private void PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if ((e.PropertyName != "state") && (e.PropertyName != "last_updated")) { Program.Invoke(this, delegate { if (e.PropertyName == "PBDs") { XenAPI.SR xenObject = this.xenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; if (xenObject != null) { foreach (PBD pbd in this.xenModelObject.Connection.ResolveAll <PBD>(xenObject.PBDs)) { pbd.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler(this.PropertyChanged); pbd.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(this.PropertyChanged); } this.BuildList(); } } else { this.BuildList(); //this.EnableDisableEdit(); } }); } }
public MigrateVirtualDiskAction(IXenConnection connection, VDI vdi, SR sr) : base(connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_MOVING_VDI_TITLE, Helpers.GetName(vdi), Helpers.GetName(sr))) { Description = Messages.ACTION_PREPARING; this.vdi = vdi; SR = sr; }
private static bool CanExecute(SR sr) { return sr != null && !sr.HasRunningVMs() && sr.CanCreateWithXenCenter && sr.allowed_operations.Contains(storage_operations.forget) && !HelpersGUI.GetActionInProgress(sr); }
private bool isMirrorRed(string scsiid) { XenAPI.SR sr = this.xenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; List <PBD> pbds = sr.Connection.ResolveAll <PBD>(sr.PBDs); if (pbds.Any <PBD>(pdb => pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status") && pdb.other_config["LUN1-status"].Contains("unknown") && pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-scsiid") && pdb.other_config["LUN1-scsiid"] == scsiid || pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status") && pdb.other_config["LUN2-status"].Contains("unknown") && pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-scsiid") && pdb.other_config["LUN2-scsiid"] == scsiid)) { return(true); } return(false); }
private bool canMirrorissciRemove() { XenAPI.SR sr = this.xenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; List <PBD> pbds = sr.Connection.ResolveAll <PBD>(sr.PBDs); if (pbds.Any(pbd => pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-scsiid") && pbd.other_config["LUN1-scsiid"] == "" || pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-scsiid") && pbd.other_config["LUN2-scsiid"] == "")) { return(false); } return(true); }
private string SRSizeString(XenAPI.SR sr) { int percent = 0; double ratio = 0; if (sr.physical_size > 0) { ratio = sr.physical_utilisation / (double)sr.physical_size; percent = (int)(100.0 * ratio); } string percentString = string.Format(Messages.DISK_PERCENT_USED, percent.ToString(), Util.DiskSizeString(sr.physical_utilisation)); return(string.Format(Messages.SR_SIZE_USED, percentString, Util.DiskSizeString(sr.physical_size), Util.DiskSizeString(sr.virtual_allocation))); }
private bool issciFaulty(string scsiid) { XenAPI.SR sr = this.xenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; foreach (PBD pdb in sr.Connection.ResolveAll <PBD>(sr.PBDs)) { if (pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status") && pdb.other_config["LUN2-status"].Contains("faulty") && pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-scsiid") && pdb.other_config["LUN2-scsiid"] == scsiid || pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status") && pdb.other_config["LUN1-status"].Contains("faulty") && pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-scsiid") && pdb.other_config["LUN1-scsiid"] == scsiid) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void ComposeVDIData() { m_VDIs = new List <VDIInfo>(); var VDIs = new List <XenAPI.VDI>(Connection.Cache.VDIs); VDIs.Sort(); foreach (XenAPI.VDI vdi in VDIs) { XenAPI.SR sr = Connection.Resolve(vdi.SR); VDIInfo buf = new VDIInfo(vdi.Name(), vdi.uuid, Convert.ToString(vdi.type), vdi.SizeText(), vdi.Description(), sr.Name()); m_VDIs.Add(buf); } }
private void ProcessRecordSuspendImageSR(string pool) { RunApiCall(() => { string objRef = XenAPI.Pool.get_suspend_image_SR(session, pool); XenAPI.SR obj = null; if (objRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { obj = XenAPI.SR.get_record(session, objRef); obj.opaque_ref = objRef; } WriteObject(obj, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordLocalCacheSr(string host) { RunApiCall(() => { string objRef = XenAPI.Host.get_local_cache_sr(session, host); XenAPI.SR obj = null; if (objRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { obj = XenAPI.SR.get_record(session, objRef); obj.opaque_ref = objRef; } WriteObject(obj, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordIntroduce(string sr) { if (!ShouldProcess(sr, "SR.introduce")) { return; } RunApiCall(() => { var contxt = _context as XenSRActionIntroduceDynamicParameters; if (contxt != null && contxt.Async) { taskRef = XenAPI.SR.async_introduce(session, contxt.UuidParam, contxt.NameLabel, contxt.NameDescription, contxt.Type, contxt.ContentType, contxt.Shared, CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertHashTableToDictionary <string, string>(contxt.SmConfig)); if (PassThru) { XenAPI.Task taskObj = null; if (taskRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { taskObj = XenAPI.Task.get_record(session, taskRef.opaque_ref); taskObj.opaque_ref = taskRef.opaque_ref; } WriteObject(taskObj, true); } } else { string objRef = XenAPI.SR.introduce(session, contxt.UuidParam, contxt.NameLabel, contxt.NameDescription, contxt.Type, contxt.ContentType, contxt.Shared, CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertHashTableToDictionary <string, string>(contxt.SmConfig)); if (PassThru) { XenAPI.SR obj = null; if (objRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { obj = XenAPI.SR.get_record(session, objRef); obj.opaque_ref = objRef; } WriteObject(obj, true); } } }); }
