewConnection(family);
                    ChatRoom roominfo = (ChatRoom)store;
                    newconn = dp.ParentSession.Connections.CreateNewChatConnection(roominfo);

                string[] bosinfo = BOSaddress.Split(':');
                int port = 0;
                if (bosinfo.Length == 2)
                    port = Int32.Parse(bosinfo[1]);
                    port = dp.ParentSession.ServerSettings.LoginPort;

                newconn.ServerConnectionCompleted += delegate { newconn.ReadHeader(); };
                newconn.Server = bosinfo[0];
                newconn.Port = port;
                newconn.Cookie = new Cookie(cookie);

            // The connection process continues when the server sends SNAC(01,03)
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Kicks off the authorization hash request when the initial connection is complete
        /// </summary>
        void loginConnection_ServerConnectionCompleted(Connection conn)
            conn.ReadyForData = true;

            /*** Send SNAC(17,06) to get the auth key ***/
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();
            sh.FamilyServiceID = SNAC_AUTH_FAMILY;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = AUTH_KEY_REQUEST;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0001, parent.ScreenName, Encoding.ASCII);

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(parent, sh, stream));

Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a status report to the OSCAR server -- SNAC(0B,03)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="ISession"/> object</param>
        /// <remarks>libfaim does not send this report</remarks>
        public static void SendStatusReport(ISession sess)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();

            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort)SNACFamily.UsageStatsService;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort)UsageStatsService.UsageReport;
            sh.Flags           = 0;
            sh.RequestID       = Session.GetNextRequestID();

            // Get the necessary strings together
            string sn = sess.ScreenName;
            // Here we start lying until I can figure out how to get *all* the values in .NET
            string osversion   = Environment.OSVersion.ToString();
            string osname      = "Windows 98";    //osversion.Substring(0, osversion.LastIndexOf(" ") - 1);
            string osver       = "4.10.67766446"; //osversion.Substring(osversion.LastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
            string procname    = "Intel Pentium";
            string winsockname = "Microsoft Corporation BSD Socket API for Windows";
            string winsockver  = "4.1.1998";

            Encoding enc               = Encoding.ASCII;
            byte     snlength          = (byte)enc.GetByteCount(sn);
            ushort   osversionlength   = (ushort)enc.GetByteCount(osversion);
            ushort   osnamelength      = (ushort)enc.GetByteCount(osname);
            ushort   osverlength       = (ushort)enc.GetByteCount(osver);
            ushort   procnamelength    = (ushort)enc.GetByteCount(procname);
            ushort   winsocknamelength = (ushort)enc.GetByteCount(winsockname);
            ushort   winsockverlength  = (ushort)enc.GetByteCount(winsockver);

            ByteStream mainStream = new ByteStream();

            using (ByteStream stream = new ByteStream())
                TimeSpan t = (DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1));
                t = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).ToUniversalTime());
                stream.WriteString(sn, Encoding.ASCII);
                stream.WriteString(osname, Encoding.ASCII);
                stream.WriteString(osver, Encoding.ASCII);
                stream.WriteString(procname, Encoding.ASCII);
                stream.WriteString(winsockname, Encoding.ASCII);
                stream.WriteString(winsockver, Encoding.ASCII);

                using (TlvBlock tlv = new TlvBlock())
                    tlv.WriteByteArray(0x0009, stream.GetBytes());

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, mainStream));
Example #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a tlv block 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tlvBlockLength">the total byte length of the block</param>
        /// <returns>the tlv block</returns>
        public TlvBlock ReadTlvBlockByLength(int tlvBlockLength)
            if (dataIndex + tlvBlockLength > dataBuffer.Length)
                throw new ByteStreamReadException(dataBuffer.Length, dataIndex, tlvBlockLength);

            TlvBlock retval = new TlvBlock(dataBuffer, dataIndex, tlvBlockLength);
            dataIndex += tlvBlockLength;
            return retval;
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Send MD5 key request -- SNAC(17,06)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="ISession"/> object</param>
        public static void SendMD5Request(ISession sess)
            /*** Send SNAC(17,06) to get the auth key ***/
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();
            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort) SNACFamily.AuthorizationRegistrationService;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort) AuthorizationRegistrationService.MD5AuthkeyRequest;
            sh.Flags = 0x0000;
            sh.RequestID = Session.GetNextRequestID();

