Example #1
        public override void ProcessCollision(CollisionObject bodyA, CollisionObject bodyB, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ManifoldResult resultOut)
            if (_manifold == null)
                _manifold    = Dispatcher.GetNewManifold(bodyA, bodyB);
                _ownManifold = true;

            ConvexShape min0 = bodyA.CollisionShape as ConvexShape;
            ConvexShape min1 = bodyB.CollisionShape as ConvexShape;

            GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();

            //TODO: if (dispatchInfo.m_useContinuous)
            input.MaximumDistanceSquared  = min0.Margin + min1.Margin + PersistentManifold.ContactBreakingThreshold;
            input.MaximumDistanceSquared *= input.MaximumDistanceSquared;

            //	input.m_maximumDistanceSquared = 1e30f;

            input.TransformA = bodyA.WorldTransform;
            input.TransformB = bodyB.WorldTransform;

            _gjkPairDetector.GetClosestPoints(input, resultOut, dispatchInfo.DebugDraw);
		public override void ProcessCollision(CollisionObject bodyA, CollisionObject bodyB, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ManifoldResult resultOut)
			if (_manifold == null)
				_manifold = Dispatcher.GetNewManifold(bodyA, bodyB);
				_ownManifold = true;

			ConvexShape min0 = bodyA.CollisionShape as ConvexShape;
			ConvexShape min1 = bodyB.CollisionShape as ConvexShape;

			GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();

			//TODO: if (dispatchInfo.m_useContinuous)
			input.MaximumDistanceSquared = min0.Margin + min1.Margin + PersistentManifold.ContactBreakingThreshold;
			input.MaximumDistanceSquared *= input.MaximumDistanceSquared;

			//	input.m_maximumDistanceSquared = 1e30f;

			input.TransformA = bodyA.WorldTransform;
			input.TransformB = bodyB.WorldTransform;

			_gjkPairDetector.GetClosestPoints(input, resultOut, dispatchInfo.DebugDraw);
Example #3
        public override void GetClosestPoints(DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput input, DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result output, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            Matrix transformA = input.TransformA;
            Matrix transformB = input.TransformB;

            Vector3 point        = new Vector3();
            Vector3 normal       = new Vector3();
            Single  timeOfImpact = 1.0f;
            Single  depth        = 0.0f;

            //move sphere into triangle space
            Matrix sphereInTr = MathHelper.InverseTimes(transformB, transformA);

            if (Collide(sphereInTr.Translation, point, normal, depth, timeOfImpact))
                output.AddContactPoint(Vector3.TransformNormal(normal, transformB), Vector3.TransformNormal(point, transformB), depth);
		public override void ProcessCollision(CollisionObject bodyA, CollisionObject bodyB, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ManifoldResult resultOut)
			if (_manifold == null)

			SphereShape sphere = bodyA.CollisionShape as SphereShape;
			TriangleShape triangle = bodyB.CollisionShape as TriangleShape;

			/// report a contact. internally this will be kept persistent, and contact reduction is done
			SphereTriangleDetector detector = new SphereTriangleDetector(sphere, triangle);

			DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();
			input.MaximumDistanceSquared = 1e30f;//todo: tighter bounds
			input.TransformA = bodyA.WorldTransform;
			input.TransformB = bodyB.WorldTransform;

			detector.GetClosestPoints(input, resultOut, null);
        public override void ProcessCollision(CollisionObject bodyA, CollisionObject bodyB, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ManifoldResult resultOut)
            if (_manifold == null)

            SphereShape   sphere   = bodyA.CollisionShape as SphereShape;
            TriangleShape triangle = bodyB.CollisionShape as TriangleShape;

            /// report a contact. internally this will be kept persistent, and contact reduction is done
            SphereTriangleDetector detector = new SphereTriangleDetector(sphere, triangle);

            DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();
            input.MaximumDistanceSquared = 1e30f;            //todo: tighter bounds
            input.TransformA             = bodyA.WorldTransform;
            input.TransformB             = bodyB.WorldTransform;

            detector.GetClosestPoints(input, resultOut, null);
Example #6
        public bool CalculatePenetrationDepth(ISimplexSolver simplexSolver,
            ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB,
            Matrix transformA, Matrix transformB,
            Vector3 v, out Vector3 pa, out Vector3 pb, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            pa = new Vector3();
            pb = new Vector3();
            //just take fixed number of orientation, and sample the penetration depth in that direction
            float minProj = 1e30f;
            Vector3 minNorm = new Vector3();
            Vector3 minA = new Vector3(), minB = new Vector3();
            Vector3 seperatingAxisInA, seperatingAxisInB;
            Vector3 pInA, qInB, pWorld, qWorld, w;

