Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Read the next entry from the zip file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        ///   Call this method just before calling <see cref="Read(byte[], int, int)"/>,
        ///   to position the pointer in the zip file to the next entry that can be
        ///   read.  Subsequent calls to <c>Read()</c>, will decrypt and decompress the
        ///   data in the zip file, until <c>Read()</c> returns 0.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   Each time you call <c>GetNextEntry()</c>, the pointer in the wrapped
        ///   stream is moved to the next entry in the zip file.  If you call <see
        ///   cref="Seek(long, SeekOrigin)"/>, and thus re-position the pointer within
        ///   the file, you will need to call <c>GetNextEntry()</c> again, to insure
        ///   that the file pointer is positioned at the beginning of a zip entry.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   This method returns the <c>ZipEntry</c>. Using a stream approach, you will
        ///   read the raw bytes for an entry in a zip file via calls to <c>Read()</c>.
        ///   Alternatively, you can extract an entry into a file, or a stream, by
        ///   calling <see cref="ZipEntry.Extract()"/>, or one of its siblings.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>
        ///   The <c>ZipEntry</c> read. Returns null (or Nothing in VB) if there are no more
        ///   entries in the zip file.
        /// </returns>
        public ZipEntry GetNextEntry()
            if (_findRequired)
                // find the next signature
                long d = SharedUtilities.FindSignature(_inputStream, ZipConstants.ZipEntrySignature);
                if (d == -1)
                // back up 4 bytes: ReadEntry assumes the file pointer is positioned before the entry signature
                _inputStream.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current);
                // workitem 10178
            // workitem 10923
            else if (_firstEntry)
                // we've already read one entry.
                // Seek to the end of it.
                _inputStream.Seek(_endOfEntry, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            _currentEntry = ZipEntry.ReadEntry(_container, !_firstEntry);
            // ReadEntry leaves the file position after all the entry
            // data and the optional bit-3 data descriptpr.  This is
            // where the next entry would normally start.
            _endOfEntry   = _inputStream.Position;
            _firstEntry   = true;
            _needSetup    = true;
            _findRequired = false;
Example #2
        private static void ReadIntoInstance(ZipFile zf)
            Stream s = zf.ReadStream;

                zf._readName = zf._name; // workitem 13915
                if (!s.CanSeek)


                // change for workitem 8098
                //zf._originPosition = s.Position;

                // Try reading the central directory, rather than scanning the file.

                uint datum = ReadFirstFourBytes(s);

                if (datum == ZipConstants.EndOfCentralDirectorySignature)

                // start at the end of the file...
                // seek backwards a bit, then look for the EoCD signature.
                int  nTries  = 0;
                bool success = false;

                // The size of the end-of-central-directory-footer plus 2 bytes is 18.
                // This implies an archive comment length of 0.  We'll add a margin of
                // safety and start "in front" of that, when looking for the
                // EndOfCentralDirectorySignature
                long posn        = s.Length - 64;
                long maxSeekback = Math.Max(s.Length - 0x4000, 10);
                    if (posn < 0)
                        posn = 0;            // BOF
                    s.Seek(posn, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    long bytesRead = SharedUtilities.FindSignature(s, (int)ZipConstants.EndOfCentralDirectorySignature);
                    if (bytesRead != -1)
                        success = true;
                        if (posn == 0)
                            break;          // started at the BOF and found nothing
                        // Weird: with NETCF, negative offsets from SeekOrigin.End DO
                        // NOT WORK. So rather than seek a negative offset, we seek
                        // from SeekOrigin.Begin using a smaller number.
                        posn -= (32 * (nTries + 1) * nTries);
                }while (!success && posn > maxSeekback);

                if (success)
                    // workitem 8299
                    zf._locEndOfCDS = s.Position - 4;

                    byte[] block = new byte[16];
                    s.Read(block, 0, block.Length);

                    zf._diskNumberWithCd = BitConverter.ToUInt16(block, 2);

                    if (zf._diskNumberWithCd == 0xFFFF)
                        throw new ZipException("Spanned archives with more than 65534 segments are not supported at this time.");

                    zf._diskNumberWithCd++; // I think the number in the file differs from reality by 1

                    int i = 12;

                    uint offset32 = (uint)BitConverter.ToUInt32(block, i);
                    if (offset32 == 0xFFFFFFFF)
                        zf._OffsetOfCentralDirectory = offset32;
                        // change for workitem 8098
                        s.Seek(offset32, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    // Could not find the central directory.
                    // Fallback to the old method.
                    // workitem 8098: ok
                    //s.Seek(zf._originPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    s.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            catch (Exception ex1)
                if (zf._ReadStreamIsOurs && zf._readstream != null)
                        zf._readstream = null;
                    finally { }

                throw new ZipException("Cannot read that as a ZipFile", ex1);

            // the instance has been read in
            zf._contentsChanged = false;