public static void AddLuaObjectComponent(string id, string type) { var go = GameObject.Find(id); if (go == null) { InGameDebug.Log("Couldn't find GameObject with name '" + id + "'."); return; } var luaComponent = GameObject.Find(id).AddComponent <LuaObjectComponent>(); luaComponent.Load(type); }
private void Awake() { _canvas = FindObjectsOfType <Canvas>().Where( canvas => canvas.GetComponentsInChildren <DraggableUIElement>().Contains(this) ).First(); if (_canvas == null) { InGameDebug.Log("<color=red>" + name + ": ResizableUIElement couldn't find its canvas.</color>"); } _rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); _parentRectTransform = _rectTransform.parent.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); }
public static void SetFontSize(int id, int size) { var go = ObjectBuilder.Get(id); var text = go.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); if (text == null) { InGameDebug.Log("GameObject has no Text component, nor have any of its children."); } else { text.fontSize = size; } }
public static void SetTextColor(int id, int r, int g, int b, int a) { var go = ObjectBuilder.Get(id); var text = go.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); if (text == null) { InGameDebug.Log("GameObject has no Text component, nor have any of its children."); } else { text.color = new Color(r / 255.0f, g / 255.0f, b / 255.0f, a / 255.0f); } }
public static int CreateAudioSource(string clipKey) { var source = GameObject.Instantiate(new GameObject()).AddComponent <AudioSource>(); var clip = StreamingAssetsDatabase.GetSound(clipKey); if (clip == null) { InGameDebug.Log("Couldn't find clip " + clipKey + "."); } source.clip = clip; _audioSources[_nextId] = source; _unmodifiedAudioSourceVolumes[source] = 1.0f; return(_nextId); }
public static void SetFont(int id, string fontName) { var go = ObjectBuilder.Get(id); var text = go.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); if (text == null) { InGameDebug.Log("GameObject has no Text component, nor have any of its children."); } else { text.font = Resources.Load <Font>("Fonts/" + fontName); } }
public static void SetText(int id, string str) { var go = ObjectBuilder.Get(id); var text = go.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); if (text == null) { InGameDebug.Log("GameObject has no Text component, nor have any of its children."); } else { text.text = str; } }
public static void Set(int id, string key, DynValue value) { if (!_audioSources.ContainsKey(id)) { InGameDebug.Log("SoundManager.Set(): No AudioSource with id " + id + "."); return; } var audioSource = _audioSources[id]; switch (key.ToLower()) { case "clip": audioSource.clip = StreamingAssetsDatabase.GetSound(value.String); break; case "loop": audioSource.loop = value.Boolean; break; case "volume": _unmodifiedAudioSourceVolumes[audioSource] = (float)value.Number; if (_musicSources.ContainsKey(id)) { audioSource.volume = _unmodifiedAudioSourceVolumes[audioSource] * _musicVolume; } if (_musicSources.ContainsKey(id)) { audioSource.volume = _unmodifiedAudioSourceVolumes[audioSource] * _effectsVolume; } break; case "pitch": audioSource.pitch = (float)value.Number; break; case "mute": audioSource.mute = value.Boolean; break; case "time": audioSource.time = (float)value.Number; break; } }
public static Texture2D GetTexture(string key) { if (_textures.ContainsKey(key)) { return(_textures[key]); } else { InGameDebug.Log("Missing texture: '" + key + "'."); if (_textures.ContainsKey("Misc.Missing")) { return(_textures["Misc.Missing"]); } else { return(Resources.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Missing")); } } }
public static string GetString(string key) { if (_defs.ContainsKey(key)) { var tydString = _defs[key] as TydString; if (tydString != null) { return(tydString.Value); } else { InGameDebug.Log("Node " + key + " is not a TydString."); return(null); } } else { InGameDebug.Log("Missing def: '" + key + "'."); return(null); } }
private void Start() { if (_start == null) { Debug.LogError(name + ": Start is null. ", this); } if (_update == null) { Debug.LogError(name + ": Update is null.", this); } if (_start != null) { try { Script.Call(_start, Table, Id); } catch (ScriptRuntimeException e) { InGameDebug.Log("<color=red>Oh no.</color> " + e.DecoratedMessage); } } }
