Example #1
        public void AddStun(float value)
            float valueToAdd = UsefulActions.RandomiseNumber(value);

            float clampedValue = GetHealthAsAPercentage();

            clampedValue = UsefulActions.ClampValue(clampedValue); //Allowing the value to equal 0 leads to infinity, which bugs the game
            valueToAdd  /= clampedValue;                           //Recover slower the lower your health is

            clampedValue = GetStaminaAsAPercentage();
            clampedValue = UsefulActions.ClampValue(clampedValue); //Allowing the value to equal 0 leads to infinity, which bugs the game
            valueToAdd  /= clampedValue;                           //Recover slower the lower your stamina is

            valueToAdd /= Match.instance.GetRecoveryMultiplier();
            valueToAdd *= Match.instance.StunnedMultiplier();

            valueToAdd = (IsStunned()) ? valueToAdd / 2 : valueToAdd;              //Reduce stun added to already stunned targets. Essentially a softcap
            if (UsefulActions.RandomiseChance(momentum * QUICK_RECOVER_CHANCE_SCALER))
                valueToAdd /= 10;                 //Recover quicker. Reduce the length of time you'll be stunned for.

            stunnedTimer += valueToAdd;
            actionTimer   = 0;           //Wouldn't make sense to be put on cooldown from a move whilst you're on the ground.

            if (stunnedTimer > 300)      //Don't allow wrestlers to be stunned for too long (but don't limit it entirely. doing so can ruin multi-man matches).
                stunnedTimer = 300;
Example #2
 public SpecialMove GetSignature(PositionLayout requiredPosition)
     if (signatures.ContainsKey(requiredPosition))
         List <SpecialMove> moveIDs = signatures [requiredPosition];
         return(moveIDs [UsefulActions.RandomiseNumber(0, moveIDs.Count)]);
Example #3
        protected bool CanAvoidMove(float moveMaxChance, float avoidMaxChance)
            float moveChance  = UsefulActions.RandomiseNumber(0.0f, moveMaxChance);
            float avoidChance = UsefulActions.RandomiseNumber(0.0f, avoidMaxChance);

            avoidChance *= GetStaminaAsAPercentage();                        //Lower chance to avoid if you have low stamina (not health, that will snowball too hard)
            avoidChance  = (IsStunned()) ? avoidChance * 0.6f : avoidChance; //Lower chance to avoid if you're stunned

            return(moveChance < avoidChance);
Example #4
        //Move without a destination
        public void MoveToAdjacentNode(Wrestler wrestler, NodeIndex start)
            NodeIndex destination;

                destination = start + new NodeIndex((sbyte)UsefulActions.RandomiseNumber(-1, 2), (sbyte)UsefulActions.RandomiseNumber(-1, 2));
            } while (!IsValidNode(destination));
            MoveToAdjacentNode(wrestler, start, destination);
Example #5
        protected bool CanUseSpecialMove(Wrestler attackingWrestler, Wrestler receivingWrestler, float bonusChance)
            float attackerStamina = attackingWrestler.GetStaminaAsAPercentage();
            float receiverHealth  = receivingWrestler.GetHealthAsAPercentage();
            float chance          = 5 + receiverHealth * 20;

            chance -= (1 - attackerStamina) * 15;
            chance *= bonusChance;

Example #6
 //Mostly used to have wrestlers stay down for longer during multi-man matches, like in wrestling
 public virtual float StunnedMultiplier()
     if (wrestlers.Length == 2)
     if (UsefulActions.RandomiseChance(wrestlers.Length * 5))
        private static void AddToDictionary(string unparsedWrestlerString)
            string key = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(unparsedWrestlerString, "Name: ");

            WrestlerData wrestlerData = new WrestlerData(unparsedWrestlerString);

            if (allWrestlers.ContainsKey(key))
                throw new Exception("The wrestler '" + key + "' already exists.");
            allWrestlers.Add(key, wrestlerData);
Example #8
        private static void AddToDictionary(string unparsedMoveString)
            string textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(unparsedMoveString, "ID: ");
            ushort moveID       = ushort.Parse(textFromFile);

