/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static void add_attachment(string filename, SharpMimeMessage part, int bugid, int parent_postid, Security security) { Util.write_to_log("attachment:" + filename); string missing_attachment_msg = ""; int max_upload_size = Convert.ToInt32(Util.get_setting("MaxUploadSize", "100000")); if (part.Size > max_upload_size) { missing_attachment_msg = "ERROR: email attachment exceeds size limit."; } string content_type = part.Header.TopLevelMediaType + "/" + part.Header.SubType; string desc; MemoryStream attachmentStream = new MemoryStream(); if (missing_attachment_msg == "") { desc = "email attachment"; } else { desc = missing_attachment_msg; } part.DumpBody(attachmentStream); attachmentStream.Position = 0; Bug.insert_post_attachment( security, bugid, attachmentStream, (int)attachmentStream.Length, filename, desc, content_type, parent_postid, false, // not hidden false); // don't send notifications }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); Page.Header.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "add attachment"; string string_id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request.QueryString["id"]); if (string_id == null || string_id == "0") { write_msg("Invalid id.", false); Response.End(); return; } else { bugid = Convert.ToInt32(string_id); int permission_level = Bug.get_bug_permission_level(bugid, User.Identity); if (permission_level == PermissionLevel.None || permission_level == PermissionLevel.ReadOnly) { write_msg("You are not allowed to edit this item", false); Response.End(); return; } } if (User.Identity.GetIsExternalUser() || Util.get_setting("EnableInternalOnlyPosts", "0") == "0") { internal_only.Visible = false; internal_only_label.Visible = false; } if (IsPostBack) { on_update(); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void on_update() { // does it say "Merge" or "Confirm Merge"? if (submit.Value == "Merge") { if (!validate()) { prev_from_bug.Value = ""; prev_into_bug.Value = ""; return; } } if (prev_from_bug.Value == from_bug.Value && prev_into_bug.Value == into_bug.Value) { prev_from_bug.Value = btnet.Util.sanitize_integer(prev_from_bug.Value); prev_into_bug.Value = btnet.Util.sanitize_integer(prev_into_bug.Value); // rename the attachments string upload_folder = Util.get_upload_folder(); if (upload_folder != null) { sql = new SQLString(@"select bp_id, bp_file from bug_posts where bp_type = 'file' and bp_bug = @from" ); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("from", prev_from_bug.Value); DataSet ds = btnet.DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { // create path StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(upload_folder); path.Append("\\"); path.Append(prev_from_bug.Value); path.Append("_"); path.Append(Convert.ToString(dr["bp_id"])); path.Append("_"); path.Append(Convert.ToString(dr["bp_file"])); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path.ToString())) { StringBuilder path2 = new StringBuilder(upload_folder); path2.Append("\\"); path2.Append(prev_into_bug.Value); path2.Append("_"); path2.Append(Convert.ToString(dr["bp_id"])); path2.Append("_"); path2.Append(Convert.ToString(dr["bp_file"])); System.IO.File.Move(path.ToString(), path2.ToString()); } } } // copy the from db entries to the to sql = new SQLString(@" insert into bug_subscriptions (bs_bug, bs_user) select @into, bs_user from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = @from and bs_user not in (select bs_user from bug_subscriptions where bs_bug = @into) insert into bug_user (bu_bug, bu_user, bu_flag, bu_flag_datetime, bu_seen, bu_seen_datetime, bu_vote, bu_vote_datetime) select @into, bu_user, bu_flag, bu_flag_datetime, bu_seen, bu_seen_datetime, bu_vote, bu_vote_datetime from bug_user where bu_bug = @from and bu_user not in (select bu_user from bug_user where bu_bug = @into) update bug_posts set bp_bug = @into where bp_bug = @from update bug_tasks set tsk_bug = @into where tsk_bug = @from update svn_revisions set svnrev_bug = @into where svnrev_bug = @from update hg_revisions set hgrev_bug = @into where hgrev_bug = @from update git_commits set gitcom_bug = @into where gitcom_bug = @from "); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("from", prev_from_bug.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("into", prev_into_bug.Value); btnet.DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); // record the merge itself sql = new SQLString(@"insert into bug_posts (bp_bug, bp_user, bp_date, bp_type, bp_comment, bp_comment_search) values(@into, @us,getdate(), 'comment', 'merged bug @from into this bug:', 'merged bug @from into this bug:') select scope_identity()" ); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("@from", prev_from_bug.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("@into", prev_into_bug.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("@us", Convert.ToString(User.Identity.GetUserId())); int comment_id = Convert.ToInt32(btnet.DbUtil.execute_scalar(sql)); // update bug comments with info from old bug sql = new SQLString(@"update bug_posts set bp_comment = convert(nvarchar,bp_comment) + char(10) + bg_short_desc from bugs where bg_id = @from and bp_id = @bc" ); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("from", prev_from_bug.