public TaskView(IQueueableTask task)
            if (task == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(task));
            Task = task;
            task.StatusChanged += Task_StatusChanged;

            _nameLabel = new Label
                Font = Font.SystemFont.WithWeight(FontWeight.Bold).WithSize(15)
            _descriptionlabel = new Label
                Font = Font.SystemFont.WithStyle(FontStyle.Italic)

            _spinner = new Spinner {Visible = false};

            var hBox = new HBox();


            HeightRequest = 64;
            MinHeight = 64;

Example #2
		public Spinners ()
			var button = new Spinner ();
			button.Animate = true;

			PackStart (button);
			PackStart (new Spinner ());
Example #3
		public Spinners ()
			var button = new Spinner ();
			button.Animate = true;

			PackStart (button);
			PackStart (new Spinner ());

			PackStart (new Spinner () { MinHeight = 50 });

			PackStart (new Label ("Click to toggle animation:")); 
			var clickable = new Spinner () { MinHeight = 30, Animate = true };
			clickable.ButtonPressed += (sender, e) => clickable.Animate = !clickable.Animate;
			PackStart (clickable);
Example #4
        public ProgressBarSample()
            indeterminateProgressBar = new ProgressBar ();
            PackStart (indeterminateProgressBar, BoxMode.FillAndExpand);
            indeterminateProgressBar.Indeterminate = true;

            timer.Elapsed += Increase;
            determinateProgressBar = new ProgressBar ();
            determinateProgressBar.Fraction = 0.0;
            PackStart(determinateProgressBar, BoxMode.FillAndExpand);
            timer.Start ();

            var spinner = new Spinner ();
            spinner.Animate = true;
            PackStart (spinner);
Example #5
		public ProgressBarSample ()
			PackStart (new ProgressBar { Fraction = 0 });
			PackStart (new ProgressBar { Fraction = 0.5d, MinHeight = 20 });
			PackStart (new ProgressBar { Fraction = 1 });
			indeterminateProgressBar = new ProgressBar ();
			PackStart (indeterminateProgressBar, true);
			indeterminateProgressBar.Indeterminate = true;

			timer.Elapsed += Increase;
			determinateProgressBar = new ProgressBar ();
			determinateProgressBar.Fraction = 0.0;
			PackStart(determinateProgressBar, true);
			timer.Start ();

			var spinner = new Spinner ();
			spinner.Animate = true;
			PackStart (spinner);
		void Build ()
			Title = Catalog.GetString ("Add Packages");
			Width = 820;
			Height = 520;
			Padding = new WidgetSpacing ();

			// Top part of dialog:
			// Package sources and search.
			var topHBox = new HBox ();
			topHBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (8, 5, 6, 5);

			packageSourceComboBox = new ComboBox ();
			packageSourceComboBox.MinWidth = 200;
			topHBox.PackStart (packageSourceComboBox);

			packageSearchEntry = new SearchTextEntry ();
			packageSearchEntry.WidthRequest = 187;
			topHBox.PackEnd (packageSearchEntry);

			this.HeaderContent = topHBox;

			// Middle of dialog:
			// Packages and package information.
			var mainVBox = new VBox ();
			Content = mainVBox;

			var middleHBox = new HBox ();
			middleHBox.Spacing = 0;
			var middleFrame = new FrameBox ();
			middleFrame.Content = middleHBox;
			middleFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing (0, 0, 0, 1);
			middleFrame.BorderColor = lineBorderColor;
			mainVBox.PackStart (middleFrame, true, true);