            //Remove the ID from the string
            MoveData newMove = new MoveData(unparsedMoveString);

            if (allMoves.ContainsKey(moveID))
                throw new Exception("The ID: " + moveID + " already exists.");
            allMoves.Add(moveID, newMove);
Example #9
        public void AddCooldown(float value)
            float valueToAdd = value;

            //In real wrestling, wrestlers tend to perform slower as they take more damage and run out of breath. Due to that, that increases the cooldown
            float temp = UsefulActions.ClampValue(GetStaminaAsAPercentage());

            valueToAdd *= (1 - temp) + 1;             //Lower stamina leads to a longer cooldown
            temp        = UsefulActions.ClampValue(GetHealthAsAPercentage());
            valueToAdd *= (1 - temp) + 1;             //Lower health also does

            //Add ambient action time depending on stamina, so the wrestler doesn't attack instantly, which doesn't always happen in wrestling.
            valueToAdd += UsefulActions.RandomiseNumber(0.1f, 6.0f - GetStaminaAsAPercentage() * 4.0f);

            actionTimer += valueToAdd;
Example #10
        public MoveData GetRandomMove(PositionLayout requiredPosition)
            List <MoveData> moves = null;

            if (favouriteMoves.ContainsKey(requiredPosition) && UsefulActions.RandomiseChance(80))
                moves = favouriteMoves [requiredPosition];

            if (normalMoves.ContainsKey(requiredPosition))
                moves = normalMoves [requiredPosition];

            if (moves == null || moves.Count == 0)
            return(moves [UsefulActions.RandomiseNumber(0, moves.Count)]);
Example #11
        public static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to my Wrestling Simulator!");
            Console.WriteLine("Currently you can only do pin-fall only matches which require at least 2 wrestlers (can do multi-man matches).");
            Console.WriteLine("\nHere's the list of all available wrestlers:");
            Console.WriteLine("\nList all wrestlers you wish to add into the match, then type START when you're done.");

            List <Wrestler> wrestlersInMatch = new List <Wrestler> ();
            string          userInput        = "";

            while (!userInput.Equals("START"))
                userInput = Console.ReadLine();
                WrestlerData wrestlerDetails = WrestlerDictionary.GetWrestler(userInput);
                if (wrestlerDetails == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("The wrestler: '{0}' does not exist.", userInput);
                Wrestler wrestler = new Wrestler(wrestlerDetails);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} has been added.", userInput);

            /*Wrestler wrestlerA = new Wrestler (WrestlerDictionary.GetWrestler ("Bob Dylan"));
             * Wrestler wrestlerB = new Wrestler (WrestlerDictionary.GetWrestler ("Jake Matthews"));
             * Wrestler wrestlerC = new Wrestler (WrestlerDictionary.GetWrestler ("Michael Lopez"));
             * Wrestler[] wrestlerList = new Wrestler[] { wrestlerA, wrestlerB, wrestlerC };*/

            Match.instance = new NormalMatch(wrestlersInMatch.ToArray());

            Console.WriteLine("The program will end after you press enter.");
Example #12
        public void ChangeTargetToSelection(Wrestler[] selectableWrestlers)
            targettingWrestler = selectableWrestlers [0];
            for (byte i = 1; i < selectableWrestlers.Length; i++)
                byte chance = 20;

                if (selectableWrestlers [i].IsStunned())
                    chance = 5;
                if (selectableWrestlers [i].IsTargettingWrestler(this))
                    chance = 50;

                if (UsefulActions.RandomiseChance(chance))
                    targettingWrestler = selectableWrestlers [i];
Example #13
        //Left public because in the future there may be match specific moves
        public MoveResult AttemptMove(Wrestler receivingWrestler, IMove move, float costMultiplier = 1)
            float staminaCost      = 0.4f * (byte)move.GetStaminaCost() * costMultiplier;
            float maxSuccessChance = myData.technique / staminaCost;

