public void travelAgentfunction() { //HotelSupplier hs = new HotelSupplier(); for (Int32 i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Thread.Sleep(500); Int32 p = HotelSupplier.getPrice(); Console.WriteLine("Hotel{0} has everyday low price: ${1} each", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, p); } }
public void pricingModel() //to generate a random price { for (Int32 i = 0; i < 50; i++) { Thread.Sleep(500); Int32 p = rng.Next(5, 10); HotelSupplier.changePrice(p); } }
public void orderProcessMethod() { unitPrice = HotelSupplier.getPrice(); int priceOfRooms = unitPrice * numOfRooms; totalAmount = priceOfRooms + (int)(priceOfRooms * tax) + locationCharge; //call Bank Service to validate the credit card creditCardValidityStatus = "Valid"; Console.WriteLine("Order Received by Thread ID - " + receiverId + "\n" + "Order Placed by Thread ID - " + senderId + "\n" + "No. of rooms = " + numOfRooms + "\n" + "Credit Card Number = " + cardNo + "\n" + "Total Amount of Charge = " + totalAmount + "\n" + "Credi Card Validity Status = " + creditCardValidityStatus + "\n"); }
public void Main(String[] args) { HotelSupplier hotel = new HotelSupplier(); Thread pricing = new Thread(new ThreadStart(hotel.pricingModel)); pricing.Start(); TravelAgent agent = new TravelAgent(); HotelSupplier.priceCut += new PriceCutEvent(agent.discountPrice); Thread[] agents = new Thread[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Start 5 agent threads agents[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(agent.travelAgentfunction)); agents[i].Name = (i + 1).ToString(); agents[i].Start(); } }