Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a new release has been downloaded
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void OnNewReleaseDownloaded(GitHubUpdater gitHubUpdater, string downloadedFile)
            try {
                // Extract the .zip file
                if (Utils.ExtractAll(downloadedFile, FolderUnzip))
                    // execute extra actions (for the 3P update for instance)
                    if (ExtraActionWhenDownloaded != null)


                    if (gitHubUpdater.LatestReleaseInfo != null && !RestartNeeded)
                        Updater.LocalVersion = gitHubUpdater.LatestReleaseInfo.tag_name;

                    if (OnUpdateDone != null)
                    UserCommunication.NotifyUnique("Update" + UpdatedSoftName, "Failed to unzip the following file : <br>" + downloadedFile.ToHtmlLink() + "<br>It contains the update for " + UpdatedSoftName + ", you will have to do a manual update." + HowToInstallManually, MessageImg.MsgError, UpdatedSoftName + " updater", "Unzip failed", null);
            } finally {
                _updating = false;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called before the download starts
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void MainUpdaterOnStartingUpdate(GitHubUpdater gitHubUpdater, GitHubUpdater.ReleaseInfo releaseInfo, GitHubUpdater.StartingDownloadEvent e)
            Config.Instance.TechnicalLastWebserviceCallOk = true;

            DelayedAction.StartNew(2000, () => {
                if (_updating && !UserCommunication.IsUniqueNotifShown("Update" + UpdatedSoftName))
                    UserCommunication.NotifyUnique("Update" + UpdatedSoftName, "A newer version of " + UpdatedSoftName + " (" + releaseInfo.tag_name + ") has been found online.<br>It is being downloaded, you will be notified when the update is available.", MessageImg.MsgUpdate, UpdatedSoftName + " updater", "New version found", null, 5);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the release file is downloaded and extracted to updater.FolderUnzip
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updater"></param>
        private void On3PUpdate(GitHubUpdater updater)
            // list all the files of the zip, they should be copied in the notepad++ /plugins/ folder by the updater
            foreach (var fullPath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(FolderUnzip, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly))
                _3PUpdater.Instance.AddFileToMove(fullPath, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(AssemblyInfo.Location) ?? "", Path.GetFileName(fullPath) ?? ""));

            // write the version log
            Utils.FileWriteAllText(Config.UpdateVersionLog, updater.VersionLog.ToString(), Encoding.Default);
            Utils.FileWriteAllText(Config.UpdatePreviousVersion, AssemblyInfo.Version, Encoding.Default);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when an update is available
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void NotifyUpdateAvailable(GitHubUpdater updater)
            if (updater.LatestReleaseInfo != null)
                UserCommunication.NotifyUnique("Update" + UpdatedSoftName,
                                               @"Dear user, <br>
                    A new version of " + UpdatedSoftName + @" has been downloaded!<br>" +
                                               (RestartNeeded ? @"It will be automatically installed the next time you restart Notepad++<br>" : "It has already been installed successfully<br>") + @"
                    Your version: <b>" + updater.LocalVersion + @"</b><br>
                    New version: <b>" + updater.LatestReleaseInfo.tag_name + @"</b><br>
                    Release name: <b>" + updater.LatestReleaseInfo.name + @"</b><br>
                    Available since: <b>" + updater.LatestReleaseInfo.published_at + @"</b><br>
                    Release URL: <b>" + updater.LatestReleaseInfo.html_url.ToHtmlLink() + @"</b><br>" +
                                               (updater.LatestReleaseInfo.prerelease ? "<i>This new release is a beta version</i><br>" : "") +
                                               "<br><div>" + "log".ToHtmlLink("Click here to see what is new in this version", true) + "</div>" +
                                               (RestartNeeded ? (_3PUpdater.Instance.IsAdminRightsNeeded ? "<div><span class='SubTextColor'><i><b>3pUpdater.exe</b> will need administrator rights to replace your current version by the new release,<br>please click yes when you are asked to execute it</i></span></div>" : "") +
                                                @"<div><b>" + "Restart".ToHtmlLink("Click here to restart now!") + @"</b></div>" : ""),
                                               MessageImg.MsgUpdate, UpdatedSoftName + " updater", "New update downloaded",
                                               args => {
                    if (args.Link.Equals("Restart"))
                        args.Handled = true;
                    else if (args.Link.Equals("log"))
                        args.Handled = true;
                                                  UpdatedSoftName + " updater",
                                                  "Release notes from " + Updater.LocalVersion + " to " + Updater.LatestReleaseInfo.tag_name,
                                                  new List <string> {

