 void CustomEvent(object sender, StockNotificationEventArgs e)
     //lock this code block
      lock (thisLock) {
     string stockFormat = String.Format("{0} \t {1} \t {2} \t {3}", name, e.Name, e.CurrentValue, e.NumOfChanges);
     Console.WriteLine("{0} \t {1} \t {2} \t {3}", name, e.Name, e.CurrentValue, e.NumOfChanges);
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
     DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
     sb.Append("Written on ->" + now.ToString() + "\t");
     try {
        File.AppendAllText(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"\" + "output.txt", sb.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
     catch (IOException) { //do nothing
      }//unlock code block
 //start event
 protected virtual void startEvent(StockNotificationEventArgs e)
     //declare event handler
      StockNotificationHandler handler = StockEvent;
      //check event handler
      if (handler != null)
     handler(this, e);
 //UpdateStock = currentValue + rand(maxChange)
 public void updateStock()
     Random rand = new Random();
      //update currentValue with +/- random number < maxChange
      currentValue += rand.Next(-(maxChange), maxChange);
      //Calculate diffValue between current and initalValue
      int diffValue = Math.Abs(currentValue - initialValue);
      //update number of change that take place on this stock
      //throw event if diffValue is larger than threshold
      if(diffValue >= threshold)
     StockNotificationEventArgs args = new StockNotificationEventArgs(name, initialValue, currentValue, diffValue, numOfChange);