public LoginView(LauncherWindow window) { Window = window; this.MinWidth = 250; ErrorLabel = new Label("Username or password incorrect") { TextColor = Color.FromBytes(255, 0, 0), TextAlignment = Alignment.Center, Visible = false }; UsernameText = new TextEntry(); PasswordText = new PasswordEntry(); LogInButton = new Button("Log In"); RegisterButton = new Button("Register"); RememberCheckBox = new CheckBox("Remember Me"); UsernameText.Text = UserSettings.Local.Username; if (UserSettings.Local.AutoLogin) { PasswordText.Password = UserSettings.Local.Password; RememberCheckBox.Active = true; } using (var stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("TrueCraft.Launcher.Content.truecraft-logo.png")) TrueCraftLogoImage = new ImageView(Image.FromStream(stream)); UsernameText.PlaceholderText = "Username"; PasswordText.PlaceholderText = "Password"; PasswordText.KeyReleased += (sender, e) => { if (e.Key == Key.Return || e.Key == Key.NumPadEnter) LogInButton_Clicked(sender, e); }; UsernameText.KeyReleased += (sender, e) => { if (e.Key == Key.Return || e.Key == Key.NumPadEnter) LogInButton_Clicked(sender, e); }; RegisterButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => { if (RegisterButton.Label == "Register") Window.WebView.Url = ""; else { Window.User.Username = UsernameText.Text; Window.User.SessionId = "-"; Window.MainContainer.Remove(this); Window.MainContainer.PackEnd(Window.MainMenuView = new MainMenuView(Window)); } }; LogInButton.Clicked += LogInButton_Clicked; this.PackStart(TrueCraftLogoImage); this.PackEnd(RegisterButton); this.PackEnd(LogInButton); this.PackEnd(RememberCheckBox); this.PackEnd(PasswordText); this.PackEnd(UsernameText); this.PackEnd(ErrorLabel); }
public override Xwt.Widget Makeup(IXwtWrapper Parent) { Xwt.PasswordEntry Target = new Xwt.PasswordEntry() { PlaceholderText = this.PlaceholderText }; //Binding if (Source != "") { Target.Password = (string)PathBind.GetValue(Source, Parent, ""); Parent.PropertyChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.PropertyName == this.Source.Split('.')[0]) Xwt.Application.Invoke(() => Target.Password = (string)PathBind.GetValue(Source, Parent, "")); }; Target.Changed += (o, e) => { PathBind.SetValue(Source, Parent, Target.Password); }; } WindowController.TryAttachEvent(Target, "Changed", Parent, Changed); WindowController.TryAttachEvent(Target, "Activated", Parent, Activated); InitWidget(Target, Parent); return Target; }
public PasswordEntries () { PasswordEntry te1 = new PasswordEntry (); PackStart (te1); Button b = new Button ("Show password"); Label l = new Label (); b.Clicked += (sender, e) => { l.Text = ("Password is: " + te1.Password); }; PackStart (b); PackStart (l); }
public Login() { var table = new Table (); var image = new ImageView { Image = Icons.UserInfo.WithBoxSize (96), }; userEntry = new TextEntry { PlaceholderText = Catalog.GetString ("User"), }; passwordEntry = new PasswordEntry { PlaceholderText = Catalog.GetString ("Password"), }; var userLabel = new Label { Text = Catalog.GetString ("User"), TextAlignment = Alignment.Center, }; var passwordLabel = new Label { Text = Catalog.GetString ("Password"), TextAlignment = Alignment.Center, }; info = new Label { TextAlignment = Alignment.Center, TextColor = new Color (1, 0, 0), Visible = false, }; userEntry.Activated += delegate { passwordEntry.SetFocus (); }; passwordEntry.Activated += OnAutenticate; table.Add (image, 0, 0, 4); table.Add (userLabel, 1, 0); table.Add (userEntry, 1, 1); table.Add (passwordLabel, 1, 2); table.Add (passwordEntry, 1, 3); table.Add (info, 0, 4, colspan: 2); Content = table; userEntry.SetFocus (); Resizable = false; ShowInTaskbar = false; Title = Catalog.GetString ("Login"); Icon = Image.FromResource (GetType (), Resources.Icon); }
public CompilanceTestDialog() { backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker (); backgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = false; backgroundWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; backgroundWorker.DoWork += BackgroundWorker_DoWork; backgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += BackgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted; Icon = Image.FromResource ("UbntTools.Resources.icon-64x64.png"); Title = string.Empty; Table table = new Table (); EntryIp = new TextEntry { Text = "" }; EntryPasswd = new PasswordEntry { TooltipText = "Device Password" }; EntryUser = new TextEntry { Text = "ubnt" }; table.Add (new Label ("Ip Address:: ") { TextAlignment = Alignment.End }, 0, 0); table.Add (EntryIp, 1, 0); table.Add (new Label ("User: "******"Password: "******"_Connect"); table.Add (BtnConnect, 2, 0); BtnClose = new Button ("_Salir"); table.Add (BtnClose, 2, 1); BtnConnect.Clicked += (sender, e) => { this.Content.Sensitive = false; this.BtnClose.Sensitive = false; this.BtnConnect.Sensitive = false; _ip = this.EntryIp.Text; _user = this.EntryUser.Text; _pwd = this.EntryPasswd.Password; if (!backgroundWorker.IsBusy) backgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync (); }; BtnClose.Clicked += (sender, e) => { Respond (Command.Close);}; Content = table; }
