Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the entry formatted a single CEDICT plain text line.
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetCedict(CedictEntry entry)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Append(' ');
            sb.Append(" [");
            sb.Append("] /");
            foreach (var sense in entry.Senses)
                string strDomain = HybridToCedict(sense.Domain);
                string strEquiv = HybridToCedict(sense.Equiv);
                string strNote = HybridToCedict(sense.Note);
                if (strDomain != string.Empty && strDomain != "CL:")
                    if (strEquiv != string.Empty || strNote != string.Empty)
                        sb.Append(' ');
                if (strEquiv != string.Empty && strNote != string.Empty)
                    sb.Append(' ');

            // Done.
            return sb.ToString();
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: init immutable instance.
 /// </summary>
 public CedictAnnotation(int entryId, CedictEntry entry, SearchScript script, int start, int length)
     EntryId       = entryId;
     Entry         = entry;
     Script        = script;
     StartInQuery  = start;
     LengthInQuery = length;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: init immutable instance - result of pinyin lookup.
 /// </summary>
 public CedictResult(CedictEntry entry, ReadOnlyCollection <short> hanziPinyinMap,
                     int pinyinHiliteStart, int pinyinHiliteLength)
     targetHilites      = new CedictTargetHighlight[0];
     HanziWarning       = SimpTradWarning.None;
     Entry              = entry;
     PinyinHiliteStart  = pinyinHiliteStart;
     PinyinHiliteLength = pinyinHiliteLength;
     calculateHanziHighlights(hanziPinyinMap, out HanziHiliteStart, out HanziHiliteLength);
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Ctor: init immutable instance - result of hanzi lookup.
 /// </summary>
 public CedictResult(SimpTradWarning hanziWarning, CedictEntry entry,
                     ReadOnlyCollection <short> hanziPinyinMap, int hanziHiliteStart, int hanziHiliteLength)
     targetHilites     = new CedictTargetHighlight[0];
     HanziWarning      = hanziWarning;
     Entry             = entry;
     HanziHiliteStart  = hanziHiliteStart;
     HanziHiliteLength = hanziHiliteLength;
     calculatePinyinHighlights(hanziPinyinMap, out PinyinHiliteStart, out PinyinHiliteLength);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares headword's pinyin to other headword to get lexicographical ordering.
        /// </summary>
        public int PinyinCompare(CedictEntry other)
            int length = Math.Min(pinyin.Length, other.pinyin.Length);

            // Compare syllable by syllable
            for (int i = 0; i != length; ++i)
                int cmp = pinyin[i].CompareTo(other.pinyin[i]);
                if (cmp != 0)
            // If shorter is the prefix of longer, or the two are identical: shorter wins
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Add data from one entry to stats.
 /// </summary>
 public void CalculateEntryStats(CedictEntry entry)
     // Get tokens from entry
     HashSet<string> tokens = new HashSet<string>();
     foreach (CedictSense sense in entry.Senses)
         foreach (TextRun tr in sense.Equiv.Runs)
             if (tr is TextRunZho) continue;
             getTokens(tr as TextRunLatin, tokens);
     // Increase counts of tokens
     foreach (string token in tokens)
         if (tokenCounts.ContainsKey(token)) ++tokenCounts[token];
         else tokenCounts[token] = 1;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Ctor: init immutable instance - result of target lookup.
        /// </summary>
        public CedictResult(CedictEntry entry, ReadOnlyCollection <CedictTargetHighlight> targetHilites)
            if (targetHilites == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetHilites");

            this.targetHilites = new CedictTargetHighlight[targetHilites.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i != targetHilites.Count; ++i)
                if (targetHilites[i] == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Null element in highlights array.");
                this.targetHilites[i] = targetHilites[i];
            HanziWarning       = SimpTradWarning.None;
            Entry              = entry;
            HanziHiliteStart   = -1;
            HanziHiliteLength  = 0;
            PinyinHiliteStart  = -1;
            PinyinHiliteLength = 0;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Ctor: takes data to display.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner">Zen control that owns me.</param>
        /// <param name="tprov">Localized display text provider.</param>
        /// <param name="lookupThroughLink">Delegate to call when user initiates lookup by clicking on a link.</param>
        /// <param name="getEntry">Delegate to call when an entry must be retrieved (for "copy" context menu).</param>
        /// <param name="entryProvider">Dictionary entry provider.</param>
        /// <param name="cr">The lookup result this control will show.</param>
        /// <param name="maxHeadLength">Longest headword in full results list.</param>
        /// <param name="script">Scripts to show in headword.</param>
        /// <param name="odd">Odd/even position in list, for alternating BG color.</param>
        public OneResultControl(ZenControlBase owner, float scale, ITextProvider tprov,
            LookupThroughLinkDelegate lookupThroughLink,
            ParentPaintDelegate parentPaint, GetEntryDelegate getEntry,
            ICedictEntryProvider entryProvider, CedictResult cr,
            SearchScript script, bool last)
            : base(owner)
            this.scale = scale;
            this.tprov = tprov;
            this.lookupThroughLink = lookupThroughLink;
            this.parentPaint = parentPaint;
            this.getEntry = getEntry;
            this.entry = entryProvider.GetEntry(cr.EntryId);
            this.res = cr;
            this.analyzedScript = script;
            this.last = last;

