Example #1
        public static Vol img_to_vol(Bitmap img, bool convert_grayscale)
            ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();

            var            p  = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(img, typeof(byte[]));
            var            W  = img.Width;
            var            H  = img.Height;
            Stack <double> pv = new Stack <double>();

            for (var i = 0; i < p.Length; i++)
                pv.Push(p[i] / 255.0 - 0.5); // normalize image pixels to [-0.5, 0.5]
            var x = new Vol(W, H, 4, 0.0);   //input volume (image)

            x.w = pv.ToArray();

            if (convert_grayscale)
                // flatten into depth=1 array
                var x1 = new Vol(W, H, 1, 0.0);
                for (var i = 0; i < W; i++)
                    for (var j = 0; j < H; j++)
                        x1.set(i, j, 0, x.get(i, j, 0));
                x = x1;

Example #2
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            this.in_act = V;
            var V2 = V.clone();
            var N  = V.w.Length;

            if (is_training)
                // do dropout
                for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    if (rnd.NextDouble() < this.drop_prob)
                        V2.w[i] = 0; this.dropped[i] = true;
                    }                                                                               // drop!
                        this.dropped[i] = false;
                // scale the activations during prediction
                for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    V2.w[i] *= this.drop_prob;
            this.out_act = V2;
            return(this.out_act); // dummy identity function for now
Example #3
 public void addFrom(Vol V)
     for (var k = 0; k < this.w.Length; k++)
         this.w[k] += V.w[k];
Example #4
 public void addFromScaled(Vol V, double a)
     for (var k = 0; k < this.w.Length; k++)
         this.w[k] += a * V.w[k];
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            this.in_act = V;
            var N  = this.out_depth;
            var V2 = new Vol(this.out_sx, this.out_sy, this.out_depth, 0.0);

            // optimization branch. If we're operating on 1D arrays we dont have
            // to worry about keeping track of x,y,d coordinates inside
            // input volumes. In convnets we do :(
            if (this.out_sx == 1 && this.out_sy == 1)
                for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                    var ix = i * this.group_size; // base index offset
                    var a  = V.w[ix];
                    var ai = 0;
                    for (var j = 1; j < this.group_size; j++)
                        var a2 = V.w[ix + j];
                        if (a2 > a)
                            a  = a2;
                            ai = j;
                    V2.w[i]          = a;
                    this.switches[i] = ix + ai;
                var n = 0; // counter for switches
                for (var x = 0; x < V.sx; x++)
                    for (var y = 0; y < V.sy; y++)
                        for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                            var ix = i * this.group_size;
                            var a  = V.get(x, y, ix);
                            var ai = 0;
                            for (var j = 1; j < this.group_size; j++)
                                var a2 = V.get(x, y, ix + j);
                                if (a2 > a)
                                    a  = a2;
                                    ai = j;
                            V2.set(x, y, i, a);
                            this.switches[n] = ix + ai;
            this.out_act = V2;
Example #6
        public double getCostLoss(Vol V, int y)
            this.forward(V, false);
            var N    = this.layers.Count;
            var loss = this.layers[N - 1].backward(y);

Example #7
        // forward prop the network.
        // The trainer class passes is_training = true, but when this function is
        // called from outside (not from the trainer), it defaults to prediction mode
        public Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            var act = this.layers[0].forward(V, is_training);

            for (var i = 1; i < this.layers.Count; i++)
                act = this.layers[i].forward(act, is_training);
Example #8
        public Vol clone()
            var V = new Vol(this.sx, this.sy, this.depth, 0.0);
            var n = this.w.Length;

            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                V.w[i] = this.w[i];
Example #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <String> layer_defs = new List <String>();

             * layer_defs.Add("{ type: 'input', out_sx: 24, out_sy: 24, out_depth: 1}");
             * layer_defs.Add("{ type: 'conv', sx: 5, filters: 8, stride: 1, pad: 2, activation: 'relu'}");
             * layer_defs.Add("{ type: 'pool', sx: 2, stride: 2}");
             * layer_defs.Add("{ type: 'conv', sx: 5, filters: 16, stride: 1, pad: 2, activation: 'relu'}");
             * layer_defs.Add("{ type: 'pool', sx: 3, stride: 3}");
             * layer_defs.Add("{ type: 'softmax', num_classes: 10}");

            layer_defs.Add("{type:'input', out_sx:1, out_sy:1, out_depth:2}");
            layer_defs.Add("{type:'fc', num_neurons:2, activation: 'sigmoid',bias_pref:1}");
            layer_defs.Add("{type:'softmax', num_classes:2}");