/// <summary> /// Initialize window. /// </summary> public override void _initializeComponents() { // Server Name + URL + Periodicity window Frame f = new Frame(); f.Label = Director.Properties.Resources.ServerSettings; f.Padding = 10; // Create VBOX VBox ServerSettings = new VBox(); // Prepare text box ServerSettings.PackStart(new Label() { Text = Director.Properties.Resources.ServerName }); ServerName = new TextEntry(); ServerName.Changed += ServerName_Changed; ServerSettings.PackStart(ServerName); // Add invalid server name ServerSettings.PackStart(InvalidServerName); // Server URL ServerSettings.PackStart(new Label() { Text = Director.Properties.Resources.ServerURL }); ServerURL = new TextEntry(); ServerURL.Changed += ServerURL_Changed; ServerSettings.PackStart(ServerURL); // Invalid URL ServerSettings.PackStart(InvalidServerURL); // Frequency settings ServerSettings.PackStart(new Label() { Text = Director.Properties.Resources.RunningPeriodicity }); FrequencyRunning = new ComboBox(); FrequencyHelper.FillComboBox(FrequencyRunning); ServerSettings.PackStart(FrequencyRunning); FrequencyRunning.SelectedIndex = 0; FrequencyRunning.SelectionChanged += FrequencyRunning_SelectionChanged; // Add Frame to server settings f.Content = ServerSettings; PackStart(f); // Authorization AuthRequired = new CheckBox(Director.Properties.Resources.Authorization); AuthRequired.MarginLeft = 10; PackStart(AuthRequired); // Create Authentication Frame Authentication = new Frame() { Label = Director.Properties.Resources.AuthorizationSettings, Padding = 10 }; // Login and Password fields VBox AuthBox = new VBox(); AuthBox.PackStart(new Label() { Text = Director.Properties.Resources.Username }); AuthUserName = new TextEntry(); AuthUserName.Changed += AuthUserName_Changed; AuthBox.PackStart(AuthUserName); AuthBox.PackStart(new Label() { Text = Director.Properties.Resources.Password }); AuthUserPassword = new PasswordEntry(); AuthUserPassword.Changed += AuthUserPassword_Changed; AuthBox.PackStart(AuthUserPassword); // Authentication content Authentication.Content = AuthBox; PackStart(Authentication); // Change value AuthRequired.Toggled += AuthRequired_Toggled; // Email settings Frame EmailFrame = new Frame() { Label = Director.Properties.Resources.EmailNotifications, Padding = 10, MinHeight = 180 }; // Create EmailList widget EmailWidget = new EmailList(); EmailFrame.Content = EmailWidget; PackStart(EmailFrame, expand: true, fill: true); }
void Build () { Width = 400; Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Add Package Source"); int labelWidth = 80; var mainVBox = new VBox (); Content = mainVBox; // Package source name. var packageSourceNameHBox = new HBox (); mainVBox.PackStart (packageSourceNameHBox); var packageSourceNameLabel = new Label (); packageSourceNameLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Name"); packageSourceNameLabel.TextAlignment = Alignment.End; packageSourceNameLabel.WidthRequest = labelWidth; packageSourceNameHBox.PackStart (packageSourceNameLabel); packageSourceNameTextEntry = new TextEntry (); packageSourceNameHBox.PackEnd (packageSourceNameTextEntry, true); // Package source URL. var packageSourceUrlHBox = new HBox (); mainVBox.PackStart (packageSourceUrlHBox); var packageSourceUrlLabel = new Label (); packageSourceUrlLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("URL"); packageSourceUrlLabel.TextAlignment = Alignment.End; packageSourceUrlLabel.WidthRequest = labelWidth; packageSourceUrlHBox.PackStart (packageSourceUrlLabel); packageSourceUrlTextEntry = new TextEntry (); packageSourceUrlHBox.PackEnd (packageSourceUrlTextEntry, true); // Package source username. var packageSourceUserNameHBox = new HBox (); mainVBox.PackStart (packageSourceUserNameHBox); var packageSourceUserNameLabel = new Label (); packageSourceUserNameLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Username"); packageSourceUserNameLabel.TextAlignment = Alignment.End; packageSourceUserNameLabel.WidthRequest = labelWidth; packageSourceUserNameHBox.PackStart (packageSourceUserNameLabel); packageSourceUserNameTextEntry = new TextEntry (); packageSourceUserNameTextEntry.PlaceholderText = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Private sources only"); packageSourceUserNameHBox.PackEnd (packageSourceUserNameTextEntry, true); // Package source password. var packageSourcePasswordHBox = new HBox (); mainVBox.PackStart (packageSourcePasswordHBox); var packageSourcePasswordLabel = new Label (); packageSourcePasswordLabel.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Password"); packageSourcePasswordLabel.TextAlignment = Alignment.End; packageSourcePasswordLabel.WidthRequest = labelWidth; packageSourcePasswordHBox.PackStart (packageSourcePasswordLabel); packageSourcePasswordTextEntry = new PasswordEntry (); packageSourcePasswordTextEntry.PlaceholderText = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Private sources only"); packageSourcePasswordHBox.PackEnd (packageSourcePasswordTextEntry, true); // Buttons at bottom of dialog. var cancelButton = new DialogButton (Command.Cancel); Buttons.Add (cancelButton); addPackageSourceButton = new DialogButton (Command.Ok); addPackageSourceButton.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Add Source"); addPackageSourceButton.Sensitive = false; Buttons.Add (addPackageSourceButton); savePackageSourceButton = new DialogButton (Command.Apply); savePackageSourceButton.Label = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Save"); savePackageSourceButton.Visible = false; Buttons.Add (savePackageSourceButton); }