protected override void Run() { try { log.Debug("Retrieving Workload Balancing configuration for pool " + Pool.Name); this.WlbConfiguration = XenAPI.Pool.retrieve_wlb_configuration(this.Session); if (this.WlbConfiguration.Count == 0) { //We didn;t get a configuration, so there is somethign wrong log.Debug("Failure retrieving Workload Balancing configuration on pool " + Pool.Name); this.Description = Messages.FAILED; Failure f = new Failure(FriendlyErrorNames.WLB_NOT_INITIALIZED); throw f; } else { log.Debug("Success retrieving Workload Balancing configuration on pool " + Pool.Name); this.Description = Messages.COMPLETED; //Retrieving the configuration was successful, so update the WlbServerState to report the current state // This is here in case there was a previous communication error which has been fixed. if (Helpers.WlbEnabled(Pool.Connection)) { WlbServerState.SetState(Pool, WlbServerState.ServerState.Enabled); } else { WlbServerState.SetState(Pool, WlbServerState.ServerState.Disabled); } } } catch(Exception ex) { if (ex is Failure) { // Retrieving the configuration error could also because WLB is not initialized if (((Failure)ex).Message == FriendlyErrorNames.WLB_NOT_INITIALIZED) WlbServerState.SetState(Pool, WlbServerState.ServerState.NotConfigured); else WlbServerState.SetState(Pool, WlbServerState.ServerState.ConnectionError, (Failure)ex); if (((Failure)ex).Message == FriendlyErrorNames.WLB_INTERNAL_ERROR) { Failure f = new Failure(new string[] { Messages.ResourceManager.GetString("WLB_ERROR_" + ((Failure)ex).ErrorDescription[1]) }); throw (f); } else { throw (ex); } } } }
private static void TestFailureSeralization(Failure failure) { Failure deserializedFailure; // Serialize and de-serialize with a BinaryFormatter BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { bf.Serialize(ms, failure); ms.Seek(0, 0); deserializedFailure = (Failure)(bf.Deserialize(ms)); } // Check that properties are preserved Assert.AreEqual(failure.Message, deserializedFailure.Message, "Message is different"); Assert.AreEqual(failure.ShortMessage, deserializedFailure.ShortMessage, "ShortMessage is different"); if (failure.ErrorDescription != null) { Assert.IsNotNull(deserializedFailure.ErrorDescription); Assert.AreEqual(failure.ErrorDescription.Count, deserializedFailure.ErrorDescription.Count, "ErrorDescription count is different"); for (int i = 0; i < failure.ErrorDescription.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(failure.ErrorDescription[i], deserializedFailure.ErrorDescription[i], string.Format("ErrorDescription[{0}] count is different", i)); } } else { Assert.IsNull(deserializedFailure.ErrorDescription); } if (failure.InnerException != null) { Assert.IsNotNull(deserializedFailure.InnerException); Assert.AreEqual(failure.InnerException.Message, deserializedFailure.InnerException.Message, "Message is different"); } else { Assert.IsNull(deserializedFailure.InnerException); } }
public PrecheckFailed(Check check, Host host, Failure failure) : base(check, host) { Failure = failure; _host = host; }
/// <summary> /// Changes a techy RBAC Failure into a pretty print one that shows the roles that would be required to complete the failed action. /// Requires context such as the the connection and current session to populate these fields. /// </summary> /// <param name="failure">The Failure to update</param> /// <param name="Connection">The current connection</param> /// <param name="Session">The current session, passed separately because it could be an elevated session, different to the heartbeat</param> public static void ParseRBACFailure(Failure failure, IXenConnection Connection, Session Session) { List<Role> authRoles = Role.ValidRoleList(failure.ErrorDescription[1], Connection); failure.ErrorDescription[0] = Failure.RBAC_PERMISSION_DENIED_FRIENDLY; // Current Role(s) failure.ErrorDescription[1] = Session.FriendlyRoleDescription; // Authorized roles failure.ErrorDescription[2] = Role.FriendlyCSVRoleList(authRoles); failure.Setup(); }
