public void ExtensionIssuerAltName(byte type, string name)
            if (extensions == null)
                extensions = new AsnExtensions();

            byte[] lengthBytes = EncodeLength(name.Length);
            byte[] valueBytes  = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name);
            int    length      = name.Length;

            byte[] nameDER = new byte[1 + lengthBytes.Length + valueBytes.Length];
            nameDER[0] = (byte)(0x80 | type);
            Array.Copy(lengthBytes, 0, nameDER, 1, lengthBytes.Length);
            Array.Copy(valueBytes, 0, nameDER, 1 + lengthBytes.Length, valueBytes.Length);

            byte[] bytes = new byte[nameDER.Length + 2];
            bytes[0] = 0x30;             // it's a sequence
            bytes[1] = (byte)nameDER.Length;
            Array.Copy(nameDER, 0, bytes, 2, nameDER.Length);

            AsnExtension extension = new AsnExtension(new AsnOid(""), false, bytes);

        public static AsnToBeSignedCertificate Decode(byte[] source, ref int pos)
            AsnToBeSignedCertificate instance = new AsnToBeSignedCertificate();

            //instance.CheckContextTag(source, ref pos);

            int len = instance.GetLength(source, ref pos);

            // peek into the next byte to see if we have an explicit tag (should be there)
            if (source[pos] == 0xa0)
                len = instance.GetLength(source, ref pos);

            instance.version       = AsnInteger.Decode(source, ref pos);
            instance.serialNumber  = AsnInteger.Decode(source, ref pos);
            instance.signature     = AsnAlgorithmIdentifier.Decode(source, ref pos);
            instance.issuer        = AsnName.Decode(source, ref pos);
            instance.validity      = AsnValidity.Decode(source, ref pos);
            instance.subject       = AsnName.Decode(source, ref pos);
            instance.subjectPKInfo = AsnPublicKeyInfo.Decode(source, ref pos);

            if (source[pos] == 0xa1)
                instance.GetLength(source, ref pos);
                instance.issuerUniqueID = AsnBitstring.Decode(source, ref pos);
            if (source[pos] == 0xa2)
                instance.GetLength(source, ref pos);
                instance.subjectUniqueID = AsnBitstring.Decode(source, ref pos);
            if (source[pos] == 0xa3)
                instance.GetLength(source, ref pos);
                instance.extensions = AsnExtensions.Decode(source, ref pos);

Example #3
        public static AsnExtensions Decode(byte[] source, ref int pos)
            AsnExtensions instance = new AsnExtensions();

            //instance.CheckContextTag(source, ref pos);

            long len = instance.GetLength(source, ref pos);

            instance.extensions = new List <AsnExtension>();
            long start = pos;

            while (pos < start + len)
                instance.extensions.Add(AsnExtension.Decode(source, ref pos));

        // TODO: note of RFC5280 - there are some additional requirements on CAs
        // especially regarding the optional path length stuff
        public void ExtensionBasicConstraints(bool ca)
            if (extensions == null)
                extensions = new AsnExtensions();

            AsnBoolean caFlag = new AsnBoolean(ca);
            int        length = caFlag.Encode();

            byte[] bytes = new byte[length + 2];
            bytes[0] = 0x30;             // it's a sequence
            bytes[1] = (byte)length;
            Array.Copy(caFlag.derValue, 0, bytes, 2, caFlag.derValue.Length);

            AsnExtension extension = new AsnExtension(new AsnOid(""), true, bytes);

        public void ExtensionSubjectKeyIdentifier()
            if (extensions == null)
                extensions = new AsnExtensions();

            byte[] hash = SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(subjectPKInfo.publicKey.value);

            byte[] der = new byte[2 + hash.Length];
            der[0] = 0x04; // it's an octet string
            der[1] = (byte)hash.Length;
            Array.Copy(hash, 0, der, 2, hash.Length);

            AsnExtension extension = new AsnExtension(new AsnOid(""), false, der);

        public void ExtensionAuthorityKeyIdentifier()
            if (extensions == null)
                extensions = new AsnExtensions();
            AsnOid oid = new AsnOid("");

            byte[] hash = SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(subjectPKInfo.publicKey.value);

            byte[] der = new byte[4 + hash.Length];
            der[0] = 0x30; //it's a sequence
            der[1] = (byte)(hash.Length + 2);
            der[2] = 0x80; // context tag indicating option 0 (see of RFC 5280)
            // I feel there should be a 0x04 here to indicate octet string but OpenSSL omits this
            der[3] = (byte)hash.Length;
            Array.Copy(der, 4, hash, 0, hash.Length);