			// Error information.
			var packagesListVBox = new VBox ();
			packagesListVBox.Spacing = 0;
			errorMessageHBox = new HBox ();
			errorMessageHBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing ();
			errorMessageHBox.BackgroundColor = Colors.Orange;
			errorMessageHBox.Visible = false;
			var errorImage = new ImageView ();
			errorImage.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (10, 0, 0, 0);
			errorImage.Image = ImageService.GetIcon (Stock.Warning, Gtk.IconSize.Menu);
			errorImage.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.End;
			errorMessageHBox.PackStart (errorImage);
			errorMessageLabel = new Label ();
			errorMessageLabel.TextColor = Colors.White;
			errorMessageLabel.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (5, 5, 5, 5);
			errorMessageLabel.Wrap = WrapMode.Word;
			errorMessageHBox.PackStart (errorMessageLabel, true);
			packagesListVBox.PackStart (errorMessageHBox);

			// Packages list.
			middleHBox.PackStart (packagesListVBox, true, true);
			packagesListView = new ListView ();
			packagesListView.BorderVisible = false;
			packagesListView.HeadersVisible = false;
			packagesListVBox.PackStart (packagesListView, true, true);

			// Loading spinner.
			var loadingSpinnerHBox = new HBox ();
			loadingSpinnerHBox.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Center;
			var loadingSpinner = new Spinner ();
			loadingSpinner.Animate = true;
			loadingSpinner.MinWidth = 20;
			loadingSpinnerHBox.PackStart (loadingSpinner);

			loadingSpinnerLabel = new Label ();
			loadingSpinnerLabel.Text = Catalog.GetString ("Loading package list...");
			loadingSpinnerHBox.PackEnd (loadingSpinnerLabel);

			loadingSpinnerFrame = new FrameBox ();
			loadingSpinnerFrame.Visible = false;
			loadingSpinnerFrame.BackgroundColor = Colors.White;
			loadingSpinnerFrame.Content = loadingSpinnerHBox;
			loadingSpinnerFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing ();
			packagesListVBox.PackStart (loadingSpinnerFrame, true, true);

			// No packages found label.
			var noPackagesFoundHBox = new HBox ();
			noPackagesFoundHBox.HorizontalPlacement = WidgetPlacement.Center;

			var noPackagesFoundLabel = new Label ();
			noPackagesFoundLabel.Text = Catalog.GetString ("No matching packages found.");
			noPackagesFoundHBox.PackEnd (noPackagesFoundLabel);

			noPackagesFoundFrame = new FrameBox ();
			noPackagesFoundFrame.Visible = false;
			noPackagesFoundFrame.BackgroundColor = Colors.White;
			noPackagesFoundFrame.Content = noPackagesFoundHBox;
			noPackagesFoundFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing ();
			packagesListVBox.PackStart (noPackagesFoundFrame, true, true);

			// Package information
			packageInfoVBox = new VBox ();
			var packageInfoFrame = new FrameBox ();
			packageInfoFrame.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
			packageInfoFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing ();
			packageInfoFrame.Content = packageInfoVBox;
			packageInfoVBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (15, 12, 15, 12);
			var packageInfoContainerVBox = new VBox ();
			packageInfoContainerVBox.WidthRequest = 240;
			packageInfoContainerVBox.PackStart (packageInfoFrame, true, true);

			var packageInfoScrollView = new ScrollView ();
			packageInfoScrollView.BorderVisible = false;
			packageInfoScrollView.HorizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.Never;
			packageInfoScrollView.Content = packageInfoContainerVBox;
			packageInfoScrollView.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
			var packageInfoScrollViewFrame = new FrameBox ();
			packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
			packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BorderWidth = new WidgetSpacing (1, 0, 0, 0);
			packageInfoScrollViewFrame.BorderColor = lineBorderColor;
			packageInfoScrollViewFrame.Content = packageInfoScrollView;
			middleHBox.PackEnd (packageInfoScrollViewFrame);

			// Package name and version.
			var packageNameHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageNameHBox);

			packageNameLabel = new Label ();
			packageNameLabel.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
			Font packageInfoSmallFont = packageNameLabel.Font.WithScaledSize (0.8);
			packageNameHBox.PackStart (packageNameLabel, true);

			packageVersionLabel = new Label ();
			packageVersionLabel.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;
			packageNameHBox.PackEnd (packageVersionLabel);

