Example #1
        public static void ShowHistorgam(string title, string[] xLabels, double[] yValues)
            // Графики строятся сторонней библиотекой ZedGraph. Документацию можно найти тут http://zedgraph.sourceforge.net/samples.html
            // Не бойтесь экспериментировать с кодом самостоятельно!

            var chart = new ZedGraphControl()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill
            chart.GraphPane.Title.Text = title;
            chart.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Y";
            chart.GraphPane.AddBar("", Enumerable.Range(0, yValues.Length).Select(i => (double)i).ToArray(), yValues, Color.Blue);
            chart.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = true;
            chart.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true;
            chart.GraphPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text;
            chart.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = xLabels;

            // Form — это привычное нам окно программы. Это одна из главных частей подсистемы под названием Windows Forms http://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-ru/library/ms229601.aspx
            var form = new Form();
            form.Text = title;
            form.Size = new Size(800, 600);
        private void CreateGraph()
            GraphPane myPane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;

            myPane.Title.Text       = "Plot of " + foot + " foot motion.\n";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Time (seconds)";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = foot + "foot motion (mm)";

            //lists to save points as they come from the MCE
            xData = new PointPairList();
            yData = new PointPairList();
            zData = new PointPairList();

            // Initially, a curve is added with no data points (list is empty)
            // Color is blue, and there will be no symbols
            // 2nd line graph (red) added to show peaks
            curve = myPane.AddCurve("z-position", zData, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
            curve = myPane.AddCurve("y-position", yData, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
            curve = myPane.AddCurve("x-position", yData, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
            //curve = myPane.AddCurve("Peak", peakData, Color.Red, SymbolType.Plus);

            // Just manually control the X axis range so it scrolls continuously
            // instead of discrete step-sized jumps
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min       = 0;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max       = 6.0;
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min       = -700; //if needed, fix Y-axis to a max and min
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max       = 400;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.MinorStep = 0.2;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.MajorStep = 1.0;

            // Scale the axes
Example #3
        public void DrawSorted(SeriesList list, string title, string subTitle, string xAxisTitle)
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                PointPairList pairs = new PointPairList();
                foreach (var pt in list[i])
                    pairs.Add(pt.Percent, pt.Value);
                LineItem myCurve = pane.AddCurve(list[i].Appearance.LegendText,
                                                 pairs, Color.Red);//,SymbolType.Diamond);
                myCurve.Symbol.Fill.Type = FillType.None;
            pane.XAxis.Title.Text = xAxisTitle;

            pane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Linear;

            pane.YAxis.Scale.Mag    = 0;
            pane.YAxis.Scale.Format = "#,#";
            pane.XAxis.Scale.Format = "";
            //pane.XAxis.Scale.MajorUnit = DateUnit.Day;
            //pane.XAxis.Scale.MajorStep = 1;

        private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            // clear old coordinates

            // Generate a LightBlue curve with circle symbols, and "My Curve" in the legend
            LineItem CurveS = myPane.AddCurve("Series GA", PPlist[0], Color.LightBlue, SymbolType.Diamond);
            // Generate a PaleVioletRed curve with circle symbols, and "My Curve" in the legend
            LineItem CurveP = myPane.AddCurve("Parallel GA", PPlist[1], Color.PaleVioletRed, SymbolType.Circle);

            float allPointSize = 50F;
            // Fill the area under the curve with a white-red gradient at 45 degrees
            CurveS.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.Transparent, Color.LightBlue, allPointSize);
            // Make the symbols opaque by filling them with white
            CurveS.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.Transparent);

            // Fill the area under the curve with a white-red gradient at 45 degrees
            CurveP.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.Transparent, Color.PaleVioletRed, allPointSize);
            // Make the symbols opaque by filling them with white
            CurveP.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.Transparent);

            // Calculate the Axis Scale Ranges
Example #5
        public void UpdateAllZedGraph()

            *  zedGraphControlThetaS2.AxisChange();
            *  zedGraphControlThetaS3.AxisChange();
            *  zedGraphControlThetaS4.AxisChange();*/

            *  zedGraphControlThetaS2.Invalidate();
            *  zedGraphControlThetaS3.Invalidate();
            *  zedGraphControlThetaS4.Invalidate();*/

            *  zedGraphControlThetaS2.Refresh();
            *  zedGraphControlThetaS3.Refresh();
            *  zedGraphControlThetaS4.Refresh();*/
        public void Generate(ref ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl graph)
            GraphPane myPane = graph.GraphPane;

            myPane.Fill       = new Fill(Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210), Color.FromArgb(240, 250, 240));
            myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White,
                                         Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 210), -45F);
            myPane.Legend.Position      = ZedGraph.LegendPos.Right;
            myPane.Legend.FontSpec.Size = 7;

            myPane.Title.Text       = "DB Size report";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Table";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Size in MB";


            IList <E_Label_Value> List = E_Label_Value.LoadFromQuery("SELECT left([TableName],cast((CHARINDEX('_',[TableName],0)-1) as bigint)) as Label ,sum([TotalSpaceMB]) as Value FROM [SYNAPSE].[dbo].[V_Synapse_DB_USAGE] group by left([TableName],cast((CHARINDEX('_',[TableName],0)-1) as bigint)) order by Label");

            double[] y = new double[List.Count];
            string[] x = new string[List.Count];
            int      i = 0;

            foreach (E_Label_Value val in List)
                x[i] = val.Label;
                y[i] = (double)val.Value;

            BarItem myCurve = myPane.AddBar("Curve 1", null, y, Color.White);

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = x;

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = 45;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Size  = 6;

            myCurve.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.SteelBlue, 45.0f);

            // Draw the X tics between the labels instead of at the labels
            myPane.XAxis.MajorTic.IsBetweenLabels = true;

            myPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;

            // Set the XAxis to Text type
            myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text;
        public virtual void Generate(ref ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl graph)
            GraphPane myPane = graph.GraphPane;

            myPane.Fill       = new Fill(Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210), Color.FromArgb(240, 250, 240));
            myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White,
                                         Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 210), -45F);
            myPane.Legend.Position      = ZedGraph.LegendPos.Right;
            myPane.Legend.FontSpec.Size = 7;

            myPane.Title.Text       = title;
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = xtitle;
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = ytitle;


            IList <E_Label_Value> List = E_Label_Value.LoadFromQuery(query);

            double[] y = new double[List.Count];
            string[] x = new string[List.Count];
            int      i = 0;

            foreach (E_Label_Value val in List)
                x[i] = val.Label;
                y[i] = (double)val.Value;

            BarItem myCurve = myPane.AddBar("Curve 1", null, y, Color.White);

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = x;

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = angle;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Size  = fontsize;

            myCurve.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.Orange, Color.Red, 45.0f);

            // Draw the X tics between the labels instead of at the labels
            myPane.XAxis.MajorTic.IsBetweenLabels = true;

            myPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;

            // Set the XAxis to Text type
            myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text;
Example #8
 public static void ShowHeatmap(string title, double[,] heat, int xMin, int yMin)
     var chart = new ZedGraphControl()
         Dock = DockStyle.Fill
     var maxHeat = heat.Cast<double>().Max();
     chart.GraphPane.Title.Text = title;
     chart.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "";
     var maxSize = Math.Max(heat.GetLength(0), heat.GetLength(1));
     for (int x = 0; x < heat.GetLength(0); x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < heat.GetLength(1); y++)
             var value = heat[x, y];
             if (value > 1000) throw new ArgumentException("too large heat value " + value);
             var color = Color.FromArgb(255, 50, (int)(255 * value / maxHeat), 0);
             var lineItem = chart.GraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { x + xMin }, new double[] { y + yMin }, color);
             lineItem.Symbol.Type = SymbolType.Circle;
             lineItem.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(color);
             lineItem.Symbol.Size = (float)(600 * value / maxHeat / maxSize);
     chart.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = true;
     chart.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true;
     var form = new Form();
     form.Text = title;
     form.Size = new Size(800, 600);
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double[] x = new double[ValuesX.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                x[i] = ValuesX[i];
            double[] y = new double[ValuesY.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < y.Length; i++)
                y[i] = ValuesY[i];

            // create pointpairlist
            PointPairList list = new PointPairList(x, y);
            // create regression pointpairlist, very simple!
            PointPairList regressionList = list.LinearRegression(list, list.Count);
            // add curve
            LineItem line = z1.GraphPane.AddCurve("Some curve", list, Color.Salmon,

            line.Line.IsVisible = false;
            // add regression curve
            LineItem lineReg = z1.GraphPane.AddCurve("Linear regression", regressionList,
                                                     Color.DarkRed, SymbolType.None);

            z1.IsShowPointValues = true;
Example #10
        // Build the Chart
        private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            // get a reference to the GraphPane
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the Titles
            myPane.Title.Text = "Temperature Graph";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Temperature";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Time";
            myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date;

