// Soo, since I cannot be 100% sure where the start of a instance might be
        // ( could be an expresion, complex var, etc)
        // Its put somewhere in a block
        public bool PushEnviromentFix(IList <ILNode> body, ILBasicBlock head, int pos)
            ILExpression expr;
            ILLabel      next;
            ILLabel      pushLabel;
            ILLabel      pushLabelNext;

            if (head.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Push, out expr, out next) &&
                //     labelGlobalRefCount[next] == 1 &&  // don't check this
                body.Contains(labelToBasicBlock[next]) &&
                labelToBasicBlock[next].MatchSingleAndBr(GMCode.Pushenv, out pushLabel, out pushLabelNext)
                ILBasicBlock pushBlock = labelToBasicBlock[next];
                head.Body.RemoveAt(head.Body.Count - 2);// hackery, but sure, block should be removed in a flatten
                if (expr.Code == GMCode.Constant)
                    ILValue value = expr.Operand as ILValue;
                    if (value.Value is int)
                        value.ValueText = context.InstanceToString((int)value.Value);
                (pushBlock.Body[pushBlock.Body.Count - 2] as ILExpression).Arguments.Add(expr);
Example #2
        public static bool MatchCaseBlock(this ILBasicBlock bb, out ILExpression caseCondition, out ILLabel caseLabel, out ILLabel nextCase)
            int          dupType = 0;
            ILExpression pushSeq;
            ILExpression btExpresion;

            if (bb.Body.Count == 6 &&
                bb.Body[0] is ILLabel &&
                bb.Body[1].Match(GMCode.Dup, out dupType) &&
                dupType == 0 &&
                bb.Body[2].Match(GMCode.Push, out caseCondition) &&
                bb.Body[3].Match(GMCode.Seq) &&
                bb.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Bt, out caseLabel, out btExpresion, out nextCase)
            caseCondition = default(ILExpression);
            caseLabel     = nextCase = default(ILLabel);
        List <ILNode> FindConditions(HashSet <ControlFlowNode> scope, ControlFlowNode entryNode)
            List <ILNode> result = new List <ILNode>();

            // Do not modify entry data
            scope = new HashSet <ControlFlowNode>(scope);

            Stack <ControlFlowNode> agenda = new Stack <ControlFlowNode>();

            while (agenda.Count > 0)
                ControlFlowNode node = agenda.Pop();

                // Find a block that represents a simple condition
                if (scope.Contains(node))
                    ILBasicBlock block = (ILBasicBlock)node.UserData;

                        // Switch
                        IList <ILExpression> cases;
                        ILLabel[]            caseLabels;
                        ILExpression         switchCondition;
                        ILLabel fallLabel;
                        //   IList<ILExpression> cases; out IList<ILExpression> arg, out ILLabel fallLabel)
                        // matches a switch statment, not sure how the hell I am going to do this
                        if (block.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Switch, out caseLabels, out cases, out fallLabel))
                            //    Debug.Assert(fallLabel == endBlock); // this should be true
                            switchCondition = cases[0]; // thats the switch arg
                            cases.RemoveAt(0);          // remove the switch condition

                            // Replace the switch code with ILSwitch
                            ILSwitch ilSwitch = new ILSwitch()
                                Condition = switchCondition
                            block.Body.RemoveTail(GMCode.Switch, GMCode.B);
                            block.Body.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.B, fallLabel));

                            // Remove the item so that it is not picked up as content

                            // Pull in code of cases
                            ControlFlowNode fallTarget = null;
                            labelToCfNode.TryGetValue(fallLabel, out fallTarget);

                            HashSet <ControlFlowNode> frontiers = new HashSet <ControlFlowNode>();
                            if (fallTarget != null)
                                frontiers.UnionWith(fallTarget.DominanceFrontier.Except(new[] { fallTarget }));

                            foreach (ILLabel condLabel in caseLabels)
                                ControlFlowNode condTarget = null;
                                labelToCfNode.TryGetValue(condLabel, out condTarget);
                                if (condTarget != null)
                                    frontiers.UnionWith(condTarget.DominanceFrontier.Except(new[] { condTarget }));

                            for (int i = 0; i < caseLabels.Length; i++)
                                ILLabel condLabel = caseLabels[i];

