public List <string> Execute(object options) { AzmiArgumentsClass opt; try { opt = (AzmiArgumentsClass)options; } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.WrongObject(ex); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(opt.blob) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(opt.container)) { throw new AzmiException("You must specify either blob or container url"); } else if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(opt.blob)) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(opt.container))) { throw new AzmiException("Cannot use both container and blob url"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(opt.blob)) { return(SetBlob.setBlob_byContainer(opt.file, opt.container, opt.identity, opt.force).ToStringList()); } else { return(SetBlob.setBlob_byBlob(opt.file, opt.blob, opt.identity, opt.force).ToStringList()); } }
// // Execute GetBlob // public string Execute(string blobURL, string filePath, string identity = null, bool ifNewer = false, bool deleteAfterCopy = false) { // method start // Connection var Cred = new ManagedIdentityCredential(identity); var blobClient = new BlobClient(new Uri(blobURL), Cred); if (ifNewer && File.Exists(filePath) && !IsNewer(blobClient, filePath)) { return("Skipped. Blob is not newer than file."); } try { string absolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(filePath); string dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(absolutePath); Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName); blobClient.DownloadTo(filePath); if (deleteAfterCopy) { blobClient.Delete(); } return("Success"); } catch (Azure.RequestFailedException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.IDCheck(identity, ex); } }
// // execute GetSecret // public string Execute(string secretIdentifierUrl, string filePath = null, string identity = null) { (Uri keyVaultUri, string secretName, string secretVersion) = ValidateAndParseSecretURL(secretIdentifierUrl); var MIcredential = new ManagedIdentityCredential(identity); var secretClient = new SecretClient(keyVaultUri, MIcredential); // Retrieve a secret try { KeyVaultSecret secret = secretClient.GetSecret(secretName, secretVersion); string secretValue = secret.Value; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { // print to stdout return(secretValue); } else { // creates or overwrites file and saves secret into it File.WriteAllText(filePath, secretValue); return("Saved"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.IDCheck(identity, ex); } }
// // execute GetCertificate // public string Execute(string certificateIdentifierUrl, string filePath = null, string identity = null) { (Uri keyVaultUri, string certificateName, string certificateVersion) = ValidateAndParseCertificateURL(certificateIdentifierUrl); var MIcredential = new ManagedIdentityCredential(identity); var certificateClient = new CertificateClient(keyVaultUri, MIcredential); // Retrieve a certificate (certificate = certificate and private key bundle in Azure terminology) // PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) or PFX (Personal Information Exchange; PKCS#12 archive file format) formats // depends on what content type you set in Azure Key Vault at respective certificate. // Both formats usually contain a certificate (possibly with its assorted set of CA certificates) and the corresponding private key // Download CER format (X.509 certificate) // single certificate, alone and without any wrapping (no private key, no password protection, just the certificate) // not supported try { // certificate (and key) is stored as a secret at the end in Azure string secretIdentifierUrl; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(certificateVersion)) { // certificate has no specific version: // KeyVaultCertificateWithPolicy certificateWithPolicy = certificateClient.GetCertificate(certificateName); secretIdentifierUrl = certificateWithPolicy.SecretId.ToString(); } else { // certificate has specific version: // KeyVaultCertificate certificate = certificateClient.GetCertificateVersion(certificateName, certificateVersion); secretIdentifierUrl = certificate.SecretId.ToString(); } // filePath: null means get secret into variable only // otherwise secret may be unintentionally saved to file by GetSecret() method string secret = new GetSecret().Execute(secretIdentifierUrl, filePath: null, identity); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { // print to stdout return(secret); } else { // creates or overwrites file and saves secret into it File.WriteAllText(filePath, secret); return("Saved"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.IDCheck(identity, ex); } }
public List <string> Execute(object options) { AzmiArgumentsClass opt; try { opt = (AzmiArgumentsClass)options; } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.WrongObject(ex); } return(Execute(opt.blob, opt.file, opt.identity, opt.ifNewer, opt.deleteAfterCopy).ToStringList()); }
public List <string> Execute(object options) { AzmiArgumentsClass opt; try { opt = (AzmiArgumentsClass)options; } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.WrongObject(ex); } return(Execute(opt.endpoint, opt.identity, opt.jwtformat).ToStringList()); }
public List <string> Execute(object options) { AzmiArgumentsClass opt; try { opt = (AzmiArgumentsClass)options; } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.WrongObject(ex); } return(Execute(opt.container, opt.identity, opt.prefix, opt.exclude)); }
public List <string> Execute(object options) { AzmiArgumentsClass opt; try { opt = (AzmiArgumentsClass)options; } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.WrongObject(ex); } return(Execute(opt.certificate, opt.file, opt.identity).ToStringList()); }