            padLeft = (int)(5.0F * scale);
            padTop = (int)(4.0F * scale);
            padBottom = (int)(8.0F * scale);
            padMid = (int)(20.0F * scale);
            padRight = (int)(10.0F * scale);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the entry formatted in HTML.
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetHtml(ITextProvider tprov, CedictEntry entry, SearchScript script)
            StringBuilder bodyHtml = new StringBuilder();

            // Are we showing one or two Hanzi headwords?
            string hanzi1 = script == SearchScript.Traditional ? entry.ChTrad : entry.ChSimpl;
            string hanzi2 = null;
            if (script == SearchScript.Both && entry.ChSimpl != entry.ChTrad)
                hanzi2 = entry.ChTrad;
            // Find simplest possible template, work with that
            // Only one hanzi, no longer than 2 chars, only one sense
            bool mustDoSenses = true;
            if (hanzi2 == null && hanzi1.Length <= 2 && entry.SenseCount == 1)
                mustDoSenses = false;
                bodyHtml.Replace("{hanzi}", escape(hanzi1));
                bodyHtml.Replace("{pinyin}", escape(GetPinyinString(entry.GetPinyinForDisplay(true))));
                bodyHtml.Replace("{sense}", getSenseHtmlPure(tprov, entry.GetSenseAt(0), script));
            // Only one script, no more than 6 chars
            else if (hanzi2 == null && hanzi1.Length <= 6)
                bodyHtml.Replace("{hanzi}", escape(hanzi1));
                bodyHtml.Replace("{pinyin}", escape(GetPinyinString(entry.GetPinyinForDisplay(true))));
            // Only one script
            else if (hanzi2 == null)
                bodyHtml.Replace("{hanzi}", escape(hanzi1));
                bodyHtml.Replace("{pinyin}", escape(GetPinyinString(entry.GetPinyinForDisplay(true))));
            // Everything else: very full-fledged entry
                bodyHtml.Replace("{hanzi1}", escape(hanzi1));
                bodyHtml.Replace("{hanzi2}", escape(hanzi2));
                bodyHtml.Replace("{pinyin}", escape(GetPinyinString(entry.GetPinyinForDisplay(true))));
            // In all but the first, simplest case, dealing with senses is the same
            if (mustDoSenses)
                StringBuilder sbSenses = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (CedictSense sense in entry.Senses)
                    string senseHtml = "";
                    if (!sense.Domain.EqualsPlainText("CL:"))
                        senseHtml += templateDiamond;
                        senseHtml += " ";
                    senseHtml += getSenseHtmlPure(tprov, sense, script);
                    senseHtml = templateSense.Replace("{sense}", senseHtml);
                bodyHtml.Replace("{senses}", sbSenses.ToString());