            Net net = new Net();

            String  json_trainer = "{learning_rate:0.1, momentum:0.9, batch_size:10, l2_decay:0.1,method:'adadelta'}";
            Trainer trainer      = new Trainer(net, json_trainer);

            var x = new Vol(1, 1, 2);

            double[][] data = new double[][]
                new double[] { 0, 0 },
                new double[] { 0, 1 },
                new double[] { 1, 0 },
                new double[] { 1, 1 }
            int[] label = new int[] {
                0, 1, 1, 0
            for (int i = 0; i < 4000; i++)
                int j = i % 4;
                x.w = data[j];
                String tr = trainer.train(x, label[j]);

            while (true)
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            this.in_act = V;
            var V2 = V.cloneAndZero();
            var N  = V.w.Length;

            for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                V2.w[i] = Math.Tanh(V.w[i]);
            this.out_act = V2;
Example #11
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            this.in_act = V;

            var A = new Vol(this.out_sx, this.out_sy, this.out_depth, 0.0);

            var n = 0; // a counter for switches

            for (var d = 0; d < this.out_depth; d++)
                var x = -this.pad;
                var y = -this.pad;
                for (var ax = 0; ax < this.out_sx; x += this.stride, ax++)
                    y = -this.pad;
                    for (var ay = 0; ay < this.out_sy; y += this.stride, ay++)
                        // convolve centered at this particular location
                        double a = -99999; // hopefully small enough ;\
                        int    winx = -1, winy = -1;
                        for (var fx = 0; fx < this.sx; fx++)
                            for (var fy = 0; fy < this.sy; fy++)
                                var oy = y + fy;
                                var ox = x + fx;
                                if (oy >= 0 && oy < V.sy && ox >= 0 && ox < V.sx)
                                    var v = V.get(ox, oy, d);
                                    // perform max pooling and store pointers to where
                                    // the max came from. This will speed up backprop
                                    // and can help make nice visualizations in future
                                    if (v > a)
                                        a = v; winx = ox; winy = oy;
                        this.switchx[n] = winx;
                        this.switchy[n] = winy;
                        A.set(ax, ay, d, a);
            this.out_act = A;
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            this.in_act = V;
            var V2  = V.cloneAndZero();
            var N   = V.w.Length;
            var V2w = V2.w;
            var Vw  = V.w;

            for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                V2w[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.Exp(-Vw[i]));
            this.out_act = V2;
Example #13
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            // optimized code by @mdda that achieves 2x speedup over previous version

            this.in_act = V;
            var A = new Vol(this.out_sx | 0, this.out_sy | 0, this.out_depth | 0, 0.0);

            var V_sx      = V.sx | 0;
            var V_sy      = V.sy | 0;
            var xy_stride = this.stride | 0;

            for (var d = 0; d < this.out_depth; d++)
                var f = this.filters[d];
                var x = -this.pad | 0;
                var y = -this.pad | 0;
                for (var ay = 0; ay < this.out_sy; y += xy_stride, ay++) // xy_stride
                    x = -this.pad | 0;
                    for (var ax = 0; ax < this.out_sx; x += xy_stride, ax++) // xy_stride

                    // convolve centered at this particular location
                        var a = 0.0;
                        for (var fy = 0; fy < f.sy; fy++)
                            var oy = y + fy; // coordinates in the original input array coordinates
                            for (var fx = 0; fx < f.sx; fx++)
                                var ox = x + fx;
                                if (oy >= 0 && oy < V_sy && ox >= 0 && ox < V_sx)
                                    for (var fd = 0; fd < f.depth; fd++)
                                        // avoid function call overhead (x2) for efficiency, compromise modularity :(
                                        a += f.w[((f.sx * fy) + fx) * f.depth + fd] * V.w[((V_sx * oy) + ox) * V.depth + fd];
                        a += this.biases.w[d];
                        A.set(ax, ay, d, a);
            this.out_act = A;
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            this.in_act = V;
            var V2  = V.clone();
            var N   = V.w.Length;
            var V2w = V2.w;

