Example #1
		public ListView1 ()
			PackStart (new Label ("The listview should have a red background"));
			ListView list = new ListView ();
			list.GridLinesVisible = GridLines.Both;
			ListStore store = new ListStore (name, icon, text, icon2, progress);
			list.DataSource = store;
			list.Columns.Add ("Name", icon, name);
			list.Columns.Add ("Text", icon2, text);
			list.Columns.Add ("Progress", new TextCellView () { TextField = text }, new CustomCell () { ValueField = progress });

			var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");

			Random rand = new Random ();
			for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
				var r = store.AddRow ();
				store.SetValue (r, icon, png);
				store.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
				store.SetValue (r, icon2, png);
				store.SetValue (r, text, "Text " + n);
				store.SetValue (r, progress, new CellData { Value = rand.Next () % 100 });
			PackStart (list, true);

			list.RowActivated += delegate(object sender, ListViewRowEventArgs e) {
				MessageDialog.ShowMessage ("Row " + e.RowIndex + " activated");

			Menu contextMenu = new Menu ();
			contextMenu.Items.Add (new MenuItem ("Test menu"));
			list.ButtonPressed += delegate(object sender, ButtonEventArgs e) {
				int row = list.GetRowAtPosition(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
				if (e.Button == PointerButton.Right && row >= 0) {
					// Set actual row to selected
					contextMenu.Popup(list, e.X, e.Y);

			var but = new Button ("Scroll one line");
			but.Clicked += delegate {
				list.VerticalScrollControl.Value += list.VerticalScrollControl.StepIncrement;
			PackStart (but);

			var spnValue = new SpinButton ();
			spnValue.MinimumValue = 0;
			spnValue.MaximumValue = 99;
			spnValue.IncrementValue = 1;
			spnValue.Digits = 0;
			var btnScroll = new Button ("Go!");
			btnScroll.Clicked += (sender, e) => list.ScrollToRow((int)spnValue.Value);

			HBox scrollActBox = new HBox ();
			scrollActBox.PackStart (new Label("Scroll to Value: "));
			scrollActBox.PackStart (spnValue);
			scrollActBox.PackStart (btnScroll);
			PackStart (scrollActBox);
Example #2
		public ListViewCellBounds ()
			MinHeight = 120;
			MinWidth = 100;

			container = new VBox ();
			ListView = new ListView();

			ListView.GridLinesVisible = GridLines.Both;
			ListStore = new ListStore (name, icon, text, check, progress);
			ListView.DataSource = ListStore;
			ListView.Columns.Add ("Name", icon, name);
			ListView.Columns.Add ("Check", new TextCellView () { TextField = text }, new CustomCell () { ValueField = progress, Size = new Size(20, 20) }, new CheckBoxCellView() { ActiveField = check });
			//list.Columns.Add ("Progress", new TextCellView () { TextField = text }, new CustomCell () { ValueField = progress }, new TextCellView () { TextField = text } );
			ListView.Columns.Add ("Progress", new CustomCell () { ValueField = progress });

			var png = Image.FromResource (typeof(App), "class.png");

			Random rand = new Random ();

			for (int n=0; n<100; n++) {
				var r = ListStore.AddRow ();
				ListStore.SetValue (r, icon, png);
				if (rand.Next (50) > 25) {
					ListStore.SetValue (r, name, "Value \n" + n);
					ListStore.SetValue (r, check, false);
				} else {
					ListStore.SetValue (r, name, "Value " + n);
					ListStore.SetValue (r, check, true);
				ListStore.SetValue (r, text, "Text " + n);
				ListStore.SetValue (r, progress, new CellData { Value = rand.Next () % 100 });

			ListView.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => UpdateTracker (ListView.SelectedRow);
			ListView.MouseMoved += (sender, e) => UpdateTracker (ListView.GetRowAtPosition (e.X, e.Y));

			drawer = new ListTrackingCanvas (this);

			container.PackStart (ListView, true);
			container.PackStart (drawer);
			AddChild (container);