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("bc", Convert.ToString(comment_id)); btnet.DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); // delete the from bug int from_bugid = Convert.ToInt32(prev_from_bug.Value); Bug.delete_bug(from_bugid); btnet.Bug.send_notifications(btnet.Bug.UPDATE, Convert.ToInt32(prev_into_bug.Value), User.Identity); Response.Redirect("edit_bug.aspx?id=" + prev_into_bug.Value); } else { prev_from_bug.Value = from_bug.Value; prev_into_bug.Value = into_bug.Value; static_from_bug.InnerText = from_bug.Value; static_into_bug.InnerText = into_bug.Value; static_from_desc.InnerText = (string)dr[0]; static_into_desc.InnerText = (string)dr[1]; from_bug.Style["display"] = "none"; into_bug.Style["display"] = "none"; static_from_bug.Style["display"] = ""; static_into_bug.Style["display"] = ""; static_from_desc.Style["display"] = ""; static_into_desc.Style["display"] = ""; submit.Value = "Confirm Merge"; } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static NewIds insert_bug( string short_desc, Security security, string tags, int projectid, int orgid, int categoryid, int priorityid, int statusid, int assigned_to_userid, int udfid, string project_custom_dropdown_value1, string project_custom_dropdown_value2, string project_custom_dropdown_value3, string comment_formated, string comment_search, string from, string cc, string content_type, bool internal_only, SortedDictionary <string, string> hash_custom_cols, bool send_notifications) { if (short_desc.Trim() == "") { short_desc = "[No Description]"; } if (assigned_to_userid == 0) { assigned_to_userid = Util.get_default_user(projectid); } string sql = @"insert into bugs (bg_short_desc, bg_tags, bg_reported_user, bg_last_updated_user, bg_reported_date, bg_last_updated_date, bg_project, bg_org, bg_category, bg_priority, bg_status, bg_assigned_to_user, bg_user_defined_attribute, bg_project_custom_dropdown_value1, bg_project_custom_dropdown_value2, bg_project_custom_dropdown_value3 $custom_cols_placeholder1) values (N'$short_desc', N'$tags', $reported_user, $reported_user, getdate(), getdate(), $project, $org, $category, $priority, $status, $assigned_user, $udf, N'$pcd1',N'$pcd2',N'$pcd3' $custom_cols_placeholder2)" ; sql = sql.Replace("$short_desc", short_desc.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$tags", tags.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$reported_user", Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); sql = sql.Replace("$project", Convert.ToString(projectid)); sql = sql.Replace("$org", Convert.ToString(orgid)); sql = sql.Replace("$category", Convert.ToString(categoryid)); sql = sql.Replace("$priority", Convert.ToString(priorityid)); sql = sql.Replace("$status", Convert.ToString(statusid)); sql = sql.Replace("$assigned_user", Convert.ToString(assigned_to_userid)); sql = sql.Replace("$udf", Convert.ToString(udfid)); sql = sql.Replace("$pcd1", project_custom_dropdown_value1); sql = sql.Replace("$pcd2", project_custom_dropdown_value2); sql = sql.Replace("$pcd3", project_custom_dropdown_value3); if (hash_custom_cols == null) { sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols_placeholder1", ""); sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols_placeholder2", ""); } else { string custom_cols_sql1 = ""; string custom_cols_sql2 = ""; DataSet ds_custom_cols = Util.get_custom_columns(); foreach (DataRow drcc in ds_custom_cols.Tables[0].Rows) { string column_name = (string)drcc["name"]; // skip if no permission to update if (security.user.dict_custom_field_permission_level[column_name] != Security.PERMISSION_ALL) { continue; } custom_cols_sql1 += ",[" + column_name + "]"; string datatype = (string)drcc["datatype"]; string custom_col_val = Util.request_to_string_for_sql( hash_custom_cols[column_name], datatype); custom_cols_sql2 += "," + custom_col_val; } sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols_placeholder1", custom_cols_sql1); sql = sql.Replace("$custom_cols_placeholder2", custom_cols_sql2); } sql += "\nselect scope_identity()"; int bugid = Convert.ToInt32(DbUtil.execute_scalar(sql)); int postid = Bug.insert_comment( bugid, security.user.usid, comment_formated, comment_search, from, cc, content_type, internal_only); Bug.auto_subscribe(bugid); if (send_notifications) { Bug.send_notifications(Bug.INSERT, bugid, security); } return(new NewIds(bugid, postid)); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static int insert_post_attachment_impl( Security security, int bugid, Stream content, int content_length, int copy_bpid, string file, string comment, string content_type, int parent, bool hidden_from_external_users, bool send_notifications) { // Note that this method does not perform any security check nor does // it check that content_length is less than MaxUploadSize. // These are left up to the caller. string upload_folder = Util.get_upload_folder(); string sql; bool store_attachments_in_database = (Util.get_setting("StoreAttachmentsInDatabase", "0") == "1"); string effective_file = file; int effective_content_length = content_length; string effective_content_type = content_type; Stream effective_content = null; try { // Determine the content. We may be instructed to copy an existing // attachment via copy_bpid, or a Stream may be provided as the content parameter. if (copy_bpid != -1) { BugPostAttachment bpa = get_bug_post_attachment(copy_bpid); effective_content = bpa.content; effective_file = bpa.file; effective_content_length = bpa.content_length; effective_content_type = bpa.content_type; } else { effective_content = content; effective_file = file; effective_content_length = content_length; effective_content_type = content_type; } // Insert a new post into bug_posts. sql = @" declare @now datetime set @now = getdate() update bugs set bg_last_updated_date = @now, bg_last_updated_user = $us where bg_id = $bg insert into bug_posts (bp_type, bp_bug, bp_file, bp_comment, bp_size, bp_date, bp_user, bp_content_type, bp_parent, bp_hidden_from_external_users) values ('file', $bg, N'$fi', N'$de', $si, @now, $us, N'$ct', $pa, $internal) select scope_identity()" ; sql = sql.Replace("$bg", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$fi", effective_file.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$de", comment.