public List<DeployArmies> ExpandMinimum(BotState state, int armiesLeft)
            string myName = state.MyPlayerName;
            string opponentName = state.OpponentPlayerName;
            List<DeployArmies> deployArmies = new List<DeployArmies>();
            if (state.ExpansionTargets.Count == 0) return deployArmies;

            // check if opponent might be there (or neighboring)
            // map has 12 starting spots, 3 of them are ours, 3 estimated for opponent
            // each gets removed as they are seen for the first time
            // so we can estimate decently the
            // so only apply this filter between 9 and 6
            if ( state.OpponentStartRegions.Count > 6 )
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    foreach (Region reg in state.OpponentStartRegions[i].Neighbors)
                        Region neigh = state.FullMap.GetRegion(reg.Id);
                        if (neigh.SuperRegion.Id == state.ExpansionTargets[0].Id)
                            // don't do minimum expansion here
                            if (state.ExpansionTargets.Count == 0) return deployArmies;

            // check if we can do minimum expansion on our best found expansion target
            bool doMinimumExpansion = true;
            foreach (Region reg in state.ExpansionTargets[0].SubRegions)
                Region a = state.FullMap.GetRegion(reg.Id);

                // only try to expand if enemy is not on it
                if (a.OwnedByPlayer(opponentName)) doMinimumExpansion = false;

                // find best subregion to expand into
                int count = 0;

                // must be a neutral
                if (!a.OwnedByPlayer("neutral"))
                    reg.tempSortValue = -1;

                foreach (Region neig in a.Neighbors)
                    Region neigh = state.FullMap.GetRegion(neig.Id);

                    // if neighbor is the enemy, we shouldnt be thinking of expansion, we want to keep our stack close to the enemy
                    if (neigh.OwnedByPlayer(opponentName))
                        count -= 5;

                    // the more neighbours belong to me the better
                    if (neigh.OwnedByPlayer(myName))
                        count += 5;

                    // if it has neutrals on the target superregion its good
                    if (neigh.OwnedByPlayer("neutral") && (neigh.SuperRegion.Id == a.SuperRegion.Id)) count++;

                    // if it has unknowns on the target superregion its even better (means we will be able to finish it faster)
                    if (neigh.OwnedByPlayer("unknown") && (neigh.SuperRegion.Id == a.SuperRegion.Id)) count += 1;

                    // if it has only has 1 army it costs less to take, so its better
                    if (neigh.Armies == 1) count++;

                    // boost if this territory can take this neighbour without deploying, at all
                    int armyCount = a.Armies + a.PledgedArmies - a.ReservedArmies - neigh.Armies * 2;
                    // the more armies we'll have left the better
                    if (armyCount > 0) count += armyCount;

                reg.tempSortValue = count;


            if (doMinimumExpansion)
                var lst = state.ExpansionTargets[0].SubRegions.OrderByDescending(p => p.tempSortValue).ToList();
                Region target = state.FullMap.GetRegion(lst[0].Id);

                if (target.OwnedByPlayer("neutral"))

                    // find best region to attack from, must be my territory

                    foreach (Region an in lst[0].Neighbors)
                        Region a = state.FullMap.GetRegion(an.Id);

                        // if it's not our territory, don't bother
                        if (!a.OwnedByPlayer(myName))
                            an.tempSortValue = -1;

                        // best attacker is the one with more armies available
                        int armyCount = a.Armies + a.PledgedArmies - a.ReservedArmies;
                        if (armyCount < 0) armyCount = 0;
                        an.tempSortValue = armyCount;

                    var atk = lst[0].Neighbors.OrderByDescending(p => p.tempSortValue).ToList();

                    Region attacker = state.FullMap.GetRegion(atk[0].Id);
                    if (attacker.OwnedByPlayer(myName))
                        int deployed = state.ScheduleNeutralAttack(attacker, target, armiesLeft);
                        deployArmies.Add(new DeployArmies(myName, attacker, deployed));
                        armiesLeft -= deployed;
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("something went wrong with minimum expansion, tried to attack from a territory which wasnt mine");

                    Console.Error.WriteLine("something went wrong with minimum expansion on round " + state.RoundNumber + " maybe because all options are bad?");
                //todo: deploy all on biggest stack of main area and attack if predicting to win

