Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will initialise a message record from
        /// an URO object
        /// </summary>
		public static Message Initialise(Workshare.PolicyContent.Response response)
                string senderDomain = "";              
                string subject = "";
                Contact sender = null;

                if (string.Compare(response.PolicyType, PolicyType.ActiveContent.ToString(), true, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture) == 0)
                    senderDomain = "localhost";
                    StringBuilder from = new StringBuilder();
                    string name = "";
                    if (response.Contents.Length == 1)
                        subject = response.Contents[0].Name;
                        name = WorkoutName(response.Contents[0].Name);
                        subject = "";
                        name = "File";
                    from.AppendFormat("{0}@localhost", name);
                    sender = new Contact(ContactType.Sender, "", "", from.ToString(), senderDomain, true);
                else if (string.Compare(response.PolicyType, PolicyType.ClientRemovableMedia.ToString(), true, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture) == 0)
                    // Hack - for removable device channel populate the sender as the name part of the ldap path
                    // If the ldap path doesn't exist, this will be blank
					Workshare.PolicyContent.RoutingEntity sourceRoutingEntity = GetRoutingEntity(response, RoutingTypes.Source);
                    if (null == sourceRoutingEntity)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceRoutingEntity", "Null source routing entity");

                    string source = GetProperty(sourceRoutingEntity.Items[0].Properties, SMTPItemPropertyKeys.DisplayName);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source))
                        string ldapPath = sourceRoutingEntity.Items[0].Content;
                        int startCn = ldapPath.IndexOf("CN=");
                        if (startCn != -1)
                            int endCn = ldapPath.IndexOf(",", startCn);
                            if (endCn != -1)
                                source = ldapPath.Substring(startCn + 3, endCn - (startCn + 3));

                    sender = new Contact(ContactType.Sender, "", "", source, "", true);
                    string senderAlias = "";
					Workshare.PolicyContent.RoutingEntity sourceRoutingEntity = GetRoutingEntity(response, RoutingTypes.Source);
                    if (null == sourceRoutingEntity)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceRoutingEntity", "Null source routing entity");

                    int iPosAmpersand = sourceRoutingEntity.Items[0].Content.IndexOf("@");
                    if (iPosAmpersand > -1)
                        senderDomain = sourceRoutingEntity.Items[0].Content.Substring(iPosAmpersand + 1);
                        senderAlias = sourceRoutingEntity.Items[0].Content.Substring(0, iPosAmpersand);
                        senderDomain = sourceRoutingEntity.Items[0].Content;

                    subject = GetProperty(response.Properties, "Subject");
                    sender = new Contact(ContactType.Sender, GetProperty(sourceRoutingEntity.Items[0].Properties, Workshare.Policy.Routing.SMTPItemPropertyKeys.DisplayName),

                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Starting to add audit message to collection", "MessageCollection.Add Audit");
                Message msg = new Message(subject, response.ResponseDate, response.PolicyType, "", sender);
                if (string.Compare(response.PolicyType, PolicyType.ActiveContent.ToString(), true, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture) == 0)
                    msg.Recipients.Add(new Contact(ContactType.Recipient, sender.Name, sender.Alias, sender.EmailAddress, sender.EmailDomain, sender.IsInternal));
                    msg.MachineName = GetProperty(response.Properties, "MachineName");
                    msg.UserName = GetProperty(response.Properties, "UserName");
                    msg.ApplicationName = GetProperty(response.Properties, "Application");
					msg.ChannelType = "ActiveContent";
                else if (string.Compare(response.PolicyType, PolicyType.ClientRemovableMedia.ToString(), true, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture) == 0)
					Workshare.PolicyContent.RoutingEntity destinationRoutingEntity = GetRoutingEntity(response, RoutingTypes.Destination);
                    if (null == destinationRoutingEntity)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationRoutingEntity", "Null destination routing entity");