			// Package description.
			packageDescription = new Label ();
			packageDescription.Wrap = WrapMode.Word;
			packageDescription.Font = packageNameLabel.Font.WithScaledSize (0.9);
			packageDescription.BackgroundColor = packageInfoBackgroundColor;
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageDescription);

			// Package id.
			var packageIdHBox = new HBox ();
			packageIdHBox.MarginTop = 7;
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageIdHBox);

			var packageIdLabel = new Label ();
			packageIdLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageIdLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Id</b>");
			packageIdHBox.PackStart (packageIdLabel);

			packageId = new Label ();
			packageId.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
			packageId.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;
			packageId.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageIdLink = new LinkLabel ();
			packageIdLink.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
			packageIdLink.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;
			packageIdLink.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageIdHBox.PackEnd (packageIdLink, true);
			packageIdHBox.PackEnd (packageId, true);

			// Package author
			var packageAuthorHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageAuthorHBox);

			var packageAuthorLabel = new Label ();
			packageAuthorLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Author</b>");
			packageAuthorLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageAuthorHBox.PackStart (packageAuthorLabel);

			packageAuthor = new Label ();
			packageAuthor.TextAlignment = Alignment.End;
			packageAuthor.Ellipsize = EllipsizeMode.End;
			packageAuthor.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageAuthorHBox.PackEnd (packageAuthor, true);

			// Package published
			var packagePublishedHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packagePublishedHBox);

			var packagePublishedLabel = new Label ();
			packagePublishedLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Published</b>");
			packagePublishedLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packagePublishedHBox.PackStart (packagePublishedLabel);

			packagePublishedDate = new Label ();
			packagePublishedDate.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packagePublishedHBox.PackEnd (packagePublishedDate);

			// Package downloads
			var packageDownloadsHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageDownloadsHBox);

			var packageDownloadsLabel = new Label ();
			packageDownloadsLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Downloads</b>");
			packageDownloadsLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageDownloadsHBox.PackStart (packageDownloadsLabel);

			packageDownloads = new Label ();
			packageDownloads.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageDownloadsHBox.PackEnd (packageDownloads);

			// Package license.
			var packageLicenseHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageLicenseHBox);

			var packageLicenseLabel = new Label ();
			packageLicenseLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>License</b>");
			packageLicenseLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageLicenseHBox.PackStart (packageLicenseLabel);

			packageLicenseLink = new LinkLabel ();
			packageLicenseLink.Text = Catalog.GetString ("View License");
			packageLicenseLink.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageLicenseHBox.PackEnd (packageLicenseLink);

			// Package project page.
			var packageProjectPageHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageProjectPageHBox);

			var packageProjectPageLabel = new Label ();
			packageProjectPageLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Project Page</b>");
			packageProjectPageLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageProjectPageHBox.PackStart (packageProjectPageLabel);

			packageProjectPageLink = new LinkLabel ();
			packageProjectPageLink.Text = Catalog.GetString ("Visit Page");
			packageProjectPageLink.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageProjectPageHBox.PackEnd (packageProjectPageLink);

			// Package dependencies
			var packageDependenciesHBox = new HBox ();
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageDependenciesHBox);

			var packageDependenciesLabel = new Label ();
			packageDependenciesLabel.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Dependencies</b>");
			packageDependenciesLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageDependenciesHBox.PackStart (packageDependenciesLabel);

			packageDependenciesNoneLabel = new Label ();
			packageDependenciesNoneLabel.Text = Catalog.GetString ("None");
			packageDependenciesNoneLabel.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageDependenciesHBox.PackEnd (packageDependenciesNoneLabel);