                                // Find or create new case block
                                ILSwitch.CaseBlock caseBlock = ilSwitch.CaseBlocks.FirstOrDefault(b => b.EntryGoto.Operand == condLabel);
                                if (caseBlock == null)
                                    caseBlock = new ILSwitch.CaseBlock()
                                        Values    = new List <ILExpression>(),
                                        EntryGoto = new ILExpression(GMCode.B, condLabel)

                                    ControlFlowNode condTarget = null;
                                    labelToCfNode.TryGetValue(condLabel, out condTarget);
                                    if (condTarget != null && !frontiers.Contains(condTarget))
                                        HashSet <ControlFlowNode> content = FindDominatedNodes(scope, condTarget);
                                        foreach (var con in FindConditions(content, condTarget))
                                        //   caseBlock.Body.AddRange(FindConditions(content, condTarget));
                                        // Add explicit break which should not be used by default, but the goto removal might decide to use it
                                        caseBlock.Body.Add(new ILBasicBlock()
                                            Body =
                                                new ILLabel()
                                                    Name = "SwitchBreak_" + (nextLabelIndex++)
                                                new ILExpression(GMCode.LoopOrSwitchBreak, null)
                                if (cases[i].Code != GMCode.DefaultCase)
                                    caseBlock.Values.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.DefaultCase, null));

                            // Heuristis to determine if we want to use fallthough as default case
                            if (fallTarget != null && !frontiers.Contains(fallTarget))
                                HashSet <ControlFlowNode> content = FindDominatedNodes(scope, fallTarget);
                                if (content.Any())
                                    var caseBlock = new ILSwitch.CaseBlock()
                                        EntryGoto = new ILExpression(GMCode.B, fallLabel)

                                    foreach (var con in FindConditions(content, fallTarget))

                                    // Add explicit break which should not be used by default, but the goto removal might decide to use it
                                    caseBlock.Body.Add(new ILBasicBlock()
                                        Body =
                                            new ILLabel()
                                                Name = "SwitchBreak_" + (nextLabelIndex++)
                                            new ILExpression(GMCode.LoopOrSwitchBreak, null)
                        //   Debug.Assert((block.Body.First() as ILLabel).Name != "L1938");
                        // Two-way branch
                        ILLabel trueLabel;
                        ILLabel falseLabel;
                        IList <ILExpression> condExprs;
                        if (block.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Bf, out falseLabel, out condExprs, out trueLabel) &&
                            condExprs[0].Code != GMCode.Pop)     // its resolved
                            ILExpression   condExpr = condExprs[0];
                            IList <ILNode> body     = block.Body;
                            // this is a simple condition, skip anything short curiket for now
                            // Match a condition patern
                            // Convert the brtrue to ILCondition
                            ILCondition ilCond = new ILCondition()
                                Condition = condExpr,
                                TrueBlock = new ILBlock()
                                    EntryGoto = new ILExpression(GMCode.B, trueLabel)
                                FalseBlock = new ILBlock()
                                    EntryGoto = new ILExpression(GMCode.B, falseLabel)
                            block.Body.RemoveTail(GMCode.Bf, GMCode.B);

                            // Remove the item immediately so that it is not picked up as content

                            ControlFlowNode trueTarget = null;
                            labelToCfNode.TryGetValue(trueLabel, out trueTarget);
                            ControlFlowNode falseTarget = null;
                            labelToCfNode.TryGetValue(falseLabel, out falseTarget);

                            // Pull in the conditional code
                            if (trueTarget != null && HasSingleEdgeEnteringBlock(trueTarget))
                                HashSet <ControlFlowNode> content = FindDominatedNodes(scope, trueTarget);
                                foreach (var con in FindConditions(content, trueTarget))
                            if (falseTarget != null && HasSingleEdgeEnteringBlock(falseTarget))
                                HashSet <ControlFlowNode> content = FindDominatedNodes(scope, falseTarget);
                                foreach (var con in FindConditions(content, falseTarget))

                    // Add the node now so that we have good ordering
                    if (scope.Contains(node))

                // depth-first traversal of dominator tree
                for (int i = node.DominatorTreeChildren.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

            // Add whatever is left
            foreach (var node in scope)

        // This is before the expression is processed, so ILValue's and constants havn't been assigned

        public bool SimplifyTernaryOperator(List <ILNode> body, ILBasicBlock head, int pos)
            //    Debug.Assert((head.Body[0] as ILLabel).Name != "Block_54");
            //     Debug.Assert((head.Body[0] as ILLabel).Name != "L1257");

