Example #1
        // Form message header, which is ICE's own header + user generated header
        // Caller is guilty for user header bytesex
        protected void SendHeader(byte[] header, int length)
            if (!messageTransaction)
                throw new XInvalidOperationException("Can not send header until not started message");

            int headerLength = header.Length;
            int size         = 8 + headerLength;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
            buffer[0] = (byte)majorOpcode;
            buffer[1] = (byte)minorOpcode;
            buffer[2] = (byte)0;
            buffer[3] = (byte)0;
            if (ICE.IsLittleEndian)
                buffer[4] = (byte)length;                        //(byte)size;
                buffer[5] = (byte)(length >> 8);
                buffer[6] = (byte)(length >> 16);
                buffer[7] = (byte)(length >> 24);
                buffer[4] = (byte)(length >> 24);
                buffer[5] = (byte)(length >> 16);
                buffer[6] = (byte)(length >> 8);
                buffer[7] = (byte)length;
            Array.Copy(header, 0, buffer, 8, headerLength);
            ICE._IceWrite(iceConn, (Xlib.Xulong)size, buffer);
Example #2
        protected void SendData(byte[] data)
            if (!messageTransaction)
                throw new XInvalidOperationException("Can not send data until not started message");

            ICE._IceWrite(iceConn, (Xlib.Xulong)data.Length, data);                     // If someone want to send part of buffer he should fsck with it himself
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>Close this ICE client iceConn.</para>
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void Close()
     if (iceConn != null)
         // TODO: deregister the fd from the select loop.
             (iceConn, (Xlib.Xint)majorOpcode);
         iceConn = null;
Example #4
        protected byte[] ReceiveHeader(int length) // Cheap and Angry
            if (!messageTransaction)
                throw new XInvalidOperationException("Can not read data when not receiving message");

            // Client should solve its bytesex himself
            byte[] outbuf = new byte[length];
            ICE._IceRead(iceConn, (Xlib.Xulong)length, outbuf);
Example #5
        protected void FinishMessage()
            if (!messageTransaction)
                throw new XInvalidOperationException("Can not finish message until not started it");


            this.messageTransaction = false;
            if (ICE.IceConnectionStatus(iceConn) != (Xlib.Xint)IceConnectStatus.IceConnectAccepted)
                throw new XInvalidOperationException("Connection not accepted");
Example #6
        // Process incoming messages on the ICE iceConn.
        protected void ProcessResponces(Object replyStruct)
            XBool readyRet = XBool.False;
            IceProcessMessagesStatus status;

            waitInfo.sequence_of_request     = (uint)ICE.IceLastSentSequenceNumber(iceConn);
            waitInfo.major_opcode_of_request = 2;                     // FIXME: This is a terrible hack, see this::.ctor
            waitInfo.reply = replyStruct;
                status = (IceProcessMessagesStatus)ICE.IceProcessMessages(iceConn, ref waitInfo, ref readyRet);
                if (status != IceProcessMessagesStatus.IceProcessMessagesSuccess)
                    throw new XInvalidOperationException("I/O Error or server gone away?");
            }while(readyRet == XBool.False);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Construct an ICE client handler to process messages for
        /// a particular ICE protocol.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dpy">
        /// <para>The display to attach to the ICE iceConn's message
        /// processor.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="protocolName">
        /// <para>The name of the protocol to register.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="vendor">
        /// <para>The name of the vendor for the protocol being registered.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="release">
        /// <para>The name of the release for the protocol being registered.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="majorVersion">
        /// <para>The major vesion number for the protocol being registered.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="minorVersion">
        /// <para>The minor vesion number for the protocol being registered.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="serverAddress">
        /// <para>The address of the ICE server to connect to.</para>
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// <para>Raised if <paramref name="protocolName"/>,
        /// <paramref name="vendor"/>, <paramref name="release"/>, or
        /// <paramref name="serverAddress"/> is <see langword="null"/>.
        /// </para>
        /// </exception>
        /// <exception cref="T:Xsharp.XInvalidOperationException">
        /// <para>Raised if the protocol could not be registered or the
        /// iceConn to the ICE server could not be established.</para>
        /// </exception>
        public IceClient(Display dpy, String protocolName, String vendor,
                         String release, int majorVersion, int minorVersion,
                         String serverAddress)
            // Validate the parameters.
            if (dpy == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dpy");
            if (protocolName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("protocolName");
            if (vendor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("vendor");
            if (release == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("release");
            if (serverAddress == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("serverAddress");

            // Register the protocol with "libICE".
            IcePoVersionRec version = new IcePoVersionRec();

            version.major_version    = majorVersion;
            version.minor_version    = minorVersion;
            version.process_msg_proc =
                new IcePoProcessMsgProc(ProcessMessage);
            String[] authNames = new String[] { "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1" };
            ICE.IcePoAuthProcIncapsulator authProc =
                new ICE.IcePoAuthProcIncapsulator(new IcePoAuthProc(ICE._IcePoMagicCookie1Proc));
            // FIXME: this is overhead, it should be done if (_IceLastMajorOpcode < 1 ) only
            // FIXME: This should be called, but this sevgvs. If someone will take care of segv - decomment and delete hack from this::ProcessResponces()

/*				ICE.IceRegisterForProtocolSetup
 *                                      ("DUMMY", "DUMMY", "DUMMY",
 *                                       (Xlib.Xint)1, ref version,
 *                                       (Xlib.Xint)1, authNames, ref authProc, null);*/
            majorOpcode = (int)ICE.IceRegisterForProtocolSetup
                              (protocolName, vendor, release,
                              (Xlib.Xint) 1, ref version,
                              (Xlib.Xint) 1, authNames, ref authProc, null);
            if (majorOpcode < 0)
                throw new XInvalidOperationException();

            // Open the ICE iceConn to the server.
            byte[] errorBuffer = new byte [1024];
            iceConn = ICE.IceOpenConnection
                          (serverAddress, (IntPtr)this.GetHashCode() /* This is hash code is not it? */, XBool.False,
                          (Xlib.Xint)majorOpcode, (Xlib.Xint) 1024, errorBuffer);
            if (iceConn == null)
                throw new XInvalidOperationException();

            // We don't want shutdown negotiation.
            ICE.IceSetShutdownNegotiation(iceConn, XBool.False);

            // Perform protocol setup on the iceConn.
            IceProtocolSetupStatus status;

            Xlib.Xint majorRet, minorRet;
            IntPtr    vendorRet, releaseRet;

            status = (IceProtocolSetupStatus)ICE.IceProtocolSetup
                         (iceConn, (Xlib.Xint)majorOpcode, IntPtr.Zero,                // We use OO language so we do not need to pass any pointers to callback; he already have its object
                         XBool.False, out majorRet, out minorRet,
                         out vendorRet, out releaseRet,
                         (Xlib.Xint) 1024, errorBuffer);
            if (status != IceProtocolSetupStatus.IceProtocolSetupSuccess)
                iceConn = null;
                throw new XInvalidOperationException();

            // Check the iceConn status.
            if (ICE.IceConnectionStatus(iceConn) !=
                iceConn = null;
                throw new XInvalidOperationException();

            // Initialize other state information.
            this.buffer             = errorBuffer;
            this.dpy                = dpy;
            this.messageTransaction = false;

            // TODO: register IceConnectionNumber(iceConn) with
            // the select loop.