Example #1
        public async Task New_User_Should_Have_Name(UserInput user)
            var mockUserWriteOnlyRepository = new Mock <IUserWriteOnlyRepository>();
            var sut = new UserUseCase(null, mockUserWriteOnlyRepository.Object);

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidValueException>(() => sut.CreateUser(user));
Example #2
        public async Task New_Task_Should_Have_Name(TaskInput task)
            var mockTaskWriteOnlyRepository = new Mock <ITaskWriteOnlyRepository>();
            var sut = new TaskUseCase(null, mockTaskWriteOnlyRepository.Object);

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidValueException>(() => sut.Create(Guid.NewGuid(), task));
Example #3
        public async Task Create_InValidUser_ReturnsCreatedUser()
            UserService userService = new UserService(_fixture.context, _mailOptions);
            User        user        = new User();

            user.EMail = "*****@*****.**";
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AppException>(() => userService.Create(user));
Example #4
 public async Task PutInvalidUserId_ReturnsThrowException()
     MonitoredItemsServices itemsService = new MonitoredItemsServices(_fixture.context);
     MonitoredItem          item         = new MonitoredItem {
         ElementName = "CreatedTest", Url = "www.google.com", Frequency = 5
     await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AppException>(() => itemsService.Create(Guid.Parse("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"), item));
        public async Task InterServiceDisposeNullFailureFunc()
            // Setup: Create a query service and dispose params
            var         qes         = new QueryExecutionService(null, null);
            Func <Task> successFunc = () => Task.FromResult(0);

            // If: I call the inter-service API to dispose a query with a null success function
            // Then: It should throw
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(
                () => qes.InterServiceDisposeQuery(Constants.OwnerUri, successFunc, null));
        public async Task Given_In_Correct_Email_Returns_Error()
            var user = new IdentityUser
                UserName     = "******",
                PasswordHash = "GenericUsername",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**"

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(async() => await Controller.Login(user, user.PasswordHash));
        public async Task InterServiceExecuteNullEventSender()
            // Setup: Create a query service, and execute params
            var qes           = new QueryExecutionService(null, null);
            var executeParams = new ExecuteStringParams();

            // If: I call the inter-service API to execute a query with a a null event sender
            // Then: It should throw
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(
                () => qes.InterServiceExecuteQuery(executeParams, null, null, null, null, null, null));
        public void Given_Non_Existing_User_To_Update_Returns_Exception()
            var identityUser = new IdentityUser
                UserName     = "******",
                PasswordHash = "GenericUsername",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**"

            Assert.ThrowsAsync <Exception>(() => Controller.Update(identityUser));
        public async Task InterServiceExecuteNullExecuteParams()
            // Setup: Create a query service
            var qes         = new QueryExecutionService(null, null);
            var eventSender = new EventFlowValidator <ExecuteRequestResult>().Complete().Object;

            // If: I call the inter-service API to execute with a null execute params
            // Then: It should throw
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(
                () => qes.InterServiceExecuteQuery(null, null, eventSender, null, null, null, null));
Example #10
        public async Task Delete()
            var project = await this.Add();

            var message         = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Delete, $"{API}/{project.Id}");
            var responseMessage = await this.HttpClient.SendAsync(message);

            await responseMessage.AsResult();

            var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SaeException>(() => this.Get(project.Id));

            Assert.Equal(StatusCode.ResourcesNotExist, exception.Code);
Example #11
        public async Task LoadMoreItemsAsync_OnlySupportsOneLoadOperationAtOnce()
            var loadingTaskSource = new TaskCompletionSource <IEnumerable <object> >();

            var mockDataSource = CreateMockDataSource(GetSampleData());

            .Arrange(dataSource => dataSource.GetItemsAsync(Arg.IsAny <uint>(), Arg.IsAny <uint>()))

            var collection = new IncrementalLoadingCollection <object>(mockDataSource);


            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(async() => await collection.LoadMoreItemsAsync(1));
        public void Deve_Dar_Erro_Ao_Deletar_Produto_E_Nao_Encontrar_ID()
            var produtosMock = _produtoFixture.ProdutoMock();
            var mensagemErro = Produto.ProdutoNaoEncontrato;

            var marcaService       = new Mock <IMarcaService>();
            var produtoRespository = new Mock <IProdutoRepository>();

            produtoRespository.Setup(x => x.Deleta(It.IsAny <Produto>()))
            .Throws(new NotFoundExepction(mensagemErro));

            var service         = new ProdutoService(produtoRespository.Object, marcaService.Object);
            var produtosRetorno = Assert.ThrowsAsync <NotFoundExepction>(
                async() => service.Deleta(produtosMock.First()));