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0001, sess.ScreenName, Encoding.ASCII);

            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, stream));
Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes an incoming ICBM message on channel 1 -- SNAC(04,07)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">A received <see cref="ByteStream"/></param>
        /// <param name="ui">The UserInfo block that came with this message</param>
        private void ProcessChannelOneMessage(ByteStream stream, UserInfo ui)
            IM message = new IM(ui);
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(stream.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                message.IsAutoResponse = tlvs.HasTlv(0x0004);
                // If this message was received offline, cast it to an OfflineIM
                if (tlvs.HasTlv(0x0006))
                    message = new OfflineIM(message);
                    if (tlvs.HasTlv(0x0016))
                        ((OfflineIM)message).ReceivedOn = tlvs.ReadDateTime(0x0016);
                GetChannelOneMessage(new ByteStream(tlvs.ReadByteArray(0x0002)), ref message);

            // Figure out what to do with it
            if (message is OfflineIM)
                OfflineIM offlineMessage = message as OfflineIM;
                if (isRetrievingOfflineMessages)
                    // Queue it for delivery
                    // A single offline message?  Okay then
                    if (OfflineMessagesReceived != null)
                        List<OfflineIM> tmpList = new List<OfflineIM>(1);
                        OfflineMessagesReceived(this, new OfflineMessagesReceivedEventArgs(parent.ScreenName,
                                                                                           new Collection<OfflineIM>(tmpList)));
                // Offline messages don't get delivered via OnMessageReceived - if the offline messages event
                // isn't hooked up, tough stuff.
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a directory search by interest -- SNAC(0F,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="Session"/> object</param>
        /// <param name="interest">The interest to search for</param>
        public static void SearchByInterest(Session sess, string interest)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();
            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort) SNACFamily.DirectoryUserSearch;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort) DirectorySearch.SearchUserRequest;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x001C, "us-ascii", Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x000A, 0x0001);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0001, interest, Encoding.ASCII);
            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, stream));
Example #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Process a ICBM that was sent over channel two - rich text messages, chat/filetransfer invites, buddy icons
 /// </summary>
 private void ProcessChannelTwoMessage(ByteStream stream, UserInfo ui, DataPacket dp)
     TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(stream.ReadByteArrayToEnd());
     //KSD-SYSTEMS - commented at 02.12.2009 -> Hangs up at errorCode reading
     //ushort errorCode = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x000B);
     DirectConnection conn = ProcessChannel2Tlv05(new ByteStream(tlvs.ReadByteArray(0x0005)), ui, dp);
Example #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends an ICBM on channel 1 -- SNAC(04,06)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destination">The screenname to receive the IM</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message to send</param>
        /// <param name="flags">A <see cref="OutgoingMessageFlags"/> enumeration specifying what
        /// additional information should be sent with the message</param>
        private Cookie SendMessageThroughServer(string destination, string message, OutgoingMessageFlags flags)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();
                    sh.FamilyServiceID = SNAC_ICBM_FAMILY;
                    sh.FamilySubtypeID = ICBM_OUTGOING_MESSAGE;

                    byte[] default_features = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02 };
                    Cookie cookie = Cookie.CreateCookieForSending();
                    Encoding encoding = UtilityMethods.FindBestOscarEncoding(message);

                    ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();

                    InsertIcbmHeader(stream, cookie, 0x0001, destination);
                    using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                        // Write in TLV 0x0002: a text message
                        using (TlvBlock tlv02 = new TlvBlock())
                            tlv02.WriteByteArray(0x0501, default_features);
                            ByteStream feature0101 = new ByteStream();
                            feature0101.WriteString(message, encoding);
                            tlv02.WriteByteArray(0x0101, feature0101.GetBytes());
                            tlvs.WriteByteArray(0x0002, tlv02.GetBytes());

                        // Pack in optional TLVs
                        if ((flags & OutgoingMessageFlags.AutoResponse) != 0)
                            // Request a notification of delivery - note that this can't happen
                            // with an AutoResponse flag set, otherwise the message is bounced