            //Without increasing this value, people with less technique than someone's counter stat can never ever land a move
            maxSuccessChance *= UsefulActions.ClampValue(GetStaminaAsAPercentage()) * 3;

            MoveData moveData = move.GetMove();
            float    damage   = GetDamageByOffenceType(moveData) * staminaCost;

            damage = UsefulActions.RandomiseNumber(damage);

            ConsumeStamina(MOVE_BASE_STAMINA_COST * staminaCost);
            MoveResult result = receivingWrestler.ReceiveMove(maxSuccessChance, moveData, damage);

            receivingWrestler.ChangeTarget(this);              //Without this, multi-man matches get kinda silly with someone getting beat up for free

            if (result == MoveResult.COUNTERED)

            if (result == MoveResult.NORMAL)
                AddMomentum(MOVE_BASE_MOMENTUM_GAIN + damage / 50);                  //No charisma stat, simply made it so that wrestlers who hit harder gain more momentum

            float moveTime = UsefulActions.RandomiseNumber(moveData.lowerMoveTime, moveData.upperMoveTime);              //How long the move took


Example #14
        public bool AttemptPinEscape(float chanceMultiplier)
            float chance = GetHealthAsAPercentage() * myData.heart;

            //Wrestlers sometimes lose simply through being gassed, not through being beat up a lot.
            //There is a threshold so that the wrestler doesn't solely lose due to them being tired. It's just a factor.
            chance *= 0.25f + GetStaminaAsAPercentage() * 0.75f;

            //Multiplier below is used to help wrestlers kick out. Without it, wrestlers with low heart (i.e. 40) will never kickout, losing often in < 30 seconds
            chance *= PIN_MULTIPLIER * chanceMultiplier * Match.instance.GetRecoveryMultiplier();              //It can technically go over 100 at this point. That simply means you will kick out

            //Wrestlers stunned for longer (i.e. from a big move, or in this simulator, multiple moves) should have a lower chance of kicking out
            chance -= stunnedTimer / 10;

            bool kickedOut = UsefulActions.RandomiseChance(chance);

            if (kickedOut)
                Output.AddToOutput(myData.name + " kicked out");

Example #15
        public readonly float lowerMoveTime, upperMoveTime;         //length of time it takes to perform the move

        public MoveData(string textToParse)
            string textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Name: ");

            name = textFromFile;

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Description: ");
            description  = textFromFile;

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Stamina Cost: ");
            switch (textFromFile.ToUpper())
            case "VERY LOW":
                staminaCost = StaminaCost.VERY_LOW;

            case "LOW":
                staminaCost = StaminaCost.LOW;

            case "NORMAL":
                staminaCost = StaminaCost.NORMAL;

            case "HIGH":
                staminaCost = StaminaCost.HIGH;

            case "VERY HIGH":
                staminaCost = StaminaCost.VERY_HIGH;

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Offence Type: ");
            switch (textFromFile.ToUpper())
            case "GRAPPLE":
                offenceType = OffenceType.GRAPPLE;

            case "STRIKE":
                offenceType = OffenceType.STRIKE;

            case "DIVE":
                offenceType = OffenceType.FLYING;

            case "RUNNING":
                offenceType = OffenceType.RUNNING;

            textFromFile     = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Required Position: ");
            requiredPosition = StringToPosition(textFromFile);

            textFromFile             = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Required Opponent Position: ");
            requiredOpponentPosition = StringToPosition(textFromFile);

            textFromFile     = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Finished Position: ");
            finishedPosition = StringToPosition(textFromFile);

            textFromFile     = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Reversal Position: ");
            reversalPosition = StringToPosition(textFromFile);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Damaged Body Parts: ");
            string[] bodyParts = textFromFile.Split(new string[] { ", " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            damagedBodyParts = new BodyPart[bodyParts.Length];
            for (byte i = 0; i < bodyParts.Length; i++)
                switch (bodyParts [i].ToUpper())
                case "HEAD":
                    damagedBodyParts [i] = BodyPart.HEAD;

