public override Box CreateBox(TexEnvironment environment) { var defaultLineThickness = environment.TexFont.GetDefaultLineThickness(environment.Style); // Create box for base atom. var baseBox = this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment); // Create result box. var resultBox = new VerticalBox(); resultBox.Add(baseBox); resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, 3 * defaultLineThickness, 0, 0)); resultBox.Add(new HorizontalRule(defaultLineThickness, baseBox.Width, 0)); resultBox.Depth = baseBox.Depth + 5 * defaultLineThickness; resultBox.Height = baseBox.Height; return resultBox; }
public static Box CreateBox(string symbol, double minHeight, TexEnvironment environment, SourceSpan?source = null) { var texFont = environment.MathFont; var style = environment.Style; var charInfo = texFont.GetCharInfo(symbol, style).Value; // Find first version of character that has at least minimum height. var metrics = charInfo.Metrics; var totalHeight = metrics.Height + metrics.Depth; while (totalHeight < minHeight && texFont.HasNextLarger(charInfo)) { charInfo = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(charInfo, style); metrics = charInfo.Metrics; totalHeight = metrics.Height + metrics.Depth; } if (totalHeight >= minHeight) { // Character of sufficient height was found. return(new CharBox(environment, charInfo)); } else if (texFont.IsExtensionChar(charInfo)) { var resultBox = new VerticalBox() { Source = source }; // Construct box from extension character. var extension = texFont.GetExtension(charInfo, style); if (extension.Top != null) { resultBox.Add(new CharBox(environment, extension.Top) { Source = source }); } if (extension.Middle != null) { resultBox.Add(new CharBox(environment, extension.Middle) { Source = source }); } if (extension.Bottom != null) { resultBox.Add(new CharBox(environment, extension.Bottom) { Source = source }); } if (extension.Repeat != null) { // Insert repeatable part multiple times until box is high enough. var repeatBox = new CharBox(environment, extension.Repeat) { Source = source }; do { if (extension.Top != null && extension.Bottom != null) { resultBox.Add(1, repeatBox); if (extension.Middle != null) { resultBox.Add(resultBox.Children.Count - 1, repeatBox); } } else if (extension.Bottom != null) { resultBox.Add(0, repeatBox); } else { resultBox.Add(repeatBox); } } while (resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth < minHeight); } return(resultBox); } else { // No extensions available, so use tallest available version of character. return(new CharBox(environment, charInfo) { Source = source }); } }
public override Box CreateBox(TexEnvironment environment) { var texFont = environment.MathFont; var style = environment.Style; if ((this.UseVerticalLimits.HasValue && !UseVerticalLimits.Value) || (!this.UseVerticalLimits.HasValue && style >= TexStyle.Text)) { // Attach atoms for limits as scripts. return(new ScriptsAtom(this.BaseAtom, this.LowerLimitAtom, this.UpperLimitAtom).CreateBox(environment)); } // Create box for base atom. Box baseBox; double delta; if (this.BaseAtom is SymbolAtom && this.BaseAtom.Type == TexAtomType.BigOperator) { // Find character of best scale for operator symbol. var opChar = texFont.GetCharInfo(((SymbolAtom)this.BaseAtom).Name, style); if (style < TexStyle.Text && texFont.HasNextLarger(opChar)) { opChar = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(opChar, style); } var charBox = new CharBox(environment, opChar); charBox.Shift = -(charBox.Height + charBox.Depth) / 2 - environment.MathFont.GetAxisHeight(environment.Style); baseBox = new HorizontalBox(charBox); delta = opChar.Metrics.Italic; if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision) { baseBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0)); } } else { baseBox = new HorizontalBox(this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment)); delta = 0; } // Create boxes for upper and lower limits. var upperLimitBox = this.UpperLimitAtom == null ? null : this.UpperLimitAtom.CreateBox( environment.GetSuperscriptStyle()); var lowerLimitBox = this.LowerLimitAtom == null ? null : this.LowerLimitAtom.CreateBox( environment.GetSubscriptStyle()); // Make all component boxes equally wide. var maxWidth = Math.Max(Math.Max(baseBox.Width, upperLimitBox == null ? 0 : upperLimitBox.Width), lowerLimitBox == null ? 