            // Generate a red curve with diamond
            // symbols, and "Porsche" in the legend
            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Ambient",
                  list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);

            // Generate a blue curve with circle
            // symbols, and "Piper" in the legend
            LineItem myCurve2 = myPane.AddCurve("Thermocouple",
                  list2, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);

            // Tell ZedGraph to refigure the
            // axes since the data have changed
Example #11
        //Настройки графика
        void setup_graph(ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl graph)
            var pane = graphTheor.GraphPane;

            pane.YAxis.Title.Text  = "y";
            pane.X2Axis.Title.Text = "x";

            //Настраиваем пересечение осей
            pane.XAxis.Cross = 0.0;
            pane.YAxis.Cross = 0.0;
            pane.XAxis.Scale.IsSkipFirstLabel = true;
            pane.XAxis.Scale.IsSkipLastLabel  = true;
            pane.XAxis.Scale.IsSkipCrossLabel = true;
            pane.YAxis.Scale.IsSkipFirstLabel = true;
            pane.YAxis.Scale.IsSkipLastLabel  = true;
            pane.YAxis.Scale.IsSkipCrossLabel = true;

            //Убираем засечки сверху и снизу
            pane.XAxis.MinorTic.IsOpposite = false;
            pane.XAxis.MajorTic.IsOpposite = false;
            pane.YAxis.MinorTic.IsOpposite = false;
            pane.YAxis.MajorTic.IsOpposite = false;

        public void ShowLine(double[,] mImageArray, int point_now_y, ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl zg, bool clear, Color in_color)
            double[,] line_show = Calculate_Line(mImageArray, point_now_y);

            line_show[1, line_show.Length] = line_show[1, line_show.Length - 1]; // delete last point
            line_show[1, 1] = line_show[1, 2];                                   // delete last point

            double[] line_x = new double[line_show.GetLength(1)];
            double[] line_y = new double[line_show.GetLength(1)];
            for (int k = 0; k < line_show.GetLength(1); k++)
                line_x[k] = k;
                line_y[k] = line_show[1, k + 1];

            if (clear == true)
            zg.GraphPane.AddCurve("", line_x, line_y, in_color, SymbolType.Star);
            //((LineItem)zg.GraphPane.CurveList[0]).Line.Width = 3.0F;

            //   zg..AddCurve("", time, data, Color.Red, SymbolType.Plus);

            zg.IsShowPointValues = true;
            //zg.GraphPane.Title = "Nano Force Sensor Readout";
            zg.GraphPane.XAxis.Title = "";
            zg.GraphPane.YAxis.Title = "nm";

Example #13
    private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc)
        GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

        // Set the titles and axis labels
        myPane.Title.Text = "My Test Graph";
        myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "X Value";
        myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "My Y Axis";

        var list = _GetData();

        // Generate a blue curve with circle symbols, and "My Curve 2" in the legend
        LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve( "My Curve", list, Color.Blue,
                                SymbolType.Circle );
        // Fill the area under the curve with a white-red gradient at 45 degrees
        myCurve.Line.Fill = new Fill( Color.White, Color.Red, 45F );
        // Make the symbols opaque by filling them with white
        myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill( Color.White );

        // Fill the axis background with a color gradient
        myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill( Color.White, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, 45F );

        // Fill the pane background with a color gradient
        myPane.Fill = new Fill( Color.White, Color.FromArgb( 220, 220, 255 ), 45F );

        // Calculate the Axis Scale Ranges
Example #14
        private void InitCurve(ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl zgControl, string curveName, string path, string lineColor)
            if (curveName != null)
                //_RPPList_Read = new RollingPointPairList(100000);

                _ResultPanel = zgControl.GraphPane;
                zgControl.GraphPane.CurveList.RemoveRange(0, zgControl.GraphPane.CurveList.Count);

                if (_List_Data != null)
                    _List_Data = null;

                //foreach (CurveItem ci in zgControl.GraphPane.CurveList)
                //    ci.Clear();

                LineItem CurveList = _ResultPanel.AddCurve(curveName, _RPPList_Read, Color.FromName(lineColor), SymbolType.None);//Y1-X1
                CurveList.Line.IsAntiAlias = true;
                readCurveName(curveName, path);

            //初始化曲线名称即 试样编号的名称
        public void Draw(double data, double data1, double data2)
            if (zedGraphControl.GraphPane.CurveList.Count <= 0)

            LineItem curve  = zedGraphControl.GraphPane.CurveList[0] as LineItem;
            LineItem curve1 = zedGraphControl.GraphPane.CurveList[1] as LineItem;
            LineItem curve2 = zedGraphControl.GraphPane.CurveList[2] as LineItem;

            if (curve == null)
            if (curve1 == null)

            IPointListEdit list  = curve.Points as IPointListEdit;
            IPointListEdit list1 = curve1.Points as IPointListEdit;
            IPointListEdit list2 = curve2.Points as IPointListEdit;

            if (list == null)

            // Time is measured in seconds
            double time = (Environment.TickCount - TickStart) / 1000.0;

            list.Add(time, data); // Thêm điểm trên đồ thị
            list1.Add(time, data1);
            list2.Add(time, data2);

            Scale xScale = zedGraphControl.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale;
            Scale yScale = zedGraphControl.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale;

            // Tự động Scale theo trục x
            if (time > xScale.Max - xScale.MajorStep)
                xScale.Max = time + xScale.MajorStep;
                xScale.Min = xScale.Max - 30;

            // Tự động Scale theo trục y
            if (data > yScale.Max - yScale.MajorStep)
                yScale.Max = data + yScale.MajorStep;
            else if (data < yScale.Min + yScale.MajorStep)
                yScale.Min = data - yScale.MajorStep;

Example #16
        private void CreateGraph( ZedGraphControl zgc )
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the titles and axis labels
            myPane.Title.Text = "My Test Graph";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "X Value";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "My Y Axis";

            // Make up some data points from the Sine function
            PointPairList list = new PointPairList();
            for ( double x = 0; x < 36; x++ )
                double y = Math.Sin( x * Math.PI / 15.0 );

                list.Add( x, y );

            // Generate a blue curve with circle symbols, and "My Curve 2" in the legend
            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve( "My Curve", list, Color.Blue,
                                    SymbolType.Circle );
            // Fill the area under the curve with a white-red gradient at 45 degrees
            myCurve.Line.Fill = new Fill( Color.White, Color.Red, 45F );
            // Make the symbols opaque by filling them with white
            myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill( Color.White );

            // Fill the axis background with a color gradient
            myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill( Color.White, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, 45F );

            // Fill the pane background with a color gradient
            myPane.Fill = new Fill( Color.White, Color.FromArgb( 220, 220, 255 ), 45F );

            // Calculate the Axis Scale Ranges
Example #17
        public void CreateErrorChart(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the title and axis labels
            myPane.Title.Text = "Errors Found In the PCAP";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Stream ID";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Error Count";

            // create the curves
            BarItem[] bars = new BarItem[_errorTotals.Length];
            for(int i=0;i!=_errorTotals.Length;i++)
            bars[i] = myPane.AddBar(i.ToString(), _errorTotals[i], Color.Bisque);

            //BarItem myCurve = myPane.AddBar("curve 1", list, Color.Blue);
            //BarItem myCurve2 = myPane.AddBar("curve 2", list2, Color.Red);
            //BarItem myCurve3 = myPane.AddBar("curve 3", list3, Color.Green);

            // Fill the axis background with a color gradient
            myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White,
            Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 166), 45.0F);


            // expand the range of the Y axis slightly to accommodate the labels
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max += myPane.YAxis.Scale.MajorStep;

            // Create TextObj's to provide labels for each bar
            BarItem.CreateBarLabels(myPane, false, "f0");
Example #18
        private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double Ie, Ic, Rc, Re, Rb, Vcc, Vce, Vbe, Imax, Vee, vc, vmax;

            Rc   = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterpolarmarc.Text) * 1000;
            Rb   = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterpolarmarb.Text) * 1000;
            Re   = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterpolarmare.Text) * 1000;
            Vcc  = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterpolarmavcc.Text);
            Imax = (1000 * Vcc) / Rc;
            Vee  = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterpolarmavee.Text);

            Vbe  = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterpolarmavbe.Text);
            Ie   = -1000 * (Vee + Vbe) / Re;
            vc   = Vcc - (Math.Pow(10, -3) * Ie * Rc);
            Vce  = vc + Vbe;
            Imax = 1000 * (Vcc - Vee) / (Rc + Re);
            vmax = Vcc - Vee;
            ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl g = new ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl();
            g.Size = new Size(panel3.Width - 2, panel3.Height - 2);
            ZedGraph.GraphPane myGraphPane = g.GraphPane;
            myGraphPane.Title.Text       = "Dc yük eğrisi ";
            myGraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Volt (V)";
            myGraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Akım(ma)";
            PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();