            // Assemble the whole HTML
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.Replace("{body}", bodyHtml.ToString());
            // Purge new lines and tabs: this avoids extra spaces e.g. when pasting into Word
            sb.Replace("\r\n", "");
            sb.Replace("\t", "");
            // Done
            return sb.ToString();
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Compares headword's pinyin to other headword to get lexicographical ordering.
 /// </summary>
 public int PinyinCompare(CedictEntry other)
     int length = Math.Min(pinyin.Length, other.pinyin.Length);
     // Compare syllable by syllable
     for (int i = 0; i != length; ++i)
         int cmp = pinyin[i].CompareTo(other.pinyin[i]);
         if (cmp != 0) return cmp;
     // If shorter is the prefix of longer, or the two are identical: shorter wins
     return pinyin.Length.CompareTo(other.pinyin.Length);
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Indexes one parsed Cedict entry (hanzi, pinyin and target-language indexes).
 /// </summary>
 private void indexEntry(CedictEntry entry, int id)
     // Index character of simplified headword
     foreach (char c in entry.ChSimpl)
         IdeoIndexItem ii;
         if (index.IdeoIndex.ContainsKey(c)) ii = index.IdeoIndex[c];
             ii = new IdeoIndexItem();
             index.IdeoIndex[c] = ii;
         // Avoid indexing same entry twice if a char occurs multiple times
         if (ii.EntriesHeadwordSimp.Count == 0 ||
             ii.EntriesHeadwordSimp[ii.EntriesHeadwordSimp.Count - 1] != id)
     // Index characters of traditional headword
     foreach (char c in entry.ChTrad)
         IdeoIndexItem ii;
         if (index.IdeoIndex.ContainsKey(c)) ii = index.IdeoIndex[c];
             ii = new IdeoIndexItem();
             index.IdeoIndex[c] = ii;
         // Avoid indexing same entry twice if a char occurs multiple times
         if (ii.EntriesHeadwordTrad.Count == 0 ||
             ii.EntriesHeadwordTrad[ii.EntriesHeadwordTrad.Count - 1] != id)
     // Index pinyin syllables
     foreach (PinyinSyllable pys in entry.Pinyin)
         PinyinIndexItem pi;
         // Index contains lower-case syllables
         string textLo = pys.Text.ToLowerInvariant();
         if (index.PinyinIndex.ContainsKey(textLo)) pi = index.PinyinIndex[textLo];
             pi = new PinyinIndexItem();
             index.PinyinIndex[textLo] = pi;
         // Figure out which list in index item - by tone
         List<int> entryList;
         if (pys.Tone == -1) entryList = pi.EntriesNT;
         else if (pys.Tone == 0) entryList = pi.Entries0;
         else if (pys.Tone == 1) entryList = pi.Entries1;
         else if (pys.Tone == 2) entryList = pi.Entries2;
         else if (pys.Tone == 3) entryList = pi.Entries3;
         else if (pys.Tone == 4) entryList = pi.Entries4;
         else throw new Exception("Invalid tone: " + pys.Tone.ToString());
         // Avoid indexing same entry twice if a syllable occurs multiple times
         if (entryList.Count == 0 || entryList[entryList.Count - 1] != id)
     // Index equiv of each sense
     int senseIx = -1;
     foreach (CedictSense sense in entry.Senses)
         // Empty equiv: nothing to index
         if (sense.Equiv.IsEmpty) continue;
         // Tokenize
         ReadOnlyCollection<EquivToken> tokens = tokenizer.Tokenize(sense.Equiv);
         // Index sense
         indexSense(tokens, id, senseIx);
Example #12
 public ResWithEntry(CedictResult res, CedictEntry entry)
     Res = res;
     Entry = entry;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves pinyin lookup candidates, verifies actual presence of search expression in headword.
        /// </summary>
        List<ResWithEntry> doLoadVerifyPinyin(BinReader br, IEnumerable<int> poss, List<PinyinSyllable> sylls)
            List<ResWithEntry> resList = new List<ResWithEntry>();
            // Yes, we only open our file on-demand
            // But we do this within each lookup's scope, so lookup stays thread-safe
            // Look at each entry: load, verify, keep or drop
            foreach (int pos in poss)
                // Load up entry from file
                br.Position = pos;
                CedictEntry entry = new CedictEntry(br);

                // Find query syllables in entry
                int syllStart = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i <= entry.PinyinCount - sylls.Count; ++i)
                    int j;
                    for (j = 0; j != sylls.Count; ++j)
                        PinyinSyllable syllEntry = entry.GetPinyinAt(i + j);
                        PinyinSyllable syllQuery = sylls[j];
                        if (syllEntry.Text.ToLowerInvariant() != syllQuery.Text) break;
                        if (syllQuery.Tone != -1 && syllEntry.Tone != syllQuery.Tone) break;
                    if (j == sylls.Count)
                        syllStart = i;
                // Entry is a keeper if query syllables found
                if (syllStart == -1) continue;

                // Drop if there's any unprintable Hanzi
                if (!areHanziCovered(entry)) continue;

                // Keeper!
                CedictResult res = new CedictResult(pos, entry.HanziPinyinMap, syllStart, sylls.Count);
                ResWithEntry resWE = new ResWithEntry(res, entry);
            return resList;
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves hanzi lookup candidates, verifies actual presence of search expression in headword.
        /// </summary>
        List<ResWithEntry> doLoadVerifyHanzi(BinReader br, IEnumerable<int> poss, string query, SearchScript script)
            List<ResWithEntry> resList = new List<ResWithEntry>();
            // Yes, we only open our file on-demand
            // But we do this within each lookup's scope, so lookup stays thread-safe
            // Look at each entry: load, verify, keep or drop
            foreach (int pos in poss)
                // Load up entry from file
                br.Position = pos;
                CedictEntry entry = new CedictEntry(br);

