Example #1
        public ZsImage Inpaint(ZsImage imageArgb, ZsImage markupArgb, InpaintSettings settings, IEnumerable <ZsImage> donorsArgb = null)
            #region validate the inputs

            if (imageArgb == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(imageArgb));

            if (imageArgb.NumberOfComponents != 4)
                throw new BadImageFormatException($"{nameof(imageArgb)} is expected to be in ARGB format");

            if (markupArgb == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(markupArgb));

            if (markupArgb.NumberOfComponents != 4)
                throw new BadImageFormatException($"{nameof(markupArgb)} is expected to be in ARGB format");

            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings));

            if (donorsArgb == null)
                donorsArgb = new ZsImage[0];
            else if (donorsArgb.Any(donorArgb => donorArgb.NumberOfComponents != 4))
                throw new BadImageFormatException($"{nameof(donorsArgb)} are expected to be in ARGB format");

            // Prepare input data
            var     originalImageArea = Area2D.Create(0, 0, imageArgb.Width, imageArgb.Height);
            ZsImage imageToPorcess;
            Pyramid imagePyramid;

            var levelsAmount = _levelDetector.CalculateLevelsAmount(imageArgb, markupArgb, settings.PatchSize);

            // Get the area of the image that can be scaled down required amount of times (levels)
            var areaToProcess = GetImageAreaToProcess(imageArgb, markupArgb, levelsAmount);

            if (!areaToProcess.IsSameAs(originalImageArea))
                // We need to crop the original image, markup and donors
                // since the area to process differs from the image area
                imageToPorcess = CopyImageArea(imageArgb, areaToProcess);
                var markup = CopyImageArea(markupArgb, areaToProcess);
                var donors = donorsArgb.Select(donorImage => CopyImageArea(donorImage, areaToProcess));

                imagePyramid = BuildPyramid(imageToPorcess, markup, donors, levelsAmount, settings.PatchSize);
                imageToPorcess = imageArgb.Clone();
                imagePyramid   = BuildPyramid(imageToPorcess, markupArgb, donorsArgb, levelsAmount, settings.PatchSize);

            imageToPorcess = InternalInpaint(imagePyramid, settings);

            // paste result in the original bitmap where it was extracted from
            var imageArea = Area2D.Create(0, 0, imageToPorcess.Width, imageToPorcess.Height);

            imageArgb.CopyFromImage(areaToProcess, imageToPorcess, imageArea);

Example #2
        private ZsImage InternalInpaint(Pyramid pyramid, InpaintSettings settings)
            #region cache settings
            var patchSize   = settings.PatchSize;
            var calculator  = settings.PatchDistanceCalculator;
            var nnfSettings = settings.PatchMatch;
            var changedPixelsPercentTreshold = settings.ChangedPixelsPercentTreshold;
            var maxInpaintIterationsAmount   = settings.MaxInpaintIterations;
            var kStep = settings.MeanShift.KDecreaseStep;
            var minK  = settings.MeanShift.MinK;

            ZsImage image = null;

            // go thru all the pyramid levels starting from the top one
            Nnf nnf = null;

            for (byte levelIndex = 0; levelIndex < pyramid.LevelsAmount; levelIndex++)
                image = pyramid.GetImage(levelIndex);
                var mapping     = pyramid.GetMapping(levelIndex);
                var inpaintArea = pyramid.GetInpaintArea(levelIndex);

                var imageArea = Area2D.Create(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);

                // if there is a NNF built on the prev level
                // scale it up
                nnf = nnf == null
                    ? new Nnf(image.Width, image.Height, image.Width, image.Height, patchSize)
                    : nnf.CloneAndScale2XWithUpdate(image, image, nnfSettings, mapping, calculator);

                // start inpaint iterations
                var k = settings.MeanShift.K;
                for (var inpaintIterationIndex = 0; inpaintIterationIndex < maxInpaintIterationsAmount; inpaintIterationIndex++)
                    // Obtain pixels area.
                    // Pixels area defines which pixels are allowed to be used
                    // for the patches distance calculation. We must avoid pixels
                    // that we want to inpaint. That is why before the area is not
                    // inpainted - we should exclude this area.
                    var pixelsArea = imageArea;
                    if (levelIndex == 0 && inpaintIterationIndex == 0 && settings.IgnoreInpaintedPixelsOnFirstIteration)
                        pixelsArea = imageArea.Substract(inpaintArea);

                    // skip building NNF for the first iteration in the level
                    // unless it is top level (for the top one we haven't built NNF yet)
                    if (levelIndex == 0 || inpaintIterationIndex > 0)
                        // in order to find best matches for the inpainted area,
                        // we build NNF for this image as a dest and a source
                        // but excluding the inpainted area from the source area
                        // (our mapping already takes care of it)
                        _nnfBuilder.RunRandomNnfInitIteration(nnf, image, image, nnfSettings, calculator, mapping, pixelsArea);
                        _nnfBuilder.RunBuildNnfIteration(nnf, image, image, NeighboursCheckDirection.Forward, nnfSettings, calculator, mapping, pixelsArea);
                        _nnfBuilder.RunBuildNnfIteration(nnf, image, image, NeighboursCheckDirection.Backward, nnfSettings, calculator, mapping, pixelsArea);
                        _nnfBuilder.RunBuildNnfIteration(nnf, image, image, NeighboursCheckDirection.Forward, nnfSettings, calculator, mapping, pixelsArea);
                        _nnfBuilder.RunBuildNnfIteration(nnf, image, image, NeighboursCheckDirection.Backward, nnfSettings, calculator, mapping, pixelsArea);
                        _nnfBuilder.RunBuildNnfIteration(nnf, image, image, NeighboursCheckDirection.Forward, nnfSettings, calculator, mapping, pixelsArea);

                    var nnfNormalized = nnf.Clone();

                    // after we have the NNF - we calculate the values of the pixels in the inpainted area
                    var inpaintResult = Inpaint(image, inpaintArea, nnfNormalized, k, settings);
                    k = k > minK ? k - kStep : k;

                    if (IterationFinished != null)
                        var eventArgs = new InpaintIterationFinishedEventArgs
                            InpaintedLabImage = image.Clone(),
                            InpaintResult     = inpaintResult,
                            LevelIndex        = levelIndex,
                            InpaintIteration  = inpaintIterationIndex
                        IterationFinished(this, eventArgs);

                    // if the change is smaller then a treshold, we quit
                    if (inpaintResult.ChangedPixelsPercent < changedPixelsPercentTreshold)
                    //if (levelIndex == pyramid.LevelsAmount - 1) break;