                if (RestartNeeded && CheckRegularlyAction != null)
                    // stop checking for more updates :)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the soft is already up to date
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void OnAlreadyUpdated(GitHubUpdater gitHubUpdater, GitHubUpdater.ReleaseInfo releaseInfo)
            try {
                Config.Instance.TechnicalLastWebserviceCallOk = true;

                if (AlwaysShowNotifications)
                    UserCommunication.NotifyUnique("Update" + UpdatedSoftName, "Congratulations! You already own the latest <b>" + (!gitHubUpdater.GetPreReleases ? "beta" : "stable") + "</b> version of " + UpdatedSoftName + "." + (!gitHubUpdater.GetPreReleases ? "<br><br><i>If you wish to check for beta versions as well, toggle the corresponding option in the update " + "options".ToHtmlLink("options page") + "</i>" : ""), MessageImg.MsgUpdate, UpdatedSoftName + " updater", "Local version is " + gitHubUpdater.LocalVersion, args => {
                        if (args.Link.Equals("options"))
                            args.Handled = true;

                if (OnUpdateDone != null)
            } finally {
                _updating = false;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when an error occurred during the update
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gitHubUpdater"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="gitHubUpdaterFailReason"></param>
        protected virtual void OnErrorOccured(GitHubUpdater gitHubUpdater, Exception e, GitHubUpdater.GitHubUpdaterFailReason gitHubUpdaterFailReason)
            try {
                switch (gitHubUpdaterFailReason)
                case GitHubUpdater.GitHubUpdaterFailReason.ReleaseApiUnreachable:

                    if (Config.Instance.TechnicalLastWebserviceCallOk || AlwaysShowNotifications)
                        // only show this message once in case of repetitive failures
                        UserCommunication.NotifyUnique("Update" + UpdatedSoftName, "For your information, it has not been possible to check for new releases on GITHUB.<br><br>The API requested was :<br>" + gitHubUpdater.GitHubReleaseApi.ToHtmlLink() + "<br>You might want to check your proxy settings on the " + "options".ToHtmlLink("update options page") + HowToInstallManually, MessageImg.MsgHighImportance, UpdatedSoftName + " updater", "Couldn't query GITHUB API", args => {
                            if (args.Link.Equals("options"))
                                args.Handled = true;

                    Config.Instance.TechnicalLastWebserviceCallOk = false;

                    // check if there is an update available in the Shared config folder
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.Instance.SharedConfFolder) && Directory.Exists(Config.Instance.SharedConfFolder))
                        var potentialUpdate = Path.Combine(Config.Instance.SharedConfFolder, AssemblyInfo.AssemblyName);

                        // if the .dll exists, is higher version and (the user get beta releases or it's a stable release)
                        if (File.Exists(potentialUpdate) &&
                            Utils.GetDllVersion(potentialUpdate).IsHigherVersionThan(AssemblyInfo.Version) &&
                            (Config.Instance.UserGetsPreReleases || AssemblyInfo.IsPreRelease || Utils.GetDllVersion(potentialUpdate).EndsWith(".0")))
                            // copy to local update folder and warn the user
                            if (Utils.CopyFile(potentialUpdate, Path.Combine(FolderUnzip, AssemblyInfo.AssemblyName)))
                                gitHubUpdater.LatestReleaseInfo = new GitHubUpdater.ReleaseInfo {
                                    tag_name     = Utils.GetDllVersion(potentialUpdate),
                                    prerelease   = Utils.GetDllVersion(potentialUpdate).EndsWith(".1"),
                                    published_at = "???",
                                    html_url     = Config.UrlCheckReleases

                                if (ExtraActionWhenDownloaded != null)

                                gitHubUpdater.VersionLog.Append("Version found on the shared folder : \n" + Config.Instance.SharedConfFolder.ToHtmlLink() + "\n\nCheck the official website to learn more about this release");



                    ErrorHandler.ShowErrors(e, "Update error for " + UpdatedSoftName + " : " + gitHubUpdaterFailReason);
            } finally {
                _updating = false;