0 : lowerLimitBox.Width); if (baseBox != null) { baseBox = ChangeWidth(baseBox, maxWidth); } if (upperLimitBox != null) { upperLimitBox = ChangeWidth(upperLimitBox, maxWidth); } if (lowerLimitBox != null) { lowerLimitBox = ChangeWidth(lowerLimitBox, maxWidth); } var resultBox = new VerticalBox(); var opSpacing5 = texFont.GetBigOpSpacing5(style); var kern = 0d; // Create and add box for upper limit. if (UpperLimitAtom != null) { resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, opSpacing5, 0, 0)); upperLimitBox.Shift = delta / 2; resultBox.Add(upperLimitBox); kern = Math.Max(texFont.GetBigOpSpacing1(style), texFont.GetBigOpSpacing3(style) - upperLimitBox.Depth); resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern, 0, 0)); } // Add box for base atom. resultBox.Add(baseBox); // Create and add box for lower limit. if (LowerLimitAtom != null) { resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, Math.Max(texFont.GetBigOpSpacing2(style), texFont.GetBigOpSpacing4(style) - lowerLimitBox.Height), 0, 0)); lowerLimitBox.Shift = -delta / 2; resultBox.Add(lowerLimitBox); resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, opSpacing5, 0, 0)); } // Adjust height and depth of result box. var baseBoxHeight = baseBox.Height; var totalHeight = resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth; if (upperLimitBox != null) { baseBoxHeight += opSpacing5 + kern + upperLimitBox.Height + upperLimitBox.Depth; } resultBox.Height = baseBoxHeight; resultBox.Depth = totalHeight - baseBoxHeight; return(resultBox); }
protected override Box CreateBoxCore(TexEnvironment environment) { var texFont = environment.MathFont; var style = environment.Style; // Calculate minimum clearance amount. double clearance; var defaultRuleThickness = texFont.GetDefaultLineThickness(style); if (style < TexStyle.Text) { clearance = texFont.GetXHeight(style, texFont.GetCharInfo(sqrtSymbol, style).Value.FontId); } else { clearance = defaultRuleThickness; } clearance = defaultRuleThickness + Math.Abs(clearance) / 4; // Create box for base atom, in cramped style. var baseBox = this.BaseAtom == null? StrutBox.Empty: this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment.GetCrampedStyle()); // Create box for radical sign. var totalHeight = baseBox.Height + baseBox.Depth; var radicalSignBox = DelimiterFactory.CreateBox(sqrtSymbol, totalHeight + clearance + defaultRuleThickness, environment, Source); radicalSignBox.Source = Source; // Add half of excess height to clearance. var delta = radicalSignBox.Depth - (totalHeight + clearance); clearance += delta / 2; // Create box for root base containing base box. var overBar = new OverBar(environment, baseBox, clearance, radicalSignBox.Height) { Shift = -defaultRuleThickness, }; //Create box to hold the radical and the degree atom(if it exists) var radicalContainerBox = new VerticalBox(); //Create a box for creating a space for the radical sign box's left shift and width var horizoverlapbox = new StrutBox(0, 0, 0, 0); radicalContainerBox.Add(horizoverlapbox); radicalContainerBox.Add(radicalSignBox); // Create box for root atom. var radrootBox = this.DegreeAtom == null ?(this.DegreeSpecified? StrutBox.Empty:NullAtom.NullBox) : this.DegreeAtom.CreateBox(environment.GetRootStyle()); var bottomShift = scale * (radicalSignBox.Height + radicalSignBox.Depth); var rcbItemsdiff = radicalSignBox.TotalHeight - radrootBox.TotalHeight; bottomShift = rcbItemsdiff; radrootBox.Shift = 0; if (radrootBox.TotalHeight < radicalSignBox.TotalHeight / 2) { bottomShift = (radicalSignBox.TotalHeight / 2) + radrootBox.TotalHeight; } var Vnegspace = new StrutBox(0, -bottomShift, 0, 0); radicalContainerBox.Add(Vnegspace); radicalContainerBox.Add(radrootBox); var leftshift = this.DegreeAtom == null? 0: radrootBox.TotalWidth - radicalSignBox.TotalWidth / 2; if (radrootBox.TotalWidth < (radicalSignBox.TotalWidth / 2)) { leftshift = 0; } radicalSignBox.Shift = leftshift; //increase the left overlap width horizoverlapbox.Width = leftshift + radicalSignBox.Width; // Create result box. var resultBox = new HorizontalBox(); resultBox.Add(radicalContainerBox); //adjust the vertical shift of the radicalContainerBox radicalContainerBox.Shift = -defaultRuleThickness - radicalContainerBox.Depth; var leftpad = radicalContainerBox.TotalWidth - radicalSignBox.Shift - radicalSignBox.TotalWidth; resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(leftpad, 0, 0, 0)); overBar.Shift = -defaultRuleThickness - radicalContainerBox.Depth; resultBox.Add(overBar); return(resultBox); }
