Example #1
        public static void aoFieldsToPostGisFields(ref string fields, Layer postGisLayer, int outSrid)
            // We want to load every field so we can easily
            // interoperate with the rest of the framework.
            // However, load nulls for the fields that aren't specified.

            bool loadAll = (fields == "*");
            log.Debug("outSrid = " + outSrid.ToString());

            string[] fieldArray = fields.Split(',');
            Hashtable fieldMap = new Hashtable(fieldArray.Length);
            foreach (string f in fieldArray)
                fieldMap.Add(f.ToLower().Trim(), true);  // Use a dummy value. (Paolo: I added a Trim)
            string name;
            bool load;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            DataTable dataFields = postGisLayer.getDataFields(false);
            foreach (DataRow r in dataFields.Rows)
                name = ((string)r["ColumnName"]).ToLower();

                // Are we loading the data?
                // (if the field is found in the Hashtable
                // then the field was supplied to this
                // function, therefore we load its data)
                // We also load if we are loading all.
                load = (fieldMap[name] != null || loadAll);

                // Geometry fields are special - add the asbinary() func.
                // Plus, we *always* load the geometry data.
                // DONE: apply correct coordinate transformation here
                if (name == postGisLayer.geometryField)
                    name = postGisLayer.transformGeometryFieldAsBinary(outSrid) + " as " + name;
                else if (!load)
                    sb.Append("null as ");

            sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
            fields = sb.ToString();
        internal PostGisFields(Layer postGisLayer)

				bool hasGIDField = false;
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug("1");
                DataTable dataFields = postGisLayer.getDataFields(false);
                if (log.IsDebugEnabled) log.Debug("2");
                m_flds = new PostGisField[dataFields.Rows.Count];
                m_ids = new Hashtable(fields.Length);
                PostGisField pgisFld;
                int i = 0;
                foreach (DataRow r in dataFields.Rows)
                    pgisFld = new PostGisField(postGisLayer, r, i);
                    m_flds[i] = pgisFld;
                    m_ids.Add(pgisFld.Name, i);
				//gid (int4 or int8) is mandatory as GDB unique OID
				if (hasGIDField==false)
					System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("This PostGis layer will be added in ArcMap but will not correctly work for some funcitonality (selections, rendering, ...): it misses a mandatory gid (int) field as unique OID for each feature. This gid field is necessary for the Esri Geodatabase model.");
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("", e);