public static void LoadScriptsFromDirectory(string directory) { InGameDebug.Log("Loading scripts..."); Script.DefaultOptions.ScriptLoader = new YeeterScriptLoader(); var folders = new List <string>() { directory }; folders.AddRange(GetAllSubDirectories(directory)); foreach (var folder in folders) { InGameDebug.Log("\tSearching '" + folder + "'..."); foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(folder)) { InGameDebug.Log("\tFile found: '" + file + "'."); if (Path.GetExtension(file) == ".lua") { var pathRelativeToScriptsFolder = file .Replace(".lua", "") .Remove(0, directory.Length + 1); var key = pathRelativeToScriptsFolder .Replace('\\', '.') .Replace('/', '.'); InGameDebug.Log( "\t\t<color=green>Script loaded: '" + key + "' (no module).</color>"); YeeterScriptLoader.AssetDatabaseToPath[key] = file; } else { InGameDebug.Log("\t\tInvalid extension: '" + Path.GetExtension(file) + "'. Skipping."); } } } InGameDebug.Log("Scripts loaded."); }
private static DynValue AddObject(GameObject gameObject) { _objects.Add(_nextId, gameObject); _ids.Add(gameObject, _nextId); foreach (var child in gameObject.transform) { var go = child as GameObject; if (go == null) { continue; } if (!_ids.ContainsKey(go)) { AddObject(go); } } ="(Clone)", ""); if (InGameDebug.LogObjectCreated) { InGameDebug.Log("Created GameObject '" + + "' with id " + _nextId + "."); } return(DynValue.NewNumber(_nextId++)); }
private void Update() { if (_update != null) { try { if (LuaManager.LoadUpdateEachFrame) { var _table = Script.DoFile(Path).Table; _update = _table.Get("Update").Function; Script.Call(_update, _table, Id, Time.deltaTime); } else { Script.Call(_update, Table, Id, Time.deltaTime); } } catch (ScriptRuntimeException e) { InGameDebug.Log("<color=red>Oh no.</color> " + e.DecoratedMessage); } } }
public static void LoadActiveModules() { // Load contents of mods in load order InGameDebug.Log("Loading active mods..."); var loadOrderFile = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Settings/LoadOrder.txt"; if (!File.Exists(loadOrderFile)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(loadOrderFile)); File.WriteAllText(loadOrderFile, _defaultCompanyName + ".Core"); } var loadOrder = File.ReadAllLines(loadOrderFile); var activeModules = new List <Module>(); foreach (string line in loadOrder) { if (_packageIdToModule.ContainsKey(line.Trim())) { InGameDebug.Log("\t" + line); activeModules.Add(_packageIdToModule[line]); } else { InGameDebug.Log( "\t" + line + " was present in " + "StreamingAssets/Settings/LoadOrder.txt but is not installed or its " + "About.xml is invalid." ); } } InGameDebug.Log("Active mods loaded."); if (activeModules.Count == 0) { InGameDebug.Log("No active mods?"); } ActiveModules = activeModules.ToArray(); }
private void OnCommandEntered(string code) { _commandsAbove.Push(code); _text.text = ""; _field.text = ""; if (EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject != gameObject) { return; } _field.OnSelect(new BaseEventData(EventSystem.current)); if (code == null || code == "") { return; } InGameDebug.Log("> " + code); // Check if this is a custom command. string directCommand = code.ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); if (directCommand == "help" || directCommand == "?") { InGameDebug.Help(); } else if (directCommand == "clear") { InGameDebug.Clear(); } else { // Lua script, let LuaManager handle this. LuaManager.DoString(code); _commandsBelow = new Stack <string>(); } OnCommandDone?.Invoke(code); }
private IEnumerator <UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation> StreamFile(AudioMetaData file) { var path = file.Path.Replace('\\', '/'); using (var www = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip("file://" + path, GetAudioType(path))) { yield return(www.SendWebRequest()); if (www.isNetworkError) { InGameDebug.Log(www.error); } else { var clip = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(www); InGameDebug.Log("\t\t<color=green>AudioLoader: '" + path + "' loaded.</color>"); Clips.Add(file, clip); if (Clips.Count == _count) { OnLoadingDone?.Invoke(); } } } }