                // Figure out position/length of query string in simplified and traditional headwords
                int hiliteStart = -1;
                int hiliteLength = 0;
                hiliteStart = entry.ChSimpl.IndexOf(query);
                if (hiliteStart != -1) hiliteLength = query.Length;
                // If not found in simplified, check in traditional
                if (hiliteLength == 0)
                    hiliteStart = entry.ChTrad.IndexOf(query);
                    if (hiliteStart != -1) hiliteLength = query.Length;
                // Entry is a keeper if either source or target headword contains query
                if (hiliteLength != 0)
                    // Drop if there's any unprintable hanzi
                    if (!areHanziCovered(entry)) continue;

                    // TO-DO: indicate wrong script in result
                    CedictResult res = new CedictResult(CedictResult.SimpTradWarning.None,
                        pos, entry.HanziPinyinMap,
                        hiliteStart, hiliteLength);
                    ResWithEntry resWE = new ResWithEntry(res, entry);
            return resList;
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true of display font covers all Hanzi in entry; false otherwise.
 /// </summary>
 private bool areHanziCovered(CedictEntry entry)
     // Simplified and traditional headword
     if (!areHanziCovered(entry.ChSimpl, entry.ChTrad))
         return false;
     // Hanzi in hybrid text of senses
     for (int i = 0; i != entry.SenseCount; ++i)
         CedictSense cs = entry.GetSenseAt(i);
         if (!areHanziCovered(cs.Domain)) return false;
         if (!areHanziCovered(cs.Equiv)) return false;
         if (!areHanziCovered(cs.Note)) return false;
     // We're good to go.
     return true;
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Ctor: init.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmdTriggered">Delegate that will be called when a command is issued.</param>
        /// <param name="entry">Cedict entry to fetch clipboard data from.</param>
        /// <param name="senseIX">Index of sense over which user right-clicked, or -1.</param>
        /// <param name="script">Search script (so two Hanzi items are shown if needed).</param>
        public ResultsCtxtControl(CommandTriggeredDelegate cmdTriggered, ITextProvider tprov,
            CedictEntry entry,
            int senseIx,
            SearchScript script)
            this.cmdTriggered = cmdTriggered;
            this.tprov = tprov;
            this.entry = entry;
            this.senseIx = senseIx;
            this.script = script;
            BackColor = ZenParams.BorderColor;
            pnlTop.BackColor = ZenParams.WindowColor;
            tblFull.BackColor = ZenParams.WindowColor;
            tblZho.BackColor = ZenParams.WindowColor;
            tblSense.BackColor = ZenParams.WindowColor;

            // Display strings
            string title = tprov.GetString("CtxtCopyTitle");
            string fullFormatted, fullCedict, hanzi1, hanzi2, pinyin, sense;
            getDisplayStrings(tprov, senseIx, out fullFormatted, out fullCedict,
                out hanzi1, out hanzi2, out pinyin, out sense);
            lblFullFormatted.Text = fullFormatted;
            lblFullCedict.Text = fullCedict;
            lblHanzi1.Text = hanzi1;
            lblHanzi2.Text = hanzi2;
            lblPinyin.Text = pinyin;
            lblSense.Text = sense;

            // Margin/border tweaks: 1px also at higher DPIs
            tblLayout.Location = new Point(1, 1);
            pnlTop.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 1);
            tblLayout.RowStyles[1].Height = pnlTop.Height + 1;
            tblFull.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 1);
            tblLayout.RowStyles[1].Height = tblFull.Height + 1;
            tblZho.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 1);
            tblLayout.RowStyles[2].Height = tblZho.Height + 1;
            tblSense.Margin = new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0);
            tblLayout.RowStyles[3].Height = tblSense.Height;
            tblLayout.Height = tblSense.Bottom;

            // Hide rows we don't need: second hanzi
            if (hanzi2 == null)
                int hHanzi2 = lblHanzi2.Height;
                lblPinyin.Top = lblHanzi2.Top;
                lblHanzi2 = null;
                tblZho.Controls.Add(lblPinyin, 0, 2);
                tblZho.RowCount -= 1;
                tblZho.Height -= hHanzi2;
                tblLayout.RowStyles[2].Height -= hHanzi2;
                tblLayout.Height -= hHanzi2;
            // Sense
            if (sense == null)
                int hSense = tblSense.Height;
                tblSense = null;
                tblLayout.RowStyles.RemoveAt(tblLayout.RowStyles.Count - 1);
                tblLayout.RowCount -= 1;
                tblLayout.Height -= hSense + 1;

