Example #1
        public List<IModel> GetUsers()
            using (IDal dal = new ProtoDBContext())
                var data = dal.GetUsers().ToList();

                var users = new List<IModel>();

                var mapper = new ProtoUserMap(dal);
                var petmapper = new ProtoPetMap(dal);
                foreach (var user in data)
                    var userModel = mapper.Map(user as IDBModel) as UserModel;

                    var pets = new List<IPet>();

                    foreach (var pet in userModel.Pets)
                        pets.Add(petmapper.Map(pet as IDBModel) as IPet);
                    userModel.Pets = pets;

                return users;
Example #2
        public bool AddPet(IPet pet)
            using (IDal dal = new ProtoDBContext())
                var mapper = new ProtoPetMap(dal);

                var dbmodel = mapper.Map(pet as IModel);

                return dal.AddPet(dbmodel as ProtoPetModel);
Example #3
        public bool Authenticate(string username, string password)
            using (IDal dal = new ProtoDBContext())
                var user = dal.GetUserByName(username);

                if (user == null)
                    return false;

                if (user.Password != password)
                    return false;
            return true;
Example #4
        public bool? AddPet(AddPetMessage message)
            using (IDal dal = new ProtoDBContext())
                var user = dal.GetUserByName(Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name);

                if (user == null)
                    return null;

                if (user.ID != message.UserId)
                    return null;
                var petmapper = new ProtoPetMap(dal);

                return dal.AddPet(petmapper.Map(message.Model) as IPet);
Example #5
        public IEnumerable<IModel> GetPets()
            using (IDal dal = new ProtoDBContext())
                var data = dal.GetPets().ToList();

                var pets = new List<IModel>();

                var mapper = new ProtoPetMap(dal);

                foreach (var pet in data)
                    var petModel = mapper.Map(pet as IDBModel);

                return pets;
Example #6
        public IModel GetUser(Guid id)
            using (IDal dal = new ProtoDBContext())
                var data = dal.GetUserById(id);

                var userModel = new ProtoUserMap(dal).Map(data as IDBModel) as UserModel;

                var pets = new List<IPet>();

                var petmapper = new ProtoPetMap(dal);

                foreach (var pet in userModel.Pets)
                    pets.Add(petmapper.Map(pet as IDBModel) as IPet);

                userModel.Pets = pets;

                return userModel;
Example #7
        public IModel UpdatePet(PetUpdateMessage message)
            using (IDal dal = new ProtoDBContext())
                var pet =
                    dal.GetPets().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == message.PetID && x.OwnerID == message.UserID) as

                if (pet == null)
                    return null;

                var now = DateTime.Now;

                var delta = (float) ((now - pet.LastChangeDate).TotalSeconds);

                var happinessReduction = pet.HappinessDecay*delta;
                var hungerIncrease = pet.HungerDecay*delta;

                //floats clamp
                pet.Happiness = pet.Happiness - happinessReduction;
                pet.Hunger = pet.Hunger + hungerIncrease;
                pet.LastChangeDate = now;

                //hacky implementation, going to seperate this in to seperate updaters so they can be a bit more interesting.
                switch (pet.Type)
                    case PetType.Aloof:
                        if (message.UpdateActions.HasFlag(PetActions.Feed))
                            pet.Hunger -= 1000;
                        if (message.UpdateActions.HasFlag(PetActions.Pet))
                            pet.Happiness += 200;
                    case PetType.Needy:
                        if (message.UpdateActions.HasFlag(PetActions.Feed))
                            pet.Hunger -= 800;
                        if (message.UpdateActions.HasFlag(PetActions.Pet))
                            pet.Happiness += 2000;
                    case PetType.Big:
                        if (message.UpdateActions.HasFlag(PetActions.Feed))
                            pet.Hunger -= 200;
                            pet.Happiness += 500;
                        if (message.UpdateActions.HasFlag(PetActions.Pet))
                            pet.Happiness += 500;
                    case PetType.Small:
                        if (message.UpdateActions.HasFlag(PetActions.Feed))
                            pet.Hunger -= 5000;
                        if (message.UpdateActions.HasFlag(PetActions.Pet))
                            pet.Happiness += 500;


                return new ProtoPetMap(dal).Map(pet);