            for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
                if (V2w[i] < 0)
                    V2w[i] = 0;             // threshold at 0
            this.out_act = V2;
Example #15
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            this.in_act = V;
            var A  = new Vol(1, 1, this.out_depth, 0.0);
            var Vw = V.w;

            for (var i = 0; i < this.out_depth; i++)
                var a  = 0.0;
                var wi = this.filters[i].w;
                for (var d = 0; d < this.num_inputs; d++)
                    a += Vw[d] * wi[d]; // for efficiency use Vols directly for now
                a     += this.biases.w[i];
                A.w[i] = a;
            this.out_act = A;
Example #16
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            this.in_act = V;

            var A = new Vol(1, 1, this.out_depth, 0.0);

            // compute max activation
            var _as  = V.w;
            var amax = V.w[0];

            for (var i = 1; i < this.out_depth; i++)
                if (_as[i] > amax)
                    amax = _as[i];

            // compute exponentials (carefully to not blow up)
            var es   = Convnet_util.zeros(this.out_depth);
            var esum = 0.0;

            for (var i = 0; i < this.out_depth; i++)
                var e = Math.Exp(_as[i] - amax);
                esum += e;
                es[i] = e;

            // normalize and output to sum to one
            for (var i = 0; i < this.out_depth; i++)
                es[i] /= esum;
                A.w[i] = es[i];

            this.es      = es; // save these for backprop
            this.out_act = A;
Example #17
        public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
            this.in_act = V;

            var A = V.cloneAndZero();

            this.S_cache_ = V.cloneAndZero();
            var n2 = Math.Floor((double)this.n / 2);

            for (var x = 0; x < V.sx; x++)
                for (var y = 0; y < V.sy; y++)
                    for (var i = 0; i < V.depth; i++)
                        var ai = V.get(x, y, i);

                        // normalize in a window of size n
                        var den = 0.0;
                        for (var j = Math.Max(0, i - n2); j <= Math.Min(i + n2, V.depth - 1); j++)
                            var aa = V.get(x, y, (int)j);
                            den += aa * aa;
                        den *= this.alpha / this.n;
                        den += this.k;
                        this.S_cache_.set(x, y, i, den); // will be useful for backprop
                        den = Math.Pow(den, this.beta);
                        A.set(x, y, i, ai / den);

            this.out_act = A;
            return(this.out_act); // dummy identity function for now
Example #18
        public String train(Vol x, int y)
            var start = DateTime.Now;

            this.net.forward(x, true); // also set the flag that lets the net know we're just training
            var end      = DateTime.Now;
            var fwd_time = end - start;

            start = DateTime.Now;
            var cost_loss     = this.net.backward(y);
            var l2_decay_loss = 0.0;
            var l1_decay_loss = 0.0;

            end = DateTime.Now;
            var bwd_time = end - start;

            // if (this.regression && y.constructor != Array)
            //    Console.WriteLine("Warning: a regression net requires an array as training output vector.");

            if (this.k % this.batch_size == 0)
                var pglist = net.getParamsAndGrads();

                // initialize lists for accumulators. Will only be done once on first iteration
                if (this.gsum.Count == 0 && (this.method != "sgd" || this.momentum > 0.0))
                    // only vanilla sgd doesnt need either lists
                    // momentum needs gsum
                    // adagrad needs gsum
                    // adam and adadelta needs gsum and xsum
                    for (var i = 0; i < pglist.Count; i++)
                        this.gsum.Add(new _array(pglist[i].param.Length));
                        if (this.method == "adam" || this.method == "adadelta")
                            this.xsum.Add(new _array(pglist[i].param.Length));
                            this.xsum.Add(new _array(1)); // conserve memory

                // perform an update for all sets of weights
                for (var i = 0; i < pglist.Count; i++)
                    var pg = pglist[i]; // param, gradient, other options in future (custom learning rate etc)
                    var p  = pg.param;
                    var g  = pg.grads;

                    // learning rate for some parameters.
                    var l2_decay_mul = pg.l2_decay_mul != 0 ? pg.l2_decay_mul : 1.0;
                    var l1_decay_mul = pg.l1_decay_mul != 0 ? pg.l1_decay_mul : 1.0;
                    var l2_decay     = this.l2_decay * l2_decay_mul;
                    var l1_decay     = this.l1_decay * l1_decay_mul;

                    var plen = p.Length;
                    for (var j = 0; j < plen; j++)
                        l2_decay_loss += l2_decay * p[j] * p[j] / 2; // accumulate weight decay loss
                        l1_decay_loss += l1_decay * Math.Abs(p[j]);
                        var l1grad = l1_decay * (p[j] > 0 ? 1 : -1);
                        var l2grad = l2_decay * (p[j]);

