Example #1
        public cpConstraint(cpBody a, cpBody b)
            /// The first body connected to this constraint.
            this.a = a;
            /// The second body connected to this constraint.
            this.b = b;

            this.space = null;

            this.next_a = null;
            this.next_b = null;

            /// The maximum force that this constraint is allowed to use.
            this.maxForce = cp.Infinity;
            /// The rate at which joint error is corrected.
            /// Defaults to pow(1 - 0.1, 60) meaning that it will
            /// correct 10% of the error every 1/60th of a second.
            this.errorBias = cp.cpfpow(1f - 0.1f, 60f);
            /// The maximum rate at which joint error is corrected.
            this.maxBias = cp.Infinity;

            this.collideBodies = true;

            //Not clear
            preSolve  = DefaultPreSolve;
            postSolve = DefaultPostSolve;
        //public CollisionHandler DefaultHandler { get; set; }

        //MARK: Misc Helper Funcs
        // Default collision functions.
        static bool DefaultBegin(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object data)
            bool retA = arb.CallWildcardBeginA(space);            // cpArbiterCallWildcardBeginA(arb, space);
            bool retB = arb.CallWildcardBeginB(space);            // cpArbiterCallWildcardBeginB(arb, space);

            return(retA && retB);
        //public static cpShapeFilter FILTER_ALL = new cpShapeFilter(cp.NO_GROUP, (int)cpShapeFilterMask.All, (int)cpShapeFilterMask.All);
        //public static cpShapeFilter FILTER_NONE = new cpShapeFilter(cp.NO_GROUP, (int)cpShapeFilterMask.None, (int)cpShapeFilterMask.None);

        public cpShape(cpBody body, cpShapeMassInfo massInfo)
            /// The rigid body this collision shape is attached to.
            this.body = body;

            this.massInfo = massInfo;

            /// The current bounding box of the shape.
            /// The current bounding box of the shape.
            //this.bb_l = this.bb_b = this.bb_r = this.bb_t = 0;
            this.bb = new cpBB(0, 0, 0, 0);

            //this.hashid = (cp.shapeIDCounter++).ToString();

            /// Sensor flag.
            /// Sensor shapes call collision callbacks but don't produce collisions.
            this.sensor = false;

            filter = new cpShapeFilter(cp.NO_GROUP, (int)cpShapeFilterMask.Default, (int)cpShapeFilterMask.Default);

            /// Coefficient of restitution. (elasticity)
            this.e = 0;
            /// Coefficient of friction.
            this.u = 0;
            /// Surface velocity used when solving for friction.
            this.surfaceV = cpVect.Zero;

            /// Collision type of this shape used when picking collision handlers.
            this.type = 0;

            this.space = null;
        static bool DefaultPreSolve(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object data)
            bool retA = arb.CallWildcardPreSolveA(space);
            bool retB = arb.CallWildcardPreSolveB(space);

            return(retA && retB);
        public void CallWildcardSeparateB(cpSpace space)
            cpCollisionHandler handler = this.handlerB;

            this.swapped = !this.swapped;
            handler.separateFunc(this, space, handler.userData);
            this.swapped = !this.swapped;
        public void CallWildcardPostSolveB(cpSpace space)
            cpCollisionHandler handler = this.handlerB;

            this.swapped = !this.swapped;
            handler.postSolveFunc(this, space, handler.userData);
            this.swapped = !this.swapped;
        public bool CallWildcardPreSolveB(cpSpace space)
            cpCollisionHandler handler = this.handlerB;

            this.swapped = !this.swapped;
            bool retval = handler.preSolveFunc(this, space, handler.userData);

            this.swapped = !this.swapped;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mass"></param>
        /// <param name="moment"></param>
        public cpBody(float mass, float moment)
            transform = new cpTransform();

            this.cog   = cpVect.Zero;
            this.space = null;

            this.shapeList      = null;
            this.arbiterList    = null;          // These are both wacky linked lists.
            this.constraintList = null;

            velocity_func = UpdateVelocity;
            position_func = UpdatePosition;

            // This stuff is used to track information on the collision graph.
            this.nodeRoot     = null;
            this.nodeNext     = null;
            this.nodeIdleTime = 0;

            /// Position of the rigid body's center of gravity.
            this.p = cpVect.Zero;
            /// Velocity of the rigid body's center of gravity.
            this.v = cpVect.Zero;
            /// Force acting on the rigid body's center of gravity.
            this.f = cpVect.Zero;

            /// Angular velocity of the body around it's center of gravity in radians/second.
            this.w = 0;
            /// Torque applied to the body around it's center of gravity.
            this.t = 0;

            // This stuff is all private.
            this.v_bias = cpVect.Zero;             //x = this.v_biasy = 0;
            this.w_bias = 0;

            this.userData = null;

