public LeafDefaultSet Add(LeafDefaultSet right)
     foreach (Type t in  right.type2Defaults.Keys)
         this.type2Defaults[t] = right.type2Defaults[t];
     return this;
 public LeafDefaultSet Add(LeafDefaultSet right)
     foreach (Type t in  right.type2Defaults.Keys)
         this.type2Defaults[t] = right.type2Defaults[t];
Example #3
        public string getLeafDefaultResolverJS(TypeAliaser typeAliaser)
            //switch off type aliasing

            string defaultsJS      = toJson(LeafDefaultSet.getAlias2Defaults(typeAliaser), null);
            string defaultsVarName = "_typeAlias2LeafDefaults_";

            string js =
                @"var " + defaultsVarName + " = " + defaultsJS + @";
" + Object2JsonJavascript.ResolveLeafDefaultFunction;

        //, TypeAliaser aliaser
        public LeafDefaultSet getDefaultsForAllLinkedObjects(Object root, NodeExpander nodeExpander)
            LeafDefaultSet result = new LeafDefaultSet();

            ObjectExplorerImpl explorer = new ObjectExplorerImpl();
            MoveAway           down     = (from, propertyName, to, isIndexed, index) =>
                return(isIndexed || (to != null && !result.Type2Defaults.ContainsKey(to.GetType())));
            MoveBack up = (from, propertyName, to, isIndexed) =>

            OnLeaf leaf = (from, propertyName, to, index) =>
                Defaults4Class defaults = null;
                if (from == null)
                Type fromType = from.GetType();
                if (!result.Type2Defaults.ContainsKey(fromType))
                    defaults = new Defaults4Class();
                    defaults.FullClassName         = fromType.FullName;
                    result.Type2Defaults[fromType] = defaults;
                    defaults = result.Type2Defaults[fromType];
                defaults.PropertyName2DefaultValue[propertyName] = to;

            explorer.NodeExpander = nodeExpander;
            explorer.explore(root, down, up, leaf);
        //, TypeAliaser aliaser
        public LeafDefaultSet getDefaultsForAllLinkedObjects(Object root, NodeExpander nodeExpander)
            LeafDefaultSet result = new LeafDefaultSet();

            ObjectExplorerImpl explorer = new ObjectExplorerImpl();
                MoveAway down = ( from,  propertyName,  to,  isIndexed, index) =>
                    return (isIndexed || (to != null && !result.Type2Defaults.ContainsKey(to.GetType())));
             MoveBack  up = (from, propertyName, to, isIndexed) =>


             OnLeaf leaf = (from, propertyName, to, index) =>
                    Defaults4Class defaults = null;
                    if (from==null) {return;}
                    Type fromType = from.GetType();
                    if (!result.Type2Defaults.ContainsKey(fromType))
                        defaults = new Defaults4Class();
                        defaults.FullClassName = fromType.FullName;
                        result.Type2Defaults[fromType] = defaults;
                        defaults = result.Type2Defaults[fromType];
                    defaults.PropertyName2DefaultValue[propertyName] = to;

             explorer.NodeExpander = nodeExpander;
                explorer.explore(root, down, up, leaf);
                return result;
        static bool isDefaultLeafValueDefault(object from, string propertyName, object leafValue, LeafDefaultSet LeafDefaultSet)
            if ( LeafDefaultSet == null)
                throw new Exception("OmitDefaultLeafValuesInJs==true but LeafDefaultSet is unspecified - unable to determine what values are default !");

            Type t = from.GetType();
            if (LeafDefaultSet.Type2Defaults.ContainsKey(t))
                Defaults4Class defaults = LeafDefaultSet.Type2Defaults[t];
                if (!defaults.PropertyName2DefaultValue.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                    return false;
                Object defaultValue = defaults.PropertyName2DefaultValue[propertyName];
                return (leafValue == defaultValue) || leafValue != null && leafValue.Equals(defaultValue);
                // is this an error ?
                return false;
Example #7
        static bool isDefaultLeafValueDefault(object from, string propertyName, object leafValue, LeafDefaultSet LeafDefaultSet)
            if (LeafDefaultSet == null)
                throw new Exception("OmitDefaultLeafValuesInJs==true but LeafDefaultSet is unspecified - unable to determine what values are default !");

            Type t = from.GetType();

            if (LeafDefaultSet.Type2Defaults.ContainsKey(t))
                Defaults4Class defaults = LeafDefaultSet.Type2Defaults[t];
                if (!defaults.PropertyName2DefaultValue.ContainsKey(propertyName))
                Object defaultValue = defaults.PropertyName2DefaultValue[propertyName];
                return((leafValue == defaultValue) || leafValue != null && leafValue.Equals(defaultValue));
                // is this an error ?