            ILExpression condExpr;
            ILLabel      trueLabel;
            ILLabel      falseLabel;

            ILExpression trueExpr;
            ILLabel      trueFall;

            ILExpression falseExpr;
            ILLabel      falseFall;

            ILExpression finalFall;
            ILLabel      finalFalseFall;
            ILLabel      finalTrueFall;

            if ((head.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Bt, out trueLabel, out condExpr, out falseLabel) ||
                 head.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Bf, out falseLabel, out condExpr, out trueLabel)) &&
                labelGlobalRefCount[trueLabel] == 1 &&
                labelGlobalRefCount[falseLabel] == 1 &&
                labelToBasicBlock[trueLabel].MatchSingleAndBr(GMCode.Push, out trueExpr, out trueFall) &&
                labelToBasicBlock[falseLabel].MatchSingleAndBr(GMCode.Push, out falseExpr, out falseFall) &&
                trueFall == falseFall &&
                body.Contains(labelToBasicBlock[trueLabel]) &&
                labelToBasicBlock[trueFall].MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Bf, out finalFalseFall, out finalFall, out finalTrueFall) &&
                finalFall.Code == GMCode.Pop
                ) // (finalFall == null || finalFall.Code == GMCode.Pop)
                Debug.Assert(finalFall.Arguments.Count != 2);
                ILValue falseLocVar = falseExpr.Code == GMCode.Constant ? falseExpr.Operand as ILValue : null;
                ILValue trueLocVar  = trueExpr.Code == GMCode.Constant ? trueExpr.Operand as ILValue : null;
                Debug.Assert(falseLocVar != null || trueLocVar != null);
                ILExpression newExpr = null;
                // a ? true : b    is equivalent to  a || b
                // a ? b : true    is equivalent to  !a || b
                // a ? b : false   is equivalent to  a && b
                // a ? false : b   is equivalent to  !a && b
                if (trueLocVar != null && trueLocVar.Type == GM_Type.Short && (trueLocVar == 0 || trueLocVar == 1))
                    // It can be expressed as logical expression
                    if (trueLocVar != 0)
                        newExpr = MakeLeftAssociativeShortCircuit(GMCode.LogicOr, condExpr, falseExpr);
                        newExpr = MakeLeftAssociativeShortCircuit(GMCode.LogicAnd, new ILExpression(GMCode.Not, null, condExpr), falseExpr);
                else if (falseLocVar != null && falseLocVar.Type == GM_Type.Short && (falseLocVar == 0 || falseLocVar == 1))
                    // It can be expressed as logical expression
                    if (falseLocVar != 0)
                        newExpr = MakeLeftAssociativeShortCircuit(GMCode.LogicOr, new ILExpression(GMCode.Not, null, condExpr), trueExpr);
                        newExpr = MakeLeftAssociativeShortCircuit(GMCode.LogicAnd, condExpr, trueExpr);
                Debug.Assert(newExpr != null);
                // head.Body.RemoveTail(ILCode.Brtrue, ILCode.Br);
                head.Body.RemoveRange(head.Body.Count - 2, 2);
                head.Body.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Bf, finalFalseFall, newExpr));
                head.Body.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.B, finalTrueFall));

                // Remove the inlined branch from scope
                // body.RemoveOrThrow(nextBasicBlock);
                // Remove the old basic blocks
        public bool SimplifyShortCircuit(IList <ILNode> body, ILBasicBlock head, int pos)
            // Debug.Assert((head.Body[0] as ILLabel).Name != "Block_54");
            ILExpression condExpr;
            ILLabel      trueLabel;
            ILLabel      falseLabel;