public static bool LoadSoundsFromActiveModules() { InGameDebug.Log("Loading sounds..."); if (ActiveModules == null || ActiveModules.Length == 0) { InGameDebug.Log( "StreamingAssetsDatabase.LoadSoundsFromActiveModules(): " + "No active modules. Did you forget to call LoadActiveModules()?"); return(false); } var audioFiles = new Dictionary <string, AudioLoader.AudioMetaData>(); foreach (var mod in ActiveModules) { InGameDebug.Log("\t" + mod.Id); var folders = new List <string>() { mod.Path + "/Sounds" }; if (!Directory.Exists(folders[0])) { InGameDebug.Log("\t" + mod.Id + ": No Sounds folder."); continue; } folders.AddRange(GetAllSubDirectories(mod.Path + "/Sounds")); foreach (var folder in folders) { InGameDebug.Log("\tSearching '" + folder + "'..."); foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(folder)) { InGameDebug.Log("\tFile found: '" + file + "'."); if (Path.GetExtension(file) == ".ogg" || Path.GetExtension(file) == ".wav") { var pathRelativeToSoundsFolder = file .Replace(".wav", "") .Replace(".ogg", "") .Remove(0, mod.Path.Length + "/Sounds".Length + 1); var key = pathRelativeToSoundsFolder .Replace('\\', '.') .Replace('/', '.'); InGameDebug.Log("<color=green>\t\tValid file. Set to be loaded.</color>"); if (audioFiles.ContainsKey(key)) { InGameDebug.Log( "<color=green>\t\tOverrides file from " + audioFiles[key].Mod.Id + "</color>" ); } audioFiles[key] = new AudioLoader.AudioMetaData(mod, file, key); } else { InGameDebug.Log("\t\tInvalid extension: '" + Path.GetExtension(file) + "'. Skipping."); } } } } if (audioFiles.Count > 0) { // Start streaming in audio. var loader = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(new GameObject()).AddComponent <AudioLoader>(); loader.LoadFiles(audioFiles.Values.ToList()); loader.OnLoadingDone += () => { _audioClips = new Dictionary <string, AudioClip>(); foreach (var pair in loader.Clips) { var file = pair.Key.Path; var mod = pair.Key.Mod; var clip = pair.Value; var pathRelativeToScriptsFolder = file .Replace(".wav", "") .Replace(".ogg", "") .Remove(0, mod.Path.Length + "/Sounds".Length + 1); var key = pathRelativeToScriptsFolder .Replace('\\', '.') .Replace('/', '.'); InGameDebug.Log("\t\t<color=green>Sound loaded: '" + key + "' (from " + mod.Id + ").</color>"); _audioClips[key] = clip; } InGameDebug.Log("Sounds loaded."); OnSoundsDoneLoading?.Invoke(); }; } else { // No audio to load. return(false); } return(true); }
public static void LoadDefsFromDirectory(string directory) { // Visits a node to add it to the defs dictionary. void AddNodeToAssetDatabase(string parentKey, TydNode node, int index = 0) { if (node == null) { return; } // Add self. string nodeKey = parentKey; // TydDocuments should have the same key as their folder. Otherwise we get // "Some.Folder.File.0.NodeInFile" instead of "Some.Folder.File.NodeInFile" if (node as TydDocument == null) { nodeKey += "."; nodeKey += node.Name != null ? node.Name : index.ToString(); } _defs[nodeKey] = node; InGameDebug.Log("<color=green>\t\t\tLoaded def: " + nodeKey + "</color>"); // Visit child nodes if this is a collection. var table = node as TydTable; if (table != null) { for (int i = 0; i < table.Nodes.Count; i++) { AddNodeToAssetDatabase(nodeKey, table.Nodes[i], i); } return; } var list = node as TydList; if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Nodes.Count; i++) { AddNodeToAssetDatabase(nodeKey, list.Nodes[i], i); } return; } } // Adds a node to the Tyd inheritance list so we can do inheritance. void AddNodeToInheritance(TydNode node) { if (node == null) { return; } // Add to inheritance and visit child nodes if this is a collection. var collection = node as TydCollection; if (collection != null) { Inheritance.Register(collection); for (int i = 0; i < collection.Nodes.Count; i++) { AddNodeToInheritance(collection[i]); } } } // Merge files. var mergedFiles = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var folders = new List <string>() { directory }; folders.AddRange(GetAllSubDirectories(directory)); foreach (var folder in folders) { InGameDebug.Log("\t\tSearching '" + folder + "'..."); foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(folder)) { InGameDebug.Log("\t\tFile found: '" + file + "'."); if (Path.GetExtension(file) == Constants.TydFileExtension) { var pathRelativeToDefsFolder = file .Replace(Constants.TydFileExtension, "") .Remove(0, directory.Length + 1); var key = pathRelativeToDefsFolder .Replace('\\', '.') .Replace('/', '.'); InGameDebug.Log("<color=green>\t\tValid def file: '" + key + "' Adding nodes.</color>"); if (!mergedFiles.ContainsKey(key)) { mergedFiles[key] = ""; } mergedFiles[key] += File.ReadAllText(file) + "\n"; } else { InGameDebug.Log("\t\tInvalid extension: '" + Path.GetExtension(file) + "'. Skipping."); } } } // Add all nodes to inheritance. var docs = new Dictionary <string, TydDocument>(); Inheritance.Initialize(); foreach (var pair in mergedFiles) { var nodes = TydFromText.Parse(pair.Value).ToList(); var doc = new TydDocument(nodes); AddNodeToInheritance(doc); docs[pair.Key] = doc; } Inheritance.ResolveAll(); // Now that we've applied inheritance we can load the node's defs and have stuff work. foreach (var pair in docs) { AddNodeToAssetDatabase(pair.Key, pair.Value); } InGameDebug.Log("Defs loaded."); }