            // Label collection for hover
            int lblCount = 6;
            if (lblHanzi2 == null) --lblCount;
            if (lblSense == null) --lblCount;
            lblColl = new Label[lblCount];
            lblColl[0] = lblFullFormatted;
            lblColl[1] = lblFullCedict;
            lblColl[2] = lblHanzi1;
            int ix = 3;
            if (lblHanzi2 != null) { lblColl[ix] = lblHanzi2; ++ix; }
            lblColl[ix] = lblPinyin; ++ix;
            if (lblSense != null) { lblColl[ix] = lblSense; ++ix; }

            // Event handling for hover
            tblFull.CellPaint += onTblLayoutCellPaint;
            tblZho.CellPaint += onTblLayoutCellPaint;
            if (tblSense != null) tblSense.CellPaint += onTblLayoutCellPaint;
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses an entry (line) that has been separated into headword and rest.
        /// </summary>
        private CedictEntry parseEntry(string strHead, string strBody, StreamWriter logStream)
            // Decompose head
            Match hm = reHead.Match(strHead);
            if (!hm.Success)
                string msg = "Line {0}: ERROR: Invalid header syntax: {1}";
                msg = string.Format(msg, lineNum, strHead);
                return null;

            // Split pinyin by spaces
            string[] pinyinParts = hm.Groups[3].Value.Split(new char[] { ' ' });

            // Convert pinyin to our normalized format
            PinyinSyllable[] pinyinSylls;
            List<int> pinyinMap;
            normalizePinyin(pinyinParts, out pinyinSylls, out pinyinMap);
            // Weird syllables found > warning
            if (Array.FindIndex(pinyinSylls, x => x.Tone == -1) != -1)
                string msg = "Line {0}: Warning: Weird pinyin syllable: {1}";
                msg = string.Format(msg, lineNum, strHead);
            // Trad and simp MUST have same # of chars, always
            if (hm.Groups[1].Value.Length != hm.Groups[2].Value.Length)
                string msg = "Line {0}: ERROR: Trad/simp char count mismatch: {1}";
                msg = string.Format(msg, lineNum, strHead);
                return null;
            // Transform map so it says, for each hanzi, which pinyin syllable it corresponds to
            // Some chars in hanzi may have no pinyin: when hanzi includes a non-ideagraphic character
            short[] hanziToPinyin = transformPinyinMap(hm.Groups[1].Value, pinyinMap);
            // Headword MUST have same number of ideo characters as non-weird pinyin syllables
            if (hanziToPinyin == null)
                string msg = "Line {0}: Warning: Failed to match hanzi to pinyin: {1}";
                msg = string.Format(msg, lineNum, strHead);
            // Split meanings by slash
            string[] meaningsRaw = strBody.Split(new char[] { '/' });
            List<string> meanings = new List<string>();
            foreach (string s in meaningsRaw)
                if (s.Trim() != "") meanings.Add(s.Trim());
            if (meaningsRaw.Length != meanings.Count)
                string msg = "Line {0}: Warning: Empty sense in entry: {1}";
                msg = string.Format(msg, lineNum, strBody);
            // At least one meaning!
            if (meanings.Count == 0)
                string msg = "Line {0}: ERROR: No sense: {1}";
                msg = string.Format(msg, lineNum, strBody);
                return null;
            // Separate domain, equiv and not in each sense
            List<CedictSense> cedictSenses = new List<CedictSense>();
            foreach (string s in meanings)
                string domain, equiv, note;
                trimSense(s, out domain, out equiv, out note);
                // Equiv is empty: merits at least a warning
                if (equiv == "")
                    string msg = "Line {0}: Warning: No equivalent in sense, only domain/notes: {1}";
                    msg = string.Format(msg, lineNum, s);
                // Convert all parts of sense to hybrid text
                HybridText hDomain = plainTextToHybrid(domain, lineNum, logStream);
                HybridText hEquiv = plainTextToHybrid(equiv, lineNum, logStream);
                HybridText hNote = plainTextToHybrid(note, lineNum, logStream);
                // Store new sense - unless we failed to parse anything properly
                if (hDomain != null && hEquiv != null && hNote != null)
                    cedictSenses.Add(new CedictSense(hDomain, hEquiv, hNote));
            // If there are no senses, we failed. But that will have been logged before, so just return null.
            if (cedictSenses.Count == 0) return null;
            // Done with entry
            CedictEntry res = new CedictEntry(hm.Groups[2].Value, hm.Groups[1].Value,
                new ReadOnlyCollection<PinyinSyllable>(pinyinSylls),
                new ReadOnlyCollection<CedictSense>(cedictSenses),
            return res;