void UpdateSource()
            if (MediaElement.Source != null)
                if (MediaElement.Source is UriMediaSource uriSource)
                    if (uriSource.Uri.Scheme == "ms-appx")
                        // video resources should be in the raw folder with Build Action set to AndroidResource
                        string uri = "android.resource://" + Context.PackageName + "/raw/" + uriSource.Uri.LocalPath.Substring(1, uriSource.Uri.LocalPath.LastIndexOf('.') - 1).ToLower();
                    else if (uriSource.Uri.Scheme == "ms-appdata")
                        string filePath = Platform.ResolveMsAppDataUri(uriSource.Uri);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
                            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Uri", "Source");

                        if (uriSource.Uri.IsFile)
                else if (MediaElement.Source is FileMediaSource fileSource)

                if (MediaElement.AutoPlay)
                    Controller.CurrentState = _view.IsPlaying ? MediaElementState.Playing : MediaElementState.Stopped;
            else if (_view.IsPlaying)
                Controller.CurrentState = MediaElementState.Stopped;