            // Ok, since we have not changed out all the Bf's to Bt like in ILSpy, we have to do them seperately
            // as I am getting bugs in my wahhoo about it
            if ((head.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Bf, out falseLabel, out condExpr, out trueLabel) ||
                 head.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Bt, out trueLabel, out condExpr, out falseLabel)) &&
                condExpr.Code != GMCode.Pop // its a terrtery so ignore it?
                )                           // I saw this too
                GMCode code = (head.Body[head.Body.Count - 2] as ILExpression).Code;
                for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
                    // On the second pass, swap labels and negate expression of the first branch
                    // It is slightly ugly, but much better then copy-pasting this whole block
                    ILLabel nextLabel   = (pass == 0) ? trueLabel : falseLabel;
                    ILLabel otherLablel = (pass == 0) ? falseLabel : trueLabel;
                    bool    negate      = (pass == 1);
                    negate = GMCode.Bt == code ? !negate : negate;
                    ILBasicBlock nextBasicBlock = labelToBasicBlock[nextLabel];
                    ILExpression nextCondExpr;
                    ILLabel      nextTrueLablel;
                    ILLabel      nextFalseLabel;
                    if (body.Contains(nextBasicBlock) &&
                        nextBasicBlock != head &&
                        labelGlobalRefCount[(ILLabel)nextBasicBlock.Body.First()] == 1 &&
                        (nextBasicBlock.MatchSingleAndBr(GMCode.Bf, out nextFalseLabel, out nextCondExpr, out nextTrueLablel) ||
                         nextBasicBlock.MatchSingleAndBr(GMCode.Bt, out nextTrueLablel, out nextCondExpr, out nextFalseLabel)) &&
                        nextCondExpr.Code != GMCode.Pop && // ugh
                        (otherLablel == nextFalseLabel || otherLablel == nextTrueLablel))
                        //     Debug.Assert(nextCondExpr.Arguments.Count != 2);
                        // Create short cicuit branch
                        ILExpression logicExpr;
                        if (otherLablel == nextFalseLabel)
                            logicExpr = MakeLeftAssociativeShortCircuit(GMCode.LogicAnd, negate ? new ILExpression(GMCode.Not, null, condExpr) : condExpr, nextCondExpr);
                            logicExpr = MakeLeftAssociativeShortCircuit(GMCode.LogicOr, negate ? condExpr : new ILExpression(GMCode.Not, null, condExpr), nextCondExpr);
                        //   head.Body.RemoveTail(GMCode.Bf, GMCode.B);
                        head.Body.RemoveRange(head.Body.Count - 2, 2);
                        head.Body.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Bf, nextFalseLabel, logicExpr));
                        head.Body.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.B, nextTrueLablel));

                        // Remove the inlined branch from scope


Example #6
        void TestAndFixWierdLoop(List <ILNode> body, ILBasicBlock head, int pos)
            object       uvalue1;
            ILValue      value2;
            ILLabel      endLoop;
            ILLabel      startLoop;
            ILExpression filler;
            //Debug.Assert((head.Body[0] as ILLabel).Name != "L36");
            // Wierd one here.  I ran accross this a few times and I think this is generated code
            // for events.  Basicly, it pushes a constant on the stack and uses a repeat loop
            // however since I am not doing ANY kind of real stack/temporary analysis.  I would have
            // to rewrite and add a bunch of code to get that to work and right now its only a few functions
            // Its easyer to build a while loop out of it and let the decompiler handle it rather than
            // build a more robust stack anilizer
            // ugh have to make a new block for it too, meh
            int headLen = head.Body.Count;

            if (head.MatchAt(headLen - 6, GMCode.Push, out uvalue1) &&
                head.MatchAt(headLen - 5, GMCode.Dup) &&
                head.MatchAt(headLen - 4, GMCode.Push, out value2) &&

                head.MatchAt(headLen - 3, GMCode.Sle) &&
                head.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Bt, out endLoop, out filler, out startLoop))
                // ok, lets rewrite the head so it makes sence
                ILLabel       newLoopStart = NewJunkLoop();
                ILVariable    genVar       = NewGeneratedVar();
                List <ILNode> newHead      = new List <ILNode>();
                for (int ii = 0; ii <= headLen - 7; ii++)
                    newHead.Add(head.Body[ii]);                                       // add the front of it including the sub part
                newHead.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Push, uvalue1));
                newHead.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Pop, genVar));
                newHead.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.B, newLoopStart));
                ILBasicBlock newLoopBlock = new ILBasicBlock();
                newLoopBlock.Body.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Push, genVar));
                newLoopBlock.Body.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Push, new ILValue(0)));