            Vector3[] supportVerticesABatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] supportVerticesBBatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] seperatingAxisInABatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] seperatingAxisInBBatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];

            int numSampleDirections = UnitSpherePointsCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = penetrationDirections[i];
                seperatingAxisInABatch[i] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                seperatingAxisInBBatch[i] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

                int numPDA = convexA.PreferredPenetrationDirectionsCount;
                if (numPDA != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++)
                        Vector3 norm;
                        convexA.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformA);
                        penetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

                int numPDB = convexB.PreferredPenetrationDirectionsCount;
                if (numPDB != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDB; i++)
                        Vector3 norm;
                        convexB.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);
                        penetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

            convexA.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInABatch, supportVerticesABatch); //, numSampleDirections);
            convexB.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInBBatch, supportVerticesBBatch); //, numSampleDirections);

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = penetrationDirections[i];
                seperatingAxisInA = seperatingAxisInABatch[i];
                seperatingAxisInB = seperatingAxisInBBatch[i];

                pInA = supportVerticesABatch[i];
                qInB = supportVerticesBBatch[i];

                pWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(transformA, pInA);
                qWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(transformB, qInB);
                w = qWorld - pWorld;
                float delta = Vector3.Dot(norm, w);
                //find smallest delta
                if (delta < minProj)
                    minProj = delta;
                    minNorm = norm;
                    minA = pWorld;
                    minB = qWorld;

            //add the margins
            minA += minNorm * convexA.Margin;
            minB -= minNorm * convexB.Margin;
            //no penetration
            if (minProj < 0)
                return false;

            minProj += (convexA.Margin + convexB.Margin);

            GjkPairDetector gjkdet = new GjkPairDetector(convexA, convexB, simplexSolver, null);

            float offsetDist = minProj;
            Vector3 offset = minNorm * offsetDist;

            GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();

            Vector3 newOrg = transformA.Translation + offset;

            Matrix displacedTrans = transformA;
            displacedTrans.Translation = newOrg;

            input.TransformA = displacedTrans;
            input.TransformB = transformB;
            input.MaximumDistanceSquared = 1e30f;//minProj;

            IntermediateResult res = new IntermediateResult();
            gjkdet.GetClosestPoints(input, res, debugDraw);

            float correctedMinNorm = minProj - res.Depth;

            //the penetration depth is over-estimated, relax it
            float penetration_relaxation = 1;
            minNorm *= penetration_relaxation;

            if (res.HasResult)

                pa = res.PointInWorld - minNorm * correctedMinNorm;
                pb = res.PointInWorld;

            return res.HasResult;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// cast a convex against another convex object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromA"></param>
        /// <param name="toA"></param>
        /// <param name="fromB"></param>
        /// <param name="toB"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CalcTimeOfImpact(Matrix fromA, Matrix toA, Matrix fromB, Matrix toB, CastResult result)
            MinkowskiSumShape combined = new MinkowskiSumShape(_convexA, _convexB);

            Matrix rayFromLocalA = MathHelper.InvertMatrix(fromA) * fromB;
            Matrix rayToLocalA   = MathHelper.InvertMatrix(toA) * toB;

            Matrix transformA = fromA;
            Matrix transformB = fromB;

            transformA.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            transformB.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

            combined.TransformA = transformA;
            combined.TransformB = transformB;

            float radius = 0.01f;
            float lambda = 0;

            Vector3 s = rayFromLocalA.Translation;
            Vector3 r = rayToLocalA.Translation - rayFromLocalA.Translation;
            Vector3 x = s;
            Vector3 n = new Vector3();
            Vector3 c = new Vector3();

            bool  hasResult  = false;
            float lastLambda = lambda;

            IConvexPenetrationDepthSolver penSolver = null;
            Matrix identityTransform = Matrix.Identity;

            SphereShape raySphere = new SphereShape(0.0f);

            raySphere.Margin = 0.0f;

            Matrix sphereTransform = Matrix.Identity;

            sphereTransform.Translation = rayFromLocalA.Translation;


