Notify() public static method

public static Notify ( string html, MessageImg imageType, string title, string subTitle, Action clickHandler, int duration, int width = 450 ) : void
html string
imageType MessageImg
title string
subTitle string
clickHandler Action
duration int
width int
return void
Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// To call when the user click on an update button
 /// </summary>
 public static void CheckForUpdate()
     if (!Utils.IsSpamming("updates", 1000))
         UserCommunication.Notify("Now checking for updates, you will be notified when it's done", MessageImg.MsgInfo, "Update", "Update check", 5);
         Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows a Messagebox informing the user that something went wrong with a file,
 /// renames said file with the suffix "_errors"
 /// </summary>
 public static void ShowErrors(Exception e, string message, string fileName)
     UserCommunication.Notify("An error has occurred while loading the following file :<br>" + (fileName + "_errors").ToHtmlLink() + "<br><br>The file has been suffixed with '_errors' to avoid further problems.",
                              MessageImg.MsgPoison, "File load error", message,
                              args => {
         args.Handled = true;
     Utils.DeleteFile(fileName + "_errors");
     Utils.MoveFile(fileName, fileName + "_errors");
     ShowErrors(e, message); // show initial error
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// check if the User Defined Language for "OpenEdgeABL" exists in the
        /// userDefineLang.xml file, if it does it updates it, if it doesn't exists it creates it and asks the user
        /// to restart Notepad++
        /// Can also only check and not install it by setting onlyCheckInstall to true
        /// </summary>
        public static bool InstallUdl(bool onlyCheckInstall = false)
            var encoding    = TextEncodingDetect.GetFileEncoding(Config.FileNppUdlXml);
            var fileContent = File.Exists(Config.FileNppUdlXml) ? Utils.ReadAllText(Config.FileNppUdlXml, encoding) : @"<NotepadPlus />";
            var regex       = new Regex("<UserLang name=\"OpenEdgeABL\".*?</UserLang>", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            var matches     = regex.Match(fileContent);

            if (matches.Success)
                if (onlyCheckInstall)
                // if it already exists in the file, delete the existing one
                fileContent = regex.Replace(fileContent, @"");
                if (onlyCheckInstall)
                // if it doesn't exist in the file
                UserCommunication.Notify("It seems to be the first time that you use this plugin.<br>In order to activate the syntax highlighting, you must restart notepad++.<br><br><i>Please note that if a document is opened at the next start, you will have to manually close/reopen it to see the changes.</i><br><br><b>Sorry for the inconvenience</b>!", MessageImg.MsgInfo, "Information", "Installing syntax highlighting");
            if (fileContent.ContainsFast(@"<NotepadPlus />"))
                fileContent = fileContent.Replace(@"<NotepadPlus />", "<NotepadPlus>\r\n" + DataResources.UDL + "\r\n</NotepadPlus>");
                fileContent = fileContent.Replace(@"<NotepadPlus>", "<NotepadPlus>\r\n" + DataResources.UDL);
            // write to userDefinedLang.xml
            try {
                Utils.FileWriteAllText(Config.FileNppUdlXml, fileContent, encoding);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (e is UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    UserCommunication.Notify("<b>Couldn't access the file :</b><br>" + Config.FileNppUdlXml + "<br><br>This means i couldn't correctly applied the syntax highlighting feature!<br><br><i>Please make sure to allow write access to this file (Right click on file > Security > Check what's needed to allow total control to current user)</i>", MessageImg.MsgError, "Syntax highlighting", "Can't access userDefineLang.xml");
                    ErrorHandler.ShowErrors(e, "Error while accessing userDefineLang.xml");
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows an error to the user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 public static void ShowErrors(Exception e, string message = null)
     if (LogError(e, message, false))
         // show it to the user
         UserCommunication.Notify("The last action you started has triggered an error and has been canceled.<div class='ToolTipcodeSnippet'>" + e.Message + "</div><br>1. If you didn't ask anything from 3P then you can probably ignore this message.<br>2. Otherwise, you might want to check out the error log below for more details :" + (File.Exists(Config.FileErrorLog) ? "<br>" + Config.FileErrorLog.ToHtmlLink("Link to the error log") : "no .log found!") + "<br>Consider opening an issue on GitHub :<br>" + Config.IssueUrl.ToHtmlLink() + "<br><br>If needed, try to restart Notepad++ and see if things are better!</b>",
                                  MessageImg.MsgPoison, "An error has occurred", message,
                                  args => {
             if (args.Link.EndsWith(".log"))
                 args.Handled = true;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to call when the user starts notepad++,
        /// check if an update has been done since the last time notepad was closed
        /// </summary>
        public static void CheckForUpdateDone()
            // an update has been done
            if (File.Exists(Config.FileVersionLog))
                // The dll is still in the update dir, something went wrong
                if (File.Exists(Config.FileDownloadedPlugin))
                    UserCommunication.Notify(@"<h2>I require your attention!</h2><br>
                        The update didn't go as expected, i couldn't replace the old plugin file by the new one!<br>
                        It is very likely because i didn't get the rights to write a file in your /plugins/ folder, don't panic!<br>
                        You will have to manually copy the new file and delete the old file :<br><br>
                        <b>MOVE (delete the source and replace the target)</b> this file : <div>" + Path.GetDirectoryName(Config.FileDownloadedPlugin).ToHtmlLink(Config.FileDownloadedPlugin) + @"</div><br>
                        <b>In this folder</b> (replacing the old file) : <div>" + Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyInfo.Location).ToHtmlLink() + @"</div><br><br>
                        Please do it as soon as possible, as i will stop checking for more updates until this problem is fixed.<br>
                        <i>(n.b. : this message will be shown at startup as long as the above-mentionned file exists!)</i><br>
                        Thank you for your patience!</div>", MessageImg.MsgUpdate, "Update", "Problem during the update!");