            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { 0, vmax }, new double[] { Imax, 0 }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);
            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { 0, Vce }, new double[] { Ie, Ie }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);
            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { Vce, Vce }, new double[] { Ie, 0 }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);

            myGraphPane.Chart.Fill = new ZedGraph.Fill(Color.White, Color.Red, 3.0f);


Example #19
        public void DrawUniform(double a, double b)
            // Получим панель для рисования
            GraphPane pane = zedGraph.GraphPane;

            // Очистим список кривых на тот случай, если до этого сигналы уже были нарисованы

            // Создадим список точек
            PointPairList list = new PointPairList();

            double xmin = a;
            double xmax = b;

            // Заполняем список точек
            for (double x = xmin; x <= xmax; x += 0.1)
                // добавим в список точку
                list.Add(x, f_un(x, a, b));

            // Создадим кривую с названием "Sinc",
            // которая будет рисоваться голубым цветом (Color.Blue),
            // Опорные точки выделяться не будут (SymbolType.None)
            LineItem myCurve = pane.AddCurve("Sinc", list, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);

            // Вызываем метод AxisChange (), чтобы обновить данные об осях.
            // В противном случае на рисунке будет показана только часть графика,
            // которая умещается в интервалы по осям, установленные по умолчанию

            // Обновляем график
Example #20
 internal void Clear(bool undoZoom)
     pane.Title.Text        = "";
     pane.XAxis.Title.Text  = "";
     pane.Y2Axis.Title.Text = "";
Example #21
		public ZedGraphFigure(ZedGraphControl zg) {
			this.ClientSize = new Size(500, 400);
			mZG = zg;
			mZG.Parent = this;
			mZG.Location = new Point(BorderSize, BorderSize);
			mZG.Size = new Size(ClientRectangle.Width - 2*BorderSize, ClientRectangle.Height - 2*BorderSize);
        public static Bitmap GetGraph(List<int> data, List<DateTime> date, string xAxis, string yAxis, string graphName)
            ZedGraphControl zedGraph = new ZedGraphControl();
            if (data.Count == 0)
                return null;

            if (data.Count == 1)
            GraphPane myPane = zedGraph.GraphPane;
            PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();
            DateTime l, r;
            l = date.First();
            r = date.Last();

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                list1.Add(date[i].ToOADate(), data[i]);
            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Line1",
                  list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.Diamond);

            myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date;
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.DashOff = 0;
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.Color = Color.DarkGray;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = l.ToOADate();
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = r.ToOADate();
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Format = "dd-MMM-yy";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = xAxis;
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = yAxis;
            myPane.Title.Text = graphName;
            myPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;
            zedGraph.Enabled = false;

            myCurve.Line.Width = 4.0F;
            myCurve.Line.Color = Color.FromArgb(189, 43, 43);
            myCurve.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.FromArgb(100, 207, 236, 255),
                Color.FromArgb(200, 145, 213, 255), 90F);

            myCurve.Symbol.Size = 12.0F;
            myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.FromArgb(145, 16, 16));
            myCurve.Symbol.Border.Color = Color.FromArgb(99, 4, 4);


            Bitmap bmp = zedGraph.MasterPane.GetImage(1024, 768, 96);
            return bmp;
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myGraphControl"></param>
        /// <param name="coor_x"></param>
        /// <param name="coor_y"></param>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="Xtitle"></param>
        /// <param name="Ytitle"></param>
        public void MyDrawPic1(ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl myGraphControl, double[] coor_x, double[] coor_y, string title, string Xtitle, string Ytitle)
            GraphPane myPane = myGraphControl.GraphPane;

            myPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;
            // myPane.CurveList.Clear();
            //myPane.Title.Text = title;
            //myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = Xtitle;
            //myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = Ytitle;
            PointPairList list = new PointPairList();
            int           N    = coor_x.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                double x = coor_x[i];
                double y = coor_y[i];
                list.Add(x, y);//��������
            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve(title, list, Color.Black, SymbolType.None);

            myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.White);
            myCurve.Line.Width  = 2;
            //myCurve.IsX2Axis = false;
            //myCurve.IsY2Axis = false;

            myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible      = false;
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Black;
            myPane.YAxis.Title.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Black;
            myPane.YAxis.MajorTic.IsOpposite      = false;
            myPane.YAxis.MinorTic.IsOpposite      = false;
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsZeroLine     = false;
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Align = AlignP.Inside;
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min   = -30;
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max   = 30;
            myPane.Y2Axis.IsVisible  = false;
            myPane.Y2Axis.Scale.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Black;
            myPane.Y2Axis.Title.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Black;
            myPane.Y2Axis.MajorTic.IsOpposite      = false;
            myPane.Y2Axis.MinorTic.IsOpposite      = false;
            myPane.Y2Axis.MajorGrid.IsVisible      = false;
            myPane.Y2Axis.Scale.Align = AlignP.Inside;

            myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.White, 45.0f);
            myGraphControl.IsShowPointValues = true;
            myGraphControl.PointValueEvent  += new ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.PointValueHandler(MyPointValueHandler);
            myGraphControl.ZoomEvent        += new ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl.ZoomEventHandler(MyZoomEvent);

Example #24
        public void initialDateAxis(ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl zedChart)
                if (this.m_dtLine1 == null && this.m_dtLine2 == null)

                GraphPane myPane = zedChart.GraphPane;

                // Set the titles and axis labels
                myPane.Title = this.m_strTitle;

                myPane.XAxis.Title = this.m_xAxisTitle;

                myPane.YAxis.Title = this.m_yAxisTitle;

                double[] dDatas = new double[this.m_dtLine1.Rows.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.m_dtLine1.Rows.Count; i++)
                    dDatas[i] = double.Parse(m_dtLine1.Rows[i]["y"].ToString().Trim());
                string[] strLabels = new string[this.m_dtLine1.Rows.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < this.m_dtLine1.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (this.isO(i))
                        strLabels[i] = m_dtLine1.Rows[i]["x"].ToString().Trim();
                LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve(this.m_strLine1Name,
                                                   null, dDatas, Color.Black, SymbolType.Circle);
                myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text;
                // Set the XAxis labels
                myPane.XAxis.TextLabels = strLabels;
                //myPane.XAxis.ScaleFontSpec.Angle = 40;
                myPane.XAxis.ScaleFontSpec.Size = 10;
                myPane.YAxis.ScaleFontSpec.Size = 10;
                myCurve.Symbol.Size             = 4;
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #25
        public Graph(ZedGraphControl zedGraphControl1, string graphTitle, string xAxisTitle, string yAxisTitle, string name1,string name2,string name3)
            this.zedGraphControl1 = zedGraphControl1;
            myPane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane;
            myPane.Title.Text = graphTitle;
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = xAxisTitle;
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = yAxisTitle;

            // Save 1200 points.  At 50 ms sample rate, this is one minute
            // The RollingPointPairList is an efficient storage class that always
            // keeps a rolling set of point data without needing to shift any data values

               //RollingPointPairList list1 = new RollingPointPairList(70000);
            //RollingPointPairList list2 = new RollingPointPairList(70000);
            //RollingPointPairList list3 = new RollingPointPairList(70000);

            // Initially, a curve is added with no data points (list is empty)
            // Color is blue, and there will be no symbol

              // LineItem curve1 = myPane.AddCurve(name1, list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
              //  LineItem curve2 = myPane.AddCurve(name2, list2, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
              //  LineItem curve3 = myPane.AddCurve(name3, list3, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
              //  curve1.Line.Width = 1.75F;
              //  curve2.Line.Width = 1.75F;
              //  curve3.Line.Width = 1.75F;

               //  Console.WriteLine(zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.CurveList[0].Label.Text);
               // Console.WriteLine(curve1.Label.Text);
            //foreach (String s in hashTable.Keys)
            //    curves.Add(myPane.AddCurve(s,new RollingPointPairList(70000),Color.Red,SymbolType.None));

               //curve.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.Red, 45F);
            //curve.Line.Width = 2F;

            // Just manually control the X axis range so it scrolls continuously
            // instead of discrete step-sized jumps
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = 0;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 50;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.MinorStep = 0;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.MajorStep = 3;

            // Scale the axes

            // Save the beginning time for reference
            tickStart = Environment.TickCount;
Example #26
        public static void SetReflectogramZedgraphStyle(ZedGraphControl zedGraph)
                GraphPane graphpane = zedGraph.GraphPane;
                graphpane.Border.Color = SystemColors.Control;
                graphpane.Fill.Color = SystemColors.Control;
                graphpane.IsFontsScaled = false;

                // Set the titles and axis labels
                graphpane.Title.Text = "Рефлектограмма";
                graphpane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Дискрет вермени";
                graphpane.YAxis.Title.Text = "U, ед. АЦП";