                        var gij = (l2grad + l1grad + g[j]) / this.batch_size; // raw batch gradient

                        var gsumi = this.gsum[i].data;
                        var xsumi = this.xsum[i].data;
                        if (this.method == "adam")
                            // adam update
                            gsumi[j] = gsumi[j] * this.beta1 + (1 - this.beta1) * gij;       // update biased first moment estimate
                            xsumi[j] = xsumi[j] * this.beta2 + (1 - this.beta2) * gij * gij; // update biased second moment estimate
                            var biasCorr1 = gsumi[j] * (1 - Math.Pow(this.beta1, this.k));   // correct bias first moment estimate
                            var biasCorr2 = xsumi[j] * (1 - Math.Pow(this.beta2, this.k));   // correct bias second moment estimate
                            var dx        = -this.learning_rate * biasCorr1 / (Math.Sqrt(biasCorr2) + this.eps);
                            p[j] += dx;
                        else if (this.method == "adagrad")
                            // adagrad update
                            gsumi[j] = gsumi[j] + gij * gij;
                            var dx = -this.learning_rate / Math.Sqrt(gsumi[j] + this.eps) * gij;
                            p[j] += dx;
                        else if (this.method == "windowgrad")
                            // this is adagrad but with a moving window weighted average
                            // so the gradient is not accumulated over the entire history of the run.
                            // it's also referred to as Idea #1 in Zeiler paper on Adadelta. Seems reasonable to me!
                            gsumi[j] = this.ro * gsumi[j] + (1 - this.ro) * gij * gij;
                            var dx = -this.learning_rate / Math.Sqrt(gsumi[j] + this.eps) * gij; // eps added for better conditioning
                            p[j] += dx;
                        else if (this.method == "adadelta")
                            gsumi[j] = this.ro * gsumi[j] + (1 - this.ro) * gij * gij;
                            var dx = -Math.Sqrt((xsumi[j] + this.eps) / (gsumi[j] + this.eps)) * gij;
                            xsumi[j] = this.ro * xsumi[j] + (1 - this.ro) * dx * dx; // yes, xsum lags behind gsum by 1.
                            p[j]    += dx;
                        else if (this.method == "nesterov")
                            var dx = gsumi[j];
                            gsumi[j] = gsumi[j] * this.momentum + this.learning_rate * gij;
                            dx       = this.momentum * dx - (1.0 + this.momentum) * gsumi[j];
                            p[j]    += dx;
                            // assume SGD
                            if (this.momentum > 0.0)
                                // momentum update
                                var dx = this.momentum * gsumi[j] - this.learning_rate * gij; // step
                                gsumi[j] = dx;                                                // back this up for next iteration of momentum
                                p[j]    += dx;                                                // apply corrected gradient
                                // vanilla sgd
                                p[j] += -this.learning_rate * gij;
                        g[j] = 0.0; // zero out gradient so that we can begin accumulating anew

            // appending softmax_loss for backwards compatibility, but from now on we will always use cost_loss
            // in future, TODO: have to completely redo the way loss is done around the network as currently
            // loss is a bit of a hack. Ideally, user should specify arbitrary number of loss functions on any layer
            // and it should all be computed correctly and automatically.
            String json = "{fwd_time:" + fwd_time +
                          ",bwd_time: " + bwd_time +
                          ",l2_decay_loss: " + l2_decay_loss +
                          ",l1_decay_loss: " + l1_decay_loss +
                          ",cost_loss: " + cost_loss +
                          ",softmax_loss: " + cost_loss +
                          ",loss: " + cost_loss + l1_decay_loss + l2_decay_loss + "}";

Example #19
 public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
     this.in_act  = V;
     this.out_act = V;
     return(V); // identity function
Example #20
 public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
     this.in_act  = V;
     this.out_act = V; // nothing to do, output raw scores
Example #21
 public abstract Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training);
Example #22
 public override Vol forward(Vol V, bool is_training)
     this.in_act  = V;
     this.out_act = V;
     return(this.out_act); // simply identity function for now