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$si", Convert.ToString(effective_content_length)); sql = sql.Replace("$us", Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); // Sometimes, somehow, content type is null. Not sure how. sql = sql.Replace("$ct", effective_content_type != null ? effective_content_type.Replace("'", "''") : string.Empty); if (parent == -1) { sql = sql.Replace("$pa", "null"); } else { sql = sql.Replace("$pa", Convert.ToString(parent)); } sql = sql.Replace("$internal", Util.bool_to_string(hidden_from_external_users)); int bp_id = Convert.ToInt32(DbUtil.execute_scalar(sql)); try { // Store attachment in bug_post_attachments table. if (store_attachments_in_database) { byte[] data = new byte[effective_content_length]; int bytes_read = 0; while (bytes_read < effective_content_length) { int bytes_read_this_iteration = effective_content.Read(data, bytes_read, effective_content_length - bytes_read); if (bytes_read_this_iteration == 0) { throw new Exception("Unexpectedly reached the end of the stream before all data was read."); } bytes_read += bytes_read_this_iteration; } sql = @"insert into bug_post_attachments (bpa_post, bpa_content) values (@bp, @bc)" ; using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql)) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bp", bp_id); cmd.Parameters.Add("@bc", SqlDbType.Image).Value = data; cmd.CommandTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(Util.get_setting("SqlCommand.CommandTimeout", "30")); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(cmd); } } else { // Store attachment in UploadFolder. if (upload_folder == null) { throw new Exception("StoreAttachmentsInDatabase is false and UploadFolder is not set in web.config."); } // Copy the content Stream to a file in the upload_folder. byte[] buffer = new byte[16384]; int bytes_read = 0; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(upload_folder + "\\" + bugid + "_" + bp_id + "_" + effective_file, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write)) { while (bytes_read < effective_content_length) { int bytes_read_this_iteration = effective_content.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (bytes_read_this_iteration == 0) { throw new Exception("Unexpectedly reached the end of the stream before all data was read."); } fs.Write(buffer, 0, bytes_read_this_iteration); bytes_read += bytes_read_this_iteration; } } } } catch { // clean up sql = @"delete from bug_posts where bp_id = $bp"; sql = sql.Replace("$bp", Convert.ToString(bp_id)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); throw; } if (send_notifications) { Bug.send_notifications(Bug.UPDATE, bugid, security); } return(bp_id); } finally { // If this procedure "owns" the content (instead of our caller owning it), dispose it. if (effective_content != null && effective_content != content) { effective_content.Dispose(); } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This used to send the emails, but not now. Now it just queues // the emails to be sent, then spawns a thread to send them. public static void send_notifications(int insert_or_update, // The implementation int bugid, Security security, int just_to_this_userid, bool status_changed, bool assigned_to_changed, int prev_assigned_to_user) { // If there's something worth emailing about, then there's // probably something worth updating the index about. // Really, though, we wouldn't want to update the index if it were // just the status that were changing... if (Util.get_setting("EnableLucene", "1") == "1") { MyLucene.update_lucene_index(bugid); } bool notification_email_enabled = (Util.get_setting("NotificationEmailEnabled", "1") == "1"); if (!notification_email_enabled) { return; } // MAW -- 2006/01/27 -- Determine level of change detected int changeLevel = 0; if (insert_or_update == INSERT) { changeLevel = 1; } else if (status_changed) { changeLevel = 2; } else if (assigned_to_changed) { changeLevel = 3; } else { changeLevel = 4; } string sql; if (just_to_this_userid > 0) { sql = @" /* get notification email for just one user */ select us_email, us_id, us_admin, og.* from bug_subscriptions inner join users on bs_user = us_id inner join orgs og on us_org = og_id inner join bugs on bg_id = bs_bug left outer join project_user_xref on pu_user = us_id and pu_project = bg_project where us_email is not null and us_enable_notifications = 1 -- $status_change and us_active = 1 and us_email <> '' and case when us_org <> bg_org and og_other_orgs_permission_level < 2 and og_other_orgs_permission_level < isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) then og_other_orgs_permission_level else isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) end <> 0 and bs_bug = $id and us_id = $just_this_usid"; sql = sql.Replace("$just_this_usid", Convert.ToString(just_to_this_userid)); } else { // MAW -- 2006/01/27 -- Added different notifications if reported or assigned-to sql = @" /* get notification emails for all subscribers */ select us_email, us_id, us_admin, og.* from bug_subscriptions inner join users on bs_user = us_id inner join orgs og on us_org = og_id inner join bugs on bg_id = bs_bug left outer join project_user_xref on pu_user = us_id and pu_project = bg_project where us_email is not null and us_enable_notifications = 1 -- $status_change and us_active = 1 and us_email <> '' and ( ($cl <= us_reported_notifications and bg_reported_user = bs_user) or ($cl <= us_assigned_notifications and bg_assigned_to_user = bs_user) or ($cl <= us_assigned_notifications and $pau = bs_user) or ($cl <= us_subscribed_notifications)) and case when us_org <> bg_org and og_other_orgs_permission_level < 2 and og_other_orgs_permission_level < isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) then og_other_orgs_permission_level else isnull(pu_permission_level,$dpl) end <> 0 and bs_bug = $id and (us_id <> $us or isnull(us_send_notifications_to_self,0) = 1)"; } sql = sql.Replace("$cl", changeLevel.ToString()); sql = sql.Replace("$pau", prev_assigned_to_user.ToString()); sql = sql.Replace("$id", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$dpl", Util.get_setting("DefaultPermissionLevel", "2")); sql = sql.Replace("$us", Convert.ToString(security.user.usid)); DataSet ds_subscribers = DbUtil.get_dataset(sql); if (ds_subscribers.