private void ProcessRecordSR(string pbd) { RunApiCall(() => { string objRef = XenAPI.PBD.get_SR(session, pbd); XenAPI.SR obj = null; if (objRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { obj = XenAPI.SR.get_record(session, objRef); obj.opaque_ref = objRef; } WriteObject(obj, true); }); }
private void ProcessRecordCrashDumpSR(string pool) { RunApiCall(() => { string objRef = XenAPI.Pool.get_crash_dump_SR(session, pool); XenAPI.SR obj = null; if (objRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { obj = XenAPI.SR.get_record(session, objRef); obj.opaque_ref = objRef; } WriteObject(obj, true); }); }
private bool canissciRemove() { XenAPI.SR sr = this.xenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; List <PBD> pbds = sr.Connection.ResolveAll <PBD>(sr.PBDs); if (pbds.Any <PBD>(pbd => pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status") && pbd.other_config["LUN1-status"].Contains("spare rebuilding") || pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status") && pbd.other_config["LUN2-status"].Contains("spare rebuilding"))) { return(false); } if (pbds.Any(pbd => pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status") && pbd.other_config["LUN1-status"].Contains("removed") || pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status") && pbd.other_config["LUN2-status"].Contains("removed"))) { return(false); } return(true); }
private bool CanAddLUN(string scsiid) { XenAPI.SR sr = this.xenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; List <PBD> pbds = sr.Connection.ResolveAll <PBD>(sr.PBDs); if (pbds.Any <PBD>(pbd => pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status") && pbd.other_config["LUN1-status"].Contains("spare rebuilding") || pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status") && pbd.other_config["LUN2-status"].Contains("spare rebuilding"))) { return(false); } if (pbds.Any <PBD>(pdb => pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status") && pdb.other_config["LUN1-status"].Contains("removed") && pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-scsiid") && pdb.other_config["LUN1-scsiid"] == scsiid || pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status") && pdb.other_config["LUN2-status"].Contains("removed") && pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-scsiid") && pdb.other_config["LUN2-scsiid"] == scsiid || !pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status") || !pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status"))) { return(true); } return(false); }
private bool CanAddMirrorLUN(string scsiid) { XenAPI.SR sr = this.xenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; // List<PBD> pbds = sr.Connection.ResolveAll<PBD>(sr.PBDs); if (scsiid == "") { return(true); } // if (pbds.Any<PBD>(pdb => pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status") && pdb.other_config["LUN1-status"].Contains("removed") && pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-scsiid") && pdb.other_config["LUN1-scsiid"] == scsiid || // pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status") && pdb.other_config["LUN2-status"].Contains("removed") && pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-scsiid") && pdb.other_config["LUN2-scsiid"] == scsiid || // !pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status") || !pdb.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status"))) // { // return true; // } // if (pbds.Any(pbd => pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-scsiid") && pbd.other_config["LUN1-scsiid"] == "" || // pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-scsiid") && pbd.other_config["LUN2-scsiid"] == "")) // { // return true; // } return(false); }
private static bool CanExecute(SR sr) { return sr.NeedsUpgrading && !HelpersGUI.GetActionInProgress(sr); }
public SrPickerLunPerVDIItemNoImageCanBeEnabled(SR sr) : base(sr, null, 0, null) { }
public FibreChannelProbeAction(Host master, SR.SRTypes srType) : this(master) { this.srType = srType; }
public SRProblem(Check check, SR sr) : base(check) { _sr = sr; }
public SrPickerLunPerVDIItemNoImage(SR sr) : base(sr, null, 0, null) { }
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SrListBox.SR == null || SelectionNull || NameTextBox.Text == "" || !connection.IsConnected) { return; } if (DontCreateVDI) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); return; } XenAPI.SR sr = SrListBox.SR; if (!sr.shared && TheVM != null && TheVM.HaPriorityIsRestart()) { DialogResult dialogResult; using (var dlg = new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Warning, Messages.NEW_SR_DIALOG_ATTACH_NON_SHARED_DISK_HA, Messages.XENCENTER), ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo)) { dialogResult = dlg.ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); } if (dialogResult != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } new HAUnprotectVMAction(TheVM).RunExternal(TheVM.Connection.Session); } VDI vdi = NewDisk(); if (TheVM != null) { if (sr.other_config.ContainsKey("scheduler")) { if (sr.other_config.ContainsKey("scheduler") && sr.other_config["scheduler"] == "cfq") { //获取原class值(优先级) List <XenRef <VBD> > origin_VBDs = TheVM.VBDs; foreach (VBD v in connection.ResolveAll <VBD>(origin_VBDs)) { if (v.type == vbd_type.CD) { continue; } if (XenAPI.VBD.get_qos_algorithm_params(TheVM.Connection.Session, v.opaque_ref).ContainsKey("class")) { if (XenAPI.VBD.get_qos_algorithm_params(sr.Connection.Session, v.opaque_ref)["class"] != "" && XenAPI.VBD.get_qos_algorithm_params(sr.Connection.Session, v.opaque_ref)["class"] != null) { _class = XenAPI.VBD.get_qos_algorithm_params(sr.Connection.Session, v.opaque_ref)["class"]; } } } } } } if (TheVM != null) { var alreadyHasBootableDisk = HasBootableDisk(TheVM); Actions.DelegatedAsyncAction action = new Actions.DelegatedAsyncAction(connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDING_TITLE, NameTextBox.Text, sr.NameWithoutHost), Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDING, Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDED, delegate(XenAPI.Session session) { // Get legitimate unused userdevice numbers string[] uds = XenAPI.VM.get_allowed_VBD_devices(session, TheVM.opaque_ref); if (uds.Length == 0) { throw new Exception(FriendlyErrorNames.VBDS_MAX_ALLOWED); } string ud = uds[0]; string vdiref = VDI.create(session, vdi); XenAPI.VBD vbd = NewDevice(); vbd.VDI = new XenAPI.XenRef <XenAPI.VDI>(vdiref); vbd.VM = new XenAPI.XenRef <XenAPI.VM>(TheVM); // CA-44959: only make bootable if there aren't other bootable VBDs. vbd.bootable = ud == "0" && !alreadyHasBootableDisk; vbd.userdevice = ud; // Now try to plug the VBD. //new XenAdmin.Actions.VbdSaveAndPlugAction(TheVM, vbd, vdi.Name, session, false, ShowMustRebootBoxCD, ShowVBDWarningBox).RunAsync(); new XenAdmin.Actions.VbdSaveAndPlugAction(TheVM, vbd, vdi.Name, session, false, ShowMustRebootBoxCD, ShowVBDWarningBox).RunExternal(connection.Session); }); action.VM = TheVM; using (var dialog = new Dialogs.ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Blocks)) { dialog.ShowDialog(this); } if (!action.Succeeded) { return; } } else { CreateDiskAction action = new CreateDiskAction(vdi); new Dialogs.ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee).ShowDialog(); if (!action.Succeeded) { return; } } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); //若VM为空则不设置优先级 //若虚拟机启用了IO功能才进行下列操作 if (TheVM != null) { if (TheVM.other_config.ContainsKey("io_limit") || sr.other_config.ContainsKey("scheduler")) { foreach (VBD v in connection.ResolveAll <VBD>(TheVM.VBDs)) { if (v.type == vbd_type.CD) { continue; } if (XenAPI.VBD.get_qos_algorithm_params(connection.Session, v.opaque_ref).ContainsKey("class")) { XenAPI.VBD.remove_from_qos_algorithm_params(connection.Session, v.opaque_ref, "class"); } if (XenAPI.VBD.get_qos_algorithm_params(connection.Session, v.opaque_ref).ContainsKey("sched")) { XenAPI.VBD.remove_from_qos_algorithm_params(connection.Session, v.opaque_ref, "sched"); } if (XenAPI.VBD.get_qos_algorithm_type(connection.Session, v.opaque_ref) != null) { XenAPI.VBD.set_qos_algorithm_type(connection.Session, v.opaque_ref, ""); } XenAPI.VBD.set_qos_algorithm_type(connection.Session, v.opaque_ref, "ionice"); XenAPI.VBD.add_to_qos_algorithm_params(connection.Session, v.opaque_ref, "sched", "rt"); XenAPI.VBD.add_to_qos_algorithm_params(connection.Session, v.opaque_ref, "class", _class); } if (TheVM.power_state == vm_power_state.Running) { io_limit(); } } } }
private void OkButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SrListBox.SR == null || SelectionNull || NameTextBox.Text == "" || !connection.IsConnected) { return; } if (DontCreateVDI) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); return; } XenAPI.SR sr = SrListBox.SR; if (!sr.shared && TheVM != null && TheVM.HaPriorityIsRestart()) { if (new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Warning, Messages.NEW_SR_DIALOG_ATTACH_NON_SHARED_DISK_HA, Messages.XENCENTER), ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo).ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow) != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } new HAUnprotectVMAction(TheVM).RunExternal(TheVM.Connection.Session); } VDI vdi = NewDisk(); if (TheVM != null) { var alreadyHasBootableDisk = HasBootableDisk(TheVM); Actions.DelegatedAsyncAction action = new Actions.DelegatedAsyncAction(connection, string.Format(Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDING_TITLE, NameTextBox.Text, sr.NameWithoutHost), Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDING, Messages.ACTION_DISK_ADDED, delegate(XenAPI.Session session) { // Get legitimate unused userdevice numbers string[] uds = XenAPI.VM.get_allowed_VBD_devices(session, TheVM.opaque_ref); if (uds.Length == 0) { throw new Exception(FriendlyErrorNames.VBDS_MAX_ALLOWED); } string ud = uds[0]; string vdiref = VDI.create(session, vdi); XenAPI.VBD vbd = NewDevice(); vbd.VDI = new XenAPI.XenRef <XenAPI.VDI>(vdiref); vbd.VM = new XenAPI.XenRef <XenAPI.VM>(TheVM); // CA-44959: only make bootable if there aren't other bootable VBDs. vbd.bootable = ud == "0" && !alreadyHasBootableDisk; vbd.userdevice = ud; // Now try to plug the VBD. new XenAdmin.Actions.VbdSaveAndPlugAction(TheVM, vbd, vdi.Name, session, false, ShowMustRebootBoxCD, ShowVBDWarningBox).RunAsync(); }); action.VM = TheVM; new Dialogs.ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Blocks).ShowDialog(); if (!action.Succeeded) { return; } } else { CreateDiskAction action = new CreateDiskAction(vdi); new Dialogs.ActionProgressDialog(action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee).ShowDialog(); if (!action.Succeeded) { return; } } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
private static bool CanExecute(SR sr) { return sr != null && sr.IsDetachable() && !HelpersGUI.GetActionInProgress(sr); }
public SRDeviceConfig(SR sr, Dictionary<string, string> deviceConfig) : this() { SR = sr; DeviceConfig = deviceConfig; }
public ForgetSRCommand(IMainWindow mainWindow, SR sr) : base(mainWindow, sr) { }
public ScannedDeviceInfo(SR.SRTypes type, Dictionary<string, string> deviceConfig, string srUuid) : this(type, deviceConfig, new List<SR.SRInfo> { new SR.SRInfo(srUuid) }) { }
private static bool CanExecute(SR sr) { return sr != null && sr.SupportsTrim; }