                        if ((flags & OutgoingMessageFlags.DeliverOffline) != 0
                            && (flags & OutgoingMessageFlags.AutoResponse) == 0)
                            // Try to store if the user is offline

                        // Add the TLVs to the byte stream

                    // Cache the message for delivery updates
                    messageStatuses.Add(sh.RequestID, new MessageStatusEventArgs(cookie, destination));

                    // Send that sucker off
                    SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(parent, sh, stream));
                    return cookie;
Example #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the inner TLV list in TLV 0x0005 and returns a new DirectConnection
        /// </summary>
        private DirectConnection ProcessChannel2Tlv05(ByteStream stream, UserInfo ui, DataPacket dp)
            byte[] invitemessage;
                    Encoding encoding = Encoding.ASCII;
                    string language = "en";

                    DirectConnection directconn = null;

                    // Pull the type, cookie, and capability array
                    RendezvousType rtype = RendezvousData.TypeFromUshort(stream.ReadUshort());
                    Cookie cookie = Cookie.GetReceivedCookie(stream.ReadByteArray(8));
                    byte[] capabilitiesArray = stream.ReadByteArray(16);
                    Capabilities capabilities = CapabilityProcessor.ProcessCLSIDList(capabilitiesArray);

                    // Create the correct type of connection based on the capability
                    if (capabilities == Capabilities.SendFiles)
                        if ((directconn = parent.Connections.GetDirectConnectionByCookie(cookie)) == null)
                            directconn = parent.Connections.CreateNewFileTransferConnection(
                                DirectConnectionMethod.Direct, DirectConnectRole.Receiver);
                    else if (capabilities == Capabilities.DirectIM)
                        if ((directconn = parent.Connections.GetDirectConnectionByCookie(cookie)) == null)
                            directconn = parent.Connections.CreateNewDirectIMConnection(
                                DirectConnectionMethod.Direct, DirectConnectRole.Receiver);
                    else if (capabilities == Capabilities.Chat)
                        directconn = parent.Connections.CreateNewChatInvitationConnection(DirectConnectRole.Receiver);
                        // Currently unsupported
                        parent.OnWarning(ServerErrorCode.UnknownRendezvousChannel, dp);
                        return null;

                    directconn.Other = ui;
                    directconn.Cookie = cookie;
                    directconn.Type = rtype;

                    ByteStream serviceData = null;
                    Encoding serviceDataEncoding = Encoding.ASCII;

                    // Process the inner TLV list
                    using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(stream.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                        directconn.AOLProxyIP = tlvs.ReadIPAddress(DC_PROXY_IP_ADDRESS);        // proxy ip
                        directconn.ClientIP = tlvs.ReadIPAddress(DC_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS);         // internal ip
                        directconn.VerifiedIP = tlvs.ReadIPAddress(0x0004);                     // external ip
                        directconn.Port = tlvs.ReadUshort(DC_PORT);
                        directconn.Sequence = RendezvousData.SequenceFromUshort(tlvs.ReadUshort(DC_SEQUENCE_NUMBER));
                        invitemessage = tlvs.ReadByteArray(DC_MESSAGE);
                        if (tlvs.HasTlv(0x000D))
                            encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(tlvs.ReadString(0x000D, Encoding.ASCII));
                        language = tlvs.ReadString(0x000E, Encoding.ASCII);
                        directconn.Method = (tlvs.HasTlv(DC_USE_PROXY_FLAG))
                            : DirectConnectionMethod.Direct;

                        serviceData = new ByteStream(tlvs.ReadByteArray(0x2711));
                        if (tlvs.HasTlv(0x2712))
                            serviceDataEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(tlvs.ReadString(0x2712, Encoding.ASCII));

                    if (invitemessage != null)
                        directconn.Message = encoding.GetString(invitemessage, 0, invitemessage.Length);