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { bool added_to_queue = false; // Get bug html DataRow bug_dr = Bug.get_bug_datarow(bugid, security); string from = Util.get_setting("NotificationEmailFrom", ""); // Format the subject line string subject = Util.get_setting("NotificationSubjectFormat", "$THING$:$BUGID$ was $ACTION$ - $SHORTDESC$ $TRACKINGID$"); subject = subject.Replace("$THING$", Util.capitalize_first_letter(Util.get_setting("SingularBugLabel", "bug"))); string action = ""; if (insert_or_update == INSERT) { action = "added"; } else { action = "updated"; } subject = subject.Replace("$ACTION$", action); subject = subject.Replace("$BUGID$", Convert.ToString(bugid)); subject = subject.Replace("$SHORTDESC$", (string)bug_dr["short_desc"]); string tracking_id = " ("; tracking_id += Util.get_setting("TrackingIdString", "DO NOT EDIT THIS:"); tracking_id += Convert.ToString(bugid); tracking_id += ")"; subject = subject.Replace("$TRACKINGID$", tracking_id); subject = subject.Replace("$PROJECT$", (string)bug_dr["current_project"]); subject = subject.Replace("$ORGANIZATION$", (string)bug_dr["og_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$CATEGORY$", (string)bug_dr["category_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$PRIORITY$", (string)bug_dr["priority_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$STATUS$", (string)bug_dr["status_name"]); subject = subject.Replace("$ASSIGNED_TO$", (string)bug_dr["assigned_to_username"]); // send a separate email to each subscriber foreach (DataRow dr in ds_subscribers.Tables[0].Rows) { string to = (string)dr["us_email"]; // Create a fake response and let the code // write the html to that response System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter(); HttpResponse my_response = new HttpResponse(writer); my_response.Write("<html>"); my_response.Write("<base href=\"" + Util.get_setting("AbsoluteUrlPrefix", "") + "\"/>"); // create a security rec for the user receiving the email Security sec2 = new Security(); // fill in what we know is needed downstream sec2.user.is_admin = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["us_admin"]); sec2.user.external_user = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["og_external_user"]); sec2.user.tags_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_tags_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.category_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_category_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.priority_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_priority_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.assigned_to_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_assigned_to_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.status_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_status_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.project_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_project_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.org_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_org_field_permission_level"]; sec2.user.udf_field_permission_level = (int)dr["og_udf_field_permission_level"]; DataSet ds_custom = Util.get_custom_columns(); foreach (DataRow dr_custom in ds_custom.Tables[0].Rows) { string bg_name = (string)dr_custom["name"]; string og_name = "og_" + (string)dr_custom["name"] + "_field_permission_level"; object obj = dr[og_name]; if (Convert.IsDBNull(obj)) { sec2.user.dict_custom_field_permission_level[bg_name] = Security.PERMISSION_ALL; } else { sec2.user.dict_custom_field_permission_level[bg_name] = (int)dr[og_name]; } } PrintBug.print_bug( my_response, bug_dr, sec2, true, // include style false, // images_inline true, // history_inline true); // internal_posts // at this point "writer" has the bug html sql = @" delete from queued_notifications where qn_bug = $bug and qn_to = N'$to' insert into queued_notifications (qn_date_created, qn_bug, qn_user, qn_status, qn_retries, qn_to, qn_from, qn_subject, qn_body, qn_last_exception) values (getdate(), $bug, $user, N'not sent', 0, N'$to', N'$from', N'$subject', N'$body', N'')"; sql = sql.Replace("$bug", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.Replace("$user", Convert.ToString(dr["us_id"])); sql = sql.Replace("$to", to.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$from", from.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$subject", subject.Replace("'", "''")); sql = sql.Replace("$body", writer.ToString().Replace("'", "''")); DbUtil.execute_nonquery_without_logging(sql); added_to_queue = true; } // end loop through ds_subscribers if (added_to_queue) { // spawn a worker thread to send the emails System.Threading.Thread thread = new System.Threading.Thread(threadproc_notifications); thread.Start(); } } // if there are any subscribers }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void on_update() { Boolean good = validate(); if (good) { if (tsk_id == 0) // insert new { sql = new SQLString(@" insert into bug_tasks ( tsk_bug, tsk_created_user, tsk_created_date, tsk_last_updated_user, tsk_last_updated_date, tsk_assigned_to_user, tsk_planned_start_date, tsk_actual_start_date, tsk_planned_end_date, tsk_actual_end_date, tsk_planned_duration, tsk_actual_duration, tsk_duration_units, tsk_percent_complete, tsk_status, tsk_sort_sequence, tsk_description ) values ( @tsk_bug, @tsk_created_user, getdate(), @tsk_last_updated_user, getdate(), @tsk_assigned_to_user, @tsk_planned_start_date, @tsk_actual_start_date, @tsk_planned_end_date, @tsk_actual_end_date, @tsk_planned_duration, @tsk_actual_duration, @tsk_duration_units, @tsk_percent_complete, @tsk_status, @tsk_sort_sequence, @tsk_description ); declare @tsk_id int select @tsk_id = scope_identity() insert into bug_posts (bp_bug, bp_user, bp_date, bp_comment, bp_type) values(@tsk_bug, @tsk_last_updated_user, getdate(), N'added task ' + convert(varchar, @tsk_id), 'update')"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_created_user", Convert.ToString(User.Identity.GetUserId())); } else // edit existing { sql = new SQLString(@" update bug_tasks set tsk_last_updated_user = @tsk_last_updated_user, tsk_last_updated_date = getdate(), tsk_assigned_to_user = @tsk_assigned_to_user, tsk_planned_start_date = '@tsk_planned_start_date', tsk_actual_start_date = '@tsk_actual_start_date', tsk_planned_end_date = '@tsk_planned_end_date', tsk_actual_end_date = '@tsk_actual_end_date', tsk_planned_duration = @tsk_planned_duration, tsk_actual_duration = @tsk_actual_duration, tsk_duration_units = @tsk_duration_units, tsk_percent_complete = @tsk_percent_complete, tsk_status = @tsk_status, tsk_sort_sequence = @tsk_sort_sequence, tsk_description = @tsk_description where tsk_id = @tsk_id; insert into bug_posts (bp_bug, bp_user, bp_date, bp_comment, bp_type) values(@tsk_bug, @tsk_last_updated_user, getdate(), N'updated task ' + @tsk_id, 'update')"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_id", Convert.ToString(tsk_id)); } sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_bug", Convert.ToString(bugid)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_last_updated_user", Convert.ToString(User.Identity.GetUserId())); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_planned_start_date", format_date_hour_min( planned_start_date.Value, planned_start_hour.SelectedItem.Value, planned_start_min.SelectedItem.