public UpgradeSRCommand(IMainWindow mainWindow, SR selection) : base(mainWindow, selection) { }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { GetSession(); if (Record != null) { NameLabel = Record.name_label; NameDescription = Record.name_description; PhysicalSize = Record.physical_size; Type = Record.type; ContentType = Record.content_type; Shared = Record.shared; SmConfig = CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertDictionaryToHashtable(Record.sm_config); } else if (HashTable != null) { NameLabel = Marshalling.ParseString(HashTable, "name_label"); NameDescription = Marshalling.ParseString(HashTable, "name_description"); PhysicalSize = Marshalling.ParseLong(HashTable, "physical_size"); Type = Marshalling.ParseString(HashTable, "type"); ContentType = Marshalling.ParseString(HashTable, "content_type"); Shared = Marshalling.ParseBool(HashTable, "shared"); SmConfig = (Marshalling.ParseHashTable(HashTable, "sm_config")); } if (!ShouldProcess(session.Url, "SR.create")) { return; } RunApiCall(() => { var contxt = _context as XenServerCmdletDynamicParameters; if (contxt != null && contxt.Async) { taskRef = XenAPI.SR.async_create(session, XenHost, CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertHashTableToDictionary <string, string>(DeviceConfig), PhysicalSize, NameLabel, NameDescription, Type, ContentType, Shared, CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertHashTableToDictionary <string, string>(SmConfig)); if (PassThru) { XenAPI.Task taskObj = null; if (taskRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { taskObj = XenAPI.Task.get_record(session, taskRef.opaque_ref); taskObj.opaque_ref = taskRef.opaque_ref; } WriteObject(taskObj, true); } } else { string objRef = XenAPI.SR.create(session, XenHost, CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertHashTableToDictionary <string, string>(DeviceConfig), PhysicalSize, NameLabel, NameDescription, Type, ContentType, Shared, CommonCmdletFunctions.ConvertHashTableToDictionary <string, string>(SmConfig)); if (PassThru) { XenAPI.SR obj = null; if (objRef != "OpaqueRef:NULL") { obj = XenAPI.SR.get_record(session, objRef); obj.opaque_ref = objRef; } WriteObject(obj, true); } } }); UpdateSessions(); }
public DestroySRCommand(IMainWindow mainWindow, SR selection) : base(mainWindow, selection) { }
protected override void ProcessRecord() { XenAPI.Session session = XenObject as XenAPI.Session; if (session != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Session>(session)); return; } XenAPI.Auth auth = XenObject as XenAPI.Auth; if (auth != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Auth>(auth)); return; } XenAPI.Subject subject = XenObject as XenAPI.Subject; if (subject != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Subject>(subject)); return; } XenAPI.Role role = XenObject as XenAPI.Role; if (role != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Role>(role)); return; } XenAPI.Task task = XenObject as XenAPI.Task; if (task != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Task>(task)); return; } XenAPI.Event evt = XenObject as XenAPI.Event; if (evt != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Event>(evt)); return; } XenAPI.Pool pool = XenObject as XenAPI.Pool; if (pool != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Pool>(pool)); return; } XenAPI.Pool_patch pool_patch = XenObject as XenAPI.Pool_patch; if (pool_patch != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Pool_patch>(pool_patch)); return; } XenAPI.Pool_update pool_update = XenObject as XenAPI.Pool_update; if (pool_update != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Pool_update>(pool_update)); return; } XenAPI.VM vm = XenObject as XenAPI.VM; if (vm != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VM>(vm)); return; } XenAPI.VM_metrics vm_metrics = XenObject as XenAPI.VM_metrics; if (vm_metrics != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VM_metrics>(vm_metrics)); return; } XenAPI.VM_guest_metrics vm_guest_metrics = XenObject as XenAPI.VM_guest_metrics; if (vm_guest_metrics != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VM_guest_metrics>(vm_guest_metrics)); return; } XenAPI.VMPP vmpp = XenObject as XenAPI.VMPP; if (vmpp != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VMPP>(vmpp)); return; } XenAPI.VMSS vmss = XenObject as XenAPI.VMSS; if (vmss != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VMSS>(vmss)); return; } XenAPI.VM_appliance vm_appliance = XenObject as XenAPI.VM_appliance; if (vm_appliance != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VM_appliance>(vm_appliance)); return; } XenAPI.DR_task dr_task = XenObject as XenAPI.DR_task; if (dr_task != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.DR_task>(dr_task)); return; } XenAPI.Host host = XenObject as XenAPI.Host; if (host != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Host>(host)); return; } XenAPI.Host_crashdump host_crashdump = XenObject as XenAPI.Host_crashdump; if (host_crashdump != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Host_crashdump>(host_crashdump)); return; } XenAPI.Host_patch host_patch = XenObject as XenAPI.Host_patch; if (host_patch != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Host_patch>(host_patch)); return; } XenAPI.Host_metrics host_metrics = XenObject as XenAPI.Host_metrics; if (host_metrics != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Host_metrics>(host_metrics)); return; } XenAPI.Host_cpu host_cpu = XenObject as XenAPI.Host_cpu; if (host_cpu != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Host_cpu>(host_cpu)); return; } XenAPI.Network network = XenObject as XenAPI.Network; if (network != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Network>(network)); return; } XenAPI.VIF vif = XenObject as XenAPI.VIF; if (vif != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VIF>(vif)); return; } XenAPI.VIF_metrics vif_metrics = XenObject as XenAPI.VIF_metrics; if (vif_metrics != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VIF_metrics>(vif_metrics)); return; } XenAPI.PIF pif = XenObject as XenAPI.PIF; if (pif != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.PIF>(pif)); return; } XenAPI.PIF_metrics pif_metrics = XenObject as XenAPI.PIF_metrics; if (pif_metrics != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.PIF_metrics>(pif_metrics)); return; } XenAPI.Bond bond = XenObject as XenAPI.Bond; if (bond != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Bond>(bond)); return; } XenAPI.VLAN vlan = XenObject as XenAPI.VLAN; if (vlan != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VLAN>(vlan)); return; } XenAPI.SM sm = XenObject as XenAPI.SM; if (sm != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.SM>(sm)); return; } XenAPI.SR sr = XenObject as XenAPI.SR; if (sr != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.SR>(sr)); return; } XenAPI.LVHD lvhd = XenObject as XenAPI.LVHD; if (lvhd != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.LVHD>(lvhd)); return; } XenAPI.VDI vdi = XenObject as XenAPI.VDI; if (vdi != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VDI>(vdi)); return; } XenAPI.VBD vbd = XenObject as XenAPI.VBD; if (vbd != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VBD>(vbd)); return; } XenAPI.VBD_metrics vbd_metrics = XenObject as XenAPI.VBD_metrics; if (vbd_metrics != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VBD_metrics>(vbd_metrics)); return; } XenAPI.PBD pbd = XenObject as XenAPI.PBD; if (pbd != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.PBD>(pbd)); return; } XenAPI.Crashdump crashdump = XenObject as XenAPI.Crashdump; if (crashdump != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Crashdump>(crashdump)); return; } XenAPI.VTPM vtpm = XenObject as XenAPI.VTPM; if (vtpm != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VTPM>(vtpm)); return; } XenAPI.Console console = XenObject as XenAPI.Console; if (console != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Console>(console)); return; } XenAPI.User user = XenObject as XenAPI.User; if (user != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.User>(user)); return; } XenAPI.Data_source data_source = XenObject as XenAPI.Data_source; if (data_source != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Data_source>(data_source)); return; } XenAPI.Blob blob = XenObject as XenAPI.Blob; if (blob != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Blob>(blob)); return; } XenAPI.Message message = XenObject as XenAPI.Message; if (message != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Message>(message)); return; } XenAPI.Secret secret = XenObject as XenAPI.Secret; if (secret != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Secret>(secret)); return; } XenAPI.Tunnel tunnel = XenObject as XenAPI.Tunnel; if (tunnel != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Tunnel>(tunnel)); return; } XenAPI.PCI pci = XenObject as XenAPI.PCI; if (pci != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.PCI>(pci)); return; } XenAPI.PGPU pgpu = XenObject as XenAPI.PGPU; if (pgpu != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.PGPU>(pgpu)); return; } XenAPI.GPU_group gpu_group = XenObject as XenAPI.GPU_group; if (gpu_group != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.GPU_group>(gpu_group)); return; } XenAPI.VGPU vgpu = XenObject as XenAPI.VGPU; if (vgpu != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VGPU>(vgpu)); return; } XenAPI.VGPU_type vgpu_type = XenObject as XenAPI.VGPU_type; if (vgpu_type != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VGPU_type>(vgpu_type)); return; } XenAPI.PVS_site pvs_site = XenObject as XenAPI.PVS_site; if (pvs_site != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.PVS_site>(pvs_site)); return; } XenAPI.PVS_server pvs_server = XenObject as XenAPI.PVS_server; if (pvs_server != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.PVS_server>(pvs_server)); return; } XenAPI.PVS_proxy pvs_proxy = XenObject as XenAPI.PVS_proxy; if (pvs_proxy != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.PVS_proxy>(pvs_proxy)); return; } XenAPI.PVS_cache_storage pvs_cache_storage = XenObject as XenAPI.PVS_cache_storage; if (pvs_cache_storage != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.PVS_cache_storage>(pvs_cache_storage)); return; } XenAPI.Feature feature = XenObject as XenAPI.Feature; if (feature != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Feature>(feature)); return; } XenAPI.SDN_controller sdn_controller = XenObject as XenAPI.SDN_controller; if (sdn_controller != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.SDN_controller>(sdn_controller)); return; } XenAPI.Vdi_nbd_server_info vdi_nbd_server_info = XenObject as XenAPI.Vdi_nbd_server_info; if (vdi_nbd_server_info != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.Vdi_nbd_server_info>(vdi_nbd_server_info)); return; } XenAPI.PUSB pusb = XenObject as XenAPI.PUSB; if (pusb != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.PUSB>(pusb)); return; } XenAPI.USB_group usb_group = XenObject as XenAPI.USB_group; if (usb_group != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.USB_group>(usb_group)); return; } XenAPI.VUSB vusb = XenObject as XenAPI.VUSB; if (vusb != null) { WriteObject(new XenRef <XenAPI.VUSB>(vusb)); return; } }