                    // Process the extra data, if necessary
                    if (directconn is FileTransferConnection || directconn is DirectIMConnection)
                        ProcessDirectConnectionRequest(directconn, serviceData);
                    else if (directconn is ChatInvitationConnection)
                        ChatInvitationConnection cic = directconn as ChatInvitationConnection;
                        cic.ChatInvite = new ChatInvitation();
                        cic.ChatInvite.Message = directconn.Message;
                        cic.ChatInvite.Encoding = encoding;
                        cic.ChatInvite.Language = language;
                        ProcessChatInvitationRequest(cic, serviceData);

                    return directconn;
Example #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Cancel a direct connection attempt
        /// </summary>
        public void SendDirectConnectionCancellation(DirectConnection conn, string reason)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();
            sh.FamilyServiceID = SNAC_ICBM_FAMILY;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = ICBM_OUTGOING_MESSAGE;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            InsertIcbmHeader(stream, conn.Cookie, 0x0002, conn.Other.ScreenName);
            using (ByteStream tlv05 = new ByteStream())

                using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                    tlvs.WriteUshort(0x000B, 0x0001);
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x000C, reason, Encoding.ASCII);
                    //KSD-SYSTEMS - commented at 02.12.2009 -> Canceling = Send Message only with Cookie


            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(parent, sh, stream));
Example #38
 public TlvBlockSegment(TlvBlock value)
     this.value = value;
Example #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the Message Of The Day -- SNAC(01,13)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object with a buffer containing SNAC(01,13)</param>
        public static void ProcessMOTD(DataPacket dp)
            ushort motdtype = dp.Data.ReadUshort();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                string messagestring = tlvs.ReadString(MOTD_MESSAGE, Encoding.ASCII);

                // Signal the client that the MOTD has come through
                dp.ParentSession.OnMessageOfTheDayReceived(motdtype, messagestring);
Example #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a specified number of TLVs from the stream into a <see cref="TlvBlock"/>
        /// </summary>
        public TlvBlock ReadTlvBlock(int numberOfTlvs)
            int tlvBlockLength = 0;
            int currentIndex = dataIndex;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTlvs; i++)
                // Skip the Type
                tlvBlockLength += 2;
                currentIndex += 2;
                // Calculate the size of the Value
                ushort currentTlvLength = (ushort)((dataBuffer[currentIndex] << 8) |
                                                    (dataBuffer[currentIndex + 1]));
                // Skip the Length and the size of the Value
                currentIndex += currentTlvLength + 2;
                tlvBlockLength += currentTlvLength + 2;

            TlvBlock retval = new TlvBlock(dataBuffer, dataIndex, tlvBlockLength);
            dataIndex += tlvBlockLength;
            return retval;
Example #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the parameter information sent by the server -- SNAC(03,03)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object with a buffer containing SNAC(03,03)</param>
        private void ProcessBuddyParameterList(DataPacket dp)
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                maxBuddyListEntries = tlvs.ReadUshort(PARAMETER_MAXBUDDIES);
                maxWatcherListEntries = tlvs.ReadUshort(PARAMETER_MAXWATCHERS);
                maxNotifications = tlvs.ReadUshort(PARAMETER_MAXNOTIFICATIONS);

Example #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Writes a <see cref="TlvBlock"/> into the stream
 /// </summary>
 public void WriteTlvBlock(TlvBlock value)
     lock (this)
         dataSegments.Add(new TlvBlockSegment(value));
         byteCount += value.GetByteCount();
Example #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the parameter information sent by the server -- SNAC(02,03)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object with a buffer containing SNAC(02,03)</param>
        private void ProcessLocationParameterList(DataPacket dp)
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                maxCapabilities = tlvs.ReadUshort(PARAMETER_MAXCAPABILITIES);
                maxProfileLength = tlvs.ReadUshort(PARAMETER_PROFILELENGTH);

Example #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a login response -- SNAC(17,03)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object containing SNAC(17,03)</param>
        internal void ProcessLoginResponse(DataPacket dp)
            // Pull apart SNAC(17,03)
            Cookie cookie;
            string BOSaddress;

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                if (tlvs.HasTlv(0x0008))
                    ushort errorcode = tlvs.ReadUshort(0x0008);

                BOSaddress = tlvs.ReadString(0x0005, Encoding.ASCII);
                cookie = Cookie.GetReceivedCookie(tlvs.ReadByteArray(0x0006));