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_actual_start_date", format_date_hour_min( actual_start_date.Value, actual_start_hour.SelectedItem.Value, actual_start_min.SelectedItem.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_planned_end_date", format_date_hour_min( planned_end_date.Value, planned_end_hour.SelectedItem.Value, planned_end_min.SelectedItem.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_actual_end_date", format_date_hour_min( actual_end_date.Value, actual_end_hour.SelectedItem.Value, actual_end_min.SelectedItem.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_planned_duration", format_decimal_for_db(planned_duration.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_actual_duration", format_decimal_for_db(actual_duration.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_percent_complete", format_number_for_db(percent_complete.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_status", status.SelectedItem.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_sort_sequence", format_number_for_db(sort_sequence.Value)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_assigned_to_user", assigned_to.SelectedItem.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_description", desc.Value); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_duration_units", duration_units.SelectedItem.Value); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Bug.send_notifications(Bug.UPDATE, bugid, User.Identity); Response.Redirect("tasks.aspx?bugid=" + Convert.ToString(bugid)); } else { if (tsk_id == 0) // insert new { msg.InnerText = "Task was not created."; } else // edit existing { msg.InnerText = "Task was not updated."; } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); msg.InnerText = ""; string string_bugid = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["bugid"]); bugid = Convert.ToInt32(string_bugid); int permission_level = Bug.get_bug_permission_level(bugid, User.Identity); if (permission_level != PermissionLevel.All) { Response.Write("You are not allowed to edit tasks for this item"); Response.End(); } if (User.IsInRole(BtnetRoles.Admin) || User.Identity.GetCanEditTasks()) { // allowed } else { Response.Write("You are not allowed to edit tasks"); Response.End(); } string string_tsk_id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["id"]); tsk_id_static.InnerHtml = string_tsk_id; tsk_id = Convert.ToInt32(string_tsk_id); if (!IsPostBack) { Master.Menu.SelectedItem = "admin"; Page.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "edit task"; bugid_label.InnerHtml = Util.capitalize_first_letter(Util.get_setting("SingularBugLabel", "bug")) + " ID:"; bugid_static.InnerHtml = Convert.ToString(bugid); load_users_dropdowns(bugid); if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskAssignedTo", "1") == "0") { assigned_to_tr.Visible = false; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPlannedStartDate", "1") == "0") { planned_start_date_tr.Visible = false; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskActualStartDate", "1") == "0") { actual_start_date_tr.Visible = false; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPlannedEndDate", "1") == "0") { planned_end_date_tr.Visible = false; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskActualEndDate", "1") == "0") { actual_end_date_tr.Visible = false; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPlannedDuration", "1") == "0") { planned_duration_tr.Visible = false; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskActualDuration", "1") == "0") { actual_duration_tr.Visible = false; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskDurationUnits", "1") == "0") { duration_units_tr.Visible = false; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskPercentComplete", "1") == "0") { percent_complete_tr.Visible = false; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskStatus", "1") == "0") { status_tr.Visible = false; } if (Util.get_setting("ShowTaskSortSequence", "1") == "0") { sort_sequence_tr.Visible = false; } // add or edit? if (tsk_id == 0) { tsk_id_tr.Visible = false; sub.Value = "Create"; string default_duration_units = Util.get_setting("TaskDefaultDurationUnits", "hours"); duration_units.Items.FindByText(default_duration_units).Selected = true; string default_hour = Util.get_setting("TaskDefaultHour", "09"); planned_start_hour.Items.FindByText(default_hour).Selected = true; actual_start_hour.Items.FindByText(default_hour).Selected = true; planned_end_hour.Items.FindByText(default_hour).Selected = true; actual_end_hour.Items.FindByText(default_hour).Selected = true; string default_status = Util.get_setting("TaskDefaultStatus", "[no status]"); status.Items.FindByText(default_status).Selected = true; } else { // Get this entry's data from the db and fill in the form sql = new SQLString(@"select * from bug_tasks where tsk_id = @tsk_id and tsk_bug = @bugid"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("tsk_id", Convert.ToString(tsk_id)); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("bugid", Convert.ToString(bugid)); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); assigned_to.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(dr["tsk_assigned_to_user"])).Selected = true; duration_units.Items.FindByText(Convert.ToString(dr["tsk_duration_units"])).Selected = true; status.