            Assert.Equal(mensagemErro, produtosRetorno.Result.Message);
        public void Deve_Dar_Erro_Ao_Deletar_Produto()
            var produtoMock  = _produtoFixture.ProdutoMock().First();
            var mensagemErro = Produto.ErroAoModificarProduto;

            var marcaService       = new Mock <IMarcaService>();
            var produtoRespository = new Mock <IProdutoRepository>();

            produtoRespository.Setup(x => x.ObterPorId(It.IsAny <int>()))

            produtoRespository.Setup(x => x.Deleta(It.IsAny <Produto>()))
            .Throws(new Exception(mensagemErro));

            var service = new ProdutoService(produtoRespository.Object, marcaService.Object);

            Assert.ThrowsAsync <Exception>(async() => service.Deleta(produtoMock));
Example #14
    public async Task AsyncThrowsExceptionExactlyOfTypeReference()
        async Task a()
            await Task.Delay(1); throw new ArgumentNullException("id");

        Func <Task> action = a;
        Type        t      = typeof(ArgumentException);
        Exception   ex;

        // MSTest does not support this case.

        // NUnit
        Assert.That(a, Throws.TypeOf(t), () => "Some context");
        // Some context
        //  Expected: <System.ArgumentException>
        //  But was: <System.ArgumentNullException>

        // XUnit
        ex = await XUnitAssert.ThrowsAsync(t, action);

        // Assert.Throws() Failure
        // Expected: typeof(System.ArgumentException)
        // Actual:  typeof(System.ArgumentNullException): Value cannot be null.
        // Parameter name: id
        // ---- System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
        // Parameter name: id

        // Fluent does not support this case.

        // Shouldly
        ex = await Should.ThrowAsync(action, "Some context", t);

        // Shouldly uses your source code to generate its great error messages, build your test project with full debug information to get better error messages
        // The provided expression
        //   handle aggregate exception
        // System.ArgumentException
        //   but was
        // System.ArgumentNullException
        // Additional Info:
        //   Some context
Example #15
        public async Task TestSequence(IAccountGrain account, bool hasLogStored)
            Assert.Equal(0u, await account.Balance());

            var initialdepositguid = Guid.NewGuid();
            await account.Deposit(100, initialdepositguid, "initial deposit");

            Assert.Equal(100u, await account.Balance());

            var firstwithdrawalguid = Guid.NewGuid();
            var success             = await account.Withdraw(70, firstwithdrawalguid, "first withdrawal");

            Assert.Equal(30u, await account.Balance());

            var secondwithdrawalguid = Guid.NewGuid();

            success = await account.Withdraw(70, secondwithdrawalguid, "second withdrawal");

            Assert.Equal(30u, await account.Balance());

            if (hasLogStored)
                // check the transaction log
                var log = await account.GetTransactionLog();

                Assert.Equal(2, log.Count());
                Assert.Equal(initialdepositguid, log[0].Guid);
                Assert.Equal("initial deposit", log[0].Description);
                Assert.Equal(firstwithdrawalguid, log[1].Guid);
                Assert.Equal("first withdrawal", log[1].Description);
                Assert.True(log[0].IssueTime < log[1].IssueTime);
                await Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(NotSupportedException),
                                         async() => await account.GetTransactionLog());
Example #16
    public async Task AsyncThrowsExceptionExactlyOfStaticType()
        async Task a()
            await Task.Delay(1); throw new ArgumentNullException("id");

        Func <Task>       action = a;
        ArgumentException ae;

        // MSTest
        ae = await MSTestAssert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ArgumentException>(action, "Some context");

        // Assert.ThrowsException failed. Threw exception ArgumentNullException, but exception ArgumentException was expected. Some context
        // Exception Message: Value cannot be null.
        // Parameter name: id
        // Stack Trace: ...

        // NUnit does not support this use case.

        // XUnit
        ae = await XUnitAssert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(action);

        // Assert.Throws() Failure
        // Expected: typeof(System.ArgumentException)
        // Actual:  typeof(System.ArgumentNullException): Value cannot be null.
        // Parameter name: id
        // ---- System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
        // Parameter name: id

        // Fluent
        ae = action.Should().ThrowExactly <ArgumentException>("SOME REASONS").Which;
        // Expected type to be System.ArgumentException because SOME REASONS, but found System.ArgumentNullException.

        // Shouldly does not support this case.
Example #17
 public async Task I_can_assert_an_async_exception_and_get_an_error_if_no_exception_was_thrown()
     await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AssertionException>(
         () => SutAssert.ThrowsAsync <IOException>(() => Task.CompletedTask)
Example #18
 public async Task I_can_assert_an_async_exception_and_get_an_error_if_another_was_thrown()
     await Assert.ThrowsAsync <AssertionException>(
         () => SutAssert.ThrowsAsync <IOException>(() => Task.FromException(new FileNotFoundException()))