Example #1
        public static void DumpExtended()
            var warning = "Dumping all GUISkin will deep scan the editor assembly for GUIStyles.  ";

            warning += "This will produce warnings/errors and could cause Unity to become unresponsible at end of operation.  Continue?";
            if (EditorUI.DrawDialog("Scan/Dump All GUIStyles?", warning, "Yes", "Cancel"))
                ThemeSkinset.dumpPath = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Dump GUISkin [Extended]", Theme.storagePath, "Default");
                var allTypes = typeof(Editor).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(x => !x.IsNull()).ToArray();
                var stepper  = new EventStepper(ThemeSkinset.DumpExtendedStep, ThemeSkinset.DumpExtendedComplete, allTypes, 50);
                EditorApplication.update += stepper.Step;