			// Package dependencies list.
			packageDependenciesListHBox = new HBox ();
			packageDependenciesListHBox.Visible = false;
			packageInfoVBox.PackStart (packageDependenciesListHBox);

			packageDependenciesList = new Label ();
			packageDependenciesList.Wrap = WrapMode.WordAndCharacter;
			packageDependenciesList.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (5);
			packageDependenciesList.Font = packageInfoSmallFont;
			packageDependenciesListHBox.PackStart (packageDependenciesList, true);

			// Bottom part of dialog:
			// Show pre-release packages and Close/Add to Project buttons.
			var bottomHBox = new HBox ();
			bottomHBox.Margin = new WidgetSpacing (8, 5, 14, 10);
			bottomHBox.Spacing = 5;
			mainVBox.PackStart (bottomHBox);

			showPrereleaseCheckBox = new CheckBox ();
			showPrereleaseCheckBox.Label = Catalog.GetString ("Show pre-release packages");
			bottomHBox.PackStart (showPrereleaseCheckBox);

			addPackagesButton = new Button ();
			addPackagesButton.MinWidth = 120;
			addPackagesButton.MinHeight = 25;
			addPackagesButton.Label = Catalog.GetString ("Add Package");
			bottomHBox.PackEnd (addPackagesButton);

			var closeButton = new Button ();
			closeButton.MinWidth = 120;
			closeButton.MinHeight = 25;
			closeButton.Label = Catalog.GetString ("Close");
			closeButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => Close ();
			bottomHBox.PackEnd (closeButton);

			packageSearchEntry.SetFocus ();
			packageInfoVBox.Visible = false;
        public async void RefreshTiles()
            // Cancel previous loads
            if (_tokenSource != null)

                while (_tokenSource != null)
                    await Task.Delay(1);

            Spinner spinner = null;

            Application.Invoke(() =>
                // Clear controls

                Content =
                    spinner = new Spinner
                        Animate = true,
                        MinHeight = 50,
                        MinWidth = 50

            while (spinner == null)
                await Task.Delay(5);

            _buttonsPerRow = CalculateButtonsPerRow((float) Size.Width);
            var i = 0;

            _tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                var tiles = await LoadTiles(_tokenSource.Token);

                Application.Invoke(() =>
                    foreach (var tile in tiles)
                        if (tile == null) continue;

                        if (i >= _buttonsPerRow)
                            i = 0;

                            var button = new Button(tile.Image?.ToXwtImage()?.ScaleToSize(100))
                                Label = tile.Image == null ? tile.Text : null,
                                TooltipText = tile.Text,
                                WidthRequest = 100,
                                HeightRequest = 100,
                                MinWidth = 0,
                                Style = ButtonStyle.Borderless,
                                BackgroundColor = tile.BackgroundColor,
                                ImagePosition = ContentPosition.Center

                            button.Clicked += (sender, args) => tile.ClickAction();

                        catch (Exception e)
                            _log.WriteLine("Failed to convert Tile object to UI");

                    Content = _box;
            catch (TaskCanceledException)
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                _tokenSource = null;
		public XwtSourcePageWidget (XwtSourceWizardPage page)
			Page = page;

			cGitHub = new Octokit.GitHubClient (new Octokit.ProductHeaderValue ("xwt_addin")).Repository;

			var optBuiltIn = new RadioButton(GettextCatalog.GetString ("Local Package / GAC")) {
				TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"Xwt must be installed to the GAC (Global Assembly Cache),\n" +
					"otherwise you will have to add a HintPath property manually.")
			var optGithub = new RadioButton(GettextCatalog.GetString ("GitHub:")) {
				TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString (
					"A separate solution folder named 'Xwt' will be added to the solution.\n" +
					"If the solution already contains the Xwt project,\nit will be referenced instead " +
					"and the git checkout will be skipped.")
			var linkGithub = new Label {
				Markup = "(<a href=''>Official Repository</a>)",
				TooltipText = ""
			var optNuGet = new RadioButton(GettextCatalog.GetString ("NuGet package")) {
				TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString ("All registered NuGet repositories will be searched.")
			var sourceGroup = optBuiltIn.Group = optGithub.Group = optNuGet.Group;
			sourceGroup.ActiveRadioButtonChanged += (sender, e) => {
				if (sourceGroup.ActiveRadioButton == optGithub)
					Page.XwtReferenceSource = XwtSource.Github;
				else if (sourceGroup.ActiveRadioButton == optNuGet)
					Page.XwtReferenceSource = XwtSource.NuGet;
					Page.XwtReferenceSource = XwtSource.Local;
			optGithub.Active = true;