            // Shut down the authorization connection
            // Socket shutdown is initiated by the server
            parent.OnLoginStatusUpdate("Authorized", 0.33);

            // Create a new connection to the BOS server
            Connection newconn = parent.Connections.CreateNewConnection(0x0001);

            string[] bosinfo = BOSaddress.Split(':');

            newconn.ServerConnectionCompleted += delegate(Connection conn) { conn.ReadyForData = true; conn.ReadHeader(); };
            newconn.Server = bosinfo[0];
            if (bosinfo.Length == 2)
                newconn.Port = Int32.Parse(bosinfo[1]);
                newconn.Port = dp.ParentConnection.Port;

            Logging.WriteString("Connect to Server after auth. Address from dp: {0} - Address to connect: {1}:{2}", BOSaddress, newconn.Server, newconn.Port);

            newconn.Cookie = cookie;

            // The login process continues when the server sends SNAC(01,03) on the new connection
Example #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes user information sent by the server -- SNAC(02,06)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object with a buffer containing SNAC(02,06)</param>
        private void ProcessUserInfo(DataPacket dp)
            if (dp.SNAC.Flags != 0)
                Logging.DumpFLAP(dp.Data.GetBytes(), "You've got to be s******g me");

            // Apparently, the userinfo block will always be first,
            // and then possibly TLVs 0x0001 - 0x0005, depending on the request
            byte[] awaymessage = null;
            Encoding awaymessageencoding = Encoding.ASCII;
            byte[] profile = null;
            Encoding profileencoding = Encoding.ASCII;
            Capabilities caps = Capabilities.None;

            UserInfo ui = dp.Data.ReadUserInfo();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                profileencoding = Marshal.AolMimeToEncoding(tlvs.ReadString(LOCATION_PROFILE_ENCODING, Encoding.ASCII));
                profile = tlvs.ReadByteArray(LOCATION_PROFILE);
                awaymessageencoding = Marshal.AolMimeToEncoding(tlvs.ReadString(LOCATION_AWAYMESSAGE_ENCODING, Encoding.ASCII));
                awaymessage = tlvs.ReadByteArray(LOCATION_AWAYMESSAGE);
                caps = CapabilityProcessor.ProcessCLSIDList(tlvs.ReadByteArray(LOCATION_CAPABILITIES));

            UserInfoResponse uir = new UserInfoResponse();
            uir.Info = ui;
            if (profile != null)
                uir.Profile = profileencoding.GetString(profile, 0, profile.Length);
                uir.ProfileEncoding = profileencoding;
            if (awaymessage != null)
                uir.AwayMessage = awaymessageencoding.GetString(awaymessage, 0, awaymessage.Length);
                uir.AwayMessageEncoding = awaymessageencoding;
            uir.ClientCapabilities = caps;

            if (UserInfoReceived != null)
                UserInfoReceived(this, uir);
Example #46
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends authorization request -- SNAC(17,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object containing SNAC(17,07)</param>
        void SendAuthorizationRequest(DataPacket dp)
            // Pull apart SNAC(17,07)
            byte[] key = dp.Data.ReadByteArray(dp.Data.ReadUshort());

            // Construct SNAC(17,02)
            SNACHeader header = new SNACHeader();
            header.FamilyServiceID = SNAC_AUTH_FAMILY;
            header.FamilySubtypeID = AUTH_LOGIN_REQUEST;

            OSCARIdentification id = parent.ClientIdentification;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0001, parent.ScreenName, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x0003, id.ClientName, Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x000F, "en", Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteString(0x000E, "us", Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteUint(0x0014, id.ClientDistribution);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0016, id.ClientId);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0017, id.ClientMajor);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0018, id.ClientMinor);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x0019, id.ClientLesser);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x001A, id.ClientBuild);
                tlvs.WriteByteArray(0x0025, parent.HashPassword(key));
                tlvs.WriteByte(0x004A, 0x01);

