public static List <img> createMissingImageList(object[] errorText, int crawlID)
            // If we weren't passed any data, don't waste any time
            if (errorText == null)

            List <img> icsList = new List <img>();
            //string[] elements = new string[0];
            string temp;
            string imageName;

            foreach (string[] elements in errorText)
                // constraints
                if (elements[0].Length <= 0)
                if (elements[1].Contains("catalog.jsp"))
                try {
                    imageName = elements[0].Trim().Substring(elements[0].Trim().LastIndexOf('/') + 1, elements[0].Trim().IndexOf('?') - elements[0].Trim().LastIndexOf('/') - 1);
                    temp      = elements[0].Trim().Substring(elements[0].Trim().LastIndexOf("wid=") + 4, elements[0].Trim().Substring(elements[0].Trim().LastIndexOf("wid=")).IndexOf("&") - 4);

                    // URL
                    string url = elements[0];
                    // Product Id
                    string productId;
                    if (elements[1].Contains("product"))
                        productId = elements[1].Substring(elements[1].IndexOf("product/prd-") + 12);
                        productId = productId.Substring(0, productId.IndexOf("/"));
                        productId = "";

                    // Color
                    string color = imageName.Substring(imageName.IndexOf("_") + 1);
                    // Type
                    string type;
                    if (temp.Equals("30"))
                        type = "Swatch";
                    else if (temp.Equals("1000"))
                        type = "Zoom";
                    else if (temp.Equals("350"))
                        type = "Main";
                    else if (temp.Equals("50"))
                        type = "Carousel";
                    else if (temp.Equals("20"))
                        type = "Swatch-Col";
                        type = "Other";
                    // nav_from
                    string nav_from = elements[1];

                    // Generate the img instance
                    img curr = new img(url, productId, "NULL", type, imageName, nav_from, color);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    logger.Error("PARSING ERROR - " + ex.Message);

        public static void addDepartmentNumbers(int crawlID)
            List <img> icsList = new List <img>();

            // populate the icsList with db data

            using (DataSet ds = Crawler.getMissingImageManifest(crawlID)) {
                List <string[]> storage = new List <string[]>();
                foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                        icsList.Add(new img(dr[0].ToString(),

            // hurr durr pointer
            List <img> icsListBackup        = new List <img>(icsList.ToArray());
            int        count                = 0;
            Dictionary <string, string> map = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // init database
            con = new OracleConnection();
            con.ConnectionString =
                "Data Source=" +
                "(DESCRIPTION = " +
                "(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 9101))" +
                "(CONNECT_DATA =" +
                "(SID = KOHLDBPA1)" +
                ")" +
                ");Persist Security Info=True;User ID=pkmdes2;Password=pkd2iu4ro";
            // build the query
            string prodIds = "";
            string collIds = "";

            // chunk in 500s
            while (icsList.Count > 0)
                prodIds = "";
                for (int i = 0; i <= 500; i++)
                    if (icsList.Count != 0)
                        img curr = icsList[0];
                        //foreach (img curr in icsList) {
                        // might as well count here
                        if (!curr.productId.Contains("c"))
                            prodIds += "'" + curr.productId + "'" + ", ";
                            collIds += "'" + curr.productId + "'" + ", ";

                // fix leading comma
                if (prodIds.Length != 0)
                    prodIds = prodIds.Substring(0, prodIds.Length - 2);
                if (collIds.Length != 0)
                    collIds = collIds.Substring(0, collIds.Length - 2);
                // Generate sql
                string sql = "SELECT product_id, max(dept_no) from atgprdcata.kls_sku sku";
                sql += " inner join atgprdcata.dcs_prd_chldsku child on child.sku_id = sku.sku_id";
                sql += " where product_id in (" + prodIds + ") group by product_id";

                string csql = "select cpr.category_id, max(sku.dept_no) ";
                csql += "from atgprdcata.kls_sku sku, atgprdcata.dcs_prd_chldsku chs, atgprdcata.dcs_cat_chldprd cpr ";
                csql += "where sku.sku_id = chs.sku_id";
                csql += " and cpr.child_prd_id = chs.product_id";
                csql += " and cpr.child_prd_id = (select max(cpr2.child_prd_id)";
                csql += " from atgprdcata.dcs_cat_chldprd cpr2";
                csql += " where cpr2.category_id = cpr.category_id";
                csql += " group by cpr2.category_id)";
                csql += " and (cpr.category_id in ( " + collIds + " ))group by cpr.CATEGORY_ID";
                // Run query
                OracleCommand    command  = new OracleCommand(sql, con);
                OracleCommand    scommand = new OracleCommand(csql, con);
                OracleDataReader reader;
                try {
                    // ProdIds
                    reader = command.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        try {
                            map.Add(reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(1));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            // nothing to see here, duplicate map add
                    // CollIds
                    reader = scommand.ExecuteReader();
                    while (reader.Read())
                        try {
                            map.Add(reader.GetString(0), reader.GetString(1));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            // nothing to see here, duplicate map add
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // Shits broke yo
                    logger.Error("Error executing dept num query");
                } finally {

            // refer to backup... really should clean this up
            icsList = icsListBackup;

            // Now map them dept_id's
            foreach (var s in map)
                for (int i = 0; i < icsList.Count; i++)
                    if (s.Key == icsList[i].productId)
                        icsList[i].dept = s.Value;

            // update db
            ArrayList sqls = new ArrayList();

            foreach (img ics in icsList)
                if (ics.productId != "" && ics.dept != "")
                    string sql = String.Format("UPDATE crawlerDB.dbo.missingImageManifest SET dept = {0} WHERE crawlID = {1} AND url='{2}'", ics.dept, crawlID, ics.url);
            //string[] a = sqls.ToArray(typeof(string)) as string[];
            crawlerWebService.Crawler.updateDeptNums(sqls.ToArray(typeof(string)) as string[]);

            // Output
            logger.Info(String.Format("{0}/{1} images processed", count, icsList.Count));