                PointCollector  pointCollector = new PointCollector();
                GjkPairDetector gjk            = new GjkPairDetector(raySphere, combined, _simplexSolver, penSolver);

                GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();
                input.TransformA = sphereTransform;
                input.TransformB = identityTransform;

                gjk.GetClosestPoints(input, pointCollector, null);

                hasResult = pointCollector.HasResult;

                c = pointCollector.PointInWorld;
                n = pointCollector.NormalOnBInWorld;

            if (hasResult)
                float dist = (c - x).Length();

                if (dist < radius)
                    lastLambda = 1.0f;

                while (dist > radius)
                    n = x - c;
                    float dot = Vector3.Dot(n, r);

                    if (dot >= -(MathHelper.Epsilon * MathHelper.Epsilon))

                    lambda = lambda - Vector3.Distance(n, n) / dot;
                    if (lambda <= lastLambda)

                    lastLambda = lambda;

                    x = s + lambda * r;

                    sphereTransform.Translation = x;
                    PointCollector pointCollector = new PointCollector();

                    GjkPairDetector gjk = new GjkPairDetector(raySphere, combined, _simplexSolver, penSolver);
                    GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();
                    input.TransformA = sphereTransform;
                    input.TransformB = identityTransform;

                    gjk.GetClosestPoints(input, pointCollector, null);

                    if (pointCollector.HasResult)
                        if (pointCollector.Distance < 0.0f)
                            result.Fraction = lastLambda;
                            result.Normal   = n;

                        c    = pointCollector.PointInWorld;
                        dist = (c - x).Length();

                if (lastLambda < 1.0f)
                    result.Fraction = lastLambda;
                    result.Normal   = n;

		public bool CalcTimeOfImpact(Matrix fromA, Matrix toA, Matrix fromB, Matrix toB, CastResult result)

			// compute linear and angular velocity for this interval, to interpolate
			Vector3 linVelA = new Vector3(), angVelA = new Vector3(), linVelB = new Vector3(), angVelB = new Vector3();
			TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(fromA, toA, 1f, ref linVelA, ref angVelA);
			TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(fromB, toB, 1f, ref linVelB, ref angVelB);

			float boundingRadiusA = _convexA.GetAngularMotionDisc();
			float boundingRadiusB = _convexB.GetAngularMotionDisc();

			float maxAngularProjectedVelocity = angVelA.Length() * boundingRadiusA +
				angVelB.Length() * boundingRadiusB;

			float radius = 0.001f;

			float lambda = 0f;
			Vector3 v = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);

			int maxIter = MaxIterations;

			Vector3 n = new Vector3();
			bool hasResult = false;
			Vector3 c;

			float lastLambda = lambda;
			//float epsilon = 0.001f;

			int numIter = 0;
			//first solution, using GJK

			Matrix identityTrans = Matrix.Identity;

			SphereShape raySphere = new SphereShape(0f);


			PointCollector pointCollector1 = new PointCollector();

			GjkPairDetector gjk = new GjkPairDetector(_convexA, _convexB, (VoronoiSimplexSolver)_simplexSolver, _penetrationDepthSolver);
			GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();

			//we don't use margins during CCD

			input.TransformA = fromA;
			input.TransformB = fromB;

			DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result r = (DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result)pointCollector1;
			gjk.GetClosestPoints(input, r, null);

			hasResult = pointCollector1.HasResult;
			c = pointCollector1.PointInWorld;

			if (hasResult)
				float dist;
				dist = pointCollector1.Distance;
				n = pointCollector1.NormalOnBInWorld;

				//not close enough
				while (dist > radius)
					if (numIter > maxIter)
						return false; //todo: report a failure

					float dLambda = 0f;

					//calculate safe moving fraction from distance / (linear+rotational velocity)

					//float clippedDist  = GEN_min(angularConservativeRadius,dist);
					//float clippedDist  = dist;

					float projectedLinearVelocity = Vector3.Dot(linVelB - linVelA, n);

					dLambda = dist / (projectedLinearVelocity + maxAngularProjectedVelocity);

					lambda = lambda + dLambda;

					if (lambda > 1f) return false;
					if (lambda < 0f) return false;

					//todo: next check with relative epsilon
					if (lambda <= lastLambda)
					lastLambda = lambda;

					//interpolate to next lambda
					Matrix interpolatedTransA = new Matrix(), interpolatedTransB = new Matrix(), relativeTrans;

					TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(fromA, linVelA, angVelA, lambda, ref interpolatedTransA);
					TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(fromB, linVelB, angVelB, lambda, ref interpolatedTransB);

					relativeTrans = MathHelper.InverseTimes(interpolatedTransB, interpolatedTransA);


					PointCollector pointCollector = new PointCollector();
					gjk = new GjkPairDetector(_convexA, _convexB, (VoronoiSimplexSolver)_simplexSolver, _penetrationDepthSolver);
					input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();
					input.TransformA = interpolatedTransA;
					input.TransformB = interpolatedTransB;

					// !!!!!!!!!!
					r = (DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result)pointCollector1;
					gjk.GetClosestPoints(input, r, null);

					if (pointCollector.HasResult)
						if (pointCollector.Distance < 0f)
							//degenerate ?!
							result.Fraction = lastLambda;
							result.Normal = n;
							return true;
						c = pointCollector.PointInWorld;

						dist = pointCollector.Distance;
						return false;


				result.Fraction = lambda;
				result.Normal = n;
				return true;

			return false;
Example #9
        public override void GetClosestPoints(DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput input, DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result output, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            float distance = 0;

            Vector3 normalInB = new Vector3();
            Vector3 pointOnA = new Vector3(), pointOnB = new Vector3();

            Matrix localTransA = input.TransformA;
            Matrix localTransB = input.TransformB;

            Vector3 positionOffset = (localTransA.Translation + localTransB.Translation) * 0.5f;

            localTransA.Translation -= positionOffset;
            localTransB.Translation -= positionOffset;

            float marginA = _minkowskiA.Margin;
            float marginB = _minkowskiB.Margin;


            if (_ignoreMargin)
                marginA = 0;
                marginB = 0;

            _currentIteration = 0;

            int gjkMaxIter = 1000;

            _cachedSeparatingAxis = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

            bool isValid          = false;
            bool checkSimplex     = false;
            bool checkPenetration = true;

            _degenerateSimplex = 0;

            _lastUsedMethod = -1;

                float squaredDistance = MathHelper.Infinity;
                float delta           = 0;

                float margin = marginA + marginB;


                while (true)
                    Matrix transABasis = input.TransformA;
                    transABasis.Translation = Vector3.Zero;

                    Matrix transBBasis = input.TransformB;
                    transBBasis.Translation = Vector3.Zero;

                    Vector3 seperatingAxisInA = Vector3.TransformNormal(-_cachedSeparatingAxis, transABasis);
                    Vector3 seperatingAxisInB = Vector3.TransformNormal(_cachedSeparatingAxis, transBBasis);

                    Vector3 pInA   = _minkowskiA.LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInA);
                    Vector3 qInB   = _minkowskiB.LocalGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInB);
                    Vector3 pWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(localTransA, pInA);
                    Vector3 qWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(localTransB, qInB);

                    Vector3 w = pWorld - qWorld;
                    delta = Vector3.Dot(_cachedSeparatingAxis, w);

                    if ((delta > 0.0) && (delta * delta > squaredDistance * input.MaximumDistanceSquared))
                        checkPenetration = false;

                    if (_simplexSolver.InSimplex(w))
                        _degenerateSimplex = 1;
                        checkSimplex       = true;

                    float f0 = squaredDistance - delta;
                    float f1 = squaredDistance * RelativeError2;

                    if (f0 <= f1)
                        if (f0 <= 0.0f)
                            _degenerateSimplex = 2;

                        checkSimplex = true;

                    _simplexSolver.AddVertex(w, pWorld, qWorld);

                    if (!_simplexSolver.Closest(out _cachedSeparatingAxis))
                        _degenerateSimplex = 3;
                        checkSimplex       = true;

                    float previouseSquaredDistance = squaredDistance;
                    squaredDistance = _cachedSeparatingAxis.LengthSquared();

                    if (previouseSquaredDistance - squaredDistance <= MathHelper.Epsilon * previouseSquaredDistance)
                        _simplexSolver.BackupClosest(out _cachedSeparatingAxis);
                        checkSimplex = true;

                    if (_currentIteration++ > gjkMaxIter)
                        Console.WriteLine("GjkPairDetector maxIter exceeded: {0}", _currentIteration);
                        Console.WriteLine("sepAxis=({0},{1},{2}), squaredDistance = {3}, shapeTypeA={4}, shapeTypeB={5}",