private void generateStatusBox() { XenAPI.SR sr = this.xenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; if (sr != null) { bool flag = (sr.IsBroken() || !sr.MultipathAOK); bool isDetached = sr.IsDetached; List <ToolStripMenuItem> contextMenuItems = new List <ToolStripMenuItem>(); ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.GENERAL_SR_CONTEXT_REPAIR) { Image = Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16 }; item.Click += delegate { Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(this.xenModelObject.Connection, new RepairSRDialog(sr)); }; contextMenuItems.Add(item); if (flag && !isDetached) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.state"), sr.StatusString, Status, contextMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.state"), sr.StatusString, Status)); } foreach (Host host in this.xenModelObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { PBD pbd = null; foreach (PBD pbd2 in this.xenModelObject.Connection.ResolveAll <PBD>(host.PBDs)) { if (!(pbd2.SR.opaque_ref != this.xenModelObject.opaque_ref)) { pbd = pbd2; break; } } if (pbd == null) { if (sr.shared) { if (!isDetached) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(" " + HalsignHelpers.TrimStringIfRequired(Helpers.GetName(host), 30), Messages.REPAIR_SR_DIALOG_CONNECTION_MISSING, Status, Color.Red, contextMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(" " + HalsignHelpers.TrimStringIfRequired(Helpers.GetName(host), 30), Messages.REPAIR_SR_DIALOG_CONNECTION_MISSING, Status, Color.Red)); } } } else { pbd.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler(this.PropertyChanged); pbd.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(this.PropertyChanged); if (!pbd.currently_attached) { if (!isDetached) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(HalsignHelpers.TrimStringIfRequired(Helpers.GetName(host), 30), pbd.StatusString, Status, Color.Red, contextMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(HalsignHelpers.TrimStringIfRequired(Helpers.GetName(host), 30), pbd.StatusString, Status, Color.Red)); } } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(HalsignHelpers.TrimStringIfRequired(Helpers.GetName(host), 30), pbd.StatusString, Status)); } } if (sr.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmobond) { if (pbd != null) { String status; if (pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status")) { if (pbd.other_config.TryGetValue("LUN1-status", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN1"), status, Status)); } } if (pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status")) { if (pbd.other_config.TryGetValue("LUN2-status", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN2"), status, Status)); } } } } if (sr.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmomirror && !sr.other_config.ContainsKey("_type")) { if (pbd != null) { String status; if (pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status")) { if (pbd.other_config.TryGetValue("LUN1-status", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN1"), status, Status)); } } if (pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status")) { if (pbd.other_config.TryGetValue("LUN2-status", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN2"), status, Status)); } } } } if (sr.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmomirror && sr.other_config.ContainsKey("_type")) { if (pbd != null) { String status; if (pbd.device_config.ContainsKey("SCSIid1")) { if (pbd.device_config.TryGetValue("SCSIid1", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN1"), status, Status)); } } if (pbd.device_config.ContainsKey("SCSIid2")) { if (pbd.device_config.TryGetValue("SCSIid2", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN2"), status, Status)); } } } } }//foreach /** * if (sr.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmobond) * { * if (sr.sm_config.ContainsKey("state")) * { * GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("RAID.state"), sr.sm_config["state"], Status)); * } * if (sr.sm_config.ContainsKey("LUN0-status")) * { * * if (sr.sm_config["LUN0-status"].Contains("removed")) * { * List<ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>(); * ToolStripMenuItem itm = MainWindow.NewToolStripMenuItem("Add", Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * List<FibreChannelDevice> devices; * var success = LVMoBond.FiberChannelScan(this, sr.Connection, out devices); * Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(this.xenModelObject.Connection, new AddLUNDialog(sr, devices)); * }); * * ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); * GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN1"), sr.sm_config["LUN0-status"], Status, Color.Red, ctxMenuItems)); * } * else * { * String iscsiid = sr.sm_config["LUN0-scsiid"]; * String mpath_enable = sr.sm_config["multipathable"]; * String boundsr_dev = sr.sm_config["md_device"]; * Dictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<string, string>(); * args.Add("scsiid", iscsiid); * args.Add("mpath_enable", mpath_enable); * args.Add("boundsr_dev", boundsr_dev); * List<ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>(); * ToolStripMenuItem itm = MainWindow.NewToolStripMenuItem("remove", Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * try * { * AsyncAction Action = new SrRemoveLUNAction(sr.Connection, sr, args, false); * Action.RunAsync(); * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * } * }); * ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); * GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN1"), sr.sm_config["LUN0-status"], Status, ctxMenuItems)); * } * } * if (sr.sm_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status")) * { * if (sr.sm_config["LUN1-status"].Contains("removed")) * { * List<ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>(); * ToolStripMenuItem itm = MainWindow.NewToolStripMenuItem("Add", Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * List<FibreChannelDevice> devices; * var success = LVMoBond.FiberChannelScan(this, sr.Connection, out devices); * Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(this.xenModelObject.Connection, new AddLUNDialog(sr, devices)); * }); * * ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); * GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN2"), sr.sm_config["LUN1-status"], Status, Color.Red, ctxMenuItems)); * } * else * { * String iscsiid = sr.sm_config["LUN1-scsiid"]; * String mpath_enable = sr.sm_config["multipathable"]; * String boundsr_dev = sr.sm_config["md_device"]; * Dictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<string, string>(); * args.Add("scsiid", iscsiid); * args.Add("mpath_enable", mpath_enable); * args.Add("boundsr_dev", boundsr_dev); * List<ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>(); * ToolStripMenuItem itm = MainWindow.NewToolStripMenuItem("remove", Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * try * { * AsyncAction Action = new SrRemoveLUNAction(sr.Connection, sr, args, false); * Action.RunAsync(); * * } * catch(Exception ex) * { * } * }); * ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); * GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN2"), sr.sm_config["LUN1-status"], Status, ctxMenuItems)); * } * } * }**/ } }
private void generateMultipathBox() { XenAPI.SR xenObject = this.XenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; if (xenObject != null) { if (!xenObject.MultipathCapable) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(Messages.MULTIPATH_CAPABLE, Messages.NO, Multipathing)); } else if (xenObject.LunPerVDI) { Dictionary <VM, Dictionary <VDI, string> > multiPathStatusLunPerVDI = xenObject.GetMultiPathStatusLunPerVDI(); foreach (Host host in this.XenModelObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { PBD pBDFor = xenObject.GetPBDFor(host); if ((pBDFor == null) || !pBDFor.MultipathActive) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(host.Name, Messages.MULTIPATH_NOT_ACTIVE, Multipathing)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(host.Name, Messages.MULTIPATH_ACTIVE, Multipathing)); foreach (KeyValuePair <VM, Dictionary <VDI, string> > pair in multiPathStatusLunPerVDI) { VM key = pair.Key; if ((key.resident_on != null) && (key.resident_on.opaque_ref == host.opaque_ref)) { bool flag = false; int max = -1; int current = -1; foreach (KeyValuePair <VDI, string> pair2 in pair.Value) { int num3; int num4; if (PBD.ParsePathCounts(pair2.Value, out num3, out num4)) { if (!flag) { max = num4; current = num3; flag = true; } else if ((max != num4) || (current != num3)) { flag = false; break; } } } if (flag) { this.AddMultipathLine(string.Format(" {0}", key.Name), current, max, pBDFor.ISCSISessions); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(string.Format(" {0}", key.Name), "", Multipathing)); foreach (KeyValuePair <VDI, string> pair3 in pair.Value) { int num5; int num6; if (PBD.ParsePathCounts(pair3.Value, out num5, out num6)) { this.AddMultipathLine(string.Format(" {0}", pair3.Key.Name), num5, num6, pBDFor.ISCSISessions); } } } } } } } } else { Dictionary <PBD, Dictionary <String, String> > multiPathStatusLunPerSR = xenObject.GetMultiPathStatusLunPerSR(); foreach (Host host2 in this.XenModelObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { PBD pbd2 = xenObject.GetPBDFor(host2); if ((pbd2 == null) || !multiPathStatusLunPerSR.ContainsKey(pbd2)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(host2.Name, ((pbd2 != null) && pbd2.MultipathActive) ? Messages.MULTIPATH_ACTIVE : Messages.MULTIPATH_NOT_ACTIVE, Multipathing)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(host2.Name, "", Multipathing)); foreach (String k in multiPathStatusLunPerSR[pbd2].Keys) { int num7; int num8; string input = multiPathStatusLunPerSR[pbd2][k]; PBD.ParsePathCounts(input, out num7, out num8); this.AddMultipathLine(k, num7, num8, pbd2.ISCSISessions); } } } } } }
internal SRWrapper(bool enabled, string reasonUnsuitable, SR sr) { this.enabled = enabled; = sr; this.ReasonUnsuitable = reasonUnsuitable; }
public ScannedDeviceInfo(SR.SRTypes type, Dictionary<string, string> deviceConfig, List<SR.SRInfo> srList) { Type = type; DeviceConfig = deviceConfig; SRList = srList; }
private void generateGeneralBox() { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("host.name_label"), Helpers.GetName(this.xenModelObject), General)); GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("host.name_description"), this.xenModelObject.Description, General)); GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(Messages.FOLDER, this.xenModelObject.Path, General)); GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(Messages.TAGS, this.TagsString(), General)); if (this.xenModelObject is XenObject <XenAPI.SR> ) { XenAPI.SR xenObject = this.xenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(Messages.TYPE, xenObject.FriendlyTypeName, General)); if ((xenObject.content_type != "iso") && (xenObject.GetSRType(false) != XenAPI.SR.SRTypes.udev)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.size"), xenObject.SizeString, General)); } if (xenObject.GetScsiID() != null && xenObject.GetScsiID().Count > 0) { foreach (String scsiid in xenObject.GetScsiID()) { if (xenObject.