public void Exe() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(ConsoleIO.SeparationBar); Contacts contacts1 = new Contacts(); contacts1.FirstName = ConsoleIO.GetRequiredStringFromUser("First Name: "); contacts1.LastName = ConsoleIO.GetRequiredStringFromUser("Last Name: "); contacts1.Company = ConsoleIO.GetRequiredStringFromUser("Company: "); contacts1.Title = ConsoleIO.GetRequiredStringFromUser("Title"); Console.WriteLine(); if (ConsoleIO.GetYesNoFromUser("Add the following info: ") == "Y") { contactsRepository.Add(contacts1); Console.WriteLine("Contact Added"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...."); Console.ReadKey(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Action Cancelled"); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...."); Console.ReadKey(); } ListWorkflow lwf = new ListWorkflow(); lwf.Exe(); }
public void Exe() { Console.Clear(); ListWorkflow lwf = new ListWorkflow(); lwf.Exe(); Console.WriteLine(ConsoleIO.SeparationBar); Console.WriteLine("Select ID to remove"); int id = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); contactsRepository.Delete(id); Contacts removedContact = contactsRepository.GetById(2); if (removedContact == null) { Console.WriteLine("Record already removed..."); } lwf.Exe(); }
public void Exe() { int id; int ch; string Name; Console.WriteLine(ConsoleIO.SeparationBar); ListWorkflow lwf = new ListWorkflow(); lwf.Exe(); Console.WriteLine("Which ID do you want to edit?"); id = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("Select the one you want to edit: "); Console.WriteLine("1. First Name: "); Console.WriteLine("2. Last Name: "); Console.WriteLine("3. Company: "); Console.WriteLine("4. Title: "); ch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Contacts contacts = contactsRepository.GetById(id); Name = null; switch (ch) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("First Name: "); string fname = Console.ReadLine(); contacts.FirstName = fname; Name = "FirstName"; contactsRepository.Update(contacts, Name); GetByID(id); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("Last Name: "); string lname = Console.ReadLine(); contacts.LastName = lname; Name = "LastName"; contactsRepository.Update(contacts, Name); GetByID(id); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("Company: "); string company = Console.ReadLine(); contacts.Company = company; Name = "Company"; contactsRepository.Update(contacts, Name); GetByID(id); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("Title: "); string title = Console.ReadLine(); contacts.Title = title; Name = "Title"; contactsRepository.Update(contacts, Name); GetByID(id); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Please make a selection: "); break; } }