         * Reference:
         * http://blog.csdn.net/linhuanmars/article/details/19659525
         * comment:
         * 非递归解法一般采用层序遍历(相当于图的BFS),因为如果使用其他遍历方式也需要同样的
         * 复杂度O(n). 层序遍历理解上直观一些,维护到最后的level便是树的深度。
         * julia's comment:
         * 1. use LinkedList to implement the queue
         * 2. Read Java Queue poll method /remove method difference
         * 3. Let us describe the thought process here:
         *    Use two variable to help counting current level nodes left, next level num of nodes in the queue.
         *    3rd variable is the level count starting from 0
         *    tip:
         *    1. queue will have at most two levels nodes, one is current level, one is next level;
         *    2. visit current level node in the queue, and meanwhile, push next level node in the queue;
         *    2. If the current level node's count to zero, then, switch to next level, set as current level.
         * 4. online judge:
         *    Time Limit Exceeded
        public static int maxDepth_Iterative(TreeNode root)
            if (root == null)
                return 0;

            int level = 0;
            LinkedList<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();


            int curNum = 1;    //num of nodes left in current level
            int nextNum = 0;   //num of nodes in next level
            while (queue.Count > 0 )
                TreeNode n = queue.First();  // Java Queue Poll - find first, return null if not existed / C# Queue.Firist

                if (n.left != null)

                if (n.right != null)

                if (curNum == 0)   // current level is complete, need to go to next level.
                    curNum = nextNum;
                    nextNum = 0;

            return level;
  * Reference:
  * http://blog.csdn.net/linhuanmars/article/details/19659525
  * julia's comment:
  * 1. pass online judge:
  *  38 / 38 test cases passed.
     Status: Accepted
     Runtime: 180 ms
 public static int MaxDepth(TreeNode root)
     if (root == null)
         return 0;
     return Math.Max(MaxDepth(root.left), MaxDepth(root.right)) + 1;
         * reference:
         * http://joycelearning.blogspot.ca/2013/10/java-leetcode-maximum-depth-of-binary.html
         * julia's comment on August 27, 2015:
         * 1. quickly try the idea using ArrayList in C#
         * 2. online judge:
         *  38 / 38 test cases passed.
            Status: Accepted
            Runtime: 164 ms
         * 3. Interested and curious, why C# LinkedList failed but C# ArrayList success in online judge.
         * 4. First time use C# ArrayList input argument as ArrayList as well.
         * 5. chanage line 133 while use for, and make the loop easy to understand.
         * 6. Describe the process:
         *   step 1:  base case handling
         *   step 2: create new ArrayList container for current level,
         *        add root into container, set a variable depth iniitalization value 0
         *   step 3: Get into the loop,
         *      A. create a new conainter for next level,
         *      B. go through each node in the current level container,
         *      C. add left and right child into next level if not null.
         *      D. increment level variable;
         *      E. if next level count is 0, break the loop; in other words, no more level.
         *      F. copy the next level nodes into the current level. in other words, help to
         *         get back to loop again, reuse the code.

        public static int maxDepth_Iterative_B(TreeNode root)
            if(root == null)    return 0;

            // Non-recursive, use level order traversal
            ArrayList  q = new ArrayList ();
            int depth = 0;

            for (; ; )
                ArrayList next = new ArrayList();

                foreach (TreeNode nd in q)
                    if (nd.left != null)

                    if (nd.right != null)


                if (next.Count == 0)

                q = new ArrayList(next);

            return depth;