public override Box CreateBox(TexEnvironment environment) { // Create box for base atom. var baseBox = this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment); // Create boxes for over and under atoms. Box overBox = null, underBox = null; var maxWidth = baseBox.Width; if (this.OverAtom != null) { overBox = OverAtom.CreateBox(OverScriptSmaller ? environment.GetSubscriptStyle() : environment); maxWidth = Math.Max(maxWidth, overBox.Width); } if (this.UnderAtom != null) { underBox = UnderAtom.CreateBox(UnderScriptSmaller ? environment.GetSubscriptStyle() : environment); maxWidth = Math.Max(maxWidth, underBox.Width); } // Create result box. var resultBox = new VerticalBox(); environment.LastFontId = baseBox.GetLastFontId(); // Create and add box for over atom. if (this.OverAtom != null) { resultBox.Add(ChangeWidth(overBox, maxWidth)); resultBox.Add(new SpaceAtom(OverSpaceUnit, 0, OverSpace, 0).CreateBox(environment)); } // Add box for base atom. resultBox.Add(ChangeWidth(baseBox, maxWidth)); double totalHeight = resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth - baseBox.Depth; // Create and add box for under atom. if (this.UnderAtom != null) { resultBox.Add(new SpaceAtom(OverSpaceUnit, 0, UnderSpace, 0).CreateBox(environment)); resultBox.Add(ChangeWidth(underBox, maxWidth)); } resultBox.Depth = resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth - totalHeight; resultBox.Height = totalHeight; return resultBox; }
public override Box CreateBox(TexEnvironment environment) { CharSymbol GetBaseChar() { var baseAtom = BaseAtom; while (baseAtom is AccentedAtom a) { baseAtom = a.BaseAtom; } return(baseAtom as CharSymbol); } var texFont = environment.MathFont; var style = environment.Style; // Create box for base atom. var baseBox = this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment.GetCrampedStyle()); var baseCharFont = GetBaseChar()?.GetCharFont(texFont); var skew = baseCharFont == null ? 0.0 : texFont.GetSkew(baseCharFont, style); // Find character of best scale for accent symbol. var accentChar = texFont.GetCharInfo(AccentAtom.Name, style); while (texFont.HasNextLarger(accentChar)) { var nextLargerChar = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(accentChar, style); if (nextLargerChar.Metrics.Width > baseBox.Width) { break; } accentChar = nextLargerChar; } var resultBox = new VerticalBox(); // Create and add box for accent symbol. Box accentBox; var accentItalicWidth = accentChar.Metrics.Italic; if (accentItalicWidth > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision) { accentBox = new HorizontalBox(new CharBox(environment, accentChar)); accentBox.Add(new StrutBox(accentItalicWidth, 0, 0, 0)); } else { accentBox = new CharBox(environment, accentChar); } resultBox.Add(accentBox); var delta = Math.Min(baseBox.Height, texFont.GetXHeight(style, accentChar.FontId)); resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, -delta, 0, 0)); // Centre and add box for base atom. Centre base box and accent box with respect to each other. var boxWidthsDiff = (baseBox.Width - accentBox.Width) / 2; accentBox.Shift = skew + Math.Max(boxWidthsDiff, 0); if (boxWidthsDiff < 0) { baseBox = new HorizontalBox(baseBox, accentBox.Width, TexAlignment.Center); } resultBox.Add(baseBox); // Adjust height and depth of result box. var depth = baseBox.Depth; var totalHeight = resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth; resultBox.Depth = depth; resultBox.Height = totalHeight - depth; return(resultBox); }
public override Box CreateBox(TexEnvironment environment) { var texFont = environment.TexFont; var style = environment.Style; // set thickness to default if default value should be used double lineHeight; var defaultLineThickness = texFont.GetDefaultLineThickness(style); if (this.useDefaultThickness) lineHeight = this.lineRelativeThickness.HasValue ? this.lineRelativeThickness.Value * defaultLineThickness : defaultLineThickness; else lineHeight = new SpaceAtom(this.lineThicknessUnit, 0, this.lineThickness, 0).CreateBox(environment).Height; // Create boxes for numerator and demoninator atoms, and make them of equal width. var numeratorBox = this.Numerator == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.Numerator.CreateBox(environment.GetNumeratorStyle()); var denominatorBox = this.Denominator == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.Denominator.CreateBox(environment.GetDenominatorStyle()); if (numeratorBox.Width < denominatorBox.Width) numeratorBox = new HorizontalBox(numeratorBox, denominatorBox.Width, numeratorAlignment); else denominatorBox = new HorizontalBox(denominatorBox, numeratorBox.Width, denominatorAlignment); // Calculate preliminary shift-up and shift-down amounts. double shiftUp, shiftDown; if (style < TexStyle.Text) { shiftUp = texFont.GetNum1(style); shiftDown = texFont.GetDenom1(style); } else { shiftDown = texFont.GetDenom2(style); if (lineHeight > 0) shiftUp = texFont.GetNum2(style); else shiftUp = texFont.GetNum3(style); } // Create result box. var resultBox = new VerticalBox(); // add box for numerator. resultBox.Add(numeratorBox); // Calculate clearance and adjust shift amounts. var axis = texFont.GetAxisHeight(style); if (lineHeight > 0) { // Draw fraction line. // Calculate clearance amount. double clearance; if (style < TexStyle.Text) clearance = 3 * lineHeight; else clearance = lineHeight; // Adjust shift amounts. var delta = lineHeight / 2; var kern1 = shiftUp - numeratorBox.Depth - (axis + delta); var kern2 = axis - delta - (denominatorBox.Height - shiftDown); var delta1 = clearance - kern1; var delta2 = clearance - kern2; if (delta1 > 0) { shiftUp += delta1; kern1 += delta1; } if (delta2 > 0) { shiftDown += delta2; kern2 += delta2; } resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern1, 0, 0)); resultBox.Add(new HorizontalRule(lineHeight, numeratorBox.Width, 0)); resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern2, 0, 0)); } else { // Do not draw fraction line. // Calculate clearance amount. double clearance; if (style < TexStyle.Text) clearance = 7 * defaultLineThickness; else clearance = 3 * defaultLineThickness; // Adjust shift amounts. var kern = shiftUp - numeratorBox.Depth - (denominatorBox.Height - shiftDown); var delta = (clearance - kern) / 2; if (delta > 0) { shiftUp += delta; shiftDown += delta; kern += 2 * delta; } resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern, 0, 0)); } // add box for denominator. resultBox.Add(denominatorBox); // Adjust height and depth of result box. resultBox.Height = shiftUp + numeratorBox.Height; resultBox.Depth = shiftDown + denominatorBox.Depth; return resultBox; }
public override Box CreateBox(TexEnvironment environment) { var texFont = environment.TexFont; var style = environment.Style; // set thickness to default if default value should be used double lineHeight; var defaultLineThickness = texFont.GetDefaultLineThickness(style); if (this.useDefaultThickness) { lineHeight = this.lineRelativeThickness.HasValue ? this.lineRelativeThickness.Value * defaultLineThickness : defaultLineThickness; } else { lineHeight = new SpaceAtom(this.lineThicknessUnit, 0, this.lineThickness, 0).CreateBox(environment).Height; } // Create boxes for numerator and demoninator atoms, and make them of equal width. var numeratorBox = this.Numerator == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.Numerator.CreateBox(environment.GetNumeratorStyle()); var denominatorBox = this.Denominator == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.Denominator.CreateBox(environment.GetDenominatorStyle()); if (numeratorBox.Width < denominatorBox.Width) { numeratorBox = new HorizontalBox(numeratorBox, denominatorBox.Width, numeratorAlignment); } else { denominatorBox = new HorizontalBox(denominatorBox, numeratorBox.Width, denominatorAlignment); } // Calculate preliminary shift-up and shift-down amounts. double shiftUp, shiftDown; if (style < TexStyle.Text) { shiftUp = texFont.GetNum1(style); shiftDown = texFont.GetDenom1(style); } else { shiftDown = texFont.GetDenom2(style); if (lineHeight > 0) { shiftUp = texFont.GetNum2(style); } else { shiftUp = texFont.GetNum3(style); } } // Create result box. var resultBox = new VerticalBox(); // add box for numerator. resultBox.Add(numeratorBox); // Calculate clearance and adjust shift amounts. var axis = texFont.GetAxisHeight(style); if (lineHeight > 0) { // Draw fraction line. // Calculate clearance amount. double clearance; if (style < TexStyle.Text) { clearance = 3 * lineHeight; } else { clearance = lineHeight; } // Adjust shift amounts. var delta = lineHeight / 2; var kern1 = shiftUp - numeratorBox.Depth - (axis + delta); var kern2 = axis - delta - (denominatorBox.Height - shiftDown); var delta1 = clearance - kern1; var delta2 = clearance - kern2; if (delta1 > 0) { shiftUp += delta1; kern1 += delta1; } if (delta2 > 0) { shiftDown += delta2; kern2 += delta2; } resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern1, 0, 0)); resultBox.Add(new HorizontalRule(environment, lineHeight, numeratorBox.Width, 0)); resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern2, 0, 0)); } else { // Do not draw fraction line. // Calculate clearance amount. double clearance; if (style < TexStyle.Text) { clearance = 7 * defaultLineThickness; } else { clearance = 3 * defaultLineThickness; } // Adjust shift amounts. var kern = shiftUp - numeratorBox.Depth - (denominatorBox.Height - shiftDown); var delta = (clearance - kern) / 2; if (delta > 0) { shiftUp += delta; shiftDown += delta; kern += 2 * delta; } resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern, 0, 0)); } // add box for denominator. resultBox.Add(denominatorBox); // Adjust height and depth of result box. resultBox.Height = shiftUp + numeratorBox.Height; resultBox.Depth = shiftDown + denominatorBox.Depth; return(resultBox); }
