public bool RemoveProjectReference(string url) { if (_unprocessedProjectReferences.Contains(url)) { _unprocessedProjectReferences.Remove(url); return(true); } else { // Does this url belongs to a project in the Solution ? XProject prj = XSolution.FindProject(url); if (_ReferencedProjects.Contains(prj)) { var outputname = prj.ProjectNode.OutputFile; _ReferencedProjects.Remove(prj); return(true); } RemoveProjectOutput(url); } return(false); }
private void ResolveUnprocessedProjectReferences() { if (_unprocessedProjectReferences.Count == 0) { return; } List <string> existing = new List <string>(); foreach (string sProject in _unprocessedProjectReferences) { XProject p = XSolution.FindProject(sProject); if (p != null) { existing.Add(sProject); _ReferencedProjects.Add(p); var outputFile = p.ProjectNode.OutputFile; AddProjectOutput(sProject, outputFile); } } foreach (string s in existing) { _unprocessedProjectReferences.Remove(s); } }
public static bool Add(XProject project) { string projectName = project.Name; return(XSolution.Add(projectName, project)); }