            AsnExtension extension = new AsnExtension(oid, false, der);

        public void ExtensionExtendedKeyUsage(bool serverAuth, bool clientAuth, bool codeSigning, bool emailProtection, bool timeStamping, bool ocspSigning)
            if (extensions == null)
                extensions = new AsnExtensions();

            AsnOid oid = new AsnOid("");

            // maintain a list of OIDs for the uses
            List <AsnOid> uses = new List <AsnOid>();

            if (serverAuth)
                uses.Add(new AsnOid(""));
            if (clientAuth)
                uses.Add(new AsnOid(""));
            if (codeSigning)
                uses.Add(new AsnOid(""));
            if (emailProtection)
                uses.Add(new AsnOid(""));
            if (timeStamping)
                uses.Add(new AsnOid(""));
            if (ocspSigning)
                uses.Add(new AsnOid(""));

            int length = 0;

            foreach (AsnOid use in uses)
                length += use.Encode();

            byte[] lengthBytes = EncodeLength(length);

            byte[] der = new byte[1 + lengthBytes.Length + length];
            der[0] = 0x30; // it's a sequence
            int pos = 1;

            Array.Copy(lengthBytes, 0, der, pos, lengthBytes.Length);
            pos += lengthBytes.Length;
            foreach (AsnOid use in uses)
                Array.Copy(use.derValue, 0, der, pos, use.derValue.Length);
                pos += use.derValue.Length;

            AsnExtension extension = new AsnExtension(oid, false, der);

        // TODO: need to cater for multiple alternative names, and different types
        public void ExtensionSubjectAltName(string name)
            if (extensions == null)
                extensions = new AsnExtensions();

            int    pos       = name.IndexOf(':');
            string typeName  = name.Substring(0, pos);
            string nameValue = name.Substring(pos + 1);

            byte type = 0;

            switch (typeName)
            case "Other":
                type = 0;

            case "rfc822":
            case "email":
                type = 1;

            case "DNS":
                type = 2;

            case "x400":
                type = 3;

            case "dirName":
                type = 4;

            case "ediParty":
                type = 5;

            case "URI":
                type = 6;

            case "IP":
                type = 7;

            case "OID":
                type = 8;

            byte[] lengthBytes = EncodeLength(nameValue.Length);
            byte[] valueBytes  = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(nameValue);
            int    length      = nameValue.Length;

            byte[] nameDER = new byte[1 + lengthBytes.Length + valueBytes.Length];
            nameDER[0] = (byte)(0x80 | type);
            Array.Copy(lengthBytes, 0, nameDER, 1, lengthBytes.Length);
            Array.Copy(valueBytes, 0, nameDER, 1 + lengthBytes.Length, valueBytes.Length);

            byte[] bytes = new byte[nameDER.Length + 2];
            bytes[0] = 0x30;             // it's a sequence
            bytes[1] = (byte)nameDER.Length;
            Array.Copy(nameDER, 0, bytes, 2, nameDER.Length);

            AsnExtension extension = new AsnExtension(new AsnOid(""), false, bytes);

        public void ExtensionKeyUsage(bool signature, bool nonRepudiation, bool keyEncipherment, bool dataEncipherment, bool keyAgreement, bool keyCertSign, bool crlSign, bool encipherOnly, bool decipherOnly)
            if (extensions == null)
                extensions = new AsnExtensions();

            ushort val    = 0;
            byte   unused = 0;

            // construct an octet string to put in the value of this extension
            if (signature)
                val |= 0x8000;
            if (nonRepudiation)
                val |= 0x4000;
            if (keyEncipherment)
                val |= 0x2000;
            if (dataEncipherment)
                val |= 0x1000;
            if (keyAgreement)
                val |= 0x0800;
            if (keyCertSign)
                val |= 0x0400;
            if (crlSign)
                val |= 0x0200;
            if (encipherOnly)
                val |= 0x0100;
            if (decipherOnly)
                val |= 0x0080;

            // find unused bits bit masking first bit and shift right
            int bitpos      = 0;
            int bytesToCopy = 2;

            while ((val & (1 << bitpos)) == 0)

            if (unused > 8)
                unused = (byte)(unused % 8);

            // store value as octet string
            byte[] bytes = new byte[bytesToCopy + 3];
            bytes[0] = 0x03;                    // this is a bitstring
            bytes[1] = (byte)(bytesToCopy + 1); // it's two bytes long
            bytes[2] = unused;                  // number of unused bits
            if (bytesToCopy == 1)
                bytes[3] = (byte)((val & 0xff00) >> 8);
                bytes[3] = (byte)((val & 0xff00) >> 8);
                bytes[4] = (byte)(val & 0xff);

            AsnExtension extension = new AsnExtension(new AsnOid(""), true, bytes);
