Example #1
        private List <coronaApi> getCoronaStats()
            // Defining the RESTClient
            // giving the RESTClient the endpoint, host and headers.
            // making the API Request.
            RESTClient client = new RESTClient();

            client.endPoint = "https://geodata.rivm.nl/covid-19/COVID-19_aantallen_gemeente_cumulatief.json";
            client.host     = "geodata.rivm.nl";
            client.headers  = new string[][] { };
            string response = client.makeRequest();

            // Deserializing the response
            List <coronaApi> coronaStatsRes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <coronaApi> >(response);
            List <coronaApi> coronaStats    = new List <coronaApi>();
            bool             existDateNow   = coronaStats.Exists(d => d.Date_of_report.Date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).Date);

            // looping over the data
            // adding the data from today OR yesterday to a new List
            coronaStatsRes.ForEach(res =>
                // checking if the current date exists otherwise taking the data from yesterday.
                if (res.Date_of_report.Date == (existDateNow ? DateTime.Now.Date : DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).Date))
            // returning the corona stats from today OR yesterday.
Example #2
        private async void handleApplication(List <coronaApi> coronaStats, string postCode, int visitedCount)
            // Defining RESTClient
            // adding the endpoint, host and headers.
            RESTClient client   = new RESTClient();
            string     postcode = postCode;

            client.endPoint = $"https://api.spikkl.nl/geo/nld/lookup.json?postal_code={postcode}&filter=postal_code,street_name,city,municipality,administrative_areas,country&key=b6ee7d920ad5f67335a422f220f93cfc";
            client.host     = "api.spikkl.nl";
            client.headers  = new string[][] { };
            // making the API Request for the postcode.
            string response = client.makeRequest();
            // deserializing the response data.
            postCodeApi   postCodeResults = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <postCodeApi>(response);
            List <string> cities          = new List <string>();

            // looping over the dezerialized data.
            if (postCodeResults.results == null)
            postCodeResults.results.ForEach(res =>
                // checking if its the right postcode.
                if (res.postal_code != postcode.ToUpper())
                // checking if the current city exists in the new List.
                // if it doesn't exist in the new list, add it.
                int pos = cities.IndexOf(res.city);
                if (pos == -1)
            // defining the citizenCount and adding to it later.
            int           citizenCount = 0;
            List <string> cityCodes    = new List <string>();

            // looping over the cities of that postcode.
            for (int i = 0; i < cities.Count;)
                // defining the current city in the loop.
                string city = cities[i];
                // adding the endpoint, host and headers for the API Call.
                client.endPoint = $"https://wft-geo-db.p.rapidapi.com/v1/geo/countries/NL/regions/FR/cities?namePrefix={city}";
                client.host     = "wft-geo-db.p.rapidapi.com";
                string[] apiKey = new string[2] {
                    "x-rapidapi-key", "e6fba40ecbmsh53e0c124daa7214p19b766jsn4209defa38c2"
                string[] host = new string[2] {
                    "x-rapidapi-host", "wft-geo-db.p.rapidapi.com"
                string[][] headers = new string[][] { apiKey, host };
                client.headers = headers;
                // making the API call and deserializing it.
                response = client.makeRequest();
                CityApi cityApiRes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CityApi>(response);
                // looping over the cityData
                cityApiRes.data.ForEach(data =>
                    // checking if the city wikiDataId exists in the cityCodes List
                    // if it doesn't, add it.
                    if (cityCodes.IndexOf(data.wikiDataId) == -1)
                // waiting 1 second to handle the API requests per second.
                // There can only be 1 request per second.
                await Task.Delay(1000);

            await Task.Delay(1000); // handeling the 1 request per second

            // looping over the city codes and getting the city data
            for (int i = 0; i < cityCodes.Count;)
                // defining cityCode to the current cityCode in the loop.
                string cityCode = cityCodes[i];
                // Adding endPoint, Host, headers
                client.endPoint = $"https://wft-geo-db.p.rapidapi.com/v1/geo/cities/{cityCode}";
                client.host     = "wft-geo-db.p.rapidapi.com";
                string[] apiKey = new string[2] {
                    "x-rapidapi-key", "e6fba40ecbmsh53e0c124daa7214p19b766jsn4209defa38c2"
                string[] host = new string[2] {
                    "x-rapidapi-host", "wft-geo-db.p.rapidapi.com"
                string[][] headers = new string[][] { apiKey, host };
                client.headers = headers;
                // making the request and deserializing the response.
                response = client.makeRequest();
                CityPopulation population = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CityPopulation>(response);
                // adding the population to the citizenCount.
                citizenCount += population.data.population;
                // Waiting 1.5 second for the API rate limit.
                await Task.Delay(1500);

            // defining the coronaStatCount and adding to it later.
            int coronaStatCount = 0;

            // looping over the corona stats
            coronaStats.ForEach(stat =>
                // cehcking if the cities contain the city of the corona stats, if it does then add the reported stats to the coronaStatCount.
                if (cities.Contains(stat.Municipality_name))
                    coronaStatCount = stat.Total_reported;
            // when this is done handle the percentages.
            handlePercentages(citizenCount, coronaStatCount, visitedCount);