public static Box CreateBox(string symbol, double minHeight, TexEnvironment environment) { var texFont = environment.TexFont; var style = environment.Style; var charInfo = texFont.GetCharInfo(symbol, style); // Find first version of character that has at least minimum height. var metrics = charInfo.Metrics; var totalHeight = metrics.Height + metrics.Depth; while (totalHeight < minHeight && texFont.HasNextLarger(charInfo)) { charInfo = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(charInfo, style); metrics = charInfo.Metrics; totalHeight = metrics.Height + metrics.Depth; } if (totalHeight >= minHeight) { // Character of sufficient height was found. return new CharBox(environment, charInfo); } else if (texFont.IsExtensionChar(charInfo)) { var resultBox = new VerticalBox(); // Construct box from extension character. var extension = texFont.GetExtension(charInfo, style); if (extension.Top != null) resultBox.Add(new CharBox(environment, extension.Top)); if (extension.Middle != null) resultBox.Add(new CharBox(environment, extension.Middle)); if (extension.Bottom != null) resultBox.Add(new CharBox(environment, extension.Bottom)); // Insert repeatable part multiple times until box is high enough. var repeatBox = new CharBox(environment, extension.Repeat); do { if (extension.Top != null && extension.Bottom != null) { resultBox.Add(1, repeatBox); if (extension.Middle != null) resultBox.Add(resultBox.Children.Count - 1, repeatBox); } else if (extension.Bottom != null) { resultBox.Add(0, repeatBox); } else { resultBox.Add(repeatBox); } } while (resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth < minHeight); return resultBox; } else { // No extensions available, so use tallest available version of character. return new CharBox(environment, charInfo); } }
public override Box CreateBox(TexEnvironment environment) { var texFont = environment.TexFont; var style = environment.Style; // Create box for base atom. var baseBox = (this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment)); if (this.SubscriptAtom == null && this.SuperscriptAtom == null) return baseBox; // Create result box. var resultBox = new HorizontalBox(baseBox); // Get last font used or default Mu font. int lastFontId = baseBox.GetLastFontId(); if (lastFontId == TexFontUtilities.NoFontId) lastFontId = texFont.GetMuFontId(); var subscriptStyle = environment.GetSubscriptStyle(); var superscriptStyle = environment.GetSuperscriptStyle(); // Set delta value and preliminary shift-up and shift-down amounts depending on type of base atom. var delta = 0d; double shiftUp, shiftDown; if (this.BaseAtom is AccentedAtom) { var accentedBox = ((AccentedAtom)this.BaseAtom).BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment.GetCrampedStyle()); shiftUp = accentedBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style); shiftDown = accentedBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style); } else if (this.BaseAtom is SymbolAtom && this.BaseAtom.Type == TexAtomType.BigOperator) { var charInfo = texFont.GetCharInfo(((SymbolAtom)this.BaseAtom).Name, style); if (style < TexStyle.Text && texFont.HasNextLarger(charInfo)) charInfo = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(charInfo, style); var charBox = new CharBox(environment, charInfo); charBox.Shift = -(charBox.Height + charBox.Depth) / 2 - environment.TexFont.GetAxisHeight( environment.Style); resultBox = new HorizontalBox(charBox); delta = charInfo.Metrics.Italic; if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision && this.SubscriptAtom == null) resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0)); shiftUp = resultBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style); shiftDown = resultBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style); } else if (this.BaseAtom is CharSymbol) { var charFont = ((CharSymbol)this.BaseAtom).GetCharFont(texFont); if (!