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmobond) { if (CanAddLUN(scsiid) || isLunBondRed(scsiid)) { List <ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List <ToolStripMenuItem>(); ToolStripMenuItem itm = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.ADD) { Image = Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16 }; itm.Click += delegate { List <FibreChannelDevice> devices; var success = LVMoBond.FiberChannelScan(this, xenObject.Connection, out devices); Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(this.xenModelObject.Connection, new AddLUNDialog(xenObject, devices)); }; ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, Color.Red, ctxMenuItems)); } else if (canissciRemove()) { List <ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List <ToolStripMenuItem>(); ToolStripMenuItem itm = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.REMOVE) { Image = Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16 }; itm.Click += delegate { AsyncAction Action = new SrRemoveLUNAction(xenObject.Connection, xenObject, scsiid); ActionProgressDialog dialog = new ActionProgressDialog(Action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee) { ShowCancel = true }; dialog.ShowDialog(this); }; ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); if (isLunBondRed(scsiid)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, Color.Red, ctxMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, ctxMenuItems)); } } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General)); } } else if (xenObject.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmomirror && xenObject.other_config.ContainsKey("_type")) { if (CanAddMirrorLUN(scsiid)) { List <ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List <ToolStripMenuItem>(); ToolStripMenuItem itm = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.ADD) { Image = Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16 }; itm.Click += delegate { // Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(this.xenModelObject.Connection, new AddMirrorIscsiDialog(xenObject)); AddMirrorIscsiDialog dlg = new AddMirrorIscsiDialog(xenObject); dlg.ShowDialog(); }; ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); if (isMirrorRed(scsiid)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, Color.Red, ctxMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, ctxMenuItems)); } } else if (canMirrorissciRemove()) { List <ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List <ToolStripMenuItem>(); ToolStripMenuItem itm = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.REMOVE) { Image = Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16 }; itm.Click += delegate { AsyncAction Action = new SrRemoveMirrorLUNAction(xenObject.Connection, xenObject, scsiid); ActionProgressDialog dialog = new ActionProgressDialog(Action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee) { ShowCancel = true }; dialog.ShowDialog(this); }; ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); if (isMirrorRed(scsiid)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, Color.Red, ctxMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, ctxMenuItems)); } } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General)); } } else if (xenObject.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmomirror && !xenObject.other_config.ContainsKey("_type")) { if (CanAddMirrorLUN(scsiid)) { List <ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List <ToolStripMenuItem>(); ToolStripMenuItem itm = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.ADD) { Image = Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16 }; itm.Click += delegate { List <FibreChannelDevice> devices; var success = LVMoMirror.FiberChannelScan(this, xenObject.Connection, out devices); Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(this.xenModelObject.Connection, new AddMirrorLUNDialog(xenObject, devices)); }; ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); if (isMirrorRed(scsiid)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, Color.Red, ctxMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, ctxMenuItems)); } } else if (canMirrorissciRemove()) { List <ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List <ToolStripMenuItem>(); ToolStripMenuItem itm = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.REMOVE) { Image = Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16 }; itm.Click += delegate { AsyncAction Action = new SrRemoveMirrorLUNAction(xenObject.Connection, xenObject, scsiid); ActionProgressDialog dialog = new ActionProgressDialog(Action, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee) { ShowCancel = true }; dialog.ShowDialog(this); }; ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); if (isMirrorRed(scsiid)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, Color.Red, ctxMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General, ctxMenuItems)); } } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General)); } } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.scsiid"), scsiid ?? Messages.UNKNOWN, General)); } } } if ((Program.MainWindow.SelectionManager.Selection.HostAncestor == null) && (Program.MainWindow.SelectionManager.Selection.PoolAncestor == null)) { IXenObject o = Helpers.GetPool(xenObject.Connection); if (o != null) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(Messages.POOL, Helpers.GetName(o), General)); } else { o = Helpers.GetMaster(xenObject.Connection); if (o != null) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(Messages.SERVER, Helpers.GetName(o), General)); } } } } GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("host.uuid"), GetUUID(this.xenModelObject), General)); }
public TrimSRCommand(IMainWindow mainWindow, SR sr) : base(mainWindow, sr) { }
public NotEnoughSpaceToSuspend(Check check, SR sr, long requiredSpace, List<VM> vms) : base(check, sr) { RequiredSpace = requiredSpace; Vms = vms; }
public UnsupportedStorageLinkSrIsPresentProblem(Check check, SR sr) : base(check, sr) { }