public override NT_STATUS Close(FileContext FileObject, DateTime LastWriteTime)
            // If you use a write cache, be sure to call flush or any similar method to write the data through.
            // The close should be done within 20 secounds and after all data is at the final media stored
            MyFileContext hinfo = (MyFileContext)FileObject;

            if (hinfo.FS != null)
            //FIXME: should we try to set the last write time on files and directories?

             * try
             * {
             *  if (hinfo.IsDirectory)
             *      Directory.SetLastWriteTime(root + hinfo.Name, LastWriteTime);
             *  else
             *      FileEx.SetLastWriteTime(root + hinfo.Name, LastWriteTime);
             * }
             * catch (Exception ex)
             * {
             *  Trace.WriteLine("Warning->Beim Setzen der LastWriteTime für '" + hinfo.Name + "' ist in Close eine Exeption aufgetreten: " + ex.Message);
             * }
        public override NT_STATUS Write(UserContext UserContext, FileContext FileObject, long Offset, ref int Count, ref byte[] Buffer, int Start)
            // All locking issies are handled in the calling class, expect if other application access the files from outside
            // WinFUSE

            // It's possible to write all data to a cache and write it through to the final media after a flush or close. But this
            // write through should not last longer than 20 secounds
            NT_STATUS error = NT_STATUS.OK;

            MyFileContext HE = (MyFileContext)FileObject;

            if (HE.IsDirectory || HE.FS == null)
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning->Cannot write to Directory.");
                Count = 0;
                return(NT_STATUS.INVALID_HANDLE);                                                // ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE

            if (!HE.FS.CanWrite && !HE.FS.CanSeek)
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning->The file can not be written.");
                Count = 0;
                return(NT_STATUS.INVALID_PARAMETER);                                             // ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

            if (Count > 0x0FFFFFFF)
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning->Number of bytes to write is too large.");
                Count = 0;
                return(NT_STATUS.INVALID_PARAMETER);                                             //ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER

            long NewOffset;

                NewOffset = HE.FS.Seek(Offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                if (NewOffset != Offset)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Warning->The indicated position can not be written.");
                    Count = 0;
                    return(NT_STATUS.INVALID_PARAMETER);                 //132 ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE

                BinaryWriter Writer = new BinaryWriter(HE.FS);

                Writer.Write(Buffer, Start, Count);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine("Warning->Exception in Write: " + ex.Message);
                Count = 0;
                //error = 29;					// ERROR_WRITE_FAULT
                error = (NT_STATUS)Marshal.GetHRForException(ex);
        public override NT_STATUS Read(UserContext UserContext, FileContext FileObject, long Offset, ref int Count, ref byte[] Buffer, int Start)
            // All locking issues are handled in the calling class, the only read collision that can occure are when other
            // application access the same file
            NT_STATUS error = NT_STATUS.OK;

            MyFileContext HE = (MyFileContext)FileObject;

            if (HE.IsDirectory || HE.FS == null)
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning->Can not read from a Directory.");
                Count = 0;
                return(NT_STATUS.INVALID_HANDLE);                                                // ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE

            if (!HE.FS.CanRead && !HE.FS.CanSeek)
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning->Can not Read or Seek the file.");
                Count = 0;
                return(NT_STATUS.INVALID_PARAMETER);                                             // ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;

            if (Count > 0x0FFFFFFF)
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning->Number of bytes to read is too large.");
                Count = 0;
                return(NT_STATUS.INVALID_PARAMETER);                                             //ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER

            long NewOffset;

                NewOffset = HE.FS.Seek(Offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                if (NewOffset != Offset)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Warning->The indicated position can not be read");
                    Count = 0;
                    return(NT_STATUS.INVALID_PARAMETER);                 // 132 = ERROR_SEEK_ON_DEVICE

                BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(HE.FS);

                Count = Reader.Read(Buffer, Start, Count);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine("Warning->Exception in Read: " + ex.Message);
                Count = 0;
                //error = 30;					// ERROR_READ_FAULT
                error = (NT_STATUS)Marshal.GetHRForException(ex);
        public override NT_STATUS Close(FileContext FileObject)
            MyFileContext hinfo = (MyFileContext)FileObject;

            if (hinfo.FS != null)

        //Implements the search for listings by means of identification FindFirst and FindNext
        public override NT_STATUS ReadDirectory(UserContext UserContext, FileContext FileObject)
            NT_STATUS error = NT_STATUS.OK;

            MyFileContext HE = (MyFileContext)FileObject;

            if (!HE.IsDirectory)
                Debug.WriteLine("Warning->Handle is not a directory, can not get a listing");

            if (!phone.Exists(root + HE.Name) || !phone.IsDirectory(root + HE.Name))
                return(NT_STATUS.OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND);   // Directroy not found, should never happen
            HE.Items.Add(new DirectoryContext(".", FileAttributes.Directory));
            HE.Items.Add(new DirectoryContext("..", FileAttributes.Directory));