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(dr["tsk_status"])).Selected = true; planned_duration.Value = Util.format_db_value(dr["tsk_planned_duration"]); actual_duration.Value = Util.format_db_value(dr["tsk_actual_duration"]); percent_complete.Value = Convert.ToString(dr["tsk_percent_complete"]); sort_sequence.Value = Convert.ToString(dr["tsk_sort_sequence"]); desc.Value = Convert.ToString(dr["tsk_description"]); load_date_hour_min( planned_start_date, planned_start_hour, planned_start_min, dr["tsk_planned_start_date"]); load_date_hour_min( actual_start_date, actual_start_hour, actual_start_min, dr["tsk_actual_start_date"]); load_date_hour_min( planned_end_date, planned_end_hour, planned_end_min, dr["tsk_planned_end_date"]); load_date_hour_min( actual_end_date, actual_end_hour, actual_end_min, dr["tsk_actual_end_date"]); sub.Value = "Update"; } } else { on_update(); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Master.Menu.SelectedItem = Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel", "bugs"); Util.do_not_cache(Response); if (User.IsInRole(BtnetRoles.Admin) || User.Identity.GetCanEditAndDeletePosts()) { // } else { Response.Write("You are not allowed to use this page."); Response.End(); } if (IsPostBack) { // do delete here sql = new SQLString(@"delete bug_posts where bp_id = @bpid"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("bpid", Util.sanitize_integer(row_id.Value)); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); Response.Redirect("edit_bug.aspx?id=" + Util.sanitize_integer(redirect_bugid.Value)); } else { string bug_id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["bug_id"]); redirect_bugid.Value = bug_id; int permission_level = Bug.get_bug_permission_level(Convert.ToInt32(bug_id), User.Identity); if (permission_level != PermissionLevel.All) { Response.Write("You are not allowed to edit this item"); Response.End(); } Page.Header.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "delete comment"; string id = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["id"]); back_href.HRef = "edit_bug.aspx?id=" + bug_id; sql = new SQLString(@"select bp_comment from bug_posts where bp_id = @bpid"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("bpid", id); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); // show the first few chars of the comment string s = Convert.ToString(dr["bp_comment"]); int len = 20; if (s.Length < len) { len = s.Length; } confirm_href.InnerText = "confirm delete of comment: " + s.Substring(0, len) + "..."; row_id.Value = id; } }
//************************************************************* public static bool fetch_messages(string project_user, string project_password, int projectid) { // experimental, under construction POP3Client.POP3client client = new POP3Client.POP3client(Pop3ReadInputStreamCharByChar); string[] SubjectCannotContainStrings = Util.rePipes.Split(Pop3SubjectCannotContain); string[] FromCannotContainStrings = Util.rePipes.Split(Pop3FromCannotContain); //try { System.Data.DataRow defaults = Bug.get_bug_defaults(); //int projectid = (int)defaults["pj"]; int categoryid = (int)defaults["ct"]; int priorityid = (int)defaults["pr"]; int statusid = (int)defaults["st"]; int udfid = (int)defaults["udf"]; Util.write_to_log("pop3:" + client.connect(Pop3Server, Pop3Port, Pop3UseSSL)); Util.write_to_log("pop3:sending POP3 command USER"); Util.write_to_log("pop3:" + client.USER(project_user)); Util.write_to_log("pop3:sending POP3 command PASS"); Util.write_to_log("pop3:" + client.PASS(project_password)); Util.write_to_log("pop3:sending POP3 command STAT"); Util.write_to_log("pop3:" + client.STAT()); Util.write_to_log("pop3:sending POP3 command LIST"); string list; list = client.LIST(); Util.write_to_log("pop3:list follows:"); Util.write_to_log(list); string[] messages = null; System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex regex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("\r\n"); messages = regex.Split(list); int end = messages.Length - 1; // loop through the messages for (int i = 1; i < end; i++) { int space_pos = messages[i].IndexOf(" "); int message_number = Convert.ToInt32(messages[i].Substring(0, space_pos)); string message_raw_string = client.RETR(message_number); if (Pop3WriteRawMessagesToLog) { Util.write_to_log("raw email message:"); Util.write_to_log(message_raw_string); } SharpMimeMessage mime_message = MyMime.get_sharp_mime_message(message_raw_string); string from_addr = MyMime.get_from_addr(mime_message); string subject = MyMime.get_subject(mime_message); if (Pop3SubjectMustContain != "" && subject.IndexOf(Pop3SubjectMustContain) < 0) { Util.write_to_log("skipping because subject does not contain: " + Pop3SubjectMustContain); continue; } bool bSkip = false; for (int k = 0; k < SubjectCannotContainStrings.Length; k++) { if (SubjectCannotContainStrings[k] != "") { if (subject.IndexOf(SubjectCannotContainStrings[k]) >= 0) { Util.write_to_log("skipping because subject cannot contain: " + SubjectCannotContainStrings[k]); bSkip = true; break; // done checking, skip this message } } } if (bSkip) { continue; } if (Pop3FromMustContain != "" && from_addr.IndexOf(Pop3FromMustContain) < 0) { Util.write_to_log("skipping because from does not contain: " + Pop3FromMustContain); continue; // that is, skip to next message } for (int k = 0; k < FromCannotContainStrings.Length; k++) { if (FromCannotContainStrings[k] != "") { if (from_addr.IndexOf(FromCannotContainStrings[k]) >= 0) { Util.write_to_log("skipping because from cannot contain: " + FromCannotContainStrings[k]); bSkip = true; break; // done checking, skip this message } } } if (bSkip) { continue; } int bugid = MyMime.get_bugid_from_subject(ref subject); string cc = MyMime.get_cc(mime_message); string comment = MyMime.get_comment(mime_message); string headers = MyMime.get_headers_for_comment(mime_message); if (headers != "") { comment = headers + "\n" + comment; } Security security = MyMime.get_synthesized_security(mime_message, from_addr, Pop3ServiceUsername); int orgid = security.user.org; if (bugid == 0) { if (security.user.forced_project != 0) { projectid = security.user.forced_project; } if (subject.Length > 200) { subject = subject.Substring(0, 200); } Bug.NewIds new_ids = Bug.insert_bug( subject, security, "", // tags projectid, orgid, categoryid, priorityid, statusid, 0, // assignedid, udfid, "", "", "", // project specific dropdown values comment, comment, from_addr, cc, "text/plain", false, // internal only null, // custom columns false); MyMime.add_attachments(mime_message, new_ids.bugid, new_ids.postid, security); // your customizations Bug.apply_post_insert_rules(new_ids.bugid); Bug.send_notifications(Bug.INSERT, new_ids.bugid, security); WhatsNew.add_news(new_ids.bugid, subject, "added", security); MyPop3.auto_reply(new_ids.bugid, from_addr, subject, projectid); } else // update existing { string StatusResultingFromIncomingEmail = Util.get_setting("StatusResultingFromIncomingEmail", "0"); string sql = ""; if (StatusResultingFromIncomingEmail != "0") { sql = @"update bugs set bg_status = $st where bg_id = $bg " ; sql = sql.Replace("$st", StatusResultingFromIncomingEmail); } sql += "select bg_short_desc from bugs where bg_id = $bg"; sql = sql.Replace("$bg", Convert.ToString(bugid)); DataRow dr2 = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); // Add a comment to existing bug. int postid = Bug.insert_comment( bugid, security.user.usid, // (int) dr["us_id"], comment, comment, from_addr, cc, "text/plain", false); // internal only MyMime.add_attachments(mime_message, bugid, postid, security); Bug.send_notifications(Bug.UPDATE, bugid, security); WhatsNew.add_news(bugid, (string)dr2["bg_short_desc"], "updated", security); } if (Pop3DeleteMessagesOnServer) { Util.write_to_log("sending POP3 command DELE"); Util.write_to_log(client.DELE(message_number)); } } } //catch (Exception ex) //{ // Util.write_to_log("pop3:exception in fetch_messages: " + ex.Message); // error_count++; // if (error_count > Pop3TotalErrorsAllowed) // { // return false; // } //} Util.write_to_log("pop3:quit"); Util.write_to_log("pop3:" + client.QUIT()); return(true); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string send_email( string to, string from, string cc, string subject, string body, System.Web.Mail.MailFormat body_format, System.Web.Mail.MailPriority priority, int[] attachment_bpids, bool return_receipt) { Dictionary<string,int> files_to_delete = new Dictionary<string,int>(); ArrayList directories_to_delete = new ArrayList(); System.Web.Mail.MailMessage msg = new System.Web.Mail.MailMessage(); msg.To = to; msg.From = from; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cc.Trim())) { msg.Cc = cc; } msg.Subject = subject; msg.Priority = priority; // This fixes a bug for a couple people, but make it configurable, just in case. if (Util.get_setting("BodyEncodingUTF8", "1") == "1") { msg.BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; } if (return_receipt) { msg.Headers.Add("Disposition-Notification-To", from); } // workaround for a bug I don't understand... if (Util.get_setting("SmtpForceReplaceOfBareLineFeeds", "0") == "1") { body = body.Replace("\n", "\r\n"); } msg.Body = body; msg.BodyFormat = body_format; string smtp_server = Util.get_setting("SmtpServer", ""); if (smtp_server != "") { System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.SmtpServer = smtp_server; } string smtp_password = Util.get_setting("SmtpServerAuthenticatePassword", ""); if (smtp_password != "") { msg.Fields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword"] = smtp_password; msg.Fields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate"] = 1; msg.Fields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername"] = Util.get_setting("SmtpServerAuthenticateUser", ""); } string smtp_pickup = Util.get_setting("SmtpServerPickupDirectory", ""); if (smtp_pickup != "") { msg.Fields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverpickupdirectory"] = smtp_pickup; } string send_using = Util.get_setting("SmtpSendUsing", ""); if (send_using != "") { msg.Fields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing"] = send_using; } string smtp_use_ssl = Util.get_setting("SmtpUseSSL", ""); if (smtp_use_ssl == "1") { msg.Fields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl"] = "true"; } string smtp_server_port = Util.get_setting("SmtpServerPort", ""); if (smtp_server_port != "") { msg.Fields["http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport"] = smtp_server_port; } if (attachment_bpids != null && attachment_bpids.Length > 0) { string upload_folder = btnet.Util.get_upload_folder(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(upload_folder)) { upload_folder = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetRandomFileName()); Directory.CreateDirectory(upload_folder); directories_to_delete.Add(upload_folder); } foreach (int attachment_bpid in attachment_bpids) { byte[] buffer = new byte[16 * 1024]; string dest_path_and_filename; Bug.BugPostAttachment bpa = Bug.get_bug_post_attachment(attachment_bpid); using (bpa.content) { dest_path_and_filename = Path.Combine(upload_folder, bpa.file); // logic to rename in case of dupes. MS Outlook embeds images all with the same filename int suffix = 0; string renamed_to_prevent_dupe = dest_path_and_filename; while (files_to_delete.ContainsKey(renamed_to_prevent_dupe)) { suffix++; renamed_to_prevent_dupe = dest_path_and_filename + Convert.ToString(suffix); } dest_path_and_filename = renamed_to_prevent_dupe; // Save to disk using (FileStream out_stream = new FileStream( dest_path_and_filename, FileMode.CreateNew, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) { int bytes_read = bpa.content.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); while (bytes_read != 0) { out_stream.Write(buffer, 0, bytes_read); bytes_read = bpa.content.