                // Show the x axis grid
                graphpane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
                graphpane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 4100;

                // turn off the opposite tics so the Y tics don't show up on the Y2 axis
                graphpane.YAxis.MajorTic.IsOpposite = false;
                graphpane.YAxis.MinorTic.IsOpposite = false;
                // Don't display the Y zero line
                graphpane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsZeroLine = false;
                // Align the Y axis labels so they are flush to the axis
                graphpane.YAxis.Scale.Align = AlignP.Inside;
                // Manually set the axis range

                // Fill the axis background with a gradient
                graphpane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.LightGray, 45.0f);
                graphpane.IsBoundedRanges = true;

                // Enable scrollbars if needed
                zedGraph.IsAutoScrollRange = true;
                zedGraph.IsScrollY2 = true;

                // OPTIONAL: Show tooltips when the mouse hovers over a point
                zedGraph.IsShowPointValues = true;

                // Tell ZedGraph to calculate the axis ranges
                // Note that you MUST call this after enabling IsAutoScrollRange, since AxisChange() sets
                // up the proper scrolling parameters
            catch (Exception ex)
                FileWorker.WriteEventFile(DateTime.Now, "ALayout", "SetReflectogramZedgraphStyle", ex.Message);
Example #27
        public void CreateChart(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the titles and axis labels
            myPane.Title.Text = "My Test Date Graph";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Date";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "My Y Axis";

            // Make up some data points from the Sine function
            PointPairList list = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList list2 = new PointPairList();
            for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
                double x = new XDate(1995, i + 1, 1);
                double y = Math.Sin((double)i * Math.PI / 15.0);
                double y2 = 2 * y;

                list.Add(x, y);
                list2.Add(x, y2);

            // Generate a blue curve with circle symbols, and "My Curve 2" in the legend
            LineItem myCurve2 = myPane.AddCurve("My Curve 2", list, Color.Blue,
            // Fill the area under the curve with a white-red gradient at 45 degrees
            myCurve2.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.Red, Color.Pink, 90F);
            myCurve2.Line.FillFromBottom = true;
            // Make the symbols opaque by filling them with white
            myCurve2.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.White);

            // Generate a red curve with diamond symbols, and "My Curve" in the legend
            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("My Curve",
               list2, Color.MediumVioletRed, SymbolType.Diamond);
            // Fill the area under the curve with a white-green gradient
            //myCurve.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.Green);
            // Make the symbols opaque by filling them with white
            myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.White);

            // Set the XAxis to date type
            myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date;

            // Fill the axis background with a color gradient
            myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, 45F);

            // Calculate the Axis Scale Ranges
Example #28
        public void Generate(ref ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl graph, String _query, Definition _report, List <Field> _fields)
            GraphPane myPane = graph.GraphPane;

            myPane.Fill                 = new Fill(Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210), Color.FromArgb(240, 250, 240));
            myPane.Chart.Fill           = new Fill(Color.White, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 210), -45F);
            myPane.Legend.Position      = ZedGraph.LegendPos.Right;
            myPane.Legend.FontSpec.Size = 7;

            myPane.Title.Text       = _report.LABEL.ToString();
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = ((Field)_fields[0]).ALIAS.ToString();
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = ((Field)_fields[1]).ALIAS.ToString();

            DataTable DT = new DataTable();

            DT = SynapseCore.Database.DBFunction.GetTableFromQuery(_query);

            double[] y = new double[DT.Rows.Count];
            string[] x = new string[DT.Rows.Count];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (DataRow dr in DT.Rows)
                x[i] = dr[0].ToString();
                y[i] = double.Parse(dr[1].ToString());

            BarItem myCurve = myPane.AddBar("Curve 1", null, y, Color.White);

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = x;

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = 90;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Size  = 8;

            myCurve.Bar.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.SteelBlue, 45.0f);

            // Draw the X tics between the labels instead of at the labels
            myPane.XAxis.MajorTic.IsBetweenLabels = true;

            myPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;

            // Set the XAxis to Text type
            myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text;
Example #29
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            z1.IsShowPointValues = true;
            z1.GraphPane.Title   = "Test Case for C#";
            double[] x = new double[100];
            double[] y = new double[100];
            int      i;

            for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                x[i] = (double)i / 100.0 * Math.PI * 2.0;
                y[i] = Math.Sin(x[i]);
            z1.GraphPane.AddCurve("Sine Wave", x, y, Color.Red, SymbolType.Square);
Example #30
        private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            myPane.Title.Text = "Temperature Graph";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Temperature";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Time";
            myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date;

            LineItem curve1 = myPane.AddCurve("NewK", list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
            LineItem curve2 = myPane.AddCurve("OldK", list2, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
            LineItem curve3 = myPane.AddCurve("OldT", list3, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
            LineItem curve4 = myPane.AddCurve("OldJ", list4, Color.Purple, SymbolType.None);
            LineItem curve5 = myPane.AddCurve("OldE", list5, Color.Orange, SymbolType.None);

        private static void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc, GraphModel graphModel)
            // get a reference to the GraphPane
            var myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the Titles
            myPane.Title.Text = graphModel.TitleText;
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = graphModel.XTitleText;
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = graphModel.YTitleText;

            // Generate a red curve with diamond
            // symbols, and "Porsche" in the legend
            myPane.AddCurve(string.Empty, graphModel.Values, Color.Red, SymbolType.Circle);

            // Tell ZedGraph to refigure the
            // axes since the data have changed
        public void Generate(ref ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl graph, String _query, Definition _report, List <Field> _fields)
            GraphPane myPane = graph.GraphPane;

            myPane.Fill                 = new Fill(Color.FromArgb(210, 210, 210), Color.FromArgb(240, 250, 240));
            myPane.Chart.Fill           = new Fill(Color.White, Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 210), -45F);
            myPane.Legend.Position      = ZedGraph.LegendPos.Right;
            myPane.Legend.FontSpec.Size = 12;

            myPane.Title.Text       = _report.LABEL.ToString();
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = ((Field)_fields[0]).ALIAS.ToString();

            DataTable DT = new DataTable();

            DT = SynapseCore.Database.DBFunction.GetTableFromQuery(_query);

            List <PointPairList> allY = new List <PointPairList>();

            for (int y = 1; y < DT.Rows[0].ItemArray.Count(); y++)
                allY.Add(new PointPairList());

            foreach (DataRow dr in DT.Rows)
                for (int y = 1; y < dr.ItemArray.Count(); y++)
                    ((PointPairList)allY[y - 1]).Add(double.Parse(dr[0].ToString()), double.Parse(dr[y].ToString()));
            Random random = new Random();

            foreach (PointPairList ppl in allY)
                int    r          = random.Next(0, 255);
                int    g          = random.Next(0, 255);
                int    b          = random.Next(0, 255);
                string curveTitle = ((Field)_fields[allY.IndexOf(ppl) + 1]).ALIAS.ToString();
                myPane.AddCurve(curveTitle, ppl, Color.FromArgb(r, g, b), SymbolType.Diamond);

            myPane.Legend.IsVisible = true;
Example #33
        public void ConfigGraphPane(ZedGraphControl zgc, Form f, PaneLayout pl, List<ChartInfo> chInfo)
            MasterPane master = zgc.MasterPane;

            master.Title.IsVisible = true;
            foreach (ChartInfo ci in chInfo)
                var pane = new GraphPane();
                ConfigGraphPane(pane, ci.Title, ci.XAxisTitle, ci.YAxisTitle);
            using (Graphics g = zgc.CreateGraphics())
                master.SetLayout(g, pl);
Example #34
        // Build the Chart
        private void CreateGraphHR(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            // get a reference to the GraphPane
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the Titles
            myPane.Title.Text = "Heart Rate";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "seconds";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "bpm";
            myPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;

            PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();

            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("HR",
                  list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.Square);
            zedGraphControlHR.ScrollMinX = 0;
        private void ApplyChangesToGraphControl(ZedGraphControl graphControl)
            if (chkLogX.Checked)
                graphControl.GraphPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Log;
                graphControl.GraphPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Linear;

            if (chkLogY.Checked)
                graphControl.GraphPane.YAxis.Type = AxisType.Log;
                graphControl.GraphPane.YAxis.Type = AxisType.Linear;

            graphControl.IsAntiAlias = chkAntiAlias.Checked;

            if (chkXAuto.Checked)
                graphControl.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = chkXAuto.Checked;
                graphControl.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.MinAuto = chkXAuto.Checked;
                graphControl.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = Util.ConvertToDouble(txtMinX.Text,
                graphControl.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = Util.ConvertToDouble(txtMaxX.Text,

            if (chkYAuto.Checked)
                graphControl.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = chkYAuto.Checked;
                graphControl.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = chkYAuto.Checked;
                graphControl.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = Util.ConvertToDouble(txtMinY.Text,
                graphControl.GraphPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = Util.ConvertToDouble(txtMaxY.Text,

        public static ZedGraphControl KresliGraf(string nazovGrafu,List<Spread> myCustomObjects, ZedGraphControl zg1)