                case "TORSO":
                    damagedBodyParts [i] = BodyPart.TORSO;

                case "ARMS":
                    damagedBodyParts [i] = BodyPart.ARMS;

                case "LEGS":
                    damagedBodyParts [i] = BodyPart.LEGS;

                    throw new Exception("Not a valid body part.");

            textFromFile  = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Lower Move Time: ");
            lowerMoveTime = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile  = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Upper Move Time: ");
            upperMoveTime = float.Parse(textFromFile);
Example #16
        public WrestlerData(string textToParse)
            /*string textToParse = File.ReadAllText (filePath);
             * if (textToParse.Length == 0)
             *      throw new Exception ("File with path '" + filePath + "' is empty.");*/

            string textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Name: ");

            name = textFromFile;

            textFromFile   = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Wrestling Style: ");
            wrestlingStyle = GetWrestlingStyle(textFromFile);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Weight: ");
            weight       = ushort.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile    = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Grapple Strength: ");
            grappleStrength = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile     = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Striking Strength: ");
            strikingStrength = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile    = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Running Strength: ");
            runningStrength = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile   = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Diving Strength: ");
            divingStrength = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Heart: ");
            heart        = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Health: ");
            health       = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile   = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Health Recovery: ");
            healthRecovery = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Stamina: ");
            stamina      = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile    = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Stamina Recovery: ");
            staminaRecovery = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile   = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Head Resistance: ");
            headResistance = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile    = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Torso Resistance: ");
            torsoResistance = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile  = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Arms Resistance: ");
            armResistance = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile  = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Legs Resistance: ");
            legResistance = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Technique: ");
            technique    = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Speed: ");
            speed        = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Block: ");
            block        = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Counter: ");
            counter      = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Submission: ");
            submission   = float.Parse(textFromFile);

            myMoves = new MoveList();

            //Add moves to the moves list
            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Finishers: ");
            while (textFromFile.Length > 1)
                int indexOfComma   = textFromFile.IndexOf(',');
                int indexOfIDStart = indexOfComma + 2;
                int indexOfEnd     = textFromFile.IndexOf(']');

                string specialMoveName = textFromFile.Substring(1, indexOfComma - 1);
                string moveIDText      = textFromFile.Substring(indexOfIDStart, indexOfEnd - indexOfIDStart);

                ushort   moveID       = ushort.Parse(moveIDText);
                MoveData originalMove = MoveDictionary.GetMove(moveID);

                PositionLayout requiredPosition = new PositionLayout(originalMove.requiredPosition, originalMove.requiredOpponentPosition);
                myMoves.AddToFinishers(requiredPosition, moveID, specialMoveName);
                textFromFile = textFromFile.Remove(0, indexOfEnd + 1);
                if (textFromFile.Length != 0)
                    textFromFile = textFromFile.Remove(0, 2);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Signatures: ");
            while (textFromFile.Length > 1)
                int indexOfComma   = textFromFile.IndexOf(',');
                int indexOfIDStart = indexOfComma + 2;
                int indexOfEnd     = textFromFile.IndexOf(']');

                string specialMoveName = textFromFile.Substring(1, indexOfComma - 1);
                string moveIDText      = textFromFile.Substring(indexOfIDStart, indexOfEnd - indexOfIDStart);

                ushort   moveID       = ushort.Parse(moveIDText);
                MoveData originalMove = MoveDictionary.GetMove(moveID);

                PositionLayout requiredPosition = new PositionLayout(originalMove.requiredPosition, originalMove.requiredOpponentPosition);
                myMoves.AddToSignatures(requiredPosition, moveID, specialMoveName);
                textFromFile = textFromFile.Remove(0, indexOfEnd + 1);
                if (textFromFile.Length != 0)
                    textFromFile = textFromFile.Remove(0, 2);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Favourite Moves: ");
            while (textFromFile.Length > 1)
                int indexOfComma = textFromFile.IndexOf(',');
                if (indexOfComma == -1)
                    indexOfComma = textFromFile.Length - 1;

                string   moveIDText   = textFromFile.Substring(0, indexOfComma);
                ushort   moveID       = ushort.Parse(moveIDText);
                MoveData originalMove = MoveDictionary.GetMove(moveID);

