Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a command issued via a Discord message. This does not test if it is a command. Please test with <see cref="IsCommand(string)"/> before running this.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalMessage">The Discord message sent by the command.</param>
        public static async Task HandleMessageCommand(DiscordMessage originalMessage)
            DiscordUser author         = originalMessage.Author;
            BotContext  commandContext = BotContextRegistry.GetContext(originalMessage.Channel.Guild);

            XanBotLogger.WriteDebugLine("Executing command in bot context. Info:");
            XanBotLogger.WriteLine(commandContext.ToConsoleString(), isDebugModeOnly: true);

            XanBotMember member = XanBotMember.GetMemberFromUser(commandContext, author);
            string       text   = originalMessage.Content;

            if (text.ToLower().StartsWith(CommandPrefix.ToLower()))
                text = text.Substring(CommandPrefix.Length);
            while (AllowSpacesAfterPrefix && text.StartsWith(" "))
                text = text.Substring(1);
            string[] allArgs = ArgumentSplitter.SplitArgs(text);
            string   command = allArgs[0];

            string[] args = new string[0];
            if (allArgs.Length > 1)
                args = allArgs.Skip(1).ToArray();

            // Catch case: Prevent excessive command length.
            if (command.Length > 32)
                await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, "The command you input is too long.");

                XanBotLogger.WriteLine(string.Format("§aUser \"§6{0}§a\" issued a command that was considered too long to parse.", member.FullName));
            // Catch case: Strip color formatting
            command.Replace(XanBotLogger.COLOR_CODE_SYM.ToString(), "");

            XanBotLogger.WriteDebugLine("Searching for command...");
            Command execCommand = null;
            string  cmdLower    = command.ToLower();

            // Search the context FIRST. That ensures that context commands can override stock commands.
            foreach (Command cmd in commandContext.Commands)
                if (cmd.Name.ToLower() == cmdLower)
                    execCommand = cmd;
                    XanBotLogger.WriteDebugLine($"Found command [{cmd.Name}] in context.");
                    if (cmd.AlternateNames != null)
                        foreach (string altName in cmd.AlternateNames)
                            if (altName.ToLower() == cmdLower)
                                execCommand = cmd;

            if (execCommand == null)
                foreach (Command cmd in Commands)
                    if (cmd.Name.ToLower() == command.ToLower())
                        execCommand = cmd;
                        XanBotLogger.WriteDebugLine($"Found command [{cmd.Name}] globally.");

            if (execCommand != null)
                UsagePermissionPacket usagePerms = execCommand.CanUseCommand(member);
                if (usagePerms.CanUse)
                    if (execCommand.CanUseCommandInThisChannel(member, originalMessage.Channel, out DiscordChannel optimalTargetChannel))
                            string allArgsText = "";
                            if (args.Length > 0)
                                allArgsText = text.Substring(command.Length + 1);
                            await execCommand.ExecuteCommandAsync(commandContext, member, originalMessage, args, allArgsText);

                            XanBotLogger.WriteLine(string.Format("§aUser \"§6{0}§a\" issued command \"§6{1}§a\" with args {2}", member.FullName, command, ArrayToText(args)));
                        catch (CommandException commandErr)
                            string message = string.Format("§cFailed to issue command `{0}`: §1{1}", commandErr.Command.Name, commandErr.Message);
                            await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, message);

                            XanBotLogger.WriteLine(string.Format("§aUser \"§6{0}§a\" attempted to issue command \"§6{1}§a\" but it failed. The command gave the reason: §2{2}", member.FullName, commandErr.Command.Name, commandErr.Message));
                        catch (ArchonCommandException commandErr)
                            string message = string.Format("§cFailed to issue Archon Command `{0}`: §1{1}", commandErr.Command.Name, commandErr.Message);
                            await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, message);

                            XanBotLogger.WriteLine(string.Format("§aUser \"§6{0}§a\" attempted to issue Archon Command \"§6{1}§a\" but it failed. The command gave the reason: §2{2}", member.FullName, commandErr.Command.Name, commandErr.Message));
                        catch (TaskCanceledException taskCancel)
                        string message = string.Format($"You can't use this command here. Go to <#{optimalTargetChannel.Id}> instead.");
                        await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, message);
                    //string message = string.Format("You are not authorized to use `{0}`. It is only available to permission level `{1}` and above (You are at `{2}`)", execCommand.Name, execCommand.RequiredPermissionLevel, member.PermissionLevel);
                    await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, usagePerms.ErrorMessage);

                    XanBotLogger.WriteLine(string.Format("§aUser \"§6{0}§a\" attempted to issue command \"§6{1}§a\" but it failed because they don't have a high enough permission level or because the command's CanUseCommand method returned false.", member.FullName, execCommand.Name));
                await ResponseUtil.RespondToAsync(originalMessage, "The command `" + command + "` does not exist.");

                XanBotLogger.WriteLine(string.Format("§aUser \"§6{0}§a\" attempted to issue command \"§6{1}§a\" but it failed because it doesn't exist.", member.FullName, command));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a command sent by the underlying console, which is input as a string.<para/>
        /// !!! This should not be used for commands issued via Discord messages !!!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text input to the console.</param>
        public static async Task HandleCommand(string text)
            if (text == "")
            string[] allArgs = ArgumentSplitter.SplitArgs(text);
            string   command = allArgs[0];

            string[] args = new string[0];
            if (allArgs.Length > 1)
                args = allArgs.Skip(1).ToArray();
            Command execCommand = null;
            string  cmdLower    = command.ToLower();

            foreach (Command cmd in Commands)
                if (cmd.Name.ToLower() == cmdLower)
                    execCommand = cmd;
                    if (cmd.AlternateNames != null)
                        foreach (string altName in cmd.AlternateNames)
                            if (altName.ToLower() == cmdLower)
                                execCommand = cmd;
            if (execCommand != null)
                    string allArgsText = "";
                    if (args.Length > 0)
                        allArgsText = text.Substring(command.Length + 1);
                    await execCommand.ExecuteCommandAsync(null, null, null, args, allArgsText);
                catch (CommandException commandErr)
                    string message = string.Format("§cFailed to issue command \"{0}\": §1{1}", commandErr.Command.Name, commandErr.Message);
                catch (ArchonCommandException commandErr)
                    string message = string.Format("§cFailed to issue Archon Command \"{0}\": §1{1}", commandErr.Command.Name, commandErr.Message);
                XanBotLogger.WriteLine("§1The command `" + command + "` does not exist.");