public coordheading FindEntry(int Playfield, int DestinationNumber) { coordheading ret = new coordheading(); ret.Coordinates.x = -1; foreach (Collision.WallCollision.Line l in Collision.WallCollision.destinations[Playfield].playfield.lines) { if (l.ID != DestinationNumber) { continue; } ret.Coordinates.x = (l.start.X + l.end.X) / 2; ret.Coordinates.y = (l.start.Y + l.end.Y) / 2; ret.Coordinates.z = (l.start.Z + l.end.Z) / 2; // TODO: Calculate the right Quaternion for the heading... // - Algorithman Quaternion q = new Quaternion(new Vector3((l.end.X - l.start.X), 1, -(l.end.Z - l.start.Z))); ret.Heading.x = q.x; ret.Heading.y = q.y; ret.Heading.z = q.z; ret.Heading.w = q.w; } return(ret); }
public void Execute(Client cli, Statel parent, int Eventnumber) { switch (FunctionNumber) { // Hit case 53002: { int statnum = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(0)); int min = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(1)); int max = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(2)); if (min > max) { min = max; max = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(1)); } Random rnd = new Random(); cli.Character.Stats.Set(statnum, (uint)(cli.Character.Stats.Get(statnum) + rnd.Next(min, max))); break; } // Lineteleport // case 53059: { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Function 53059 (LineTeleport)"); Console.WriteLine("Object: " + parent.Type + ":" + parent.Instance); #endif uint arg2 = UInt32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(1)); // Linesegment and playfield (lower word) arg2 = arg2 >> 16; int to_pf = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(2)); coordheading a = FindEntry(to_pf, (Int32)arg2); if (a.Coordinates.x != -1) { cli.Teleport(a.Coordinates, a.Heading, to_pf); break; } break; } case 53082: // Teleport Proxy { Identity pfinstance = new Identity(); pfinstance.Type = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(0)); pfinstance.Instance = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(1)); Identity id2 = new Identity(); id2.Type = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(2)); id2.Instance = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(3)); Identity id3 = new Identity(); id3.Type = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(4)); id3.Instance = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(5)); SqlWrapper ms = new SqlWrapper(); DataTable dt = ms.ReadDT("SELECT * from proxydestinations WHERE playfield=" + pfinstance.Instance); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { #if DEBUG cli.SendChatText("No Destination found for playfield " + pfinstance.Instance); cli.SendChatText("Statel " + parent.Type.ToString() + ":" + parent.Instance.ToString() + " handling " + Eventnumber.ToString() + " Function " + FunctionNumber.ToString() + " " + cli.Character.Coordinates.ToString()); foreach (string arg in Arguments) { cli.SendChatText("Argument: " + arg); } #endif } else { AOCoord a = new AOCoord(); a.x = (Single)dt.Rows[0][1]; a.y = (Single)dt.Rows[0][2]; a.z = (Single)dt.Rows[0][3]; Quaternion q = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); q.x = (Single)dt.Rows[0][4]; q.y = (Single)dt.Rows[0][5]; q.z = (Single)dt.Rows[0][6]; q.w = (Single)dt.Rows[0][7]; cli.TeleportProxy(a, q, pfinstance.Instance, pfinstance, 1, (Int32)parent.Instance, id2, id3); } break; } case 53092: // Bank { Packets.BankOpen.Send(cli); break; } case 53083: // Teleport Proxy 2 { Identity pfinstance = new Identity(); pfinstance.Type = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(0)); pfinstance.Instance = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(1)); int gs = 1; int sg = 0; Identity R = new Identity(); R.Type = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(2)); R.Instance = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(3)); Identity dest = new Identity(); dest.Type = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(4)); dest.Instance = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(5)); int to_pf = (Int32)((UInt32)(dest.Instance & 0xffff)); int arg2 = (Int32)((UInt32)(dest.Instance >> 16)); coordheading a = FindEntry(to_pf, arg2); if (a.Coordinates.x != -1) { cli.TeleportProxy(a.Coordinates, a.Heading, to_pf, pfinstance, gs, sg, R, dest); break; } break; } // Teleport case 53016: { Quaternion q = new Quaternion(0, 1, 0, 0); AOCoord a = new AOCoord(); a.x = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(0)); a.y = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(1)); a.z = Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(2)); cli.Teleport(a, q, Int32.Parse(Arguments.ElementAt(3))); break; } case 53044: { string text = Arguments.ElementAt(0); Packets.SystemText.Send(cli, text, 0); break; } default: { #if DEBUG cli.SendChatText("Statel " + parent.Type.ToString() + ":" + parent.Instance.ToString() + " handling " + Eventnumber.ToString() + " Function " + FunctionNumber.ToString() + " " + cli.Character.Coordinates.ToString()); foreach (string arg in Arguments) { cli.SendChatText("Argument: " + arg); } #endif break; } } }
public coordheading FindEntry(int Playfield, int DestinationNumber) { coordheading ret = new coordheading(); ret.Coordinates.x = -1; foreach (Collision.WallCollision.Line l in Collision.WallCollision.destinations[Playfield].playfield.lines) { if (l.ID != DestinationNumber) { continue; } ret.Coordinates.x = (l.start.X + l.end.X) / 2; ret.Coordinates.y = (l.start.Y + l.end.Y) / 2; ret.Coordinates.z = (l.start.Z + l.end.Z) / 2; // TODO: Calculate the right Quaternion for the heading... // - Algorithman Quaternion q = new Quaternion(new Vector3((l.end.X - l.start.X), 1, -(l.end.Z - l.start.Z))); ret.Heading.x = q.x; ret.Heading.y = q.y; ret.Heading.z = q.z; ret.Heading.w = q.w; } return ret; }