/// <summary> /// This overload is for the special case of us doing an action over multiple connections. Assumes the role requirement is the same across all conections. /// </summary> /// <param name="failure">The Failure to update</param> /// <param name="Sessions">One session per connection, the ones used to perform the action. Passed separately because they could be elevated sessions, different to the heartbeat</param> public static void ParseRBACFailure(Failure failure, Session[] Sessions) { List<Role> authRoles = Role.ValidRoleList(failure.ErrorDescription[1], Sessions[0].Connection); failure.ErrorDescription[0] = Failure.RBAC_PERMISSION_DENIED_FRIENDLY; // Current Role(s) StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Session s in Sessions) { sb.Append(string.Format(Messages.ROLE_ON_CONNECTION, s.FriendlyRoleDescription, Helpers.GetName(s.Connection).Ellipsise(50))); sb.Append(", "); } string output = sb.ToString(); // remove trailing comma and space output = output.Substring(0, output.Length - 2); failure.ErrorDescription[1] = output; // Authorized roles failure.ErrorDescription[2] = Role.FriendlyCSVRoleList(authRoles); failure.Setup(); }
public WlbRecommendation GetStarRating(Host host) { Verify(); List<double> starRatings = new List<double>(); Dictionary<VM, bool> canExecutes = new Dictionary<VM, bool>(); Dictionary<VM, string> cantExecuteReasons = new Dictionary<VM, string>(); foreach (VM vm in _vms) { Host residentHost = vm.Connection.Resolve(vm.resident_on); string[] rec = new string[0]; if (residentHost != null && residentHost.opaque_ref == host.opaque_ref) { cantExecuteReasons[vm] = Messages.HOST_MENU_CURRENT_SERVER; canExecutes[vm] = false; } else if (_recommendations[vm].TryGetValue(new XenRef<Host>(host.opaque_ref), out rec)) { if (rec.Length > 0 && rec[0].Trim().ToLower() == "wlb") { double stars = 0; ParseStarRating(rec, out stars); canExecutes[vm] = true; starRatings.Add(stars); } else { cantExecuteReasons[vm] = new Failure(rec).ShortMessage; canExecutes[vm] = false; } } else { cantExecuteReasons[vm] = FriendlyErrorNames.HOST_NOT_LIVE_SHORT; canExecutes[vm] = false; } } double averageStarRating = 0.0; foreach (double s in starRatings) { averageStarRating += s; } averageStarRating /= starRatings.Count; return new WlbRecommendation(canExecutes, averageStarRating, cantExecuteReasons); }
public void TestEmptyFailure() { var failure = new Failure(); TestFailureSeralization(failure); }
/// <summary> /// In the case there being nowhere to start/resume the VM (NO_HOSTS_AVAILABLE), shows the reason why the VM could not be started /// on each host. If the start failed due to HA_OPERATION_WOULD_BREAK_FAILOVER_PLAN, offers to decrement ntol and try the operation /// again. /// </summary> /// <param name="vm"></param> /// <param name="f"></param> /// <param name="kind">The kind of the operation that failed. Must be one of Start/StartOn/Resume/ResumeOn.</param> public static void StartDiagnosisForm(VMStartAbstractAction VMStartAction , Failure failure) { if (failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.NO_HOSTS_AVAILABLE) { // Show a dialog displaying why the VM couldn't be started on each host StartDiagnosisForm(VMStartAction.VM); } else if (failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.HA_OPERATION_WOULD_BREAK_FAILOVER_PLAN) { // The action was blocked by HA because it would reduce the number of tolerable server failures. // With the user's consent, we'll reduce the number of configured failures to tolerate and try again. Pool pool = Helpers.GetPool(VMStartAction.VM.Connection); if (pool == null) { log.ErrorFormat("Could not get pool for VM {0} in StartDiagnosisForm()", Helpers.GetName(VMStartAction.VM)); return; } long ntol = pool.ha_host_failures_to_tolerate; long newNtol = Math.Min(pool.ha_plan_exists_for - 1, ntol - 1); if (newNtol <= 0) { // We would need to basically turn HA off to start this VM string msg = String.Format(VMStartAction.IsStart ? Messages.HA_VM_START_NTOL_ZERO : Messages.HA_VM_RESUME_NTOL_ZERO, Helpers.GetName(pool).Ellipsise(100), Helpers.GetName(VMStartAction.VM).Ellipsise(100)); Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, delegate() { new ThreeButtonDialog(new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Warning, msg, Messages.HIGH_AVAILABILITY)).ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); }); } else { // Show 'reduce ntol?' dialog string msg = String.Format(VMStartAction.IsStart ? Messages.HA_VM_START_NTOL_DROP : Messages.HA_VM_RESUME_NTOL_DROP, Helpers.GetName(pool).Ellipsise(100), ntol, Helpers.GetName(VMStartAction.VM).Ellipsise(100), newNtol); Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, delegate() { DialogResult r = new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(SystemIcons.Warning, msg, Messages.HIGH_AVAILABILITY), ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, new ThreeButtonDialog.TBDButton(Messages.NO_BUTTON_CAPTION, DialogResult.No, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonType.CANCEL, true)).ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); if (r == DialogResult.Yes) { DelegatedAsyncAction action = new DelegatedAsyncAction(VMStartAction.VM.Connection, Messages.HA_LOWERING_NTOL, null, null, delegate(Session session) { // Set new ntol, then retry action XenAPI.Pool.set_ha_host_failures_to_tolerate(session, pool.opaque_ref, newNtol); // ntol set succeeded, start new action VMStartAction.Clone().RunAsync(); }); action.RunAsync(); } }); } } }
/// <summary> /// Find problem from xapi Failure /// </summary> /// <param name="failure">Xapi failure, thrown by Pool_patch.precheck() call. /// E.g.: failure.ErrorDescription.Count = 4 /// ErrorDescription[0] = "PATCH_PRECHECK_FAILED_WRONG_SERVER_VERSION" /// ErrorDescription[1] = "OpaqueRef:612b5eee-03dc-bbf5-3385-6905fdc9b079" /// ErrorDescription[2] = "6.5.0" /// ErrorDescription[3] = "^6\\.2\\.0$" /// E.g.: failure.ErrorDescription.Count = 2 /// ErrorDescription[0] = "OUT_OF_SPACE" /// ErrorDescription[1] = "/var/patch" /// </param> /// <returns>Problem or null, if no problem found</returns> private Problem FindProblem(Failure failure) { if (failure.ErrorDescription.Count == 0) return null; var errorcode = failure.ErrorDescription[0]; var found = ""; var required = ""; if (failure.ErrorDescription.Count > 2) found = failure.ErrorDescription[2]; if (failure.ErrorDescription.Count > 3) required = failure.ErrorDescription[3]; return FindProblem(errorcode, found, required); }
private void SetFatalErrorData(Task task) { string[] err = task.error_info; if (err != null && err.Length > 0) Exception = new Failure(err); else if (task.status == task_status_type.cancelled) Exception = new CancelledException(); }
public void TestFailureWithFriendlyErrorNames() { var failure = new Failure(friendlyErrorDescriptions); TestFailureSeralization(failure); }
public void TestFailureWithErrorDescriptions() { var failure = new Failure(errorDescriptions); TestFailureSeralization(failure); }
public void TestSimpleFailure() { var failure = new Failure(errorText); TestFailureSeralization(failure); }
public void TestInnerExceptionFailure() { var failure = new Failure(errorText, new Exception(errorText)); TestFailureSeralization(failure); }
private void action_Completed(ActionBase sender) { if (_srList.Count > 0 && _srList.Any(s => s != null && !s.MultipathAOK)) { SucceededWithWarning = true; SucceededWithWarningDescription = Messages.REPAIR_SR_WARNING_MULTIPATHS_DOWN; } Program.Invoke(this, () => { if (sender is MultipleAction) { Build(); } FinalizeProgressControls(sender); }); if (_srList.Count == 1 && _srList[0].GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmobond) { Program.Invoke(this, delegate() { if (!sender.Succeeded) { SrRepairAction act = sender as SrRepairAction; XenAPI.Failure f = act.failure; if (f.ErrorDescription[0] == "SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_1") { String