			CheckBox chkGitSubmodule = null;

			if (page.Wizard.Parameters["CreateSolution"] == true.ToString ()) {
				chkGitSubmodule = new CheckBox(GettextCatalog.GetString ("Register Git Submodule\n(will be committed automatically)")) {
					TooltipText = GettextCatalog.GetString (
						"Only if you enable git version control for the new project in the last creation step.\n" +
						"The Xwt submodule will be registered and initialized during the creation process.")
				chkGitSubmodule.MarginLeft = 30;
				chkGitSubmodule.Toggled += (sender, e) => Page.XwtGitSubmodule = chkGitSubmodule.Active;

				sourceGroup.ActiveRadioButtonChanged += (sender, e) => {
					if (sourceGroup.ActiveRadioButton == optGithub)
						chkGitSubmodule.Sensitive = true;
						chkGitSubmodule.Sensitive = false;

			var tbl = new Table ();
			BackgroundColor = Styles.NewProjectDialog.ProjectConfigurationLeftHandBackgroundColor;

			// use inner table for selection to make it easier to add more options
			var tblSource = new Table ();
			var boxGithub = new HBox ();
			boxGithub.PackStart (optGithub);
			boxGithub.PackStart (linkGithub);
			tblSource.Add (boxGithub, 0, 0);

			var tblGithubRepo = new Table ();
			tblGithubRepo.MarginLeft = 30;

			tblGithubRepo.Add (new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Repository:")), 0, 0);
			cmbGithubRepo = new ComboBox ();
			cmbGithubRepo.Items.Add ("mono/xwt");
			cmbGithubRepo.SelectedIndex = 0;
			cmbGithubRepo.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateBranches (cmbGithubRepo.SelectedText);
			tblGithubRepo.Add (cmbGithubRepo, 1, 0);
			spinnerRepo = new Spinner { Visible = false };
			tblGithubRepo.Add (spinnerRepo, 2, 0);

			tblGithubRepo.Add (new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Branch:")), 0, 1);
			cmbGithubBranch = new ComboBox ();
			cmbGithubBranch.Items.Add ("master");
			cmbGithubBranch.SelectedIndex = 0;
			cmbGithubBranch.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => Page.XwtGithubBranch = cmbGithubBranch.SelectedText;
			tblGithubRepo.Add (cmbGithubBranch, 1, 1);
			spinnerBranches = new Spinner { Visible = false };
			tblGithubRepo.Add (spinnerBranches, 2, 1);

			tblSource.Add (tblGithubRepo, 0, 1);

			if (chkGitSubmodule != null) tblSource.Add (chkGitSubmodule, 0, 2);
			tblSource.Add (optNuGet, 0, 3);
			tblSource.Add (optBuiltIn, 0, 4);

			tbl.Add (new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Xwt reference source:")), 0, 0, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Start, hpos: WidgetPlacement.End);
			tbl.Add (tblSource, 1, 0);

			var rightFrame = new FrameBox ();
			rightFrame.BackgroundColor = Styles.NewProjectDialog.ProjectConfigurationRightHandBackgroundColor; ;
			rightFrame.WidthRequest = 280;

			Spacing = 0;
			PackStart (tbl, true, WidgetPlacement.Center, marginLeft: 30, marginRight: 30);

			PackStart (rightFrame, false, false);
			UpdateForks ();
			UpdateBranches ("mono/xwt");