                    bool check = (!_simplexSolver.FullSimplex);

                    if (!check)
                        _simplexSolver.BackupClosest(out _cachedSeparatingAxis);

                if (checkSimplex)
                    _simplexSolver.ComputePoints(out pointOnA, out pointOnB);
                    normalInB = pointOnA - pointOnB;
                    float lenSqr = _cachedSeparatingAxis.LengthSquared();

                    if (lenSqr < 0.0001f)
                        _degenerateSimplex = 5;

                    if (lenSqr > MathHelper.Epsilon * MathHelper.Epsilon)
                        float rlen = 1.0f / (float)Math.Sqrt((float)lenSqr);
                        normalInB *= rlen;
                        float s = (float)Math.Sqrt((float)squaredDistance);

                        BulletDebug.Assert(s > 0);
                        pointOnA -= _cachedSeparatingAxis * (marginA / s);
                        pointOnB += _cachedSeparatingAxis * (marginB / s);
                        distance  = ((1 / rlen) - margin);

                        isValid = true;

                        _lastUsedMethod = 1;
                        _lastUsedMethod = 2;

                bool catchDegeneratePenetrationCase =
                    (_catchDegeneracies != 0 && _penetrationDepthSolver != null && _degenerateSimplex != 0 && ((distance + margin) < 0.01f));

                if (checkPenetration && (!isValid || catchDegeneratePenetrationCase))
#warning Check this
                    if (_penetrationDepthSolver != null)
                        Vector3 tmpPointOnA, tmpPointOnB;


                        bool isValid2 = _penetrationDepthSolver.CalculatePenetrationDepth(
                            _simplexSolver, _minkowskiA, _minkowskiB, localTransA, localTransB,
                            _cachedSeparatingAxis, out tmpPointOnA, out tmpPointOnB,

                        if (isValid2)
                            Vector3 tmpNormalInB = tmpPointOnB - tmpPointOnA;
                            float   lengSqr      = tmpNormalInB.LengthSquared();

                            if (lengSqr > (MathHelper.Epsilon * MathHelper.Epsilon))
                                tmpNormalInB /= (float)Math.Sqrt((float)lengSqr);
                                float distance2 = -(tmpPointOnA - tmpPointOnB).Length();

                                if (!isValid || (distance2 < distance))
                                    distance        = distance2;
                                    pointOnA        = tmpPointOnA;
                                    pointOnB        = tmpPointOnB;
                                    normalInB       = tmpNormalInB;
                                    isValid         = true;
                                    _lastUsedMethod = 3;
                                _lastUsedMethod = 4;
                            _lastUsedMethod = 5;

                if (isValid)
                    output.AddContactPoint(normalInB, pointOnB + positionOffset, distance);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// cast a convex against another convex object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromA"></param>
        /// <param name="toA"></param>
        /// <param name="fromB"></param>
        /// <param name="toB"></param>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
		public bool CalcTimeOfImpact(Matrix fromA, Matrix toA, Matrix fromB, Matrix toB, CastResult result)
			MinkowskiSumShape combined = new MinkowskiSumShape(_convexA, _convexB);

            Matrix rayFromLocalA = MathHelper.InvertMatrix(fromA) * fromB;
            Matrix rayToLocalA = MathHelper.InvertMatrix(toA) * toB;

			Matrix transformA = fromA;
			Matrix transformB = fromB;

			transformA.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
			transformB.Translation = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

			combined.TransformA = transformA;
			combined.TransformB = transformB;

			float radius = 0.01f;
			float lambda = 0;

			Vector3 s = rayFromLocalA.Translation;
			Vector3 r = rayToLocalA.Translation - rayFromLocalA.Translation;
			Vector3 x = s;
			Vector3 n = new Vector3();
			Vector3 c = new Vector3();

			bool hasResult = false;
			float lastLambda = lambda;

			IConvexPenetrationDepthSolver penSolver = null;
			Matrix identityTransform = Matrix.Identity;

			SphereShape raySphere = new SphereShape(0.0f);

			Matrix sphereTransform = Matrix.Identity;
			sphereTransform.Translation = rayFromLocalA.Translation;


				PointCollector pointCollector = new PointCollector();
				GjkPairDetector gjk = new GjkPairDetector(raySphere, combined, _simplexSolver, penSolver);

				GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();
				input.TransformA = sphereTransform;
				input.TransformB = identityTransform;

				gjk.GetClosestPoints(input, pointCollector, null);

				hasResult = pointCollector.HasResult;

				c = pointCollector.PointInWorld;
				n = pointCollector.NormalOnBInWorld;

			if (hasResult)
				float dist = (c - x).Length();

				if (dist < radius)
					lastLambda = 1.0f;

				while (dist > radius)
					n = x - c;
					float dot = Vector3.Dot(n, r);

					if (dot >= -(MathHelper.Epsilon * MathHelper.Epsilon)) return false;

					lambda = lambda - Vector3.Distance(n, n) / dot;
					if (lambda <= lastLambda) break;

					lastLambda = lambda;

					x = s + lambda * r;

					sphereTransform.Translation = x;
					PointCollector pointCollector = new PointCollector();

					GjkPairDetector gjk = new GjkPairDetector(raySphere, combined, _simplexSolver, penSolver);
					GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();
					input.TransformA = sphereTransform;
					input.TransformB = identityTransform;

					gjk.GetClosestPoints(input, pointCollector, null);

					if (pointCollector.HasResult)
						if (pointCollector.Distance < 0.0f)
							result.Fraction = lastLambda;
							result.Normal = n;
							return true;

						c = pointCollector.PointInWorld;
						dist = (c - x).Length();
						return false;

				if (lastLambda < 1.0f)
					result.Fraction = lastLambda;
					result.Normal = n;
					return true;

			return false;
        public bool CalculatePenetrationDepth(ISimplexSolver simplexSolver,
                                              ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB,
                                              Matrix transformA, Matrix transformB,
                                              Vector3 v, out Vector3 pa, out Vector3 pb, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            pa = new Vector3();
            pb = new Vector3();
            //just take fixed number of orientation, and sample the penetration depth in that direction
            float   minProj = 1e30f;
            Vector3 minNorm = new Vector3();
            Vector3 minA = new Vector3(), minB = new Vector3();
            Vector3 seperatingAxisInA, seperatingAxisInB;
            Vector3 pInA, qInB, pWorld, qWorld, w;

            Vector3[] supportVerticesABatch  = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] supportVerticesBBatch  = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] seperatingAxisInABatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] seperatingAxisInBBatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];

            int numSampleDirections          = UnitSpherePointsCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = penetrationDirections[i];
                seperatingAxisInABatch[i] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                seperatingAxisInBBatch[i] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

                int numPDA = convexA.PreferredPenetrationDirectionsCount;
                if (numPDA != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++)
                        Vector3 norm;
                        convexA.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformA);
                        penetrationDirections[numSampleDirections]  = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

                int numPDB = convexB.PreferredPenetrationDirectionsCount;
                if (numPDB != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDB; i++)
                        Vector3 norm;
                        convexB.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);
                        penetrationDirections[numSampleDirections]  = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

            convexA.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInABatch, supportVerticesABatch);             //, numSampleDirections);
            convexB.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInBBatch, supportVerticesBBatch);             //, numSampleDirections);

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = penetrationDirections[i];
                seperatingAxisInA = seperatingAxisInABatch[i];
                seperatingAxisInB = seperatingAxisInBBatch[i];

                pInA = supportVerticesABatch[i];
                qInB = supportVerticesBBatch[i];

                pWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(transformA, pInA);
                qWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(transformB, qInB);
                w      = qWorld - pWorld;
                float delta = Vector3.Dot(norm, w);
                //find smallest delta
                if (delta < minProj)
                    minProj = delta;
                    minNorm = norm;
                    minA    = pWorld;
                    minB    = qWorld;

            //add the margins
            minA += minNorm * convexA.Margin;
            minB -= minNorm * convexB.Margin;
            //no penetration
            if (minProj < 0)

            minProj += (convexA.Margin + convexB.Margin);

            GjkPairDetector gjkdet = new GjkPairDetector(convexA, convexB, simplexSolver, null);

            float   offsetDist = minProj;
            Vector3 offset     = minNorm * offsetDist;

            GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();

            Vector3 newOrg = transformA.Translation + offset;

            Matrix displacedTrans = transformA;

            displacedTrans.Translation = newOrg;

            input.TransformA             = displacedTrans;
            input.TransformB             = transformB;
            input.MaximumDistanceSquared = 1e30f;            //minProj;

