protected override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { this.ApplicationFile = "Class5.htm"; this.ApplicationScale = 200; this.onpagefinished = delegate { try { // // // if (mediaPlayer != null) mediaPlayer.stop(); mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); var n = "zak.mp3"; if (width < height) n = "Zak McKracken (Main Titles).mid"; var assetFileDescritor = this.getAssets().openFd(n); mediaPlayer.reset(); mediaPlayer.setDataSource( //"IntroWarII.mp3"); assetFileDescritor.getFileDescriptor(), assetFileDescritor.getStartOffset(), assetFileDescritor.getLength() ); //add this ? --------------------------------------- //close the descriptor assetFileDescritor.close(); //add this ? --------------------------------------- //mediaPlayer.prepare(); mediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener( new _prepared { } ); //mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener( // new _OnCompletionListener()); //mediaPlayer.setOnErrorListener( // new _OnErrorListener()); mediaPlayer.prepare(); mediaPlayer.setLooping(true); //this.ShowLongToast("music: " + n); } catch //(System.Exception e) { //this.ShowLongToast("error " + ((object)e).ToString()); //throw; } }; base.onCreate(savedInstanceState); }
public void onPrepared(MediaPlayer value) { value.start(); }
protected override void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { this.ApplicationFile = "index.htm"; this.ApplicationScale = 150; this.onpagefinished = delegate { try { // // // if (mediaPlayer != null) mediaPlayer.stop(); mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); var music = "Warcraft1_TitleTheme.mid"; if (width > height) music = "war-gfx/intro.mid"; var assetFileDescritor = this.getAssets().openFd(music); mediaPlayer.reset(); mediaPlayer.setDataSource( //"IntroWarII.mp3"); assetFileDescritor.getFileDescriptor(), assetFileDescritor.getStartOffset(), assetFileDescritor.getLength() ); //add this ? --------------------------------------- //close the descriptor assetFileDescritor.close(); //add this ? --------------------------------------- //mediaPlayer.prepare(); mediaPlayer.setOnPreparedListener( new _prepared { } ); mediaPlayer.prepare(); mediaPlayer.setLooping(true); this.ShowLongToast(new { music }.ToString()); } catch (System.Exception e) { this.ShowLongToast("error " + ((object)e).ToString()); //throw; } }; base.onCreate(savedInstanceState); }
public void __startMovie(string pathName) { var f = new FileInfo(pathName); // let zmovies know we started a video. could we stream it to chrome? Console.WriteLine("startMovie " + new { f.Name }); // lets shell and do a ls to figure out we do have the thumbnail there... var mp4_jpg = ( from pf in new DirectoryInfo("/sdcard/oculus/360Photos/").GetFiles() //where pf.Extension.ToLower() == ".jpg" // Z:\jsc.svn\examples\rewrite\GearVR360VideoPush\GearVR360VideoPush\Program.cs where pf.Name == System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(f.Name, ".jpg") select pf // if we change it. can we hotswap the code already rnning in vr? ).FirstOrDefault(); ///System.Console(30077): 757d:0001 startMovie { Name = 360 3D Towering Hoodoos in Bryce Canyon in 3d, -degree video. by Visit_Utah.mp3._TB.mp4 } ///System.Console(30077): 757d:0001 startMovie { mp4_jpg = ScriptCoreLib.Shared.BCLImplementation.System.Linq.__Enumerable__WhereIterator_d__0_1@6d1507a } // Console.WriteLine("startMovie " + new { mp4_jpg }); // upstream it! #region udp if (mp4_jpg != null) { Task.Run( delegate { //args.filesize = mp4_jpg.Length; // we are not on ui thread. // HUD thread can freeze... // mmap? var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(mp4_jpg.FullName); // why slo slow??? // can jsc do it in NDK? // var md5 = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(bytes); var md5string = md5.ToHexString(); Console.WriteLine("startMovie " + new { f.Name, md5string, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds }); //I/System.Console( 4098): 1002:0001 startMovie { Name = 360 3D [3D VR] __________(HAC) ______ __(Dance) A_ by _____________Verest__360_VR.mp3._TB.mp4 } //I/System.Console( 4098): 1002:0001 startMovie { mp4_jpg = { FullName = /storage/emulated/legacy/oculus/360Photos/360 3D [3D VR] __________(HAC) ______ __(Dance) A_ by _____________Verest__360_VR.mp3._TB.jpg, Exists = true } } //I/System.Console( 4098): 1002:06a2 startMovie { Name = 360 3D [3D VR] __________(HAC) ______ __(Dance) A_ by _____________Verest__360_VR.mp3._TB.mp4, md5string = 8bebab806331b078b385e33e5e069393, ElapsedMilliseconds = 6579 } if (startMovieLookup.ContainsKey(md5string)) { // already uploaded. return; } startMovieLookup[md5string] = pathName; // await for callback. lookup. transaction // now broadcast. at 500KBps in segments. // 8MB is 16 segments then. if (bytes.Length > 0) NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces().WithEach( n => { // X:\jsc.svn\examples\java\android\forms\FormsUDPJoinGroup\FormsUDPJoinGroup\ApplicationControl.cs // X:\jsc.svn\core\ScriptCoreLibJava\BCLImplementation\System\Net\NetworkInformation\NetworkInterface.cs var IPProperties = n.GetIPProperties(); var PhysicalAddress = n.GetPhysicalAddress(); foreach (var ip in IPProperties.UnicastAddresses) { // ipv4 if (ip.Address.