            GraphPane myPane = zg1.GraphPane;

            // Set the titles and axis labels
            myPane.Title.Text = nazovGrafu;
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Date";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "$";
            myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date;

            PointPairList list = new PointPairList();
            int rok = myCustomObjects.First().Date.Year;
            DateTime predchadzDatum = myCustomObjects.First().Date;

            foreach (var item in myCustomObjects)
                var x = (double)new XDate(DateTime.Parse(item.Date.ToShortDateString()));
                var y = item.Value;
                //Console.WriteLine(x + " " + y);
                list.Add(x, y);
                //Console.WriteLine(rok + " > " + item.Date.Year.ToString() + "  " + (item.Date + " > " + new DateTime(item.Date.Year, 1, 1)).ToString() + " " + (predchadzDatum + " < " + new DateTime(item.Date.Year, 1, 1)).ToString());
                //Console.WriteLine((rok > item.Date.Year).ToString() + "  " + (item.Date > new DateTime(item.Date.Year, 1, 1)).ToString() + " " + (predchadzDatum < new DateTime(item.Date.Year, 1, 1)).ToString());
                if (item.Date.Year != predchadzDatum.Year)
                    LineItem line = new LineItem(String.Empty, new[] { x, x },    new[] { myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min, myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max },    Color.Black, SymbolType.None);
                    line.Line.Style = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash;
                    line.Line.Width = 1f;
                    Console.WriteLine("Datum  " + item.Date);
                predchadzDatum = item.Date;

            myPane.CurveList.Add(new LineItem("My Curve", list, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None));
              //  LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("My Curve", list, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);

            return zg1;
Example #37
    public void CreateScatterplot(ZedGraphControl zgc, double[,] graph)
      GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

      // Set the titles
      myPane.Title.IsVisible = false;
      myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = _sourceColumns[0];
      myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = _sourceColumns[1];

      // Classification problem
      PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList(); // Z = -1
      PointPairList list2 = new PointPairList(); // Z = +1
      for (int i = 0; i < graph.GetLength(0); i++)
        if (graph[i, 2] == 0)
          list1.Add(graph[i, 0], graph[i, 1]);
        if (graph[i, 2] == 1)
          list2.Add(graph[i, 0], graph[i, 1]);

      // Add the curve
      LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("G1", list1, Color.Blue, SymbolType.Diamond);
      myCurve.Line.IsVisible = false;
      myCurve.Symbol.Border.IsVisible = false;
      myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.Blue);

      myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("G2", list2, Color.Green, SymbolType.Diamond);
      myCurve.Line.IsVisible = false;
      myCurve.Symbol.Border.IsVisible = false;
      myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.Green);

      // Fill the background of the chart rect and pane
      //myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, 45.0f);
      //myPane.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.SlateGray, 45.0f);
      myPane.Fill = new Fill(Color.WhiteSmoke);
Example #38
        void grafigim(double Vcc, double Ic, double Imax, double Vce)
            ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl g = new ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl();
            g.Size = new Size(panel1.Width - 2, panel1.Height - 2);
            ZedGraph.GraphPane myGraphPane = g.GraphPane;
            myGraphPane.Title.Text       = "Dc yük eğrisi ";
            myGraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Volt (V)";
            myGraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Akım(ma)";
            PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();

            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { 0, Vcc }, new double[] { Imax, 0 }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);
            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { 0, Vce }, new double[] { Ic, Ic }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);
            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { Vce, Vce }, new double[] { Ic, 0 }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);

            myGraphPane.Chart.Fill = new ZedGraph.Fill(Color.White, Color.Red, 3.0f);


Example #39
        private void CreateGraph(ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl zgc, IList <double> costsList)
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            myPane.Title.Text       = "Koszt w kolejnych iteracjach";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Numer iteracji";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Koszt";

            PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();

            for (int i = 0; i < costsList.Count; i++)
                list1.Add(new PointPair(i, costsList[i]));
            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve(null, list1, Color.Red);

Example #40
        public void InitializeGraph(ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl graph)
            graph.MouseWheel += BreathGraph_MouseWheel;
            GraphPane myPane = graph.GraphPane;

            graph.IsShowPointValues = true;           // Mouse over시 data 표시
            graph.PointValueFormat  = "G";

            myPane.Fill.Color       = System.Drawing.Color.WhiteSmoke;
            myPane.Legend.IsVisible = false;                                        // Legend
            myPane.Border.IsVisible = false;
            myPane.Title.IsVisible  = false;

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Format    = "0.000";
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.MajorStep = 1.000;
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Format    = "0.0";

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 4.0;                  //  x축 최대치
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = -4.0;
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 10.0;
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = -10.0;

            myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.Color     = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;
            myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.DashOff   = 0.0F;
            myPane.XAxis.MinorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            myPane.XAxis.MinorGrid.DashOn    = 4.0F;
            myPane.XAxis.MinorGrid.Color     = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.Color     = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.DashOff   = 0.0F;

            myPane.XAxis.Title.IsVisible = false;
            myPane.YAxis.Title.IsVisible = false;


            myPane.YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = true;
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true;
        // Build the Chart
        private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            // get a reference to the GraphPane
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the Titles
            myPane.Title.Text = microphone.title;
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "";
            myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsZeroLine = false;

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = -1;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 1;

            // По оси Y установим автоматический подбор масштаба
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.MinAuto = true;
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.MaxAuto = true;

            // Создаем список точек
            RadarPointList points = new RadarPointList();
            // Т.к. в списке будет 4 точки, то и окружность будет разбиваться на 4 части
            // Обход точек будет осуществляться по часовой стрелке
            points.Clockwise = true;
            // Первая точка - сверху над началом координат. Расстояние до центра = 1. Второй параметр в большинстве случаев не используется
            for (int i = 0; i < pointsArray.Length; i++)
                points.Add(pointsArray[i], 1);

            // Добавляем кривую по этим четырем точкам
            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("", points, Color.Black, SymbolType.None);
            // Отметим начало координат черным квадратиком
            BoxObj box = new BoxObj(-0.005, 0.005, 0.01, 0.01, Color.Black, Color.Black);

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="functionVector">The function vector.</param>
        /// <param name="zedGraphControl">The zed graph control.</param>
        /// <param name="title">The title.</param>
        /// <param name="color">The color.</param>
        private void DrawValues(double[] functionVector, ZedGraphControl zedGraphControl, String title, Color color)
            var graphPane = zedGraphControl.GraphPane;

            graphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Count number";
            graphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Value of the function";
            graphPane.Title.Text = title;


            var pointList = new PointPairList();

            for (var i = 0; i < functionVector.Length; i++)
                pointList.Add(i, functionVector[i]);

            graphPane.AddCurve(String.Empty, pointList, color);

Example #43
        public void art(ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl zedGraphControl1)

            PointPairList list_x = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList list_z = new PointPairList();

            node itl = this.head;

            while (itl != null)
                list_x.Add(itl.data.x, 0);
                list_z.Add(itl.data.x, itl.data.z);
                itl = itl.next;

            LineItem Curve1 = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.AddCurve("x", list_x, Color.Green, SymbolType.Plus);
            LineItem Curve2 = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.AddCurve("z", list_z, Color.Blue, SymbolType.Star);

Example #44
        private void draw(int[] x, int[] y, int[] z, ZedGraphControl zgcHist, string filename)
            GraphPane pane = zgcHist.GraphPane;
            PointPairList list = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList list2 = new PointPairList();
            for (long j = 0; j < x.Length; j++) {
                list.Add(x[j], y[j]);
                list2.Add(x[j], z[j]);

            pane.AddBar("Histogram", list, Color.Black);
            pane.AddCurve("The mean", list2, Color.Coral, SymbolType.None);
            pane.YAxis.Scale.Min = 0;
            pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 1.1*y.Max();

            pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = -100;
            pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 100;

Example #45
        private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            // get a reference to the GraphPane
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the Titles
            myPane.Title.Text = "My Position";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Asset";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "$";

            // Make up some data arrays based on the Sine function

            double x, y1, y2;
            PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList list2 = new PointPairList();
            for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
                x = (double)i + 5;
                y1 = 1.5 + Math.Sin((double)i * 0.2);
                y2 = 3.0 * (1.5 + Math.Sin((double)i * 0.2));
                list1.Add(x, y1);
                list2.Add(x, y2);

            // Generate a red curve with diamond
            // symbols, and "Porsche" in the legend
            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Porsche",
                  list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.Diamond);
            myCurve.Line.Width = 2.0F;

            // Generate a blue curve with circle
            // symbols, and "Piper" in the legend
            LineItem myCurve2 = myPane.AddCurve("Piper",
                  list2, Color.Blue, SymbolType.Circle);
            myCurve2.Line.Width = 2.0F;