        // Defined in cpSpace.c
        // Wake up a sleeping or idle body.
        public void Activate()
            if (bodyType == cpBodyType.DYNAMIC)
                nodeIdleTime = 0.0f;

                cpBody root = nodeRoot;
                if (root != null && root.IsSleeping())
                    // TODO should cpBodyIsSleeping(root) be an assertion?
                    cp.AssertSoft(root.bodyType == cpBodyType.DYNAMIC, "Internal Error: Non-dynamic body component root detected.");

                    cpSpace space = root.space;
                    cpBody  body  = root;
                    while (body != null)
                        cpBody next = body.nodeNext;

                        body.nodeIdleTime = 0.0f;
                        body.nodeRoot     = null;
                        body.nodeNext     = null;

                        body = next;


                eachArbiter((arb, o) =>
                    // Reset the idle timer of things the body is touching as well.
                    // That way things don't get left hanging in the air.
                    cpBody other = (arb.body_a == this ? arb.body_b : arb.body_a);
                    if (other.bodyType != cpBodyType.STATIC)
                        other.nodeIdleTime = 0.0f;
                }, null);
        public void CallWildcardSeparateA(cpSpace space)
            cpCollisionHandler handler = this.handlerA;

            handler.separateFunc(this, space, handler.userData);
        public void CallWildcardPostSolveA(cpSpace space)
            cpCollisionHandler handler = this.handlerA;

            handler.postSolveFunc(this, space, handler.userData);
        public bool CallWildcardPreSolveA(cpSpace space)
            cpCollisionHandler handler = this.handlerA;

            return(handler.preSolveFunc(this, space, handler.userData));
Example #13
 //Function called after the solver runs. This can be overridden by the user
 //to customize the constraint.
 //Use the applied impulse to perform effects like breakable joints.
 public virtual void DefaultPostSolve(cpSpace space)
 public static bool AlwaysCollide(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object data)
 public static void DefaultSeparate(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object o)
 public static void DefaultPostSolve(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object o)
 public static bool DefaultPreSolve(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object o)
 public static bool DefaultBegin(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object o)
        public void Update(cpCollisionInfo info, cpSpace space)
            cpShape a = info.a, b = info.b;

            // For collisions between two similar primitive types, the order could have been swapped since the last frame.
            this.a = a; this.body_a = a.body;
            this.b = b; this.body_b = b.body;

            // Iterate over the possible pairs to look for hash value matches.
            for (int i = 0; i < info.count; i++)
                cpContact con = info.arr[i];

                // r1 and r2 store absolute offsets at init time.
                // Need to convert them to relative offsets.
                con.r1 = cpVect.cpvsub(con.r1, a.body.p);
                con.r2 = cpVect.cpvsub(con.r2, b.body.p);

                // Cached impulses are not zeroed at init time.
                con.jnAcc = con.jtAcc = 0.0f;

                for (int j = 0; j < this.Count; j++)
                    cpContact old = this.contacts[j];

                    // This could trigger false positives, but is fairly unlikely nor serious if it does.
                    if (con.hash == old.hash)
                        // Copy the persistant contact information.
                        con.jnAcc = old.jnAcc;
                        con.jtAcc = old.jtAcc;
            //TODO: revise
            this.contacts = info.arr;
            //this.count = info.count;
            this.n = info.n;

            this.e = a.e * b.e;
            this.u = a.u * b.u;

            cpVect surface_vr = cpVect.cpvsub(b.surfaceV, a.surfaceV);

            this.surface_vr = cpVect.cpvsub(surface_vr, cpVect.cpvmult(info.n, cpVect.cpvdot(surface_vr, info.n)));

            ulong typeA = info.a.type, typeB = info.b.type;
            cpCollisionHandler defaultHandler = space.defaultHandler;
            cpCollisionHandler handler        = this.handler = space.LookupHandler(typeA, typeB, defaultHandler);

            // Check if the types match, but don't swap for a default handler which use the wildcard for type A.
            bool swapped = this.swapped = (typeA != handler.typeA && handler.typeA != cp.WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE);

            if (handler != defaultHandler || space.usesWildcards)
                // The order of the main handler swaps the wildcard handlers too. Uffda.
                this.handlerA = space.LookupHandler(swapped ? typeB : typeA, cp.WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, cpCollisionHandler.cpCollisionHandlerDoNothing);
                this.handlerB = space.LookupHandler(swapped ? typeA : typeB, cp.WILDCARD_COLLISION_TYPE, cpCollisionHandler.cpCollisionHandlerDoNothing);

            // mark it as new if it's been cached
            if (this.state == cpArbiterState.Cached)
                this.state = cpArbiterState.FirstCollision;
 static void DefaultSeparate(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object data)
Example #21
        /// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // **** Post Step Callback Functions

        static void PostStepDoNothing(cpSpace space, object obj, object data)
Example #22
 protected XSpaceManager()
     mSpace = new cpSpace();
 public static void DoNothing(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object data)
 static void DefaultPostSolve(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object data)
Example #25
 public static void AssertSpaceUnlocked(cpSpace space)
     AssertSoft(!space.IsLocked, "This addition/removal cannot be done safely during a call to cpSpaceStep() or during a query. Put these calls into a post-step callback.");
        public bool CallWildcardBeginA(cpSpace space)
            cpCollisionHandler handler = this.handlerA;

            return(handler.beginFunc(this, space, handler.userData));