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { if (!IPAddress.IsLoopback(ip.Address)) if (n.SupportsMulticast) { //fWASDC(ip.Address); //fParallax(ip.Address); //fvertexTransform(ip.Address); //sendTracking(ip.Address); var port = new Random().Next(16000, 40000); //new IHTMLPre { "about to bind... " + new { port } }.AttachToDocument(); // where is bind async? var socket = new UdpClient( new IPEndPoint(ip.Address, port) ); //// who is on the other end? //var nmessage = args.x + ":" + args.y + ":" + args.z + ":0:" + args.filename; //var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(nmessage); //creates a variable b of type byte // new { }.With( async delegate { // reached too far? if (bytes.Length == 0) return; //var current0 = current; var r = new MemoryStream(bytes); var uploadLength = r.Length; var data = new byte[65507]; next: //if (current0 != current) // return; var cc = r.Read(data, 0, data.Length); var uploadPosition = r.Position; if (cc <= 0) return; //new IHTMLPre { "about to send... " + new { data.Length } }.AttachToDocument(); // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\ChromeUDPNotification\ChromeUDPNotification\Application.cs //Console.WriteLine("about to Send"); // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\chrome\apps\WebGL\ChromeEquirectangularPanorama\ChromeEquirectangularPanorama\Application.cs await socket.SendAsync( data, cc, hostname: "", port: 49000 ); //await Task.Delay(1000 / 15); //await Task.Delay(1000 / 30); // no corruption await Task.Delay(1000 / 20); goto next; } ); //socket.Close(); } } } } ); } ); } #endregion // Request audio focus requestAudioFocus(); // Have native code pause any playing movie, // allocate a new external texture, // and create a surfaceTexture with it. movieTexture = com.oculus.oculus360videossdk.MainActivity.nativePrepareNewVideo(base_getAppPtr()); movieTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(this); movieSurface = new Surface(movieTexture); if (mediaPlayer != null) { mediaPlayer.release(); } //Log.v(TAG, "MediaPlayer.create"); //synchronized (this) { mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); //} mediaPlayer.setOnVideoSizeChangedListener(this); mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(this); // if only webview had setSurface method? mediaPlayer.setSurface(movieSurface); try { //Log.v(TAG, "mediaPlayer.setDataSource()"); mediaPlayer.setDataSource(pathName); } catch //(IOException t) { //Log.e(TAG, "mediaPlayer.setDataSource failed"); } try { //Log.v(TAG, "mediaPlayer.prepare"); mediaPlayer.prepare(); } catch //(IOException t) { //Log.e(TAG, "mediaPlayer.prepare failed:" + t.getMessage()); } //Log.v(TAG, "mediaPlayer.start"); // If this movie has a saved position, seek there before starting // This seems to make movie switching crashier. int seekPos = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE).getInt(pathName + "_pos", 0); if (seekPos > 0) { try { mediaPlayer.seekTo(seekPos); } catch //( IllegalStateException ise ) { //Log.d( TAG, "mediaPlayer.seekTo(): Caught illegalStateException: " + ise.toString() ); } } mediaPlayer.setLooping(false); try { mediaPlayer.start(); } catch //( IllegalStateException ise ) { //Log.d( TAG, "mediaPlayer.start(): Caught illegalStateException: " + ise.toString() ); } mediaPlayer.setVolume(1.0f, 1.0f); // Save the current movie now that it was successfully started var edit = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); edit.putString("currentMovie", pathName); edit.commit(); //Log.v(TAG, "returning"); Console.WriteLine("getTrackInfo"); var tracks = mediaPlayer.getTrackInfo(); Console.WriteLine("getTrackInfo " + new { tracks.Length }); //!topic/android-platform/lvR6InJf6J0 foreach (var track in tracks) { var TrackType = track.getTrackType(); Console.WriteLine("getTrackInfo " + new { TrackType }); } // do we have any multitrack videos? // //I/System.Console(11033): 2b19:0001 getTrackInfo //I/System.Console(11033): 2b19:0001 getTrackInfo { Length = 2 } //I/System.Console(11033): 2b19:0001 getTrackInfo { TrackType = 1 } //I/System.Console(11033): 2b19:0001 getTrackInfo { TrackType = 2 } }
public bool onError(MediaPlayer arg0, int arg1, int arg2) { return false; }
public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer value) { com.oculus.oculus360videossdk.MainActivity.nativeVideoCompletion(base_getAppPtr()); }
public void onVideoSizeChanged(MediaPlayer arg0, int width, int height) { //Log.v(TAG, String.format("onVideoSizeChanged: %dx%d", width, height)); if (width == 0 || height == 0) { //Log.e(TAG, "The video size is 0. Could be because there was no video, no display surface was set, or the value was not determined yet."); } else { com.oculus.oculus360videossdk.MainActivity.nativeSetVideoSize(base_getAppPtr(), width, height); } }