((CharSymbol)this.BaseAtom).IsTextSymbol || !texFont.HasSpace(charFont.FontId)) delta = texFont.GetCharInfo(charFont, style).Metrics.Italic; if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision && SubscriptAtom == null) { resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0)); delta = 0; } shiftUp = 0; shiftDown = 0; } else { shiftUp = baseBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style); shiftDown = baseBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style); } Box superscriptBox = null; Box superscriptContainerBox = null; Box subscriptBox = null; Box subscriptContainerBox = null; if (this.SuperscriptAtom != null) { // Create box for superscript atom. superscriptBox = this.SuperscriptAtom.CreateBox(superscriptStyle); superscriptContainerBox = new HorizontalBox(superscriptBox); // Add box for script space. superscriptContainerBox.Add(scriptSpaceAtom.CreateBox(environment)); // Adjust shift-up amount. double p; if (style == TexStyle.Display) p = texFont.GetSup1(style); else if (environment.GetCrampedStyle().Style == style) p = texFont.GetSup3(style); else p = texFont.GetSup2(style); shiftUp = Math.Max(Math.Max(shiftUp, p), superscriptBox.Depth + Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight( style, lastFontId)) / 4); } if (this.SubscriptAtom != null) { // Create box for subscript atom. subscriptBox = this.SubscriptAtom.CreateBox(subscriptStyle); subscriptContainerBox = new HorizontalBox(subscriptBox); // Add box for script space. subscriptContainerBox.Add(scriptSpaceAtom.CreateBox(environment)); } // Check if only superscript is set. if (subscriptBox == null) { superscriptContainerBox.Shift = -shiftUp; resultBox.Add(superscriptContainerBox); return resultBox; } // Check if only subscript is set. if (superscriptBox == null) { subscriptBox.Shift = Math.Max(Math.Max(shiftDown, texFont.GetSub1(style)), subscriptBox.Height - 4 * Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight(style, lastFontId)) / 5); resultBox.Add(subscriptContainerBox); return resultBox; } // Adjust shift-down amount. shiftDown = Math.Max(shiftDown, texFont.GetSub2(style)); // Reposition both subscript and superscript. double defaultLineThickness = texFont.GetDefaultLineThickness(style); // Space between subscript and superscript. double scriptsInterSpace = shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth + shiftDown - subscriptBox.Height; if (scriptsInterSpace < 4 * defaultLineThickness) { shiftUp += 4 * defaultLineThickness - scriptsInterSpace; // Position bottom of superscript at least 4/5 of X-height above baseline. double psi = 0.8 * Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight(style, lastFontId)) - (shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth); if (psi > 0) { shiftUp += psi; shiftDown -= psi; } } scriptsInterSpace = shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth + shiftDown - subscriptBox.Height; // Create box containing both superscript and subscript. var scriptsBox = new VerticalBox(); superscriptContainerBox.Shift = delta; scriptsBox.Add(superscriptContainerBox); scriptsBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, scriptsInterSpace, 0, 0)); scriptsBox.Add(subscriptContainerBox); scriptsBox.Height = shiftUp + superscriptBox.Height; scriptsBox.Depth = shiftDown + subscriptBox.Depth; resultBox.Add(scriptsBox); return resultBox; }
public override Box CreateBox(TexEnvironment environment) { var texFont = environment.TexFont; var style = environment.Style; if ((this.UseVerticalLimits.HasValue && !UseVerticalLimits.Value) || (!this.UseVerticalLimits.HasValue && style >= TexStyle.Text)) // Attach atoms for limits as scripts. return new ScriptsAtom(this.BaseAtom, this.LowerLimitAtom, this.UpperLimitAtom).CreateBox(environment); // Create box for base atom. Box baseBox; double delta; if (this.BaseAtom is SymbolAtom && this.BaseAtom.Type == TexAtomType.BigOperator) { // Find character of best scale for operator symbol. var opChar = texFont.GetCharInfo(((SymbolAtom)this.BaseAtom).Name, style); if (style < TexStyle.Text && texFont.HasNextLarger(opChar)) opChar = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(opChar, style); var charBox = new CharBox(environment, opChar); charBox.Shift = -(charBox.Height + charBox.Depth) / 2 - environment.TexFont.GetAxisHeight(environment.Style); baseBox = new HorizontalBox(charBox); delta = opChar.Metrics.Italic; if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision) baseBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0)); } else { baseBox = new HorizontalBox(this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment)); delta = 0; } // Create boxes for upper and lower limits. var upperLimitBox = this.UpperLimitAtom == null ? null : this.UpperLimitAtom.CreateBox( environment.GetSuperscriptStyle()); var lowerLimitBox = this.LowerLimitAtom == null ? null : this.LowerLimitAtom.CreateBox( environment.GetSubscriptStyle()); // Make all component boxes equally wide. var maxWidth = Math.Max(Math.Max(baseBox.Width, upperLimitBox == null ? 