                    // Hack - for the removable device channel populate the recipient with the destination
                    // routing items delimited with a ';'. May need to think a bit more about how this information
                    // should be displayed in the report. If the particular routing item is UNDEFINED then
                    // don't add it (this is the case, currently, for device id and name)
                    msg.ChannelType = response.PolicyType;
                    StringBuilder destinationInfo = new StringBuilder();
					foreach (Workshare.PolicyContent.RoutingItem routingItem in destinationRoutingEntity.Items)
                        if (String.Compare(routingItem.Content, "UNDEFINED", true, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0)
                            destinationInfo.Append(routingItem.Content + "; ");
                    msg.Recipients.Add(new Contact(ContactType.Recipient, destinationInfo.ToString(), destinationInfo.ToString(), destinationInfo.ToString(), destinationInfo.ToString(), true));
                    msg.ChannelType = "SMTP";

					Workshare.PolicyContent.RoutingEntity destinationRoutingEntity = GetRoutingEntity(response, RoutingTypes.Destination);
                    if (null == destinationRoutingEntity)
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationRoutingEntity", "Null destination routing entity");

					foreach (Workshare.PolicyContent.RoutingItem recipient in destinationRoutingEntity.Items)
                        string recipAlias = "";
                        string recipDomain = "";
                        int iPosAmpersand = recipient.Content.IndexOf("@");
                        if (iPosAmpersand > -1)
                            recipDomain = recipient.Content.Substring(iPosAmpersand + 1);
                            recipAlias = recipient.Content.Substring(0, iPosAmpersand);

                        ContactType contactType = ContactType.Recipient;
                        if (GetProperty(recipient.Properties, SMTPItemPropertyKeys.AddressType) == AddressType.CC)
                            contactType = ContactType.Copied;
                        else if (GetProperty(recipient.Properties, SMTPItemPropertyKeys.AddressType) == AddressType.BCC)
                            contactType = ContactType.BlindCopied;

                        msg.Recipients.Add(new Contact(msg.MessageId, contactType, GetProperty(recipient.Properties, SMTPItemPropertyKeys.DisplayName), recipAlias, recipient.Content, recipDomain, false, senderDomain));

                if (msg.Recipients.IsExternal || msg.Copied.IsExternal || msg.BlindCopied.IsExternal)
                    msg.SentExternally = true;

				foreach (Workshare.PolicyContent.ContentItem contentItem in response.Contents)
                    // Create the document
                    Document doc = new Document(msg.MessageId, contentItem.Name, contentItem.ContentType, "", contentItem.Name, (long)contentItem.Size, false);
					foreach (Workshare.PolicyContent.PolicySet policySet in contentItem.PolicySets)
                        // Process the policies
                        PolicySet tp = new PolicySet(msg.MessageId, policySet.Name, policySet.Date);
						foreach (Workshare.PolicyContent.Policy policy in policySet.Policies)
                            // Check if we need to do this 
                            if (policy.Triggered == false)
                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("TracePolicy Passed so will not record it!", "MessageCollection.Add Audit");

                            // These are failed TracePolicys!
                            TracePolicy r = new TracePolicy(msg.MessageId, policy.Name, policy.Triggered);
                            r.Description = policy.Description;

                            CreateExpressions(msg, r, policy);

                            // Check to see if we have anything to save
                            if (r.Conditions.Count > 0)
                        if (tp.TracePolicies.Count > 0)
                    if (doc.Policies.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                if (msg.Documents.Count > 0)
                    return msg;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(sb.ToString(), "AuditInfo");
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Completed - Everything passed or nothing assigned so will not record message", "MessageCollection.Add Audit");
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                //Ignore as we are not a failed message
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Audit message has passed policy", "MessageCollection.Add Audit");
            return null;
Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// This constructor is used when we have just the name
		/// </summary>
		public Message( string subject, DateTime dateSent, string policyType, string mimeType, Contact sender)
			if (mimeType == null)
				mimeType = "";
            if (sender == null || subject == null || policyType == null || mimeType == null)
				System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine( Workshare.Reports.Properties.Resources.TRACE_NULL, "Message Constructor 1" );
				throw ( new ArgumentNullException( "subject, sender, channel", Workshare.Reports.Properties.Resources.TRACE_NULL ) );
			m_MessageId = Guid.NewGuid();
			m_subject = subject;
			m_dateSent = dateSent;
			m_channel = policyType;
			m_content = mimeType;
			m_sender = sender;
            m_sender.MessageId = m_MessageId;
			m_tos = new ContactCollection();
			m_cc = new ContactCollection();
			m_bcc = new ContactCollection();
			m_documents = new DocumentCollection();
            m_machine = Environment.MachineName;