        Unpack testing
        private static bool testunpack(ref spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c,
            ref double[] x)
            bool result = new bool();
            int i = 0;
            int n = 0;
            double err = 0;
            double t = 0;
            double v1 = 0;
            double v2 = 0;
            int pass = 0;
            int passcount = 0;
            double[,] tbl = new double[0,0];

            passcount = 20;
            err = 0;
            spline1d.spline1dunpack(ref c, ref n, ref tbl);
            for(i=0; i<=n-2; i++)
                for(pass=1; pass<=passcount; pass++)
                    t = AP.Math.RandomReal()*(tbl[i,1]-tbl[i,0]);
                    v1 = tbl[i,2]+t*tbl[i,3]+AP.Math.Sqr(t)*tbl[i,4]+t*AP.Math.Sqr(t)*tbl[i,5];
                    v2 = spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref c, tbl[i,0]+t);
                    err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(v1-v2));
            for(i=0; i<=n-2; i++)
                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(x[i]-tbl[i,0]));
            for(i=0; i<=n-2; i++)
                err = Math.Max(err, Math.Abs(x[i+1]-tbl[i,1]));
            result = (double)(err)<(double)(100*AP.Math.MachineEpsilon);
            return result;
        Unset spline, i.e. initialize it with random garbage
        private static void unsetspline1d(ref spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c)
            double[] x = new double[0];
            double[] y = new double[0];
            double[] d = new double[0];

            x = new double[2];
            y = new double[2];
            d = new double[2];
            x[0] = -1;
            y[0] = AP.Math.RandomReal();
            d[0] = AP.Math.RandomReal();
            x[1] = 1;
            y[1] = AP.Math.RandomReal();
            d[1] = AP.Math.RandomReal();
            spline1d.spline1dbuildhermite(x, y, d, 2, ref c);
        Lipschitz constants for spline inself, first and second derivatives.
        private static void lconst(double a,
            double b,
            ref spline1d.spline1dinterpolant c,
            double lstep,
            ref double l0,
            ref double l1,
            ref double l2)
            double t = 0;
            double vl = 0;
            double vm = 0;
            double vr = 0;
            double prevf = 0;
            double prevd = 0;
            double prevd2 = 0;
            double f = 0;
            double d = 0;
            double d2 = 0;

            l0 = 0;
            l1 = 0;
            l2 = 0;
            t = a-0.1;
            vl = spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref c, t-2*lstep);
            vm = spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref c, t-lstep);
            vr = spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref c, t);
            f = vm;
            d = (vr-vl)/(2*lstep);
            d2 = (vr-2*vm+vl)/AP.Math.Sqr(lstep);
            while( (double)(t)<=(double)(b+0.1) )
                prevf = f;
                prevd = d;
                prevd2 = d2;
                vl = vm;
                vm = vr;
                vr = spline1d.spline1dcalc(ref c, t+lstep);
                f = vm;
                d = (vr-vl)/(2*lstep);
                d2 = (vr-2*vm+vl)/AP.Math.Sqr(lstep);
                l0 = Math.Max(l0, Math.Abs((f-prevf)/lstep));
                l1 = Math.Max(l1, Math.Abs((d-prevd)/lstep));
                l2 = Math.Max(l2, Math.Abs((d2-prevd2)/lstep));
                t = t+lstep;