            DataPacket newPacket = Marshal.BuildDataPacket(parent, header, stream);
            newPacket.ParentConnection = dp.ParentConnection;
Example #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the parameter information sent by the server -- SNAC(13,03)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dp">A <see cref="DataPacket"/> object with a buffer containing SNAC(13,03)</param>
        public static void ProcessParametersList(DataPacket dp)
            List<ushort> maximums = new List<ushort>();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock(dp.Data.ReadByteArrayToEnd()))
                using (ByteStream stream = new ByteStream(tlvs.ReadByteArray(0x0004)))
                    while (stream.HasMoreData)

            // Do something with these capabilities
            dp.ParentSession.Limits.MaxBuddies = maximums[0];
            dp.ParentSession.Limits.MaxGroups = maximums[1];
            dp.ParentSession.Limits.MaxPermits = maximums[2];
            dp.ParentSession.Limits.MaxDenys = maximums[3];

Example #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a directory search by personal information -- SNAC(0F,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="Session"/> object</param>
        /// <param name="items">The number of non-null search terms</param>
        /// <param name="firstname">A first name</param>
        /// <param name="middlename">A middle name</param>
        /// <param name="lastname">A last name</param>
        /// <param name="maidenname">A maiden name</param>
        /// <param name="nickname">A nickname</param>
        /// <param name="city">A city</param>
        /// <param name="state">A state</param>
        /// <param name="country">A country (two letter code)</param>
        /// <param name="zip">A ZIP code</param>
        /// <param name="address">An address</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>If a search term is to be ignored, it must be set to <c>null</c>.</para>
        /// <para>There must be at least one non-null search term.</para></remarks>
        public static void SearchByInfo(
            Session sess, int items,
            string firstname, string middlename, string lastname, string maidenname, string nickname,
            string city, string state, string country, string zip, string address)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();

            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort)SNACFamily.DirectoryUserSearch;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort)DirectorySearch.SearchUserRequest;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();

            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x001C, "us-ascii", Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x000A, 0x0000);

                if (firstname != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0001, firstname, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (middlename != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0002, middlename, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (lastname != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0003, lastname, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (maidenname != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0004, maidenname, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (country != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0006, country, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (state != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0007, state, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (city != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0008, city, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (nickname != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x000C, nickname, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (zip != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x000D, zip, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (address != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0021, address, Encoding.ASCII);


            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, stream));
Example #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a directory search by personal information -- SNAC(0F,02)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sess">A <see cref="Session"/> object</param>
        /// <param name="items">The number of non-null search terms</param>
        /// <param name="firstname">A first name</param>
        /// <param name="middlename">A middle name</param>
        /// <param name="lastname">A last name</param>
        /// <param name="maidenname">A maiden name</param>
        /// <param name="nickname">A nickname</param>
        /// <param name="city">A city</param>
        /// <param name="state">A state</param>
        /// <param name="country">A country (two letter code)</param>
        /// <param name="zip">A ZIP code</param>
        /// <param name="address">An address</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>If a search term is to be ignored, it must be set to <c>null</c>.</para>
        /// <para>There must be at least one non-null search term.</para></remarks>
        public static void SearchByInfo(
            Session sess, int items,
            string firstname, string middlename, string lastname, string maidenname, string nickname,
            string city, string state, string country, string zip, string address)
            SNACHeader sh = new SNACHeader();
            sh.FamilyServiceID = (ushort) SNACFamily.DirectoryUserSearch;
            sh.FamilySubtypeID = (ushort) DirectorySearch.SearchUserRequest;

            ByteStream stream = new ByteStream();
            using (TlvBlock tlvs = new TlvBlock())
                tlvs.WriteString(0x001C, "us-ascii", Encoding.ASCII);
                tlvs.WriteUshort(0x000A, 0x0000);

                if (firstname != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0001, firstname, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (middlename != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0002, middlename, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (lastname != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0003, lastname, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (maidenname != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0004, maidenname, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (country != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0006, country, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (state != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0007, state, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (city != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0008, city, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (nickname != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x000C, nickname, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (zip != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x000D, zip, Encoding.ASCII);
                if (address != null)
                    tlvs.WriteString(0x0021, address, Encoding.ASCII);


            SNACFunctions.BuildFLAP(Marshal.BuildDataPacket(sess, sh, stream));