public static void LoadModules() { string dataFolder = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Data"; string modsFolder = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Mods"; var mods = new List <Module>(); _packageIdToModule = new Dictionary <string, Module>(); // Read all mods. InGameDebug.Log("Loading mods..."); Module LoadModule(string path) { if (Directory.Exists(path + "/About")) { if (File.Exists(path + "/About/About.xml")) { return(XmlLoader.Load <Module>(path + "/About/About.xml")); } else { InGameDebug.Log("\t\tNo About.xml"); return(null); } } else { Debug.Log("\t\tNo About folder."); return(null); } } bool AddMod(string path) { Debug.Log("\t\tTrying to add mod at '" + path + "'..."); var mod = LoadModule(path); if (mod != null) { mods.Add(mod); _packageIdToModule.Add(mod.Id, mod); mod.Path = path; InGameDebug.Log("\t\t'" + mod.Id + "' loaded."); return(true); } else { InGameDebug.Log("\t\t<color=orange>Failed to load mod at '" + path + "'.</color>"); return(false); } } if (!Directory.Exists(dataFolder)) { InGameDebug.Log("No Data folder in StreamingAssets. Created one for you ;)."); Directory.CreateDirectory(dataFolder); } bool anyDataModule = false; foreach (string folder in Directory.GetDirectories(dataFolder)) { InGameDebug.Log("\tData folder found: '" + folder + "'."); bool success = AddMod(folder); if (success) { anyDataModule = true; } } if (!anyDataModule) { // Create Core module if there are no modules in Data. Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(dataFolder, "Core")); var core = new Module(); core.Id = _defaultCompanyName + ".Core"; core.Name = "Core"; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(dataFolder, "Core", "About")); var aboutFile = File.Create(Path.Combine(dataFolder, "Core", "About", "About.xml")); new XmlSerializer(typeof(Module)).Serialize(aboutFile, core); aboutFile.Close(); InGameDebug.Log("\t<color=orange>No module found in Data. Added Core module.</color>"); } if (!Directory.Exists(modsFolder)) { InGameDebug.Log("No Mods folder in StreamingAssets. Created one for you ;)."); Directory.CreateDirectory(modsFolder); File.WriteAllText(modsFolder + "/Place Mods Here.txt", ""); } foreach (string folder in Directory.GetDirectories(modsFolder)) { InGameDebug.Log("\tMod folder found: '" + folder + "'."); AddMod(folder); } _modules = mods.ToArray(); InGameDebug.Log("Mods loaded."); }
public static void LoadSettings() { // Visits a node to add it to the defs dictionary. void AddSetting(string parentKey, TydNode node, int index = 0) { if (node == null) { return; } // Add self. string nodeKey = parentKey; if (node as TydDocument == null) { nodeKey += "."; nodeKey += node.Name != null ? node.Name : index.ToString(); _settingsNodes[nodeKey] = node; } InGameDebug.Log("<color=green>\t\t\tLoaded setting: " + nodeKey + "</color>"); // Also add this to settings if it is an end point. var tydString = node as TydString; if (tydString != null) { _settings.Add(nodeKey, tydString.Value); } // Visit child nodes if this is a collection. var table = node as TydTable; if (table != null) { for (int i = 0; i < table.Nodes.Count; i++) { AddSetting(nodeKey, table.Nodes[i], i); } return; } var list = node as TydList; if (list != null) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Nodes.Count; i++) { AddSetting(nodeKey, list.Nodes[i], i); } return; } } InGameDebug.Log("Loading settings..."); var file = Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Settings/Settings.tyd"; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(file)); if (!File.Exists(file)) { File.WriteAllText(file, "musicVolume 0.5\neffectsVolume 0.5"); } var tydFile = TydFile.FromFile(file); AddSetting("Settings", tydFile.DocumentNode); InGameDebug.Log("Settings loaded."); }