                //todo: later: find a better expansiontarget (without enemy), or risk finishing this one

            return deployArmies;
        public List<DeployArmies> FinishSuperRegion(BotState state, int armiesLeft)
            string myName = state.MyPlayerName;
            //string opponentName = state.OpponentPlayerName;

            List<DeployArmies> deployArmies = new List<DeployArmies>();
            if (state.ExpansionTargets.Count == 0) return deployArmies;

            //todo: later: calculate if we should be attacking a particular region more strongly (in case there is chance of counter or defensive positioning)

            // if you have enough income to finish an area this turn, deploy for it
            foreach (Region reg in state.ExpansionTargets[0].SubRegions)
                Region region = state.FullMap.GetRegion(reg.Id);

                // skip if you already own this region
                if (region.OwnedByPlayer(myName)) continue;

                if (!region.OwnedByPlayer("neutral"))
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("trying to finish a FTB with " + region.PlayerName + " on it is a bit silly");

                // find neighbour with highest available armies (will be the attacker)
                foreach (Region an in region.Neighbors)
                    Region a = state.FullMap.GetRegion(an.Id);
                    if (!a.OwnedByPlayer(myName)) {
                        an.tempSortValue = -1;
                    } else {
                        // more armies available the better
                        int aArmies = a.Armies + a.PledgedArmies - a.ReservedArmies;
                        an.tempSortValue = aArmies;

                        // if that attacker has only one neutral of this superregion in sight, give it a little bonus
                        // this will help determine that this is the territory attacking when there are others with same armies available
                        int neutralcnt = 0;
                        foreach (Region un in a.Neighbors)
                            Region u = state.FullMap.GetRegion(un.Id);

                            if (u.OwnedByPlayer("neutral") && (u.SuperRegion.Id == reg.Id)) neutralcnt++;
                        if (neutralcnt == 1) an.tempSortValue++;
                var neigh = region.Neighbors.OrderByDescending(p => p.tempSortValue).ToList();

                // make sure the attacking neighbour is owned by us, so we can deploy on it
                if (neigh[0].OwnedByPlayer(myName))
                    int deployed = state.ScheduleNeutralAttack(neigh[0], region, armiesLeft);
                    if (deployed > 0)
                        deployArmies.Add(new DeployArmies(myName, neigh[0], deployed));
                        armiesLeft -= deployed;
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("trying to attack out of a territory owned by " + neigh[0].PlayerName + " on round " + state.RoundNumber + "! guess we ran out of available armies :(");


            if (armiesLeft < 0) Console.Error.WriteLine("exceeded army deployment on turn " + state.RoundNumber);

            // deploy the rest of our armies
            if (armiesLeft > 0)
                if (state.EnemySighted)
                    List<DeployArmies> placings = DeployBorderingEnemy(state, armiesLeft);
                    foreach (DeployArmies pl in placings)


            return deployArmies;
        // more aggressive expansion, used only when game is stalled to help move things along for minimal expansion and finishregion to complete it
        public List<DeployArmies> ExpandGameStalled(BotState state, int armiesLeft)
            string myName = state.MyPlayerName;
            //string opponentName = state.OpponentPlayerName;
            List<DeployArmies> deployArmies = new List<DeployArmies>();
            if (state.ExpansionTargets.Count == 0) return deployArmies;

            // expand on the main expansion target
            SuperRegion expansionTarget = state.FullMap.GetSuperRegion(state.ExpansionTargets[0].Id);
            foreach (Region reg in expansionTarget.SubRegions)
                Region region = state.FullMap.GetRegion(reg.Id);

                // skip if you already own this region
                if (region.OwnedByPlayer(myName)) continue;

                // find our neighbour with highest available armies
                foreach (Region a in region.Neighbors)
                    int aArmies = a.Armies + a.PledgedArmies - a.ReservedArmies;
                    if (!a.OwnedByPlayer(myName)) aArmies = -1;
                    a.tempSortValue = aArmies;
                var lst = region.Neighbors.OrderByDescending(p => p.tempSortValue).ToList();
                Region neigh = state.FullMap.GetRegion(lst[0].Id);

                if (neigh.OwnedByPlayer(myName))
                    int deployed = state.ScheduleNeutralAttack(neigh, region, armiesLeft);
                    if (armiesLeft >= deployed) {
                        deployArmies.Add(new DeployArmies(myName, neigh, deployed));
                        //neigh.PledgedArmies += deployed;
                        armiesLeft -= deployed;

                // only do the expansion for the first neutral region found


            return deployArmies;