Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a designed nozzle to a spray pattern using the nozzle's flow and calculated spray width
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_patternname"></param>
        /// <param name="_nc"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double[] ConvertDesignToActualSpray(string _patternname, NozzleControl _nc)
            double _flow       = _nc.NozzleFlow;
            int    _spraywidth = _nc.NozzleSprayWidth;

            int[]    _spray         = GetCustomSprayPattern(_patternname);
            double[] _nozzleprofile = new double[_spraywidth];
            if (_spray != null)
                //sum all points
                double _sum = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < _spray.Length; i++)
                    _sum = _sum + (100 - _spray[i]);

                //scale up by nozzle flow volume and width of actual spray - not allocated spray width
                double[] _temp = new double[_spray.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < _temp.Length; j++)
                    _temp[j] = 1000 * _flow * 100 / _spraywidth * Constants._showerpatternheight / Constants._maximumlitrespermpermin * (100 - _spray[j]) / _sum;

                //scale array indices
                double _scalefactor = 1;
                _scalefactor = Convert.ToDouble(_spray.Length) / _nozzleprofile.Length;
                for (int k = 0; k < _nozzleprofile.Length; k++)
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(k * _scalefactor) < _temp.Length)
                        _nozzleprofile[k] = (_temp[Convert.ToInt32(k * _scalefactor)]);
            else//standard nozzle
                double _linearprofile = 0;
                _linearprofile = Constants._showerpatternheight / Constants._maximumlitrespermpermin * (_flow / _spraywidth) * 1000;
                _nozzleprofile = new double[_spraywidth];
                for (int i = 0; i < _spraywidth; i++)
                    _nozzleprofile[i] = _linearprofile;
                _nc.NozzleTypeName = Constants.StandardNozzle;
            //return new array
Example #2
        public static double[] MakeSigmoidPattern(NozzleControl _nc, string _systemnozzlename)
            double _midpoint = 1;
            double _slope    = 0.3;
            double _htoffset = 0;
            double _flow     = _nc.NozzleFlow;

            if (_systemnozzlename == Constants.SystemNozzle1)
                _midpoint = 4;
                _slope    = 0.27;
                _htoffset = 0.1;
            if (_systemnozzlename == Constants.SystemNozzle2)
                _midpoint = 1;
                _slope    = 0.2;
                _htoffset = 0.1;
            if (_systemnozzlename == Constants.SystemNozzle3)
                _midpoint = 1;
                _slope    = 0.3;
                _htoffset = 0.1;
            if (_systemnozzlename == Constants.SystemNozzle4)
                _midpoint = 2.3;
                _slope    = 0.18;
                _htoffset = 0;
                _midpoint = 1.7;
                _slope    = 0.2;
                _htoffset = 0.2;

            int _spraywidth = _nc.NozzleSprayWidth;

            double[] _nozzleprofile = new double[_spraywidth];
            double[] _spray         = new double[100];
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                _spray[i] = (1 / (1 + Math.Exp(-_slope * (25 - Math.Abs(i - 50) - _midpoint))) + _htoffset) / (1 + _htoffset);

            //sum all points
            double _sum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < _spray.Length; i++)
                _sum = _sum + _spray[i];

            //scale up by nozzle flow volume and width of actual spray - not allocated spray width
            double[] _temp = new double[_spray.Length];
            for (int j = 0; j < _temp.Length; j++)
                _temp[j] = 1000 * _flow * 100 / _spraywidth * Constants._showerpatternheight / Constants._maximumlitrespermpermin * _spray[j] / _sum;

            //scale array indices
            double _scalefactor = 1;

            _scalefactor = Convert.ToDouble(_spray.Length) / _nozzleprofile.Length;
            for (int k = 0; k < _nozzleprofile.Length; k++)
                if (Convert.ToInt32(k * _scalefactor) < _temp.Length)
                    _nozzleprofile[k] = (_temp[Convert.ToInt32(k * _scalefactor)]);