IEnumerator DownloadOSMCo() { CreateFolders(); string url = Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.OSMURL); //DRect r = MapTools.TileLatLonBounds(new DVector3(TileX, 0, TileZ), ZoomLevel); DRect r = MapTools.TileIdToBounds(TileX, TileZ, ZoomLevel); url = url.Replace("{x2}", r.Min.z.ToString()); url = url.Replace("{y2}", r.Min.x.ToString()); url = url.Replace("{x1}", r.Max.z.ToString()); url = url.Replace("{y1}", r.Max.x.ToString()); WWW www = new WWW(url); progress = 0; Debug.Log(url); while (!www.isDone) { //progress = www.progress; progress++; this.Repaint(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.01f)); } progress = 0; File.WriteAllText(Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.OSMPath), www.text); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); Done--; }
//x,y,z tile index for the zoom level, same as mapzen or bing maps id public void SetTileIndex(Vector3 pos, int Zoom) { ZoomLevel = Zoom; TileIndex = DVector3.FromVector3(pos); //DRect r = MapFuncs.TileBoundsInMeters(new DVector3(pos.x, 0, pos.z), Zoom); //DVector3 c = MapFuncs.TileIdToCenterLatitudeLongitude((int)pos.x, (int)pos.z, Zoom); DRect latlonbounds = MapTools.TileIdToBounds((int)pos.x, (int)pos.z, Zoom); DVector3 c = latlonbounds.Max; PositionMeters = MapTools.LatLonToMeters(c.x, c.z); TileBoundsMeters = new DRect(MapTools.LatLonToMeters(latlonbounds.Min.x, latlonbounds.Min.z), MapTools.LatLonToMeters(latlonbounds.Max.x, latlonbounds.Max.z)); Info = TileBoundsMeters.ToString(); }
//points in lat lon, form a closed loop public static List <List <Vector3> > CreatePolygon(IList geometry, Vector3 Offset) { List <List <Vector3> > lists = new List <List <Vector3> >(); List <Vector3> list = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (IList p in geometry) { double dx = (double)p[0]; double dz = (double)p[1]; Vector3 v = MapTools.LatLonToMeters((float)dz, (float)dx).ToVector3(); v -= Offset; list.Add(v); } lists.Add(list); return(lists); }
IEnumerator GetGeoInfoCo() { CreateFolders(); string FullURL = Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.GEOINFOURL); DRect worldpos = MapTools.TileIdToBounds(TileX, TileZ, ZoomLevel); FullURL = FullURL.Replace("{e}", worldpos.Min.z.ToString()); FullURL = FullURL.Replace("{n}", worldpos.Min.x.ToString()); FullURL = FullURL.Replace("{w}", worldpos.Max.z.ToString()); FullURL = FullURL.Replace("{s}", worldpos.Max.x.ToString()); string outpath = Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.GEOINFOPATH); string data = ""; if (File.Exists(outpath)) { Debug.Log("Cache Hit: " + outpath); data = File.ReadAllText(outpath); } else { Debug.Log(FullURL); WWW www = new WWW(FullURL); while (!www.isDone) { progress = www.progress; this.Repaint(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.01f)); } progress = 1; this.Repaint(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(www.error)) { data = www.text; File.WriteAllText(outpath, data); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } else { Debug.LogError(www.error); } } Done--; }
public static List <List <Vector3> > CreateMultiPolygon(IList segments, DVector3 Offset) { List <List <Vector3> > lists = new List <List <Vector3> >(); foreach (IList polygon in segments) { List <Vector3> list = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (IList p in polygon) { double dx = (double)p[0]; double dz = (double)p[1]; Vector3 v = MapTools.LatLonToMeters((float)dz, (float)dx).ToVector3(); v -= Offset.ToVector3(); list.Add(v); } lists.Add(list); } return(lists); }
//TODO: Skip OBJ step and generate directly to .asset void GenerateMeshTerrain() { Done++; Debug.Log("Generating Mesh Terrain for " + TileX + "," + TileZ); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); GetContainers(); CreateFolders(); Material m = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); m.EnableKeyword("_BUMPMAP"); //_DETAIL_MULX2 m.color = Color.white; m.SetFloat("_SpecularHighlights", 0f); m.SetFloat("_GlossyReflections", 0f); Texture2D t2 = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.TEXTUREPATH)); m.mainTexture = t2; Texture2D n1 = (Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.NORMALMAPPATH)); m.SetTexture("_BumpMap", n1); m.SetFloat("_Glossiness", 0); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(m, Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.MATERIALPATH)); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); //TerrainSettings tset = TerrainProto.GetComponent<TerrainSettings>(); string hpath = Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.HEIGHTMAPCONTPATH); Debug.Log("Instantiating HeightmapCont:" + TileX + "," + TileZ); HeightMap = Instantiate(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Texture2D>(hpath)); string outpath = Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.MESHOBJPATH); DRect TileSize = MapTools.TileBoundsInMeters(new DVector3(TileX, 0, TileZ), ZoomLevel); //ExportOBJ.ExportFromHeight(HeightMap, outpath, TileSize); //ExportOBJ.ExportMapZenHeight(HeightMap, outpath, TileSize.Size); DVector3 TileLatLon = MapTools.TileToWorldPos(new DVector3(TileX, 0, TileZ), ZoomLevel); TerrainContainer = new GameObject(); MassiveTile tile = TerrainContainer.AddComponent <MassiveTile>(); ExportOBJ.ExportMapZenHeight(tile, HeightMap, outpath, TileSize.Size, TileLatLon); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.MESHOBJPATH)); GameObject asset = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.MESHOBJPATH)); GameObject obj = Instantiate(asset); //Swap OBJ for .Asset to preserve modifications Transform tr = obj.transform.Find("default"); MeshFilter mf = tr.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); Mesh nm = Instantiate(mf.sharedMesh); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(nm, Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.MESHASSETPATH)); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.MESHASSETPATH)); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); Mesh masset = (Mesh)AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.MESHASSETPATH)); GameObject ma = new GameObject("terrain"); MeshFilter tmf = ma.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); tmf.mesh = masset; ma.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); ma.transform.parent = TerrainContainer.transform; GameObject.DestroyImmediate(obj); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); //set position Vector3 tm = MapTools.TileToMeters(TileX, TileZ, ZoomLevel).ToVector3(); Vector3 sp = MapTools.TileToMeters((int)StartPostion.x, (int)StartPostion.z, ZoomLevel).ToVector3(); DVector3 dif = new DVector3(TileX, 0, TileZ) - StartPostion; TerrainContainer.transform.position = new Vector3(tm.x - sp.x, 0, sp.z - tm.z); = TileX + "_" + "0" + "_" + TileZ + "_" + ZoomLevel; GameObject TerGo = TerrainContainer.transform.Find("terrain").gameObject; MeshRenderer mr = TerGo.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); TerGo.AddComponent <MeshCollider>(); TerGo.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain"); tile.ZoomLevel = ZoomLevel; tile.SetTileIndex(new Vector3(TileX, 0, TileZ), ZoomLevel); Material[] temp = new Material[1]; //temp[0] = Instantiate((Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Material>(path + ".mat")); temp[0] = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(Paths.GetPath(ePATHSPEC.MATERIALPATH)); temp[0].name = "mat_" + TileX + "_" + TileZ; //TextureTools.Bilinear(t2, 512, 512); temp[0].mainTexture = t2; //temp[1] = Instantiate((Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Material>(path + ".mat")); //temp[1].name = "hello"; mr.sharedMaterials = temp; AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); Debug.Log("Generated Mesh Terrain"); Done--; }
public void CreateRoads(string sData, DVector3 PositionMeters) { TileBoundsMeters = this.transform.parent.GetComponent <MassiveTile>().TileBoundsMeters; mc = transform.parent.Find("terrain").GetComponent <MeshCollider>(); Dictionary <string, object> Data = (Dictionary <string, object>)MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(sData); List <List <Vector3> > segments = new List <List <Vector3> >(); IList features = (IList)Data["features"]; Roads.Clear(); foreach (IDictionary feature in features) { IDictionary geometry = (IDictionary)feature["geometry"]; IDictionary properties = (IDictionary)feature["properties"]; string geotype = (string)geometry["type"]; string name = OSMTools.GetProperty(properties, "name"); string kind = OSMTools.GetProperty(properties, "kind"); string kind_detail = OSMTools.GetProperty(properties, "kind_detail"); //Debug.Log("Processing:" + name); if (geotype == "LineString") { Road rs = new Road(name, this.gameObject, kind, kind_detail); MassiveFeature mf = rs.go.AddComponent <MassiveFeature>(); mf.SetProperties(properties); rs.is_bridge = mf.is_bridge; for (int i = 0; i < ((IList)geometry["coordinates"]).Count; i++) { IList piece = (IList)((IList)geometry["coordinates"])[i]; double dx = (double)piece[0]; double dz = (double)piece[1]; Vector3 v = MapTools.LatLonToMeters((float)dz, (float)dx).ToVector3(); v -= PositionMeters.ToVector3(); Node n = new Node(v, name); rs.nodes.Add(n); if (i == 0) { //rs.go.transform.position = v; rs.go.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Roads"); } } Roads.Add(rs); } if (geotype == "MultiLineString") { GameObject go = new GameObject(); go.transform.parent = this.transform; MassiveFeature mf = go.AddComponent <MassiveFeature>(); mf.SetProperties(properties); for (int i = 0; i < ((IList)geometry["coordinates"]).Count; i++) { Road rs = new Road(name, go, kind, kind_detail); rs.is_bridge = mf.is_bridge; = name; IList segment = (IList)((IList)geometry["coordinates"])[i]; for (int j = 0; j < segment.Count; j++) { IList piece = (IList)segment[j]; double dx = (double)piece[0]; double dz = (double)piece[1]; Vector3 v = MapTools.LatLonToMeters((float)dz, (float)dx).ToVector3(); v -= PositionMeters.ToVector3(); Node n = new Node(v, name); rs.nodes.Add(n); if ((i == 0) && (j == 0)) { //rs.go.transform.position = v; rs.go.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Roads"); } } Roads.Add(rs); } } } //calculate intersections CalculateIntersections(); CreateRoadGeometry(); //VisualizeNodes(); }
public void Generate(string sData, DVector3 PositionMeters, string AssetPath) { mc = transform.parent.Find("terrain").GetComponent <MeshCollider>(); TileBoundsMeters = this.transform.parent.GetComponent <MassiveTile>().TileBoundsMeters; Data = (Dictionary <string, object>)MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(sData); IList features = (IList)Data["features"]; foreach (IDictionary feature in features) { IDictionary geometry = (IDictionary)feature["geometry"]; string geotype = (string)geometry["type"]; IDictionary properties = (IDictionary)feature["properties"]; string kind = ""; string kinddetail = ""; string name = "_"; string id = ""; name = OSMTools.GetProperty(properties, "name"); kind = OSMTools.GetProperty(properties, "kind"); kinddetail = OSMTools.GetProperty(properties, "kind_detail"); id = OSMTools.GetProperty(properties, "id"); //if (name == "_") continue; if (!CanWeInclude(AllowKinds, kind)) { continue; } List <List <Vector3> > segments = new List <List <Vector3> >(); if (geotype == "LineString" && CanWeInclude(AllowShapes, "LineString")) { List <Vector3> list = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (IList piece in (IList)geometry["coordinates"]) { double dx = (double)piece[0]; double dz = (double)piece[1]; Vector3 v = MapTools.LatLonToMeters((float)dz, (float)dx).ToVector3(); v -= PositionMeters.ToVector3(); list.Add(v); } list = OSMTools.InsertPoints(list, InterpolateRoadMeters); segments.Add(list); } if (geotype == "MultiLineString" && CanWeInclude(AllowShapes, "MultiLineString")) { foreach (IList piecelist in (IList)geometry["coordinates"]) { List <Vector3> list = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (IList piece in (IList)piecelist) { double dx = (double)piece[0]; double dz = (double)piece[1]; Vector3 v = MapTools.LatLonToMeters((float)dz, (float)dx).ToVector3(); v -= PositionMeters.ToVector3(); list.Add(v); } list = OSMTools.InsertPoints(list, InterpolateRoadMeters); segments.Add(list); } } if (segments.Count > 0) { MeshData md = new MeshData(); Run(segments, md, GetWidthForKind(kind)); GameObject go = new GameObject(name); go.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Roads"); MassiveFeature f = go.AddComponent <MassiveFeature>(); f.SetSegments(segments); f.SetProperties(properties); f.SetType(geotype); f.SetID(id); go.transform.parent = this.transform; go.transform.localPosition =; // Create the mesh CreateGameObject(md, go, kind); //WriteAsset(go, AssetPath); } } #if UNITY_EDITOR AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); #endif }