/// <summary>
        /// Handle event when user clicks delete quiz button.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private async void ButtonDelete_Clicked(string deleteType, string DBId)
            if (CredentialManager.IsLoggedIn)
                bool   unsubscribe = deleteType == "Unsubscribe";
                string question;
                string message;
                if (unsubscribe)
                    question = "Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?";
                    message  = "This will remove the copy from your device";
                    question = "Are you sure you want to delete this quiz?";
                    message  = "This will delete the copy on your device and in the cloud. This is not reversable.";

                bool answer = await this.DisplayAlert(question, message, "Yes", "No");

                if (answer)
                    // Acquire QuizInfo from roster
                    QuizInfo rosterInfo = QuizRosterDatabase.GetQuizInfo(DBId); // Author
                    string   path       = rosterInfo.RelativePath;

                    // tell the roster that the quiz is deleted
                    QuizInfo rosterInfoUpdated = new QuizInfo(rosterInfo)
                        IsDeletedLocally = true,
                        LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString()

                    // If connected, tell server to delete this quiz If not, it will tell server to delete next time it is connected in QuizRosterDatabase.UpdateLocalDatabase()
                    if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
                        OperationReturnMessage returnMessage;
                        if (unsubscribe)
                            returnMessage = await SubscribeUtils.UnsubscribeFromQuizAsync(DBId);
                            returnMessage = await ServerOperations.DeleteQuiz(DBId);

                        if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path))
                            Directory.Delete(path, true);
                await this.DisplayAlert("Hold on!", "You must be create an account or log in before you can unsubscribe", "OK");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the quiz from the roster
        /// </summary>
        private async Task ButtonDelete_Clicked(string DBId)
            bool answer = await this.DisplayAlert("Are you sure you want to delete this quiz?", "This will delete the copy on your device and in the cloud. This is not reversable.", "Yes", "No");

            if (answer)
                // Acquire QuizInfo from roster
                QuizInfo rosterInfo = QuizRosterDatabase.GetQuizInfo(DBId);

                string path = rosterInfo.RelativePath;

                if (rosterInfo != null)
                    string dbId = rosterInfo.DBId;

                    // tell the roster that the quiz is deleted
                    QuizInfo rosterInfoUpdated = new QuizInfo(rosterInfo)
                        IsDeletedLocally = true,
                        LastModifiedDate = DateTime.Now.ToString()

                    // If connected, tell server to delete this quiz If not, it will tell server to delete next time it is connected in QuizRosterDatabase.UpdateLocalDatabase()
                    OperationReturnMessage returnMessage = await ServerOperations.DeleteQuiz(dbId);

                    if (returnMessage == OperationReturnMessage.True)

                    if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path))
                        Directory.Delete(path, true);

                    this.QuizNumber.Text =
                        "You have published a total of " +
                        await Task.Run(() => ServerOperations.GetNumberOfQuizzesByAuthorName(CredentialManager.Username)) +
                        " quizzes!";
                    await DisplayAlert("Could not delete quiz", "This quiz could not be deleted at this time. Please try again later", "OK");

                // Setup Page again after deletion
                await this.UpdateProfilePageAsync();
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the local database by syncing with the server
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>an awaitable task for the completion of syncing</returns>
        public static async Task UpdateLocalDatabaseAsync()
            if (App.Path != null && App.UserPath.Length > 2)
                RealmConfiguration threadConfig = App.realmConfiguration(RosterPath);
                Realm threadInstance            = Realm.GetInstance(threadConfig);

                List <QuizInfo> QuizInfos = new List <QuizInfo>(threadInstance.All <QuizInfo>());
                if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
                    for (int i = 0; i < QuizInfos.Count(); i++)
                        if (CredentialManager.IsLoggedIn)
                            if (QuizInfos[i].IsDeletedLocally)
                                if (await ServerOperations.DeleteQuiz(QuizInfos[i].DBId) == OperationReturnMessage.True)
                                    string toDeleteDBId = QuizInfos[i].DBId;
                            else if (QuizInfos[i].SyncStatus != (int)SyncStatusEnum.NotDownloadedAndNeedDownload)
                                string lastModifiedDate = ServerOperations.GetLastModifiedDate(QuizInfos[i].DBId);
                                if (lastModifiedDate == "") // returns empty string could not reach server
                                    QuizInfo copy = new QuizInfo(QuizInfos[i])
                                        SyncStatus = (int)SyncStatusEnum.Offline // 3 represents offline
                                    EditQuizInfo(copy, threadInstance);
                                    // Server returns "false" if quiz is not already on the server
                                    if (lastModifiedDate == "false" || lastModifiedDate == null)
                                        QuizInfo copy = new QuizInfo(QuizInfos[i])
                                            SyncStatus = (int)SyncStatusEnum.NeedUpload // 1 represents need upload
                                        EditQuizInfo(copy, threadInstance);
                                        DateTime localModifiedDateTime  = Convert.ToDateTime(QuizInfos[i].LastModifiedDate);
                                        DateTime serverModifiedDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(lastModifiedDate);
                                        if (localModifiedDateTime > serverModifiedDateTime)
                                            QuizInfo copy = new QuizInfo(QuizInfos[i])
                                                SyncStatus = (int)SyncStatusEnum.NeedUpload // 1 represents need upload
                                            EditQuizInfo(copy, threadInstance);
                                        else if (localModifiedDateTime < serverModifiedDateTime)
                                            QuizInfo copy = new QuizInfo(QuizInfos[i])
                                                SyncStatus = (int)SyncStatusEnum.NeedDownload // 0 represents needs download
                                            EditQuizInfo(copy, threadInstance);
                                        else if (localModifiedDateTime == serverModifiedDateTime)
                                            QuizInfo copy = new QuizInfo(QuizInfos[i])
                                                SyncStatus = (int)SyncStatusEnum.Synced // 2 represents in sync
                                            EditQuizInfo(copy, threadInstance);
                            QuizInfo copy = new QuizInfo(QuizInfos[i])
                                SyncStatus = (int)SyncStatusEnum.Synced // 2 represents in sync
                            EditQuizInfo(copy, threadInstance);

                    string[] dbIds = new string[QuizInfos.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < dbIds.Length; i++)
                        dbIds[i] = QuizInfos[i].DBId;

                    List <string[]> missingQuizs = ServerOperations.GetMissingQuizzesByAuthorName(CredentialManager.Username, dbIds);
                    foreach (string[] missingQuiz in missingQuizs)
                        QuizInfo info = new QuizInfo
                            DBId             = missingQuiz[0],
                            AuthorName       = missingQuiz[1],
                            QuizName         = missingQuiz[2],
                            Category         = missingQuiz[3],
                            LastModifiedDate = missingQuiz[4],
                            SubscriberCount  = int.Parse(missingQuiz[5]),
                            SyncStatus       = (int)SyncStatusEnum.NotDownloadedAndNeedDownload
                        threadInstance.Write(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < QuizInfos.Count; i++)
                        QuizInfo copy = new QuizInfo(QuizInfos[i])
                            SyncStatus = (int)SyncStatusEnum.Offline // 3 represents offline
                        EditQuizInfo(copy, threadInstance);