Example #1
 public string GetLLVMOptimizations(Assembly assembly)
     string opt;
     if (LLVMOptimizations.TryGetValue (assembly.FileName, out opt))
         return opt;
     if (LLVMOptimizations.TryGetValue ("all", out opt))
         return opt;
     return null;
Example #2
        public void ManagedLink()
            var cache_path = Path.Combine (ArchDirectory, "linked-assemblies.txt");

            foreach (var a in Assemblies)
                a.CopyToDirectory (LinkDirectory, false, check_case: true);

            // Check if we can use a previous link result.
            if (!Driver.Force) {
                var input = new List<string> ();
                var output = new List<string> ();
                var cached_output = new List<string> ();

                if (File.Exists (cache_path)) {
                    cached_output.AddRange (File.ReadAllLines (cache_path));

                    var cached_loaded = new HashSet<string> ();
                    // Only add the previously linked assemblies (and their satellites) as the input/output assemblies.
                    // Do not add assemblies which the linker process removed.
                    foreach (var a in Assemblies) {
                        if (!cached_output.Contains (a.FullPath))
                        cached_loaded.Add (a.FullPath);
                        input.Add (a.FullPath);
                        output.Add (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, a.FileName));
                        if (a.Satellites != null) {
                            foreach (var s in a.Satellites) {
                                input.Add (s);
                                output.Add (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, Path.GetFileName (Path.GetDirectoryName (s)), Path.GetFileName (s)));

                    // The linker might have added assemblies that weren't specified/reachable
                    // from the command line arguments (such as I18N assemblies). Those are not
                    // in the Assemblies list at this point (since we haven't run the linker yet)
                    // so make sure we take those into account as well.
                    var not_loaded = cached_output.Except (cached_loaded);
                    foreach (var path in not_loaded) {
                        input.Add (path);
                        output.Add (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, Path.GetFileName (path)));

                    // Include mtouch here too?
                    // input.Add (Path.Combine (MTouch.MonoTouchDirectory, "usr", "bin", "mtouch"));

                    if (Application.IsUptodate (input, output)) {
                        cached_link = true;
                        for (int i = Assemblies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                            var a = Assemblies [i];
                            if (!cached_output.Contains (a.FullPath)) {
                                Assemblies.RemoveAt (i);
                            // Load the cached assembly
                            a.LoadAssembly (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, a.FileName));
                            Driver.Log (3, "Target '{0}' is up-to-date.", a.FullPath);

                        foreach (var path in not_loaded) {
                            var a = new Assembly (this, path);
                            a.LoadAssembly (Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, a.FileName));
                            Assemblies.Add (a);

                        Driver.Watch ("Cached assemblies reloaded", 1);


            // Load the assemblies into memory.
            foreach (var a in Assemblies)
                a.LoadAssembly (a.FullPath);

            var assemblies = new List<string> ();
            foreach (var a in Assemblies)
                assemblies.Add (a.FullPath);
            var linked_assemblies = new List<string> (assemblies);

            LinkAssemblies (App.RootAssembly, ref linked_assemblies, PreBuildDirectory, out LinkContext);

            // Remove assemblies that were linked away
            var removed = new HashSet<string> (assemblies);
            removed.ExceptWith (linked_assemblies);

            foreach (var assembly in removed) {
                for (int i = Assemblies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    var ad = Assemblies [i];
                    if (assembly != ad.FullPath)

                    Assemblies.RemoveAt (i);

            // anything added by the linker will have it's original path
            var added = new HashSet<string> ();
            foreach (var assembly in linked_assemblies)
                added.Add (Path.GetFileName (assembly));
            var original = new HashSet<string> ();
            foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
                original.Add (Path.GetFileName (assembly));
            added.ExceptWith (original);

            foreach (var assembly in added) {
                // the linker already copied the assemblies (linked or not) into the output directory
                // and we must NOT overwrite the linker work with an original (unlinked) assembly
                string path = Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, assembly);
                var ad = ManifestResolver.Load (path);
                var a = new Assembly (this, ad);
                a.CopyToDirectory (PreBuildDirectory);
                Assemblies.Add (a);

            assemblies = linked_assemblies;

            // Make the assemblies point to the right path.
            foreach (var a in Assemblies)
                a.FullPath = Path.Combine (PreBuildDirectory, a.FileName);

            File.WriteAllText (cache_path, string.Join ("\n", linked_assemblies));
Example #3
        void ComputeListOfAssemblies(HashSet<string> assemblies, AssemblyDefinition assembly, List<Exception> exceptions)
            if (assembly == null)

            var fqname = assembly.MainModule.FullyQualifiedName;
            if (assemblies.Contains (fqname))

            assemblies.Add (fqname);

            var asm = new Assembly (this, assembly);
            asm.ComputeSatellites ();
            this.Assemblies.Add (asm);

            var main = assembly.MainModule;
            foreach (AssemblyNameReference reference in main.AssemblyReferences) {
                // Verify that none of the references references an incorrect platform assembly.
                switch (reference.Name) {
                case "monotouch":
                case "Xamarin.iOS":
                case "Xamarin.TVOS":
                case "Xamarin.WatchOS":
                    if (reference.Name != Driver.ProductAssembly)
                        exceptions.Add (ErrorHelper.CreateError (34, "Cannot reference '{0}.dll' in a {1} project - it is implicitly referenced by '{2}'.", reference.Name, Driver.TargetFramework.Identifier, assembly.FullName));

                var reference_assembly = ManifestResolver.Resolve (reference);
                ComputeListOfAssemblies (assemblies, reference_assembly, exceptions);

            // Custom Attribute metadata can include references to other assemblies, e.g. [X (typeof (Y)],
            // but it is not reflected in AssemblyReferences :-( ref: #37611
            // so we must scan every custom attribute to look for System.Type
            GetCustomAttributeReferences (assembly, assemblies, exceptions);
            GetCustomAttributeReferences (main, assemblies, exceptions);
            if (main.HasTypes) {
                foreach (var t in main.Types) {
                    GetTypeReferences (t, assemblies, exceptions);
Example #4
		static bool IsBoundAssembly (Assembly s)
			if (s.IsFrameworkAssembly)
				return false;

			AssemblyDefinition ad = s.AssemblyDefinition;

			foreach (ModuleDefinition md in ad.Modules)
				foreach (TypeDefinition td in md.Types)
					if (td.IsNSObject ())
						return true;

			return false;