s = f.ErrorDescription[2]; int start = s.IndexOf(":"); String scsiid = s.Substring(start + 2, s.Length - start - 2); DialogResult confirmResult = MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Messages.REPAIR_SR_DIALOG_SINGLE_LUN_RAID_WARNING, scsiid), Messages.MESSAGEBOX_CONFIRM, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (confirmResult == DialogResult.OK) { _repairAction = new SrRepairLUNAction(_srList[0].Connection, _srList[0], scsiid); _repairAction.RunAsync(); } else { //AsyncAction removeAction = new SrRepairLUNAction(_srList[0].Connection, _srList[0], scsiid); //removeAction.RunExternal(null); List <FibreChannelDevice> devices; var success = LVMoBond.FiberChannelScan(this, _srList[0].Connection, out devices); Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(_srList[0].Connection, new AddMirrorLUNDialog(_srList[0], devices)); } this.Close(); } } }); } if (_srList.Count == 1 && _srList[0].GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmomirror) { Program.Invoke(this, delegate() { if (!sender.Succeeded) { SrRepairAction act = sender as SrRepairAction; XenAPI.Failure f = act.failure; if (f.ErrorDescription[0] == "SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_1") { String s = f.ErrorDescription[2]; int start = s.IndexOf(":"); String scsiid = s.Substring(start + 2, s.Length - start - 2); DialogResult confirmResult = MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Messages.REPAIR_SR_DIALOG_SINGLE_LUN_RAID_WARNING, scsiid), Messages.MESSAGEBOX_CONFIRM, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (confirmResult == DialogResult.OK) { _repairAction = new SrRepairLUNAction(_srList[0].Connection, _srList[0], scsiid); _repairAction.RunAsync(); } else { //AsyncAction removeAction = new SrRepairLUNAction(_srList[0].Connection, _srList[0], scsiid); //removeAction.RunExternal(null); List <FibreChannelDevice> devices; var success = LVMoMirror.FiberChannelScan(this, _srList[0].Connection, out devices); Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(_srList[0].Connection, new AddMirrorLUNDialog(_srList[0], devices)); } this.Close(); } } }); } }
protected override void Run() { log.Debug("Running SR repair"); log.DebugFormat("SR='{0}'", SR.Name); //CA-176935, CA-173497 - we need to run Plug for the master first - creating a new list of hosts where the master is always first var allHosts = new List<Host>(); var master = Helpers.GetMaster(Connection); if (master != null) allHosts.Add(master); foreach (var host in Connection.Cache.Hosts) if (!allHosts.Contains(host)) allHosts.Add(host); foreach (Host host in allHosts) { Host stoHost = SR.GetStorageHost(); if (SR.shared || (stoHost != null && host.opaque_ref == stoHost.opaque_ref)) { _hostList.Add(host); } } if (_hostList.Count == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < _hostList.Count; i++) { log.DebugFormat("_hostList[{0}]='{1}'", i, _hostList[i].Name); } int max = _hostList.Count * 2; int delta = 100 / max; foreach (Host host in _hostList) { if (!host.HasPBDTo(SR) && SR.shared && SR.PBDs.Count > 0) { PBD template = SR.Connection.Resolve(SR.PBDs[0]); if (template != null) { this.Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_SR_REPAIR_CREATE_PBD, Helpers.GetName(host)); log.Debug(this.Description); Proxy_PBD proxyPBD = new Proxy_PBD(); proxyPBD.currently_attached = false; proxyPBD.device_config = new Hashtable(template.device_config); proxyPBD.SR = template.SR; = new XenRef<Host>(host.opaque_ref); try { RelatedTask = XenAPI.PBD.async_create(this.Session, new PBD(proxyPBD)); if (PercentComplete + delta <= 100) { PollToCompletion(PercentComplete, PercentComplete + delta); } else { PollToCompletion(PercentComplete, 100); PercentComplete = 100; } } catch (XenAPI.Failure f) { failure = f; failureDescription = Description; } } } else { PercentComplete += delta; } PBD thePBD = host.GetPBDTo(SR); if (thePBD != null && !thePBD.currently_attached) { this.Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_SR_REPAIR_PLUGGING_PBD, Helpers.GetName(host)); log.Debug(this.Description); try { RelatedTask = XenAPI.PBD.async_plug(this.Session, thePBD.opaque_ref); if (PercentComplete + delta <= 100) { PollToCompletion(PercentComplete, PercentComplete + delta); } else { PollToCompletion(PercentComplete, 100); PercentComplete = 100; } } catch (XenAPI.Failure f) { failure = f; failureDescription = Description; } } else { PercentComplete += delta; } } if (failure != null && failureDescription != null) { Description = failureDescription; throw failure; } // CA-14928: Sometimes we have too many PBDs if there has just been a host // eject and the GC hasn't collected the PBD yet. // //if (SR.PBDs.Count != _hostList.Count && SR.shared && !SR.IsToolsSR) //{ // throw new Exception(Messages.ACTION_SR_REPAIR_FAILED); //} if (isSharedAction) Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_SR_SHARE_SUCCESSFUL, SR.NameWithoutHost); else Description = string.Format(Messages.ACTION_SR_REPAIR_SUCCESSFUL, SR.NameWithoutHost); }
/// <summary> /// Public method for updating the Wlb Server state. If the state is ConnectionFailure and /// a Failure is supplied, it's message is stored in the OtherConfig /// </summary> /// <param name="pool">The pool who's Wlb connection state we are updating</param> /// <param name="state">The current state of the pool's Wlb Server State</param> /// <param name="failure">The Failure (if any) describing the Connection Error</param> public static void SetState(Pool pool, ServerState state, Failure failure) { SetState(pool.Connection.Session, pool, state, failure); }
/// <summary> /// In the case there was nowhere to start/resume the VM (NO_HOSTS_AVAILABLE), shows the reason why the VM could not be started /// on each host. If the start failed due to HA_OPERATION_WOULD_BREAK_FAILOVER_PLAN, offers to decrement ntol and try the operation /// again. /// </summary> /// <param name="vm">vm</param> /// <param name="failure">failure, xapi exception</param> //private static bool StartDiagnosisForm(XenObject<VM> vm, Failure failure, string recommendationId) private bool RaiseHANotl(VM vm, Failure failure, out long newNtol) { bool error = false; newNtol = 0; if (failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.NO_HOSTS_AVAILABLE) { VMOperationCommand.StartDiagnosisForm(vm); } else if (failure.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.HA_OPERATION_WOULD_BREAK_FAILOVER_PLAN) { // The action was blocked by HA because it would reduce the number of tolerable server failures. // With the user's consent, we'll reduce the number of configured failures to tolerate and try again. if (this.Pool == null) { log.ErrorFormat("Could not get pool for VM {0} in StartDiagnosisForm()", Helpers.GetName(vm)); return error; } long ntol = this.Pool.ha_host_failures_to_tolerate; newNtol = Math.Min(this.Pool.ha_plan_exists_for - 1, ntol - 1); if (newNtol <= 0) { // We would need to basically turn HA off to start this VM string msg = String.Format(Messages.HA_OPT_VM_RELOCATE_NTOL_ZERO, Helpers.GetName(this.Pool).Ellipsise(100), Helpers.GetName(vm).Ellipsise(100)); Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, delegate() { new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details( SystemIcons.Warning, msg, Messages.HIGH_AVAILABILITY)).ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); }); } else { // Show 'reduce ntol?' dialog string msg = String.Format(Messages.HA_OPT_DISABLE_NTOL_DROP, Helpers.GetName(this.Pool).Ellipsise(100), ntol, Helpers.GetName(vm).Ellipsise(100), newNtol); Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, delegate() { DialogResult r = new ThreeButtonDialog( new ThreeButtonDialog.Details( SystemIcons.Warning, msg, Messages.HIGH_AVAILABILITY), ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, new ThreeButtonDialog.TBDButton(Messages.NO_BUTTON_CAPTION, DialogResult.No, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonType.CANCEL, true)).ShowDialog(Program.MainWindow); if (r != DialogResult.Yes) { error = true; } }); } } return error; }