            // Tell ZedGraph to refigure the axes since the data have changed
Example #46
        private void CreateGraph(ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl zgc)
            // get a reference to the GraphPane
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the Titles
            myPane.Title.Text            = "My Test Graph\n(For CodeProject Sample)";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text      = "My X Axis";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text      = "My Y Axis";
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.MajorStep = 5;

            // Make up some data arrays based on the Sine function
            double        x, y1, y2;
            PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList list2 = new PointPairList();

            for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
                x  = (double)i + 5;
                y1 = 1.5 + Math.Sin((double)i * 0.2);
                y2 = 3.0 * (1.5 + Math.Sin((double)i * 0.2));
                list1.Add(x, y1);
                list2.Add(x, y2);

            // Generate a red curve with diamond
            // symbols, and "Porsche" in the legend
            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Porsche",
                                               list1, System.Drawing.Color.Red, SymbolType.Diamond);

            // Generate a blue curve with circle
            // symbols, and "Piper" in the legend
            LineItem myCurve2 = myPane.AddCurve("Piper",
                                                list2, System.Drawing.Color.Blue, SymbolType.Circle);

            // Tell ZedGraph to refigure the
            // axes since the data have changed
Example #47
        //кнопка "Построить гистограмму"
        private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (filename == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Вы не выбрали изображение!");
                Image image = new Bitmap(filename);
                // Получим панель для рисования
                GraphPane pane = zedGraph.GraphPane;

                // Очистим список кривых на тот случай, если до этого сигналы уже были нарисованы

                // Создадим список точек

                /*PointPairList list = analysis.imgHistogram(image, 0);
                 * LineItem myCurve = pane.AddCurve("Изображение", list, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);*/
                PointPairList list_R    = analysis.imgHistogram(image, 0);
                PointPairList list_G    = analysis.imgHistogram(image, 1);
                PointPairList list_B    = analysis.imgHistogram(image, 2);
                LineItem      myCurve_R = pane.AddCurve("R", list_R, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
                LineItem      myCurve_G = pane.AddCurve("G", list_G, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
                LineItem      myCurve_B = pane.AddCurve("B", list_B, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
                pane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Тональный диапазон";
                pane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Частота пикселей";
                pane.Title.Text       = "Гистограмма изображения";
                // Вызываем метод AxisChange (), чтобы обновить данные об осях.
                // В противном случае на рисунке будет показана только часть графика,
                // которая умещается в интервалы по осям, установленные по умолчанию

                // Обновляем график
Example #48
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double Ib, Ic, Rc, Rb, Vcc, Vce, Vbe, Imax, beta;

            Rc = Convert.ToDouble(txtbeyzrc.Text) * 1000;
            Rb = Convert.ToDouble(txtbeyzrb.Text) * 1000;

            Vcc  = Convert.ToDouble(txtbeyzvcc.Text);
            Imax = (1000 * Vcc) / Rc;
            beta = Convert.ToDouble(txtbeyzbeta.Text);

            Vbe = Convert.ToDouble(txtbeyzvbe.Text);
            Ib  = ((Vcc - Vbe) / Rb) * Math.Pow(10, 6);
            Ic  = beta * Ib * Math.Pow(10, -3);

            Vce              = Vcc - Ic * Rc * Math.Pow(10, -3);
            lblbeyzib.Text   = " = " + Ib.ToString();
            lblbeyzıc.Text   = " = " + Ic.ToString();
            lblbeyzımax.Text = " = " + Imax.ToString();
            lblbeyzvce.Text  = " = " + Vce.ToString();
            ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl g = new ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl();
            g.Size = new Size(panel2.Width - 2, panel2.Height - 2);
            ZedGraph.GraphPane myGraphPane = g.GraphPane;
            myGraphPane.Title.Text       = "Dc yük eğrisi ";
            myGraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Volt (V)";
            myGraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Akım(ma)";
            PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();

            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { 0, Vcc }, new double[] { Imax, 0 }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);
            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { 0, Vce }, new double[] { Ic, Ic }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);
            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { Vce, Vce }, new double[] { Ic, 0 }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);

            myGraphPane.Chart.Fill = new ZedGraph.Fill(Color.White, Color.Red, 3.0f);


Example #49
		public static void CreateChartForDouble(ZedGraphControl zgc ,double[] data,
		                                     string titleName ,string lblName,
		                                     Color color,SymbolType symType )
			GraphPane mypan = zgc.GraphPane ;
			mypan .Title.Text = titleName ;
			mypan .XAxis .Title .IsVisible = false ;
			mypan .YAxis .Title .IsVisible = false ;
			PointPairList list = new PointPairList();
			for (int i = 0; i < data.Length ; i++)
				double x =(double ) i;
				double y1 = data[i];
				list.Add(x, y1);
			mypan .Y2Axis .IsVisible = true ;
			mypan .XAxis .MajorGrid .IsVisible = true ;
			mypan .YAxis .MajorGrid .IsVisible = true ;
			mypan .XAxis .MinorGrid .IsVisible = true ;
			mypan .YAxis .MinorGrid .IsVisible = true ;
			LineItem myItem = mypan.AddCurve(lblName ,list ,color,symType);
Example #50
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double Ib, Ie, Ic, Rc, Rb, Re, Vcc, Vce, Imax, beta;

            Rc   = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterdirencRC.Text) * 1000;
            Rb   = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterdirencRB.Text) * 1000;
            Re   = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterdirencRe.Text) * 1000;
            Vcc  = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterdirencVcc.Text);
            Imax = Vcc / (Rc + Re);
            beta = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterdirencBeta.Text);
            double Vbe;

            Vbe  = Convert.ToDouble(txtemiterdirencVbe.Text);
            Ib   = ((Vcc - Vbe) / (Rb + (beta + 1) * Re));
            Ic   = beta * Ib;
            Ie   = (beta + 1) * Ib;
            Vce  = Vcc - Ic * Rc - Ie * Re;
            Imax = 1000 * Imax;
            Ic   = 1000 * Ic;
            ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl g = new ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl();
            g.Size = new Size(panel1.Width - 2, panel1.Height - 2);
            ZedGraph.GraphPane myGraphPane = g.GraphPane;
            myGraphPane.Title.Text       = "Dc yük eğrisi ";
            myGraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Volt (V)";
            myGraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Akım(ma)";
            PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();

            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { 0, Vcc }, new double[] { Imax, 0 }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);
            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { 0, Vce }, new double[] { Ic, Ic }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);
            myGraphPane.AddCurve("", new double[] { Vce, Vce }, new double[] { Ic, 0 }, Color.Blue, ZedGraph.SymbolType.None);

            myGraphPane.Chart.Fill = new ZedGraph.Fill(Color.White, Color.Red, 3.0f);


        // Build the Chart
        private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            // get a reference to the GraphPane

            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the Titles

            myPane.Title.Text = "Wykres prezentujący wzrost kapitału";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "oś lat";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "oś kapitału w złotych";

            // Make up some data arrays based on the Sine function

            double x, y1;
            PointPairList list1 = new PointPairList();
            for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
                x = i ;
                y1 = ZmienneGlobalne.wplata * ((Math.Pow(1 + ZmienneGlobalne.procent, x * ZmienneGlobalne.kapitalizacje) - 1) / ZmienneGlobalne.procent) * (1 + ZmienneGlobalne.procent);
                list1.Add(x, y1);
                x = i + 1 ;

            // Generate a red curve with diamond

            // symbols, and "Porsche" in the legend

            LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Twój kapitał po n lat",
                  list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.Diamond);

            // Tell ZedGraph to refigure the

            // axes since the data have changed

Example #52
        private void DrawGraph()
            GraphPane pane = zedGraph.GraphPane;


            // Количество столбцов
            int itemscount = 9;

            // Сгенерируем данные для оси X (длин столбцов)
            double[] barLength = GenerateData(itemscount);

            double[] barPosition = new double[itemscount];

            // Заполним данные по оси Y (положения столбцов)
            for (int i = 0; i < itemscount; i++)
                barPosition[i] = i + 1;

            // !!! Создадим гистограмму.
            // Обратите внимание на порядок следования массивов:
            // сначала идут данные по оси X (длины столцов), потом по оси Y (положения столбцов)
            // Для вертикальных гистограмм значения по осям X и Y имеют противоположные значения.
            pane.AddBar("", barLength, barPosition, Color.Blue);

            // Этот параметр указывает, что базовой осью для гистограммы будет ось Y,
            // то есть положения столбцов соответствуют значениям по оси Y.
            pane.BarSettings.Base = BarBase.Y;