0 : upperLimitBox.Width), lowerLimitBox == null ? 0 : lowerLimitBox.Width); if (baseBox != null) baseBox = ChangeWidth(baseBox, maxWidth); if (upperLimitBox != null) upperLimitBox = ChangeWidth(upperLimitBox, maxWidth); if (lowerLimitBox != null) lowerLimitBox = ChangeWidth(lowerLimitBox, maxWidth); var resultBox = new VerticalBox(); var opSpacing5 = texFont.GetBigOpSpacing5(style); var kern = 0d; // Create and add box for upper limit. if (UpperLimitAtom != null) { resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, opSpacing5, 0, 0)); upperLimitBox.Shift = delta / 2; resultBox.Add(upperLimitBox); kern = Math.Max(texFont.GetBigOpSpacing1(style), texFont.GetBigOpSpacing3(style) - upperLimitBox.Depth); resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, kern, 0, 0)); } // Add box for base atom. resultBox.Add(baseBox); // Create and add box for lower limit. if (LowerLimitAtom != null) { resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, Math.Max(texFont.GetBigOpSpacing2(style), texFont.GetBigOpSpacing4(style) - lowerLimitBox.Height), 0, 0)); lowerLimitBox.Shift = -delta / 2; resultBox.Add(lowerLimitBox); resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, opSpacing5, 0, 0)); } // Adjust height and depth of result box. var baseBoxHeight = baseBox.Height; var totalHeight = resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth; if (upperLimitBox != null) baseBoxHeight += opSpacing5 + kern + upperLimitBox.Height + upperLimitBox.Depth; resultBox.Height = baseBoxHeight; resultBox.Depth = totalHeight - baseBoxHeight; return resultBox; }
public override Box CreateBox(TexEnvironment environment) { var texFont = environment.TexFont; var style = environment.Style; // Create box for base atom. var baseBox = this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment.GetCrampedStyle()); var skew = 0d; if (this.BaseAtom is CharSymbol) skew = texFont.GetSkew(((CharSymbol)this.BaseAtom).GetCharFont(texFont), style); // Find character of best scale for accent symbol. var accentChar = texFont.GetCharInfo(AccentAtom.Name, style); while (texFont.HasNextLarger(accentChar)) { var nextLargerChar = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(accentChar, style); if (nextLargerChar.Metrics.Width > baseBox.Width) break; accentChar = nextLargerChar; } var resultBox = new VerticalBox(); // Create and add box for accent symbol. Box accentBox; var accentItalicWidth = accentChar.Metrics.Italic; if (accentItalicWidth > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision) { accentBox = new HorizontalBox(new CharBox(environment, accentChar)); accentBox.Add(new StrutBox(accentItalicWidth, 0, 0, 0)); } else { accentBox = new CharBox(environment, accentChar); } resultBox.Add(accentBox); var delta = Math.Min(baseBox.Height, texFont.GetXHeight(style, accentChar.FontId)); resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, -delta, 0, 0)); // Centre and add box for base atom. Centre base box and accent box with respect to each other. var boxWidthsDiff = (baseBox.Width - accentBox.Width) / 2; accentBox.Shift = skew + Math.Max(boxWidthsDiff, 0); if (boxWidthsDiff < 0) baseBox = new HorizontalBox(baseBox, accentBox.Width, TexAlignment.Center); resultBox.Add(baseBox); // Adjust height and depth of result box. var depth = baseBox.Depth; var totalHeight = resultBox.Height + resultBox.Depth; resultBox.Depth = depth; resultBox.Height = totalHeight - depth; return resultBox; }
public override Box CreateBox(TexEnvironment environment) { var texFont = environment.MathFont; var style = environment.Style; // Create box for base atom. var baseBox = (this.BaseAtom == null ? StrutBox.Empty : this.BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment)); if (this.SubscriptAtom == null && this.SuperscriptAtom == null) { if (baseBox is CharBox) { // This situation should only happen when CreateBox called on a temporary ScriptsAtom created from // BigOperatorAtom.CreateBox. The CharBox's Shift should then be fixed up. baseBox.Shift = -(baseBox.Height + baseBox.Depth) / 2 - environment.MathFont.GetAxisHeight(environment.Style); } return(baseBox); } // Create result box. var resultBox = new HorizontalBox(baseBox); // Get last font used or default Mu font. int lastFontId = baseBox.GetLastFontId(); if (lastFontId == TexFontUtilities.NoFontId) { lastFontId = texFont.GetMuFontId(); } var subscriptStyle = environment.GetSubscriptStyle(); var superscriptStyle = environment.GetSuperscriptStyle(); // Set delta value and preliminary shift-up and