                PositionLayout requiredPosition = new PositionLayout(originalMove.requiredPosition, originalMove.requiredOpponentPosition);
                myMoves.AddToFavouriteMoves(requiredPosition, moveID);
                if (indexOfComma + 2 > textFromFile.Length)
                textFromFile = textFromFile.Remove(0, indexOfComma + 2);

            textFromFile = UsefulActions.GetDataFromUnparsedFile(textToParse, "Normal Moves: ");
            while (textFromFile.Length > 1)
                int indexOfComma = textFromFile.IndexOf(',');
                if (indexOfComma == -1)
                    indexOfComma = textFromFile.Length - 1;

                string moveIDText = textFromFile.Substring(0, indexOfComma);

                ushort   moveID       = ushort.Parse(moveIDText);
                MoveData originalMove = MoveDictionary.GetMove(moveID);

                PositionLayout requiredPosition = new PositionLayout(originalMove.requiredPosition, originalMove.requiredOpponentPosition);
                myMoves.AddToMoves(requiredPosition, moveID);
                if (indexOfComma + 2 > textFromFile.Length)
                textFromFile = textFromFile.Remove(0, indexOfComma + 2);
Example #17
        //This will be more complex in the future. It's mostly set like this right now to show that it all works.
        public override void MatchStep()
            //Output.AddToOutput (elapsedTime.ToString());
            Wrestler attackingWrestler = GetNextActiveWrestler();
            Wrestler receivingWrestler = attackingWrestler.GetTargettingWrestler();
            float    pinMultiplier     = 4;

            //In multiman matches, randomly change targets if your target is stunned
            if (wrestlers.Length > 2 && receivingWrestler.IsStunned() && UsefulActions.RandomiseChance(25))
                Wrestler[] otherWrestlers = GetOtherWrestlers(attackingWrestler).ToArray();

            if (attackingWrestler.GetPosition() != WrestlerPosition.STANDING)
                if (attackingWrestler.GetPosition() == WrestlerPosition.GROUNDED)
                    ChangePosition(attackingWrestler, WrestlerPosition.GROGGY);
                    ChangePosition(attackingWrestler, WrestlerPosition.STANDING);

            IMove    attackToUse = null;
            MoveType moveType    = MoveType.NORMAL;

            if (CanUseFinisher(attackingWrestler, receivingWrestler))
                attackToUse   = attackingWrestler.GetFinisher();
                moveType      = MoveType.FINISHER;
                pinMultiplier = 0.5f;
            else if (CanUseSignature(attackingWrestler, receivingWrestler))
                attackToUse   = attackingWrestler.GetSignature();
                moveType      = MoveType.SIGNATURE;
                pinMultiplier = 1;
            else if (CanUseMove(attackingWrestler, receivingWrestler))
                attackToUse   = attackingWrestler.GetMove();
                moveType      = MoveType.NORMAL;
                pinMultiplier = 2;

            if (attackToUse != null)
                MoveResult moveResult = AttemptMove(attackingWrestler, receivingWrestler, attackToUse, moveType);
                if (moveResult != MoveResult.NORMAL)                 //Stop the turn immediately if our move didn't go through

            if (attackingWrestler.IsStunned())              //If the wrestler collapsed by any chance

            if (receivingWrestler.GetPosition() == WrestlerPosition.GROUNDED)
                if (UsefulActions.RandomiseChance(49.0f / pinMultiplier) && attackToUse != null || UsefulActions.RandomiseChance(10))
                    PinAttempt(attackingWrestler, receivingWrestler, pinMultiplier);
                if (UsefulActions.RandomiseChance(40))
                    ChangeReceiverPosition(attackingWrestler, receivingWrestler, WrestlerPosition.GROGGY);