Example #1
        /// <summary>Reads the next chunk from stream.</summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if next has been read, or <c>false</c> if it is legitimate end of file.
        /// Throws <see cref="EndOfStreamException"/> if end of stream was unexpected.</returns>
        private bool AcquireNextChunk()
                ulong varint;
                if (!TryReadVarInt(out varint))
                var flags        = (ChunkFlags)varint;
                var isCompressed = (flags & ChunkFlags.Compressed) != 0;

                var originalLength   = (int)ReadVarInt();
                var compressedLength = isCompressed ? (int)ReadVarInt() : originalLength;
                if (compressedLength > originalLength)
                    throw EndOfStream();                                                    // corrupted
                if (compressedDataBuffer == null || compressedDataBuffer.Length < compressedLength)
                    compressedDataBuffer = new byte[compressedLength];
                var chunk = ReadBlock(compressedDataBuffer, 0, compressedLength);

                if (chunk != compressedLength)
                    throw EndOfStream();                                            // currupted
                if (!isCompressed)
                    // swap the buffers
                    var oldDataBuffer = dataBuffer;
                    dataBuffer           = compressedDataBuffer; // no compression on this chunk
                    compressedDataBuffer = oldDataBuffer;        // ensure that compressedDataBuffer and dataBuffer are different

                    bufferLength = compressedLength;
                    if (dataBuffer == null || dataBuffer.Length < originalLength)
                        dataBuffer = new byte[originalLength];
                    var passes = (int)flags >> 2;
                    if (passes != 0)
                        throw new NotSupportedException("Chunks with multiple passes are not supported.");
                    LZ4Codec.Decode(compressedDataBuffer, 0, compressedLength, dataBuffer, 0, originalLength, true);
                    bufferLength = originalLength;

                bufferOffset = 0;
            } while (bufferLength == 0);             // skip empty block (shouldn't happen but...)