                UserCommunication.Message(("# What's new in this version? #\n\n" + Utils.ReadAllText(Config.FileVersionLog, Encoding.Default)).MdToHtml(),
                                          "A new version has been installed!",
                                          "Updated to version " + AssemblyInfo.Version,
                                          new List <string> {

                // delete update related files/folders
                Utils.DeleteDirectory(Config.FolderUpdate, true);

                // reset the log files
                Utils.DeleteDirectory(Config.FolderLog, true);

                // update UDL
                if (!Config.Instance.GlobalDontUpdateUdlOnUpdate)
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows an error to the user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 public static void ShowErrors(Exception e, string message = null)
     if (LogError(e, message))
         if (UserCommunication.Ready)
             // show it to the user
             UserCommunication.Notify("The last action you started has triggered an error and has been cancelled.<div class='ToolTipcodeSnippet'>" + e.Message + "</div><br>1. If you didn't ask anything from 3P then you can probably ignore this message.<br>2. Otherwise, you might want to check out the error log below for more details :" + (File.Exists(Config.FileErrorLog) ? "<br>" + Config.FileErrorLog.ToHtmlLink("Link to the error log") : "no .log found!") + "<br>Consider opening an issue on GitHub :<br>" + Config.IssueUrl.ToHtmlLink() + "<br><br>If needed, try to restart Notepad++ and see if things are better!</b>",
                                      MessageImg.MsgPoison, "An error has occured", message,
                                      args => {
                 if (args.Link.EndsWith(".log"))
                     args.Handled = true;
             // show an old school message
             MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred and we couldn't display a notification.\n\nThis very likely happened during the plugin loading; hence there is a hugh probability that it will cause the plugin to not operate normally.\n\nCheck the log at the following location to learn more about this error : " + Config.FileErrorLog.ProQuoter() + "\n\nTry to restart Notepad++, consider opening an issue on : " + Config.IssueUrl + " if the problem persists.", AssemblyInfo.AssemblyProduct + " error message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows a Messagebox informing the user that something went wrong with a file,
        /// renames said file with the suffix "_errors"
        /// </summary>
        public static void ShowErrors(Exception e, string message, string fileName)
            if (UserCommunication.Ready)
                UserCommunication.Notify("An error has occurred while loading the following file :<div>" + (fileName + "_errors").ToHtmlLink() + "</div><br>The file has been suffixed with '_errors' to avoid further problems.",
                                         MessageImg.MsgPoison, "File load error", message,
                                         args => {
                    if (args.Link.EndsWith(".log"))
                        args.Handled = true;
                MessageBox.Show("An error has occurred while loading the following file :" + "\n\n" + fileName + "\n\n" + "The file has been suffixed with '_errors' to avoid further problems.", AssemblyInfo.AssemblyProduct + " error message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            Utils.DeleteFile(fileName + "_errors");
            Utils.MoveFile(fileName, fileName + "_errors");

            ShowErrors(e, message);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the latest release download is done
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="asyncCompletedEventArgs"></param>
        private static void OnDownloadFileCompleted(object sender, AsyncCompletedEventArgs asyncCompletedEventArgs)
            try {
                // Extract the .zip file
                if (Utils.ExtractAll(Config.FileLatestReleaseZip, Config.FolderUpdate))
                    // check the presence of the plugin file
                    if (File.Exists(Config.FileDownloadedPlugin))
                        // set up the update so the .dll file downloaded replaces the current .dll
                        _3PUpdater.Instance.AddFileToMove(Config.FileDownloadedPlugin, AssemblyInfo.Location);

                        // if the release was containing a .pdb file, we want to copied it as well
                        if (File.Exists(Config.FileDownloadedPdb))
                            _3PUpdater.Instance.AddFileToMove(Config.FileDownloadedPdb, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyInfo.Location) ?? "", Path.GetFileName(Config.FileDownloadedPdb) ?? ""));

                        // write the version log
                        Utils.FileWriteAllText(Config.FileVersionLog, _latestReleaseInfo.body, Encoding.Default);

                        Utils.DeleteDirectory(Config.FolderUpdate, true);
                    UserCommunication.Notify("I failed to unzip the following file : <br>" + Config.FileLatestReleaseZip + "<br>It contains the update for 3P, you will have to do a manual update.", MessageImg.MsgError, "Unzip", "Failed");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                ErrorHandler.ShowErrors(e, "On Download File Completed");