                newLoopBlock.Body.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Sgt, null));
                newLoopBlock.Body.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Bf, endLoop, new ILExpression(GMCode.Pop, null)));
                newLoopBlock.Body.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.B, startLoop));
                head.Body = newHead;
                // Now the hard part, we have to find the end bit
                for (int j = pos; j < body.Count; j++)
                    ILBasicBlock bj = body[j] as ILBasicBlock;
                    ILLabel      testEnd, testStart;
                    ILValue      subPart;
                    int          len = bj.Body.Count;
                    //    Debug.Assert((bj.Body[0] as ILLabel).Name != "L114");
                    if (bj.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Bt, out testStart, out filler, out testEnd) &&
                        testEnd == endLoop && testStart == startLoop &&
                        bj.MatchAt(len - 3, GMCode.Dup) &&
                        bj.MatchAt(len - 4, GMCode.Sub) &&
                        bj.MatchAt(len - 5, GMCode.Push, out subPart)
                        List <ILNode> list2 = new List <ILNode>();
                        for (int ii = 0; ii <= len - 6; ii++)
                            list2.Add(bj.Body[ii]);                                   // add the front of it including the sub part
                        list2.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Push, genVar));
                        list2.Add(bj.Body[len - 5]);                         // add the sub part
                        list2.Add(bj.Body[len - 4]);                         // add the sub part
                        list2.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Pop, genVar));     // assign it
                        list2.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.B, newLoopStart)); // branch back to the start
                        bj.Body = list2;                                     // replace
                        break;                                               // all done, let it continue
                //  Debug.Assert(false); // coudln't find the end block
Example #7
        void CreateSwitchExpresion(ILNode condition, List <ILNode> list, List <ILNode> body, ILBasicBlock head, int pos)
            // we are in a case block, check if its the first block

            List <ILBasicBlock> caseBlocks       = new List <ILBasicBlock>();
            List <ILLabel>      caseLabels       = new List <ILLabel>();
            ILExpression        switchExpression = new ILExpression(GMCode.Switch, null);

            switchExpression.Arguments.Add(NodeToExpresion(condition)); // pop the switch condition
            ILBasicBlock current = head;
            ILLabel      nextCase;
            ILLabel      caseTrue;
            ILExpression fakeArgument;

            while (current.MatchLastAndBr(GMCode.Bt, out caseTrue, out fakeArgument, out nextCase))
                ILNode operand;
                if (!current.MatchAt(current.Body.Count - 4, GMCode.Push, out operand))
                    throw new Exception("fix");
                if (!(operand is ILValue))
                    throw new Exception("Can only handle constants right now");
                switchExpression.Arguments.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.Case, caseTrue, NodeToExpresion(operand)));
                current = labelToBasicBlock[nextCase];
            body.Insert(pos, head);

            var lastBlock = current;

            ILLabel fallLabel;

            if (!lastBlock.MatchSingle(GMCode.B, out fallLabel))
                throw new Exception("fix");
            current = labelToBasicBlock[fallLabel];
            if (!current.MatchAt(1, GMCode.Popz))
            { // has a default case
              // Side note, the LoopAndConditions figures out if we have a default case by checking
              // if the ending branch is linked to all the other case branches
              // so we don't need to do anything here
              // All this code is JUST for finding that popz that pops the condition out of the switch
              // if you don't care about it, you could just search though all the expresions and remove any and all
              // popz's  I am beggining to think this is the right way to do it as I don't see any other uses
              // of popz's
              //  Debug.Assert(false);
                BuildNextBlockData(); // build block chain, we need this for default and mabye case lookups
                                      // ok, this is why we DON'T want to remove redundent code as there is this empty
                                      // useless goto RIGHt after this that has the link to the finale case
                ILLabel nextBlockLabel = lastBlock.Body.First() as ILLabel;
                var     uselessBlock   = this.labelToNextBlock[nextBlockLabel];
                ILLabel newFallLabel;
                if (!uselessBlock.MatchSingle(GMCode.B, out newFallLabel))
                    throw new Exception("fix");
                current = labelToBasicBlock[newFallLabel];

                if (!current.MatchAt(1, GMCode.Popz))
                    throw new Exception("I have no idea where the popz is for this switch");
            ILLabel lastBlockLabel = lastBlock.Body.First() as ILLabel;

            if (this.labelGlobalRefCount[lastBlockLabel] == 1)
            switchExpression.Operand = caseLabels.ToArray();

            list.Add(new ILExpression(GMCode.B, fallLabel));