            // Обновим данные об осях

            // Обновляем график
Example #53
        private void Draw(int[] x, int[] y, int[] z, ZedGraphControl zgcHist, string filename)
            GraphPane pane = zgcHist.GraphPane;
            PointPairList list = new PointPairList();
            PointPairList list2 = new PointPairList();
            for (long j = 0; j < x.Length; j++)
                list.Add(x[j], y[j]);
                list2.Add(x[j], z[j]);

            pane.AddBar("Гистограмма", list, Color.IndianRed);
            pane.AddCurve("Ожидаемый результат", list2, Color.Crimson, SymbolType.None);
            pane.YAxis.Scale.Min = 0;
            pane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 1.1*y.Max();

            pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = -100;
            pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 100;

            pane.Title.Text = filename;
Example #54
        /// <summary>
        /// build the chart
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zgc"></param>
        public void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            //--get a reference to the graphPane--//
            this.myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            //--set the titles--//
            this.myPane.Title.Text = "Measured LRF Data";
            this.myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Lateral distance (m)";
            this.myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Height (m)";

            //--manually set the x axis range--//
            this.myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = -4.0;
            this.myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 4.0;
            this.myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;

            //--manually set the y axis range--//
            this.myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = -0.2;
            this.myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 1.0;
            this.myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            this.myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsZeroLine = false;

            //--scale the axes--//
Example #55
        public void CreateChart(ZedGraphControl zgc)
            Console.WriteLine("sim CreateChart");

            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            zgc.IsAntiAlias = false;

            // Set the titles and axis labels
            myPane.Title.Text = "Servo Output";
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Time";
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Output";

            LineItem myCurve;

            myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Roll", list, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);

            myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Pitch", list2, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);

            myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Rudder", list3, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);

            myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Throttle", list4, Color.Orange, SymbolType.None);

            // Show the x axis grid
            myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = 0;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 5;

            // Make the Y axis scale red
            //myPane.YAxis.Scale.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Red;
            //myPane.YAxis.Title.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Red;
            // turn off the opposite tics so the Y tics don't show up on the Y2 axis
            myPane.YAxis.MajorTic.IsOpposite = false;
            myPane.YAxis.MinorTic.IsOpposite = false;
            // Don't display the Y zero line
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsZeroLine = true;
            // Align the Y axis labels so they are flush to the axis
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Align = AlignP.Inside;
            // Manually set the axis range
            //myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = -1;
            //myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 1;

            // Fill the axis background with a gradient
            //myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.LightGray, 45.0f);

            // Sample at 50ms intervals
            timer_servo_graph.Interval = 200;
            //timer_servo_graph.Enabled = true;

            // Calculate the Axis Scale Ranges

            tickStart = Environment.TickCount;

Example #56
        public void CreateChart(ZedGraphControl zgc,string Title, string XAxis, string YAxis)
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;

            // Set the titles and axis labels
            myPane.Title.Text = Title;
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = XAxis;
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = YAxis;

            LineItem myCurve;

            myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Accel X", list1, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);
            myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Accel Y", list2, Color.Green, SymbolType.None);
            myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Accel Z", list3, Color.SandyBrown, SymbolType.None);
            myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Gyro X", list4, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None);
            myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Gyro Y", list5, Color.Black, SymbolType.None);
            myCurve = myPane.AddCurve("Gyro Z", list6, Color.Violet, SymbolType.None);

            // Show the x axis grid
            myPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min = 0;
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = 5;

            // Make the Y axis scale red
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Red;
            myPane.YAxis.Title.FontSpec.FontColor = Color.Red;
            // turn off the opposite tics so the Y tics don't show up on the Y2 axis
            myPane.YAxis.MajorTic.IsOpposite = false;
            myPane.YAxis.MinorTic.IsOpposite = false;
            // Don't display the Y zero line
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsZeroLine = true;
            // Align the Y axis labels so they are flush to the axis
            myPane.YAxis.Scale.Align = AlignP.Inside;
            // Manually set the axis range
            //myPane.YAxis.Scale.Min = -1;
            //myPane.YAxis.Scale.Max = 1;

            // Fill the axis background with a gradient
            myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.LightGray, 45.0f);

            // Sample at 20ms intervals
            timer1.Interval = 100;
            timer1.Enabled = true;

            // Calculate the Axis Scale Ranges

            tickStart = Environment.TickCount;
Example #57
        public void CreateChart(ZedGraphControl zgc, double Metros_lineares_livres, double Metros_lineares_ocupados, double Metros_ocupados_estimados) {
            GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane;
            // Set the GraphPane title
            myPane.Title.Text = "";
            myPane.Fill.Color = Color.LightGray;

            myPane.Chart.Fill.Type = FillType.None;

            double total = Metros_lineares_livres + Metros_lineares_ocupados + Metros_ocupados_estimados;
            double percent_Livre = 0;
            double percent_ocupado = 0;
            double percent_ocupado_estimado = 0;

            if (total > 0) {
                percent_Livre = Metros_lineares_livres * 100 / total;
                percent_ocupado = Metros_lineares_ocupados * 100 / total;
                percent_ocupado_estimado = Metros_ocupados_estimados * 100 / total;

            // Adicionar as fatias:
            myPane.AddPieSlice(Metros_lineares_livres, Color.Green, Color.White, 45f, .05,
                percent_Livre > 0 ? string.Format("Livre ({0:.00}%)", percent_Livre) : "Livre");
            myPane.AddPieSlice(Metros_lineares_ocupados, Color.Red, Color.White, 45f, .0,
                percent_ocupado > 0 ? string.Format("Ocupado ({0:.00}%)", percent_ocupado) : "Ocupado");
            if (Metros_ocupados_estimados > 0)
                myPane.AddPieSlice(Metros_ocupados_estimados, Color.IndianRed, Color.White, 45f, .0, string.Format("Ocupado (estimado) ({0:.00}%)", percent_ocupado_estimado));

Example #58
        //获取 弯曲试验 结果的 DataSource
        public static void readFinishSample(DataGridView dg, DataGridView dataGridViewSum, string testNo, DateTimePicker dtime, ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl zed)
            //dg.MultiSelect = true;
            if (dg != null)
                dg.DataSource = null;
                dg.RowHeadersVisible = false;
            BLL.Bend bllTs    = new HR_Test.BLL.Bend();
            double   maxvalue = 0;
            DataSet  dsmax    = bllTs.GetFbbMax(" testNo='" + testNo + "' and testDate =#" + dtime.Value.Date + "#");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dsmax.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Fbb"].ToString()))
                maxvalue = Convert.ToDouble(dsmax.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Fbb"].ToString());
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(testNo))
                //if (testNo.Contains('-'))
                //    testNo = testNo.Substring(0, testNo.LastIndexOf("-"));
                DataSet ds = bllTs.GetNotOverlapList(" testNo='" + testNo + "' and testDate =#" + dtime.Value.Date + "#");

                DataSet   ds1        = bllTs.GetNotOverlapList(" testNo='" + testNo + "' and testDate =#" + dtime.Value.Date + "#");
                DataTable dt1        = ds1.Tables[0];
                string    methodName = dt1.Rows[0]["testMethod"].ToString();
                if (dt1 != null)
                    StringBuilder[] tst = strSql_B(methodName, maxvalue);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tst[0].ToString()) && dg != null)
                        dg.DataSource = CreateView_B(tst[0].ToString(), dt1.Rows[0]["testNo"].ToString());

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tst[1].ToString()))
                        dataGridViewSum.DataSource = CreateAverageView_B(tst[0], tst[1], dt1.Rows[0]["testNo"].ToString());
                DataSet   ds  = bllTs.GetFinishListDefault(" testNo='" + testNo + "' and testDate=#" + dtime.Value.Date + "#", maxvalue);
                DataTable _dt = ds.Tables[0];
                DataRow   dr  = _dt.NewRow();
                if (dg != null)
                    dg.DataSource = _dt;

            if (dg != null)
                DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn chkcol = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
                chkcol.Name         = "选择";
                chkcol.MinimumWidth = 50;
                chkcol.HeaderCell.Style.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;