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } } } // Add saved file as attachment System.Web.Mail.MailAttachment mail_attachment = new System.Web.Mail.MailAttachment( dest_path_and_filename, System.Web.Mail.MailEncoding.Base64); msg.Attachments.Add(mail_attachment); files_to_delete[dest_path_and_filename] = 1; } } try { // This fixes a bug for some people. Not sure how it happens.... msg.Body = msg.Body.Replace(Convert.ToChar(0), ' ').Trim(); System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.Send(msg); // We delete late here because testing showed that SmtpMail class // got confused when we deleted too soon. foreach (string file in files_to_delete.Keys) { File.Delete(file); } foreach (string directory in directories_to_delete) { Directory.Delete(directory); } return ""; } catch (Exception e) { Util.write_to_log("There was a problem sending email. Check settings in Web.config."); Util.write_to_log("TO:" + to); Util.write_to_log("FROM:" + from); Util.write_to_log("SUBJECT:" + subject); Util.write_to_log(e.GetBaseException().Message.ToString()); return (e.GetBaseException().Message); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void on_update() { var file = Request.Files["attached_file"]; if (file == null) { file = Request.Files[0]; } if (file == null) { write_msg("Please select file", false); return; } string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { write_msg("Please select file", false); return; } int max_upload_size = Convert.ToInt32(Util.get_setting("MaxUploadSize", "100000")); int content_length = file.ContentLength; if (content_length > max_upload_size) { write_msg("File exceeds maximum allowed length of " + Convert.ToString(max_upload_size) + ".", false); return; } if (content_length == 0) { write_msg("No data was uploaded.", false); return; } bool good = false; try { Bug.insert_post_attachment( User.Identity, bugid, file.InputStream, content_length, filename, desc.Value, file.ContentType, -1, // parent internal_only.Checked, true); good = true; } catch (Exception ex) { write_msg("caught exception:" + ex.Message, false); return; } if (good) { write_msg( filename + " was successfully upload (" + file.ContentType + "), " + Convert.ToString(content_length) + " bytes" , true); } else { // This should never happen.... write_msg("Unexpected error with file upload.", false); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Master.Menu.SelectedItem = Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel", "bugs"); Util.do_not_cache(Response); if (User.IsInRole(BtnetRoles.Admin) || User.Identity.GetCanEditAndDeletePosts()) { // } else { Response.Write("You are not allowed to use this page."); Response.End(); } Page.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "edit comment"; msg.InnerText = ""; id = Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"]); if (!IsPostBack) { sql = new SQLString(@"select bp_comment, bp_type, isnull(bp_comment_search,bp_comment) bp_comment_search, isnull(bp_content_type,'') bp_content_type, bp_bug, bp_hidden_from_external_users from bug_posts where bp_id = @id"); } else { sql = new SQLString(@"select bp_bug, bp_type, isnull(bp_content_type,'') bp_content_type, bp_hidden_from_external_users from bug_posts where bp_id = @id"); } sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("id", Convert.ToString(id)); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); bugid = (int)dr["bp_bug"]; int permission_level = Bug.get_bug_permission_level(bugid, User.Identity); if (permission_level == PermissionLevel.None || permission_level == PermissionLevel.ReadOnly || (string)dr["bp_type"] != "comment") { Response.Write("You are not allowed to edit this item"); Response.End(); } string content_type = (string)dr["bp_content_type"]; if (User.Identity.GetUseFCKEditor() && content_type == "text/html" && Util.get_setting("DisableFCKEditor", "0") == "0") { use_fckeditor = true; } else { use_fckeditor = false; } if (User.Identity.GetIsExternalUser() || Util.get_setting("EnableInternalOnlyPosts", "0") == "0") { internal_only.Visible = false; internal_only_label.Visible = false; } if (!IsPostBack) { internal_only.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean((int)dr["bp_hidden_from_external_users"]); if (use_fckeditor) { comment.Value = (string)dr["bp_comment"]; } else { comment.Value = (string)dr["bp_comment_search"]; } } else { on_update(); } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { Util.do_not_cache(Response); this.Master.Menu.SelectedItem = Util.get_setting("PluralBugLabel", "bugs"); if (User.IsInRole(BtnetRoles.Admin) || User.Identity.GetCanEditAndDeleteBugs()) { // } else { Response.Write("You are not allowed to use this page."); Response.End(); } string attachment_id_string = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["id"]); string bug_id_string = Util.sanitize_integer(Request["bug_id"]); int permission_level = Bug.get_bug_permission_level(Convert.ToInt32(bug_id_string), User.Identity); if (permission_level != PermissionLevel.All) { Response.Write("You are not allowed to edit this item"); Response.End(); } if (IsPostBack) { // save the filename before deleting the row sql = new SQLString(@"select bp_file from bug_posts where bp_id = @ba"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("ba", attachment_id_string); string filename = (string)DbUtil.execute_scalar(sql); // delete the row representing the attachment sql = new SQLString(@"delete bug_post_attachments where bpa_post = @ba delete bug_posts where bp_id = @ba"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("ba", attachment_id_string); DbUtil.execute_nonquery(sql); // delete the file too string upload_folder = Util.get_upload_folder(); if (upload_folder != null) { StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(upload_folder); path.Append("\\"); path.Append(bug_id_string); path.Append("_"); path.Append(attachment_id_string); path.Append("_"); path.Append(filename); if (System.IO.File.Exists(path.ToString())) { System.IO.File.Delete(path.ToString()); } } Response.Redirect("edit_bug.aspx?id=" + bug_id_string); } else { Page.Header.Title = Util.get_setting("AppTitle", "BugTracker.NET") + " - " + "delete attachment"; back_href.HRef = "edit_bug.aspx?id=" + bug_id_string; sql = new SQLString(@"select bp_file from bug_posts where bp_id = @id"); sql = sql.AddParameterWithValue("id", attachment_id_string); DataRow dr = DbUtil.get_datarow(sql); string s = Convert.ToString(dr["bp_file"]); confirm_href.InnerText = "confirm delete of attachment: " + s; row_id.Value = attachment_id_string; } }