shift-down amounts depending on type of base atom. var delta = 0d; double shiftUp, shiftDown; if (this.BaseAtom is AccentedAtom) { var accentedBox = ((AccentedAtom)this.BaseAtom).BaseAtom.CreateBox(environment.GetCrampedStyle()); shiftUp = accentedBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style); shiftDown = accentedBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style); } else if (this.BaseAtom is SymbolAtom && this.BaseAtom.Type == TexAtomType.BigOperator) { var charInfo = texFont.GetCharInfo(((SymbolAtom)this.BaseAtom).Name, style); if (style < TexStyle.Text && texFont.HasNextLarger(charInfo)) { charInfo = texFont.GetNextLargerCharInfo(charInfo, style); } var charBox = new CharBox(environment, charInfo); charBox.Shift = -(charBox.Height + charBox.Depth) / 2 - environment.MathFont.GetAxisHeight( environment.Style); resultBox = new HorizontalBox(charBox); delta = charInfo.Metrics.Italic; if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision && this.SubscriptAtom == null) { resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0)); } shiftUp = resultBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style); shiftDown = resultBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style); } else if (this.BaseAtom is CharSymbol) { var charFont = ((CharSymbol)this.BaseAtom).GetCharFont(texFont); if (!((CharSymbol)this.BaseAtom).IsTextSymbol || !texFont.HasSpace(charFont.FontId)) { delta = texFont.GetCharInfo(charFont, style).Metrics.Italic; } if (delta > TexUtilities.FloatPrecision && SubscriptAtom == null) { resultBox.Add(new StrutBox(delta, 0, 0, 0)); delta = 0; } shiftUp = 0; shiftDown = 0; } else { shiftUp = baseBox.Height - texFont.GetSupDrop(superscriptStyle.Style); shiftDown = baseBox.Depth + texFont.GetSubDrop(subscriptStyle.Style); } Box superscriptBox = null; Box superscriptContainerBox = null; Box subscriptBox = null; Box subscriptContainerBox = null; if (this.SuperscriptAtom != null) { // Create box for superscript atom. superscriptBox = this.SuperscriptAtom.CreateBox(superscriptStyle); superscriptContainerBox = new HorizontalBox(superscriptBox); // Add box for script space. superscriptContainerBox.Add(scriptSpaceAtom.CreateBox(environment)); // Adjust shift-up amount. double p; if (style == TexStyle.Display) { p = texFont.GetSup1(style); } else if (environment.GetCrampedStyle().Style == style) { p = texFont.GetSup3(style); } else { p = texFont.GetSup2(style); } shiftUp = Math.Max(Math.Max(shiftUp, p), superscriptBox.Depth + Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight( style, lastFontId)) / 4); } if (this.SubscriptAtom != null) { // Create box for subscript atom. subscriptBox = this.SubscriptAtom.CreateBox(subscriptStyle); subscriptContainerBox = new HorizontalBox(subscriptBox); // Add box for script space. subscriptContainerBox.Add(scriptSpaceAtom.CreateBox(environment)); } // Check if only superscript is set. if (subscriptBox == null) { superscriptContainerBox.Shift = -shiftUp; resultBox.Add(superscriptContainerBox); return(resultBox); } // Check if only subscript is set. if (superscriptBox == null) { subscriptContainerBox.Shift = Math.Max(Math.Max(shiftDown, texFont.GetSub1(style)), subscriptBox.Height - 4 * Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight(style, lastFontId)) / 5); resultBox.Add(subscriptContainerBox); return(resultBox); } // Adjust shift-down amount. shiftDown = Math.Max(shiftDown, texFont.GetSub2(style)); // Reposition both subscript and superscript. double defaultLineThickness = texFont.GetDefaultLineThickness(style); // Space between subscript and superscript. double scriptsInterSpace = shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth + shiftDown - subscriptBox.Height; if (scriptsInterSpace < 4 * defaultLineThickness) { shiftUp += 4 * defaultLineThickness - scriptsInterSpace; // Position bottom of superscript at least 4/5 of X-height above baseline. double psi = 0.8 * Math.Abs(texFont.GetXHeight(style, lastFontId)) - (shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth); if (psi > 0) { shiftUp += psi; shiftDown -= psi; } } scriptsInterSpace = shiftUp - superscriptBox.Depth + shiftDown - subscriptBox.Height; // Create box containing both superscript and subscript. var scriptsBox = new VerticalBox(); superscriptContainerBox.Shift = delta; scriptsBox.Add(superscriptContainerBox); scriptsBox.Add(new StrutBox(0, scriptsInterSpace, 0, 0)); scriptsBox.Add(subscriptContainerBox); scriptsBox.Height = shiftUp + superscriptBox.Height; scriptsBox.Depth = shiftDown + subscriptBox.Depth; resultBox.Add(scriptsBox); return(resultBox); }