                DataGridViewTextBoxColumn c = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
                c.Name = "";
                dg.Columns.Insert(0, chkcol);
                dg.Columns.Insert(1, c);
                dg.Name = "tensile";
                //dg.Rows[0].Cells[0].Value = false;
                //dg.Rows[0].Cells[0].Selected = false;
                int rCount = dg.Rows.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < rCount; i++)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dg.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString()))
                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(dg.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString()) == true)
                            dg.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.IndianRed;
                    if (i > 19)
                        dg.Rows[i].Cells[1].Style.BackColor          = Color.FromName(_Color_Array[i % 20]);
                        dg.Rows[i].Cells[1].Style.ForeColor          = Color.FromName(_Color_Array[i % 20]);
                        dg.Rows[i].Cells[1].Style.SelectionForeColor = Color.FromName(_Color_Array[i % 20]);
                        dg.Rows[i].Cells[1].Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromName(_Color_Array[i % 20]);
                        dg.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = _Color_Array[i % 20].ToString();
                        dg.Rows[i].Cells[1].Style.BackColor          = Color.FromName(_Color_Array[i]);
                        dg.Rows[i].Cells[1].Style.ForeColor          = Color.FromName(_Color_Array[i]);
                        dg.Rows[i].Cells[1].Style.SelectionBackColor = Color.FromName(_Color_Array[i]);
                        dg.Rows[i].Cells[1].Style.SelectionForeColor = Color.FromName(_Color_Array[i]);
                        dg.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = _Color_Array[i].ToString();

                foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgvc in dg.Columns)
                    dgvc.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;
                    dgvc.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                if (dg.Columns.Count > 1)
                    dg.Columns[0].Frozen = true;
                    dg.Columns[1].Frozen = true;
                    dg.Columns[1].Width  = 10;
                if (dg.Columns.Count > 2)
                    dg.Columns[2].Frozen = true;

            if (zed != null)
                //clear all curves
                foreach (CurveItem ci in zed.GraphPane.CurveList)
                    ci.Label.Text = "";

            //catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(this, ee.ToString(), "警告", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); }
Example #59
        public override void DrawGraph()
            string graphTitle;

            string[] labels = null;
            double[] values = null;
            double total = 0;

            if (base.XAxisScaleRefrence == DataTableStruct.Rows)
                labels = new string[base.DataSource.Rows.Count];
                values = new double[base.DataSource.Rows.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < base.DataSource.Rows.Count; i++)
                    labels[i] = base.DataSource.Rows[i][base.CNNameColumn].ToString();
                    if (Convert.IsDBNull(base.DataSource.Rows[i][base.ShowValueColumns[index].ColumnField]))
                        values[i] = 0;
                        values[i] = Convert.ToDouble(base.DataSource.Rows[i][base.ShowValueColumns[index].ColumnField]);
                        total    += values[i];

                graphTitle = base.ShowValueColumns[index].ColumnName;
                labels = new string[base.ShowValueColumns.Length];
                values = new double[base.ShowValueColumns.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < base.ShowValueColumns.Length; i++)
                    labels[i] = base.ShowValueColumns[i].ColumnName;
                    if (Convert.IsDBNull(base.DataSource.Rows[index][base.ShowValueColumns[i].ColumnField]))
                        values[i] = 0;
                        values[i] = Convert.ToDouble(base.DataSource.Rows[index][base.ShowValueColumns[i].ColumnField]);

                    total += values[i];
                graphTitle = base.DataSource.Rows[index][base.CNNameColumn].ToString();

            #region 显示图形

            ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl grphTx = new ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl();

            grphTx.IsEnableHZoom     = false;
            grphTx.IsEnableVZoom     = false;
            grphTx.IsEnableWheelZoom = false;
            grphTx.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;

            ZedGraph.GraphPane myPane = grphTx.GraphPane;
            myPane.Title.Text = graphTitle;
            //myPane.Title.FontSpec.IsItalic = true;
            //myPane.Title.FontSpec.Size = 24f;
            //myPane.Title.FontSpec.Family = "Verdana";
            myPane.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.Goldenrod, 45.0f);
            myPane.Chart.Fill.IsVisible = false;
            myPane.Legend.Position      = LegendPos.Float;
            myPane.Legend.Location      = new Location(0.95f, 0.15f, CoordType.PaneFraction, AlignH.Right, AlignV.Top);
            myPane.Legend.FontSpec.Size = 10f;
            myPane.Legend.IsHStack      = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < labels.Length; i++)
                Color color;
                if (base.Colors == null)
                    color = GetColor();
                    color = base.Colors[i];

                PieItem segment = myPane.AddPieSlice(values[i], color, color, 45f, 0, labels[i]);

            CurveList curves = myPane.CurveList;

            TextObj text = new TextObj("合计:\n" + total.ToString(), 0.18F, 0.40F, CoordType.PaneFraction);
            text.Location.AlignH           = AlignH.Center;
            text.Location.AlignV           = AlignV.Bottom;
            text.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
            text.FontSpec.Fill             = new Fill(Color.White, Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 100), 45F);
            text.FontSpec.StringAlignment  = StringAlignment.Center;

            // Create a drop shadow for the total value text item
            TextObj text2 = new TextObj(text);
            text2.FontSpec.Fill = new Fill(Color.Black);
            text2.Location.X   += 0.008f;
            text2.Location.Y   += 0.01f;


Example #60
        /// <summary>
        /// 图形描绘
        /// </summary>
        public override void DrawGraph()
            #region 图形所需数据
            //线条数组[线条数] [每条线的刻度值]
            double[][] lines;
            double[] xAixsScale;
            string[] labels;
            string[] xAxisScaleLabels;

            if (base.XAxisScaleRefrence == DataTableStruct.Rows)
                xAixsScale       = new double[base.DataSource.Rows.Count];
                xAxisScaleLabels = new string[base.DataSource.Rows.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < base.DataSource.Rows.Count; i++)
                    xAixsScale[i]       = i;
                    xAxisScaleLabels[i] = base.DataSource.Rows[i][base.CNNameColumn].ToString();
                lines = new double[base.ShowValueColumns.Length][];
                labels = new string[lines.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < base.ShowValueColumns.Length; i++)
                    labels[i] = base.ShowValueColumns[i].ColumnName;

                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    lines[i] = new double[xAixsScale.Length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < base.DataSource.Rows.Count; j++)
                        if (Convert.IsDBNull(base.DataSource.Rows[j][base.ShowValueColumns[i].ColumnField]))
                            lines[i][j] = 0;
                            lines[i][j] = Convert.ToDouble(base.DataSource.Rows[j][base.ShowValueColumns[i].ColumnField]);
                xAixsScale       = new double[base.ShowValueColumns.Length];
                xAxisScaleLabels = new string[base.ShowValueColumns.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < base.ShowValueColumns.Length; i++)
                    xAixsScale[i]       = i;
                    xAxisScaleLabels[i] = base.ShowValueColumns[i].ColumnName;
                lines = new double[base.DataSource.Rows.Count][];
                labels = new string[lines.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < base.DataSource.Rows.Count; i++)
                    labels[i] = base.DataSource.Rows[i][base.CNNameColumn].ToString();
                for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                    lines[i] = new double[xAixsScale.Length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < base.ShowValueColumns.Length; j++)
                        if (Convert.IsDBNull(base.DataSource.Rows[i][base.ShowValueColumns[j].ColumnField]))
                            lines[i][j] = 0;
                            lines[i][j] = Convert.ToDouble(base.DataSource.Rows[i][base.ShowValueColumns[j].ColumnField]);

            int maxXaisxScale = xAixsScale.Length;



            #region 显示图形

            ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl grphTx = new ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl();

            grphTx.IsEnableHZoom     = false;
            grphTx.IsEnableVZoom     = false;
            grphTx.IsEnableWheelZoom = false;
            grphTx.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;

            ZedGraph.GraphPane myPane = grphTx.GraphPane;
            myPane.Title.Text       = base.GraphTitle;
            myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = base.XAxisTitle;
            myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = base.YAxisTitle;

            myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 245), Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 190), 90F);
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                Color color;
                if (base.Colors == null)
                    color = GetColor();
                    color = base.Colors[i];

                ZedGraph.LineItem myCurve = myPane.AddCurve(labels[i], xAixsScale, lines[i], color);

                myCurve.Symbol.Fill = new Fill(Color.White);

            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Min            = 0;                //X轴刻度起始值
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.Max            = maxXaisxScale;    //X轴刻度最大值
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels     = xAxisScaleLabels; //x轴刻度中文标注
            myPane.XAxis.Type                 = AxisType.Text;    //类型
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = 90;               //文字方向
            myPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Size = 11F;               //文字大小

            // Display the Y axis grid lines
            myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true;
            myPane.YAxis.MinorGrid.IsVisible = true;

            BoxObj box = new BoxObj(0, 100, 1, 30, Color.Empty,
                                    Color.FromArgb(150, Color.LightGreen));
            box.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.FromArgb(200, Color.LightGreen), 45.0F);

            box.ZOrder = ZOrder.E_BehindCurves;

            box.IsClippedToChartRect = true;

            box.Location.CoordinateFrame = CoordType.XChartFractionYScale;

            TextObj text = new TextObj("", 0.95f, 85, CoordType.AxisXYScale,
                                       AlignH.Right, AlignV.Center);
            text.FontSpec.Fill.IsVisible   = false;
            text.FontSpec.Border.IsVisible = false;
            text.FontSpec.IsBold           = true;
            text.FontSpec.IsItalic         = true;
            text.Location.CoordinateFrame  = CoordType.XChartFractionYScale;
            text.IsClippedToChartRect      = true;


            myPane.Fill = new Fill(Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Lavender, 0F);