/// <summary> /// Public method for updating the Wlb Server state. If the state is ConnectionFailure and /// a Failure is supplied, it's message is stored in the OtherConfig /// </summary> /// <param name="session">The User session use to do this operation</param> /// <param name="pool">The pool who's Wlb connection state we are updating</param> /// <param name="state">The current state of the pool's Wlb Server State</param> /// <param name="failure">The Failure (if any) describing the Connection Error</param> public static void SetState(Session session, Pool pool, ServerState state, Failure failure) { //only update the state if new value if different than current value // this is to cut down on unneeded Pool_PropertiesChanged events if (GetState(pool) != state) { // set a lock so we are setting state one at a time lock (_lockObject) { Helpers.SetOtherConfig(session, pool, WLB_CONNECTION_STATUS, state.ToString()); if (null != failure && state == ServerState.ConnectionError) { string error = String.Empty; if (failure.Message == FriendlyErrorNames.WLB_INTERNAL_ERROR) { error = Messages.ResourceManager.GetString("WLB_ERROR_" + failure.ErrorDescription[1]); } else { error = failure.Message; } Helpers.SetOtherConfig(session, pool, WLB_CONNECTION_ERROR, error); } else { Helpers.SetOtherConfig(session, pool, WLB_CONNECTION_ERROR, String.Empty); } } } }
protected override void Run() { try { log.Debug("Initializing Workload Balancing for pool " + Pool.Name); RelatedTask = XenAPI.Pool.async_initialize_wlb(this.Session, _wlbUrl, _wlbUserName, _wlbPassword, _xenServerUserName, _xenServerPassword); PollToCompletion(); log.Debug("Success initializing WLB on pool " + Pool.Name); this.Description = Messages.COMPLETED; //Clear the Optimizing Pool flag in case it was left behind Helpers.SetOtherConfig(this.Session, this.Pool, OPTIMIZINGPOOL, string.Empty); } catch (Failure e) { if (e.Message == FriendlyErrorNames.WLB_INTERNAL_ERROR) { Failure f = new Failure(new string[] { Messages.ResourceManager.GetString("WLB_ERROR_" + e.ErrorDescription[1]) }); throw (f); } else if (e.ErrorDescription[0] == FriendlyErrorNames.INTERNAL_ERROR) { Failure f = new Failure(new string[] { Messages.ResourceManager.GetString("WLB_ERROR_SERVER_NOT_FOUND") }); } else { throw (e); } } }
protected override void Run() { log.Debug("Sending Workload Balancing configuration for pool " + Pool.Name); ClearKeys(); if ((_kind & SendWlbConfigurationKind.SetHostConfiguration) == SendWlbConfigurationKind.SetHostConfiguration) { this.WlbConfiguration.Add(SET_HOST_CONFIGURATION, "true"); } if ((_kind & SendWlbConfigurationKind.SetScheduledTask) == SendWlbConfigurationKind.SetScheduledTask) { this.WlbConfiguration.Add(SET_SCHEDULED_TASK, "true"); } if ((_kind & SendWlbConfigurationKind.DeleteScheduledTask) == SendWlbConfigurationKind.DeleteScheduledTask) { this.WlbConfiguration.Add(DELETE_SCHEDULED_TASK, "true"); } if ((_kind & SendWlbConfigurationKind.SetReportSubscription) == SendWlbConfigurationKind.SetReportSubscription) { this.WlbConfiguration.Add(SET_REPORT_SUBSCRIPTIONS, "true"); } if ((_kind & SendWlbConfigurationKind.DeleteReportSubscription) == SendWlbConfigurationKind.DeleteReportSubscription) { this.WlbConfiguration.Add(DELETE_REPORT_SUBSCRIPTIONS, "true"); } try { XenAPI.Pool.send_wlb_configuration(this.Session, this.WlbConfiguration); log.Debug("Successfully sent Workload Balancing configuration on pool " + Pool.Name); this.Description = Messages.COMPLETED; } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is Failure) { WlbServerState.SetState(Pool, WlbServerState.ServerState.ConnectionError, (Failure)ex); if (((Failure)ex).Message == FriendlyErrorNames.WLB_INTERNAL_ERROR) { Failure f = new Failure(new string[] { Messages.ResourceManager.GetString("WLB_ERROR_" + ((Failure)ex).ErrorDescription[1]) }); throw (f); } else { throw (ex); } } } }