// // Execute SetBlob // public string Execute(string filePath, string blobUri, string identity = null, bool force = false, IBlobClient blobClient = null) { var Cred = new ManagedIdentityCredential(identity); blobClient ??= new BlobClientImpl(new Uri(blobUri), Cred); try { blobClient.Upload(filePath, force); return("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.IDCheck(identity, ex); } }
// // SetBlobs main method // public List <string> Execute(string containerUri, string directory, string identity = null, string exclude = null, bool force = false) { // authentication string containerUriTrimmed = containerUri.TrimEnd(blobPathDelimiter); var cred = new ManagedIdentityCredential(identity); var containerClient = new BlobContainerClient(new Uri(containerUriTrimmed), cred); // get list of files to be uploaded string fullDirectoryPath = Path.GetFullPath(directory); var fileList = Directory.EnumerateFiles(fullDirectoryPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories); // apply --exclude regular expression if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(exclude)) { Regex excludeRegEx = new Regex(exclude); fileList = fileList.Where(file => !excludeRegEx.IsMatch(file)); } // upload blobs List <string> results = new List <string>(); Parallel.ForEach(fileList, file => { var blobPath = file.Substring(fullDirectoryPath.Length).TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); BlobClient blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(blobPath); try { blobClient.Upload(file, force); lock (results) { results.Add($"Success '{blobClient.Uri}'"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.IDCheck(identity, ex); } }); return(results); }
// Sets blob content based on local file content into blob public static string setBlob_byBlob(string filePath, string blobUri, string identity = null, bool force = false) { // sets blob content based on local file content with provided blob url if (!(File.Exists(filePath))) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"File '{filePath}' not found!"); } var Cred = new ManagedIdentityCredential(identity); var blobClient = new BlobClient(new Uri(blobUri), Cred); try { blobClient.Upload(filePath, force); return("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.IDCheck(identity, ex); } }
// // Execute GetToken // public string Execute(string endpoint = "management", string identity = null, bool JWTformat = false) { // method start var Cred = new ManagedIdentityCredential(identity); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint)) { endpoint = "management"; } var Scope = new String[] { $"https://{endpoint}" }; var Request = new TokenRequestContext(Scope); try { var Token = Cred.GetToken(Request); return((JWTformat) ? Decode_JWT(Token.Token) : Token.Token); } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.IDCheck(identity, ex, false); } }
// // Execute ListBlobs // public List <string> Execute(string containerUri, string identity = null, string prefix = null, string exclude = null) { var Cred = new ManagedIdentityCredential(identity); var containerClient = new BlobContainerClient(new Uri(containerUri), Cred); containerClient.CreateIfNotExists(); try { List <string> blobListing = containerClient.GetBlobs(prefix: prefix).Select(i => i.Name).ToList(); if (exclude != null) { // apply --exclude regular expression var rx = new Regex(exclude); blobListing = blobListing.Where(b => !rx.IsMatch(b)).ToList(); } return(blobListing.Count == 0 ? null : blobListing); } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.IDCheck(identity, ex); } }
// // Execute SetBlob // public static string setBlob_byContainer(string filePath, string containerUri, string identity = null, bool force = false) { if (!(File.Exists(filePath))) { throw new FileNotFoundException($"File '{filePath}' not found!"); } var Cred = new ManagedIdentityCredential(identity); var containerClient = new BlobContainerClient(new Uri(containerUri), Cred); containerClient.CreateIfNotExists(); var blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(filePath.TrimStart('/')); try { blobClient.Upload(filePath, force); return("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.IDCheck(identity, ex); } }
// // GetBlobs main method // public List <string> Execute(string containerUri, string directory, string identity = null, string prefix = null, string[] exclude = null, bool ifNewer = false, bool deleteAfterCopy = false) { // authentication string containerUriTrimmed = containerUri.TrimEnd(blobPathDelimiter); var cred = new ManagedIdentityCredential(identity); var containerClient = new BlobContainerClient(new Uri(containerUriTrimmed), cred); // get list of blobs List <string> blobListing = containerClient.GetBlobs(prefix: prefix).Select(i => i.Name).ToList(); // apply --exclude regular expression if (exclude != null) { var rx = new Regex(String.Join('|', exclude)); blobListing = blobListing.Where(b => !rx.IsMatch(b)).ToList(); } // create root folder for blobs Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); // download blobs var results = new List <string>(); Parallel.ForEach(blobListing, blobItem => { BlobClient blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(blobItem); string filePath = Path.Combine(directory, blobItem); if (ifNewer && File.Exists(filePath) && !IsNewer(blobClient, filePath)) { lock (results) { results.Add($"Skipped. Blob '{blobClient.Uri}' is not newer than file."); } } string absolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(filePath); string dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(absolutePath); Directory.CreateDirectory(dirName); try { blobClient.DownloadTo(filePath); lock (results) { results.Add($"Success '{blobClient.Uri}'"); } if (deleteAfterCopy) { blobClient.Delete(); } } catch (Azure.RequestFailedException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw AzmiException.IDCheck(identity, ex); } }); return(results); }