            IntermediateResult res = new IntermediateResult();

            gjkdet.GetClosestPoints(input, res, debugDraw);

            float correctedMinNorm = minProj - res.Depth;

            //the penetration depth is over-estimated, relax it
            float penetration_relaxation = 1;

            minNorm *= penetration_relaxation;

            if (res.HasResult)
                pa = res.PointInWorld - minNorm * correctedMinNorm;
                pb = res.PointInWorld;

        public bool CalcTimeOfImpact(Matrix fromA, Matrix toA, Matrix fromB, Matrix toB, CastResult result)

            // compute linear and angular velocity for this interval, to interpolate
            Vector3 linVelA = new Vector3(), angVelA = new Vector3(), linVelB = new Vector3(), angVelB = new Vector3();

            TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(fromA, toA, 1f, ref linVelA, ref angVelA);
            TransformUtil.CalculateVelocity(fromB, toB, 1f, ref linVelB, ref angVelB);

            float boundingRadiusA = _convexA.GetAngularMotionDisc();
            float boundingRadiusB = _convexB.GetAngularMotionDisc();

            float maxAngularProjectedVelocity = angVelA.Length() * boundingRadiusA +
                                                angVelB.Length() * boundingRadiusB;

            float radius = 0.001f;

            float   lambda = 0f;
            Vector3 v      = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);

            int maxIter = MaxIterations;

            Vector3 n         = new Vector3();
            bool    hasResult = false;
            Vector3 c;

            float lastLambda = lambda;
            //float epsilon = 0.001f;

            int numIter = 0;
            //first solution, using GJK

            Matrix identityTrans = Matrix.Identity;

            SphereShape raySphere = new SphereShape(0f);

            raySphere.Margin = 0f;


            PointCollector pointCollector1 = new PointCollector();

            GjkPairDetector gjk = new GjkPairDetector(_convexA, _convexB, (VoronoiSimplexSolver)_simplexSolver, _penetrationDepthSolver);

            GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();

            //we don't use margins during CCD

            input.TransformA = fromA;
            input.TransformB = fromB;

            DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result r = (DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result)pointCollector1;
            gjk.GetClosestPoints(input, r, null);

            hasResult = pointCollector1.HasResult;
            c         = pointCollector1.PointInWorld;

            if (hasResult)
                float dist;
                dist = pointCollector1.Distance;
                n    = pointCollector1.NormalOnBInWorld;

                //not close enough
                while (dist > radius)
                    if (numIter > maxIter)
                        return(false);                        //todo: report a failure
                    float dLambda = 0f;

                    //calculate safe moving fraction from distance / (linear+rotational velocity)

                    //float clippedDist  = GEN_min(angularConservativeRadius,dist);
                    //float clippedDist  = dist;

                    float projectedLinearVelocity = Vector3.Dot(linVelB - linVelA, n);

                    dLambda = dist / (projectedLinearVelocity + maxAngularProjectedVelocity);

                    lambda = lambda + dLambda;

                    if (lambda > 1f)
                    if (lambda < 0f)

                    //todo: next check with relative epsilon
                    if (lambda <= lastLambda)
                    lastLambda = lambda;

                    //interpolate to next lambda
                    Matrix interpolatedTransA = new Matrix(), interpolatedTransB = new Matrix(), relativeTrans;

                    TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(fromA, linVelA, angVelA, lambda, ref interpolatedTransA);
                    TransformUtil.IntegrateTransform(fromB, linVelB, angVelB, lambda, ref interpolatedTransB);

                    relativeTrans = MathHelper.InverseTimes(interpolatedTransB, interpolatedTransA);


                    PointCollector pointCollector = new PointCollector();
                    gjk              = new GjkPairDetector(_convexA, _convexB, (VoronoiSimplexSolver)_simplexSolver, _penetrationDepthSolver);
                    input            = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();
                    input.TransformA = interpolatedTransA;
                    input.TransformB = interpolatedTransB;

                    // !!!!!!!!!!
                    r = (DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.Result)pointCollector1;
                    gjk.GetClosestPoints(input, r, null);

                    if (pointCollector.HasResult)
                        if (pointCollector.Distance < 0f)
                            //degenerate ?!
                            result.Fraction = lastLambda;
                            result.Normal   = n;
                        c = pointCollector.PointInWorld;

                        dist = pointCollector.Distance;

                result.Fraction = lambda;
                result.Normal   = n;