            DirectoryContext Item = null;

            foreach (string DirName in phone.GetDirectories(root + HE.Name))
                error = GetAttributes(UserContext, root + HE.Name + DirName, out Item);
                if (error != 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Warning->Error: '" + error + "' during listing directories: " + HE.Name + DirName);

            foreach (string FileName in phone.GetFiles(root + HE.Name))
                error = GetAttributes(UserContext, root + HE.Name + FileName, out Item);
                if (error != 0)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Warning->Error: '" + error + "' during listing files: " + FileName);

        public override NT_STATUS Flush(UserContext UserContext, FileContext FileObject)
            // Will not be called very often, but make sure that the call returns after the data is writen through the final media

            MyFileContext HE = (MyFileContext)FileObject;

            if (HE.IsDirectory || HE.FS == null)
                return(NT_STATUS.OK);                                            // or ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine("Warning->Exception in Flush: " + ex.Message);
                //return 29;					// ERROR_WRITE_FAULT

        public override NT_STATUS Create(UserContext UserContext, string Name, SearchFlag Flags, FileMode Mode, FileAccess Access, FileShare Share, FileAttributes Attributes, out FileContext FileObject)
            FileObject = null;

            string PathName = root + Name;

                switch (Mode)
                case FileMode.Open:                     // Both work only if the file exists
                case FileMode.Truncate:
                    switch (Flags)
                    case SearchFlag.FileAndDir:
                        if (phone.Exists(PathName))
                            if (!phone.IsDirectory(PathName))
                                //FIXME: Implement FileMode and FileShare
                                FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, false, iPhoneFile.Open(phone, PathName, Access));
                                FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, true, null);

                    case SearchFlag.File:
                        if (phone.Exists(PathName) && !phone.IsDirectory(PathName))
                            //FIXME: Implement FileMode and FileShare
                            FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, false, iPhoneFile.Open(phone, PathName, Access));

                    case SearchFlag.Dir:
                        if (phone.Exists(PathName) && phone.IsDirectory(PathName))
                            FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, true, null);


                case FileMode.CreateNew:
                    // Works only if the file does not exists
                    if (phone.Exists(PathName))
                        return(NT_STATUS.OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION);    // Access denied as it is already there
                    if (Access == FileAccess.Read)                  // Office 2003 makes the stupid call of: "CreateNew with Read access", C# refuse to execute it!
                        Access = FileAccess.ReadWrite;
                    //FIXME: Implement FileMode and FileShare
                    FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, false, iPhoneFile.Open(phone, PathName, Access));

                case FileMode.Create:
                case FileMode.OpenOrCreate:
                    // Use existing file if possible otherwise create new
                    FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, false, iPhoneFile.Open(phone, PathName, Access));

            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine("Warning->Exception when opening filestream: " + ex.Message);
Example #8
        public override NT_STATUS Create(UserContext UserContext, string Name, SearchFlag Flags, FileMode Mode, FileAccess Access, FileShare Share, FileAttributes Attributes, out FileContext FileObject)
            FileObject = null;

            string PathName = root + Name;

                switch (Mode)
                    case FileMode.Open:			// Both work only if the file exists
                    case FileMode.Truncate:
                        switch (Flags)
                            case SearchFlag.FileAndDir:
                                if (phone.Exists(PathName))
                                    if (!phone.IsDirectory(PathName))
                                        //FIXME: Implement FileMode and FileShare
                                        FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, false, iPhoneFile.Open(phone, PathName, Access));
                                        return NT_STATUS.OK;
                                        FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, true, null);
                                        return NT_STATUS.OK;
                                return NT_STATUS.NO_SUCH_FILE;
                            case SearchFlag.File:
                                if (phone.Exists(PathName) && !phone.IsDirectory(PathName))
                                    //FIXME: Implement FileMode and FileShare
                                    FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, false, iPhoneFile.Open(phone, PathName, Access));
                                    return NT_STATUS.OK;
                                return NT_STATUS.NO_SUCH_FILE; ;
                            case SearchFlag.Dir:
                                if (phone.Exists(PathName) && phone.IsDirectory(PathName))
                                    FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, true, null);
                                    return NT_STATUS.OK;
                                return NT_STATUS.OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND;
                                return NT_STATUS.INVALID_PARAMETER;

                    case FileMode.CreateNew:
                        // Works only if the file does not exists
                        if (phone.Exists(PathName))
                            return NT_STATUS.OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION;	// Access denied as it is already there

                        if (Access == FileAccess.Read)              // Office 2003 makes the stupid call of: "CreateNew with Read access", C# refuse to execute it!
                            Access = FileAccess.ReadWrite;
                        //FIXME: Implement FileMode and FileShare
                        FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, false, iPhoneFile.Open(phone,PathName, Access));
                        return NT_STATUS.OK;

                    case FileMode.Create:
                    case FileMode.OpenOrCreate:
                        // Use existing file if possible otherwise create new
                        FileObject = new MyFileContext(Name, false, iPhoneFile.Open(phone,PathName, Access));
                        return NT_STATUS.OK;
                        return NT_STATUS.INVALID_PARAMETER;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine("Warning->Exception when opening filestream: " + ex.Message);
                return NT_STATUS.NO_SUCH_FILE;